The standard you walk past…or why is a Nazi still in our Navy?

#auspol     #AusNavy  #MikeKellyMP
From the Indigenous news magazine Tracker


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Joel Buckley is seen here with beige-shirt Facebook group “white nationalist” micro-party the Australian Protectionists, formerly steered by Darrin Hodges, who had previously been a loyal member of Jim Saleam‘s neo-Nazi Australia First Party. Darrin left Australia First when he found out it might not be a good idea to be publicly spouting anti-Semitism, since several of his erstwhile associates were regularly running foul of the law while fervently pursuing the Nazification of Straya.

Daz is featured in quite a few shots with Joel at this anti-Muslim demo in multicultural Newtown, along with Daz’s former bestie Nicholas Hunter Folkes, and a ragged clutch of the boys and girls who regularly feature at this blog, including “John Harris” Paul Toohey who likes to saw (sic) with eagles (or is it iggles (sic)).

Joel, wearing Navy issue fatigue pants, providing some muscle in case the masked guy has a Muslamic raygun or two.

Joel, wearing Navy issue fatigue pants, providing some muscle in case the masked guy has a Muslamic raygun or two.

Joel eyeing off Sydney's finest for possible opposition

Joel eyeing off Sydney’s finest for possible opposition

Joel defending the Fascists against antifa counter-demonstrators

Joel defending the Fascists against antifa counter-demonstrators

Joel in intimate discussion with Straya's worst-never PM Nicholas Hunter "Niqi" Folkes

Joel in intimate discussion with Straya’s worst-never PM Nicholas Hunter “Niqi” Folkes

At the time we featured Joel Buckley, we received this message from an ex-friend of Joel’s, after we’d had a procession of nutzis turn up to tell us that the tattoos and the militaria somehow had “nothing to do with the Nazis”…

i used to date this guy for 2 years. true story, it IS an ss flag. He bought them and other parafanalia online. He’s a dangerous person and im relieved to see other people noticed.

So after some contacts were made involving national security we were rather surprised some years later when one of our supporters sent us this.

Leaving aside the regrettable spelling mistake in the headline, where a major urban centre on the NSW coast is misspelt, we were gobsmacked to read that Nazi Joel is “… the 6th generation in his family to serve as a Defence member”.

So at some stage one of his relatives would have been fighting Fascism in some theatre of war in WWII – the irony did not escape us.

We also read:

In his spare time, Joel enjoys many activities including target shooting, hunting, four-wheel driving and reading, in particular, military history books.

Oh we can just imagine what sort of military history…

And Joel is currently involved in joint exercises with the US Navy – wonder if they know about his colourful past?


Oh and there is even more irony. Juxtaposed next to a smiling Joel cooking up a storm for the sailors is an interesting headline for another article.

The Master(bating) Race

My iCrusade Against Rightist Extremists

Wank Stains

Ummmmm… you decide…

[All those pictured have made extremely derogatory, sexist remarks towards Muslim and non-Muslim women]
[Click image for larger version]

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Defamation Row

with apologies to the great Bob Dylan


Just after we published our last set of musings on the racist and bigoted sewers of the Internet we happened to come across a stolen picture of one of our friends on one particular scumsite complete with defamatory comment.


That is nothing new for us since just about every anti-intolerance activist has been labelled and defamed as paedophiles since Facebook began. Some of them notoriously so.

It seems the enemy, lacking any factual or moral underpinning for its garbage, can only resort to the criminality which comes so naturally to it.

However the person in question is a blogger who happens to support the Australian Labor Party and the Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Just like about 50% of the Australian voting-age population going by the results of the last Federal election.

He has never actually confronted the enemy nor has he written about them. Yet.

Now note the only comment showing.

Here’s the brave person making the comment hiding behind a fake profile.


Yet another numbingly boring robotic troll created to make the scumsites look like they have more interest than they actually have. There must be a Dalek factory somewhere producing them.

This one seems to be American. We hope for its sake that it has deep pockets.

And just take a look at who has “liked” the comment.


“John Jones” is a fake. But Scott Pengelly, of Melton in Melbourne’s outer suburbs, is not. Moreover he is allegedly employed in a child care centre!


Maybe it’s time to remind it that in Australia we have defamation laws and a large amount of precedent-setting case law and its foreign origin does not protect either it or Facebook from litigation. Check out Gutnick V Dow Jones [2001] if you don’t believe us.

