The Day I Had to Tell My Daughter About Unnatural, Abnormal Homosexuals

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The homosexuality debate will be one for the ages. Without even factoring in the same-sex marriage football, we are still, around the world, witnessing stupid, stupid people climbing over themselves to tell us how wrong (morally and naturally) homosexuality is. It’s not like this post is going to tell you anything new, but it might just change your perspective.

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The excerpt at the top of the page was taken from Melissa Dereberry’s blog. If you can be bothered trudging through the rest of her stagnant ramblings, you’ll see that she’s a self-congratulatory, award-winning author who is generally concerned and somewhat primarily occupied about children’s issues. Just reading this particular entry got me thinking however: what kind of child-blog typing parent has an eight year old who doesn’t know what homosexuality is? Has this child seriously been sheltered from the concept for this long? Has this child never heard the word ‘gay’ before or even considered the idea of same sex people loving each other? Obviously not. Because a ‘nice’ moment (watching TV at midnight together) was suddenly not a nice moment, because mother now has to teach her daughter about gays.

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So we get to paragraph two, and the ‘I have nothing against gays’ line comes in. Being a God-is-great-and-I-am-full-of-love-for-all-except-those-like-me skeptic, I immediately scan the text for the word ‘but’, or ‘however’. I found it. And it was coupled with some emotive words, highlighted there for you to see. What can we glean from Melissa’s perspective at this point? Well it would seem that she believes that homosexuals are free to be homosexuals as long as they do their business away from the public eye, as that would force concerned parents to have to explain to their children how a person can love another person. See, once a parent has had an opportunity to explain that homosexuality is just not right at all, then the child will be more intellectually prepared and therefore less likely to have an emotional episode if it’s sprung on them while watching the box.

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This is the part where the aforementioned ‘however’ really takes effect. Melissa Dereberry has nothing against homosexuals, but they’re just not normal or natural, and they don’t fit into the natural order of the universe. Pretty harsh words from someone who has nothing against them. I would love to be a fly on the wall as she tells her supposed many homosexual friends that they’re not normal or natural and that they don’t fit in.

Now, the first of Melissa’s arguments against the normality of homosexuals is because well, god dammit there just ain’t that many of ’em. They just ain’t the norm. I guess that would also suggest that pandas aren’t normal. I guess that would also suggest that men and women who remain celibate prior to marriage are also abnormal.

Next, she demands ‘science’ prove that homosexuals live in fear of being discriminated against if they come out. Along with the obvious chortling that accompanies a goofball God-girl asking for scientific proof of something comes the shocking reality that all across the world this is overwhelmingly the truth – especially in countries where being gay equates to a death sentence. In Australia alone, A 2008 study of found that nearly one in seven reported living in fear of homophobic violence. This fear was justified in that nearly 85% of respondents had been subjected to some form of homophobic violence or harassment in their lifetimes and one in two had experienced homophobic harassment or other non-physical abuse in the past two years. (Source)

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But here comes the big one. The oft-pushed argument that homosexuality is unnatural because homosexuals can’t produce and that there was Adam and Eve – not Adam and Steve. What a crock of shit. In the United States, a Pastor Worley of the Providence Road Baptist Church was quoted as saying that homosexuals should be caged behind electrified fences until they died out. Now, the logic behind this was that none of the gays would be able to procreate behind there and that eventually the homosexuals would die out. Of course, what the Pastor and our own Melissa Dereberry fail to recognise is that not only is ‘God’ producing gay people each and every day, as ‘He’ has done since the beginning of time, but those children are born to straight parents. Gay parents do not create gay children, no. Straight parents do. Why, in a world that is at dire risk of over-population, where millions live in poverty and without access to basic needs like food and water, does Melissa place such emphasis on the need for human beings to reproduce? Does she see celibate nuns as unnatural? Does she see women who cannot fall pregnant as abnormal? What about men who have low sperm count? How about selectively and non-voluntarily single people? What about those in relationships that do not want children? How about those who have given birth to stillborn children? Are all of these people failing to ‘fit into the natural order of the Universe’?

Look, don’t get Melissa wrong. She believes in free speech (not sure why she brought that up), but as soon as it ‘incites confusion’ in a child? Well that’s where Melissa draws the line. Can you imagine the educational journey of this woman’s child? Every single time this little petal sees something that confuses or offends her her mother, the ol’ Deneberry blog is going to kick right into gear and the American constitutional right to ‘freedom of speech’ is going to be used without a word of hesitation.

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Next, in one swift flick of her fingers, Melissa has compared same sex love to ‘eruptions’ of foul language and then spoken of how the naked female body should not be seen. I’m starting to get a good idea of what the inside of Melissa Dereberry’s daugher’s head is looking like. No wonder the poor child is confused. No, wait, hold on – the child’s only question about homosexuality to date has been in response to seeing two males kissing “Mom, they both looked like boys.” The dropkick parent has since spoken about being ‘speechless’, but we are all starting to see that the concept and reality of speechlessness are starkly different. This rancid woman has much to say on the topic and you can bet your bottom dollar that if she’s stupid enough to spout her nonsense on her shitty blog, then she’s stupid enough to espouse her values upon her poor, innocent child as well. Parent of the fucking year.

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The gentle subtlety seeps through. Homosexuality is a choice. Yeah right. Did you choose to find the father of your children more attractive than females, Melissa? Did he choose to bump uglies with you instead of doing the horizontal folk dance with a dude named Dave from the bar? What will you do if your child ‘chooses’ not to be interested in the sexual company of the opposite sex one day? Will you tell her that it’s fine, and that she should ‘feel free’? May I ask though, how free does a person feel when they are told to celebrate their love and marriage behind closed doors only? Is that freedom? Or are we just pandering to your insecurities? I’ll tell