In fact scummies you are all on the wrong track. An association between child sex offences and far right political views, beliefs and culture  is emerging in the literature.

Paedophilia: The Public Health Problem Of The Decade (Dr William F Glaser)

If we do not deny the offences, then we refuse to recognize the victims. If we do not deny that there are victims, then we refuse to recognize their suffering. The reasons for this state of affairs are complex and arise from a combination of entrenched patriarchal values, child (and woman) hatred disguised as pseudo-science …(Rush, 1980; Masson,1985).

Jimmy Savile, Gary Glitter and the politics of paedophile rings: The Conversation (Michael Salter)

It is well recognised that commonly held views about masculinity, sexuality and power are used by offenders to legitimise child abuse. In some circumstances, the abuse of children and women can become a means of male bonding.

So perhaps scummies you should all look in the mirror before you continue to defame decent hard-working progressive Australian men.

How to try and intimidate anti-racists on Facebook…failure guaranteed

mud filled brain nazi.gifAn activist blogger we know recently wrote:


More threats
As some of you may know I have been censoring the posts of a serial pest who makes anti-Muslim and racist comments and has in the past threatened me. He has posted again saying that the next time he is in my area – he names my street – he’ll ‘drop in to say g’day’. Clearly this is an attempt to further intimidate me. If anything happens to me or my family here are his details to provide to police.  jack  He has a druid name email at txc.

We know these tactics only too well.

To help him out, we’ve given him an approximate location for his stalker. It’s a nice little town just south of Adelaide. A pity that the swamp dwellers have reached there.

IP Address:
ISP:                   Exetel
Region:         Strathalbyn (AU)

And we have actually passed these details on to the blogger so he can contact SA Police. They may help make life uncomfortable for his stalker.

So on with the (freak) show

Preamble for the failures

We’ll keep it simple for racists and bigots. We know they are not too bright. In fact they are so dumb they think that the First Amendment of the US Constitution is the law of the land in Australia.

Hate to tell them this – it is not. So when they see hate groups in the US like the Westboro Baptist Church spouting bigotry and try and do so here they are potentially liable for legal action.

You see the First Amendment was written around 1776 by a bunch of well-off  white farmers and lawyers in the American colonies who were (rightfully) pissed off that they were not allowed to have a free press which could criticise the government, unlike the colonial power itself, England.

That’s all. It is not the 11th Commandment brought down from cardboard Hollywood Sinai  by Charlton Heston Moses. In fact it has probably been challenged in the courts more than any other provisions of the US Bill of Rights, simply because as long as you put up such a seemingly admirable law, you are going to have nutjobs, cranks and loathsome haters who will abuse it.

“This is the First Amendment – I think. Either that or I picked up Jesus’s shopping list by mistake.”

10 ways to be bigger failures than you already are

  1. Make a defamatory Facebook group or groups targeting someone you think is running an anti-racist group. It doesn’t matter if you are wrong, in your universe the far right is never wrong. After all in their cargo cult  Pauline Hanson and John Howard are going to return bringing Centrelink payments and a gas-guzzling SUV for all.
"We don't like it"

“We don’t like it”

And remember no matter how big the anti-racist group is only one person runs it even if the group profile shows a dozen or more admins. They “must” be all fake profiles.

  1. When you are not copy-pasting boring hate-filled shite make screenshots of posts at the anti-racist group followed by nasty comments about the poster’s gender, age,  appearance and sexuality. And remember they are all Muslims. It doesn’t matter that they mostly are not. So while all the real Muslims are working out in the community keeping the economy ticking over you can keep hardened up from your bedroom at Mum’s or the cheap caravan in some one horse town by insulting and vilifying the false Muslims.

You are all Muslim woman (sic)

  1. Steal some photos, preferably from young women. Have a particular gloat over the ones where someone’s partner is featured, particularly if the partner is either of a different ethnic group or is same-sex. Comment negatively on the victim or their partner’s age, height, weight or fuckability, notwithstanding the last time you had a root would be when you managed to save up enough to give a bad time to the local sex workers. They ended up charging you extra woody time, a boredom allowance and they complained to Fair Work Australia.

Bonus bogot points for pics of parents or grandparents. Especially if they have recently died or are terminally ill.

  1. Because every anti-racist must be Muslim, grab some random pics of people who are Muslim or who “look Muslim”. Doesn’t matter if they are or not – facts don’t matter in Bogotopia. It’s all about feelings. And bogot psychotic episodes feelings are always paramount right?

  1. Remember the Aboriginals are very dangerous, mainly because they were here first and they often don’t look like you. So spend a lot of online adrenalin pointing out all the things they have that you don’t … like…ah…adequate housing, proper medical services, adequate educational facilities, decent jobs? Also remind them that the Apology has nothing to do with you because you weren’t born when blah blah blah….

  1. Make up some lame humourless memes using pictures of Aboriginal elders disrespectfully or pictures of people sitting in town camps (remember Aboriginal people are always old, all live in rural or remote areas, all live in town camps and they are always sitting around) pointing out their supposed drinking, substance abuse, violence etc – never mind that Aboriginal people actually have lower levels of drinking on the whole than do other groups.

And we are still waiting for the first child abuse prosecution under the Intervention.

  1. In your crazed crusade against innocent Australian Muslims don’t forget to post hundreds of false rumours, conspiracy theories, xenophobic rants, pseudo-histories and Photoshopped pictures of bloody and dismembered corpses, preferably sourced from disreputable foreign websites which are tarted up by their resident web-person to look like “respectable” news sites. Add to that deliberate misinterpretations of actual file pictures and the dreaded Photoshams (the notorious Palestinian “child brides” who are not child brides and the woman supposedly beheaded while buried in sand being favourites). Don’t be perturbed when someone points out the sinister resemblance between your activities and the scurrilous hate propaganda disseminated for centuries against the Jews.

  1. Ignore all references to factual information on scam-busters by Hoaxslayer,, Loonwatch and in Sandi Logan’s letter to the media regarding asylum seeker entitlements. In Bogotopia facts do not exist.

  1. Because even your tiny minds dimly comprehend that notwithstanding (3) there are no facts which will justify your hatred and xenophobia, troll anti-racists sites with your rubbish and post in CAPITAL LETTERS with lots of swear words. This is supposed to scare people and makes up for a complete inability to provide debating points.

      1. When all else fails threaten anti-racists with lawyers and “suites” (or was that lawyers in suits), forgetting that firstly


and secondly
it is entirely likely that at least some of the anti-racists you target might actually know lots of stuff including the law.

And by that we don’t mean “being known to  police” – which is definitely the case with the racist bogots.

Though we could actually do with some new lounge or dining room suites. ASIO  Mossad  the CIA don’t pay us too well since the GFC.

This will happen

This will happen

The Day I Had to Tell My Daughter About Unnatural, Abnormal Homosexuals

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The homosexuality debate will be one for the ages. Without even factoring in the same-sex marriage football, we are still, around the world, witnessing stupid, stupid people climbing over themselves to tell us how wrong (morally and naturally) homosexuality is. It’s not like this post is going to tell you anything new, but it might just change your perspective.

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The excerpt at the top of the page was taken from Melissa Dereberry’s blog. If you can be bothered trudging through the rest of her stagnant ramblings, you’ll see that she’s a self-congratulatory, award-winning author who is generally concerned and somewhat primarily occupied about children’s issues. Just reading this particular entry got me thinking however: what kind of child-blog typing parent has an eight year old who doesn’t know what homosexuality is? Has this child seriously been sheltered from the concept for this long? Has this child never heard the word ‘gay’ before or even considered the idea of same sex people loving each other? Obviously not. Because a ‘nice’ moment (watching TV at midnight together) was suddenly not a nice moment, because mother now has to teach her daughter about gays.

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So we get to paragraph two, and the ‘I have nothing against gays’ line comes in. Being a God-is-great-and-I-am-full-of-love-for-all-except-those-like-me skeptic, I immediately scan the text for the word ‘but’, or ‘however’. I found it. And it was coupled with some emotive words, highlighted there for you to see. What can we glean from Melissa’s perspective at this point? Well it would seem that she believes that homosexuals are free to be homosexuals as long as they do their business away from the public eye, as that would force concerned parents to have to explain to their children how a person can love another person. See, once a parent has had an opportunity to explain that homosexuality is just not right at all, then the child will be more intellectually prepared and therefore less likely to have an emotional episode if it’s sprung on them while watching the box.

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This is the part where the aforementioned ‘however’ really takes effect. Melissa Dereberry has nothing against homosexuals, but they’re just not normal or natural, and they don’t fit into the natural order of the universe. Pretty harsh words from someone who has nothing against them. I would love to be a fly on the wall as she tells her supposed many homosexual friends that they’re not normal or natural and that they don’t fit in.

Now, the first of Melissa’s arguments against the normality of homosexuals is because well, god dammit there just ain’t that many of ’em. They just ain’t the norm. I guess that would also suggest that pandas aren’t normal. I guess that would also suggest that men and women who remain celibate prior to marriage are also abnormal.

Next, she demands ‘science’ prove that homosexuals live in fear of being discriminated against if they come out. Along with the obvious chortling that accompanies a goofball God-girl asking for scientific proof of something comes the shocking reality that all across the world this is overwhelmingly the truth – especially in countries where being gay equates to a death sentence. In Australia alone, A 2008 study of found that nearly one in seven reported living in fear of homophobic violence. This fear was justified in that nearly 85% of respondents had been subjected to some form of homophobic violence or harassment in their lifetimes and one in two had experienced homophobic harassment or other non-physical abuse in the past two years. (Source)

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But here comes the big one. The oft-pushed argument that homosexuality is unnatural because homosexuals can’t produce and that there was Adam and Eve – not Adam and Steve. What a crock of shit. In the United States, a Pastor Worley of the Providence Road Baptist Church was quoted as saying that homosexuals should be caged behind electrified fences until they died out. Now, the logic behind this was that none of the gays would be able to procreate behind there and that eventually the homosexuals would die out. Of course, what the Pastor and our own Melissa Dereberry fail to recognise is that not only is ‘God’ producing gay people each and every day, as ‘He’ has done since the beginning of time, but those children are born to straight parents. Gay parents do not create gay children, no. Straight parents do. Why, in a world that is at dire risk of over-population, where millions live in poverty and without access to basic needs like food and water, does Melissa place such emphasis on the need for human beings to reproduce? Does she see celibate nuns as unnatural? Does she see women who cannot fall pregnant as abnormal? What about men who have low sperm count? How about selectively and non-voluntarily single people? What about those in relationships that do not want children? How about those who have given birth to stillborn children? Are all of these people failing to ‘fit into the natural order of the Universe’?

Look, don’t get Melissa wrong. She believes in free speech (not sure why she brought that up), but as soon as it ‘incites confusion’ in a child? Well that’s where Melissa draws the line. Can you imagine the educational journey of this woman’s child? Every single time this little petal sees something that confuses or offends her her mother, the ol’ Deneberry blog is going to kick right into gear and the American constitutional right to ‘freedom of speech’ is going to be used without a word of hesitation.

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Next, in one swift flick of her fingers, Melissa has compared same sex love to ‘eruptions’ of foul language and then spoken of how the naked female body should not be seen. I’m starting to get a good idea of what the inside of Melissa Dereberry’s daugher’s head is looking like. No wonder the poor child is confused. No, wait, hold on – the child’s only question about homosexuality to date has been in response to seeing two males kissing “Mom, they both looked like boys.” The dropkick parent has since spoken about being ‘speechless’, but we are all starting to see that the concept and reality of speechlessness are starkly different. This rancid woman has much to say on the topic and you can bet your bottom dollar that if she’s stupid enough to spout her nonsense on her shitty blog, then she’s stupid enough to espouse her values upon her poor, innocent child as well. Parent of the fucking year.

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The gentle subtlety seeps through. Homosexuality is a choice. Yeah right. Did you choose to find the father of your children more attractive than females, Melissa? Did he choose to bump uglies with you instead of doing the horizontal folk dance with a dude named Dave from the bar? What will you do if your child ‘chooses’ not to be interested in the sexual company of the opposite sex one day? Will you tell her that it’s fine, and that she should ‘feel free’? May I ask though, how free does a person feel when they are told to celebrate their love and marriage behind closed doors only? Is that freedom? Or are we just pandering to your insecurities? I’ll tell you right now that your child is far more prepared to digest and process the simple notion of same-sex love than you are. You have prattled on with gay abandon the kind of passive-aggressive slander that your children will one day be shameful of. How dare you suggest that homosexuality is a choice that people freely make: a choice that people make without fear of persecution and discrimination? How dare you suggest that being gay is as offensive as swearing loudly in a park – something that is actually offensive and confusing for a child? How dare you suggest that gay people have no right to feel oppressed because they have the support of bigots like you who will give them what they want so long as you don’t have to fucking look at it?

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A few things for you to consider, Melissa:

* Gays usually do understand their feelings. It’s the attitudes displayed by specimens of human chloroform like yourself that they find difficult to understand;

* People are born gay – it’s not something that you need to be ‘sure about’. Many people don’t recognise their sexuality until their late teens because sexuality itself is a new concept – regardless of the names and reasons for the people you’re seasoning;

* You may not think that the very real problems that homosexuals (and transsexuals and bisexuals) face exist but they do. The issue of homosexuality is mainstream conversation now, whether you like it or not. Craptacular blog posts like yours add to the debate too, whether I like it or not. And what your messages do is they reach out to gay people and find them in their hours of loneliness. When you tell your global audience (I’m writing to you from Australia FFS) that they are unnatural and offensive to adults and children, and that their freedom should only be extended to the insides of their houses, you are telling them that they do not belong in our world. You are no better than the Taliban in this respect.

* You may not understand why the prospect of ‘social punishment’ is so real for some people and not so much for others, and you may not understand why children, who are born without feelings of discrimination would use homosexuality as a target to hurl hatred towards, but I will tell you now that children listen to their parents. And their parents read blogs from respectable good Christians like your fine self. And that is just the tip of the iceberg as to how this world revolves.

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Note the key emotive platforms: children, education, television, legislation.

So to Melissa, I can only hope that one day your child teaches you a thing or two. It seems you have no issue with your friend douchebag Myers (Blue BOmb) sticking up for you in such a rational way. Both of you are stunning examples of mental incapacity and your words will be immortalised forever.

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Niqi and the 36 Votes

It was the night before the crucial ballot. The troops were rallied. You can see how Nick’s fans can barely contain their excitement.

Nicky's friends

The rallying cry must have worked! A couple of days after the close of polls with around 75% of the votes in Niqi’s ward counted he had powered up to an awesome 36 votes!


36 votes

Meanwhile, deluded artist and fellow Burqa Kohlition segment Sergio Redegalli over in Marrickville managed 70 votes. Well, he was handing out free oranges.

Maybe he should have worn the burqa.

Sergio Redegalli

Sergio fail

Islamophobe Nathan Smith, last seen leading the charge in the Wallsend area against the proposed Elermore Vale mosque, has magically appeared in Forbes, where he managed to scratch up 216 215 votes, obviously from country people who have no idea how shonky the APP is.

Pity they spotted the artfully disguised Woolies’ petrol docket…

Here’s Nafe’s thoughtful views on asylum seekers. Wouldn’t you think the people of Forbes would really need such a deep political thinker?


And we just found this in our archives. We are sure the people of Forbes will be impressed.

Sadly however it appears Nathan will not be taking a seat in the Forbes Town Hall any time soon, since he failed to reach quota.

Nafe thinking trying to move his brain about his political options

The Outcome

Laughing stock


More from the Protectionist Pathetics

Sympathy for the Devil

Nutzis feel the warm tumescent surge of an election

Australia’s Biggest Whinging Wanker Defies Logic

In reference to the SBS Insight episode, ‘I’m Not Racist, But…’, Nick Folkes offers up some migraine-inducing last words.

That’s right readers, you read it right. Little Nicky refers to himself and fellow gutter-trash as ‘bearers of the truth’.

Here is our ‘bearer of the truth’ telling us that facts and statistics are ‘obscure’ and that Muslims are the only people committing rape in this country. Yes, NSW’s North Coast has a higher instance of rape than more Muslim-populated suburbs such as Bankstown. Folkes’ logical explanation is that either the study is ‘obscure’, or that Muslims are traveling a four-hour return trip to commit rape. And he uses the infamous Bilal Skaf as his evidence to support such a ridiculously spastic claim, overlooking the fact that Skaf committed his vile sex acts in Greenacre (a suburb in Bankstown). Don’t mess where you sleep? Swing and a miss, Folkes.


Folkes talks shit about physical violence and threats of ‘getting people sacked’. What a wanker. No evidence to support ‘threats of violence’, and no idea about how much responsibility TAB admin have over whether an employer thinks their staff making offensive, half-witted comments in public is a sack-able offense. Nick takes delight in hanging around NSW primary schools with is hobo mate Paul Toohey, waving flags and metaphorically beating themselves off over their self-righteousness. Ironically, Folkes adds 2+2 and comes up with 5, stupidly assuming that theantibogan admin are automatically criminals because he doesn’t like them, but fails to recall that vagrant Toohey has a criminal record for assaulting police officers. They also organise fail-rallies a-plenty with their sex-shop lurkster Darrin Hodges, all the while thinking they’ve got the support of true-blue Aussies.

So, ‘what’s the definition of irony?’, you may ask Nicholas if ever you see him standing with his wanky handful of mates at an APP/ADL non-event. Perhaps it’s hating an entire culture of people based on a self-installed perception that they are all hard-wired to blow innocent people up, then publicly declaring your intent to blow innocent people up and kill them, based on the colour of their skin, their country of origin or their religion.

Yep the stupid irony hurts. One day Folkes’ son is going to Google his father. Oh, to be a fly on the wall for that moment. Of course, I’d never go near Folkes’ house, knowing how he likes to publicise his feelings towards women.

And of course, his penchant desire to get into female clothing…

Nicholas Folkes, Paul Toohey and Darrin Hodges are nothing more than dirty smegma personified – off-white, dried up, gag-inducing, unwanted babies who are representative of previous fap sessions. Nazi-lovin’ Brievik supporters, keen on spending their lives waving signs that may as well read ‘I’m wasting my time’.

In case you missed Nick’s cameo:

In case you missed the SBS Insight Nick appears on, choking on his own shit:

And because Nicky thinks that any publicity is good publicity, here he is if ever you need someone whose calling in life is standing in front of a wall, painting it white and having a hard-on over white pride.

Anna Dean’s Halal Hysteria

“…A halal ate my baby!!”

Commercial Facebook pages are rather dull places. However this doesn’t seem to stop frenzied obsessive bigoted nutjobs from marching on and having foaming tantrums if the business does something they do not like.

In the case of supermarket giant Coles, it is supposedly doing what a business sensitive to consumer needs and aware of its target market wants and marking products as halal or kosher as appropriate. It also provides nutritional information on products telling consumers if they contain nuts, if they are gluten-free or if they contain dairy products, so that customers unable to eat these products may make informed choices.

So along comes Islamophobe Anna Dean in full Joan of Arc mode accompanied by a rag tag bunch of bogot fanatics.

Halal hysteria 1

Now note that Anna by her own admission already buys her meat from an independent butcher so we are puzzled as to why Coles marketing practices concern her so much. However this is nothing new for us. The strange cognitive processes of the bogot continue to be a mystery.

Halal hysteria 2

Not to be outdone by their leader, the rest of the bogots climb out of the ruck and start to clamour for a hearing.

Halal hysteria Eve

Err speak for yourself sweetheart. Yet another clown who thinks “Australian values” = her own brain farts.

Eve de Laurent

Another CGI patriot from Bogot Central Casting

And no one “pays” for halal certification except the meat producers. Just as they pay for veterinary services, licensing fees to health authorities and other fees which enable their businesses to run. They then pass these costs down the supply chain to consumers. That is the nature of capitalism.

So are you now advocating a Communist society perhaps where the state owns the means of production? Or unregulated backyard slaughter – maybe you’d like to butcher and carve up your own steer while sinking goon by the pool?

Halal hysteria 4

A breathe of fresh air as someone sane points out that halal slaughter is no crueller than conventional non-halal slaughter in Australia. However the elevated tone lasts a mere nano-second as the Maid of Facebook lurches back into full shrillness linking halal certification with an escalating range of horrors for which in typical bogot style it offers no evidence.

And Adam Richards, racism is a form of bigotry. You don’t get let off being labelled as intolerant just because Islam is a religion, not an ethnic group.

Adam Richards, you are a bigot.

Halal hysteria 4

Now the Patriot Posse is in full flight, complete with fuzzy logic-theology from Wagga evangelist Mrs Palmer and the Five Granddaughters, all huddled under the mythical burqa which will ultimately consume them. Balaam’s ass gets a look-in as well, though it has nothing to do with Islam.

There are enough asses in that thread without dragging in a mythical Biblical one.


Halal hayseed

Straight from rural Queensland comes Debbie Monroe, amateur religious historian, resplendent in a borrowed Wonder Woman outfit, fired up to give us the revelation that she is racist. Yawn, yeah we knew that Debbie.

Halal hysteria 7

Now as tends to happen whenever we feature a stand-off between our folk and the Farces Forces of Bogotry, the dialogue degenerates quickly as the fake freaks take centre stage. Turd “Toad Man” is first as befits waste products expelled noisomely, followed by “Ron Proud”. This is supposed to have the effect of generating gales of laughter amongst the anti-bigot posters and the TAB members watching the thread scaring all those unwashed feral lefties who are also posting.

One of the TAB folk sums it up nicely for the benefit of the Coles admin, who has left to do something presumably more riveting, like watching grass grow on the local bowling green.

Coles – just ignore this pack of neo-Nazi scumbags. They DO NOT represent Australia.


Just when you thought it was safe to return to Coles, St Anna of Orleans Facebook vomited up this pearler.

Halal hysteria 10

1. Animals are bled out when they are dead

2. Halal slaughter of Australian meat is done in Australia by accredited Muslim slaughter-men who are Australian. Just like everywhere else in the meat industry.

3. Coles probably thinks Anna is as deluded as we do

We now have some insight into why Joan of Arc was executed by the Church in the 15th Century –  if she was anything like Anna.

Our 600th Post: Sharlene Ashton and the Collective Stupid

Remember Sharlene Ashton?

Turns out the racist, Islamophobe, homophobe fire-starter is cleaning your business and serving your children canteen goodies.

I didn’t know hating non-whites and setting houses on fire was our ‘way of life’.

Moving on. Here’s a quick montage of some more true blue Aussie racism and stupidity.

With love.

Those ‘Rocket lunches’ must surely cause a fair bit of indigestion and heartburn.

Nice one Paul Guru D’Fence. Wouldn’t it be horrible if women were treated as ‘chattels’? You know, a piece of property that you had to pay for.

Because arguing on the Internet is just so important that problems can only be solved by killing people.

What do you call a bald racist with short-man-syndrome?

Whatever you like. Anyone can be a hero when they type on Facebook.

Good one Bonnie Redburn aka Bonnie May Down.

Australian Customs Officer: You a Muslim?

Muslim just off the plane: No.

Australian Customs Officer: Welcome to Australia.

Well said Rpnald. You probably would have had achieved a little more credibility had you spelled your own name correctly.

How did you obtain those pig-related liquids David?

They’re usually behind bars Hunter.

You’ve got to love ‘HARD COR INTELECTS’ who don’t like ‘RELIGONS’ running our ‘COUNTRIES’ laws.

Whoops excuse us Scott, We shouldn’t have been expressing OUR right to freedom of speech when all along there are bald, pin-dicked thugs like you who can stalk and threaten us. But feel free to continue to whinge about your freedom of speech being attacked by leftists.

How vivid the memory of watching the planes hit the twin towers is. So vivid that whenever I remember it happening I forget that it happened on the 11th of September and that if I was watching it live on Australian TV it happened around 11:30pm at night.

You know what I hate about those Muslims Robin? All those terror attacks they commit on Australian soil. Yeah, okay, I admit it – they haven’t actually committed one single terror attack on Australian soil. But the simple fact is that THE MUZZIES should be hated because they want to kill people with guns and bombs and they don’t care about who you are. They want you dead indiscriminately. Us Aussies would never ever act or talk like that.

They must be joking. But the Muzzies aren’t. Don’t ask me to explain why. It’s too hard.

Ah the Australian biker clubs. Full of repute, they will defend us by stabbing people William Davis doesn’t like.

Phew! A NICE swastika. For a minute there, we were worried Sean Blanch had a NOT-SO-NICE swastika on his back! Like one of the ones below… Ah, the master race.

Yes, Ben. Abel corsef all the way.

Nothing like a good disguise that won’t attract attention when robbing a bank.

Anyone want a ‘husban’? Shriveled gonads from years of riding the chopper, beer belly and grey mullet. Free to a good home.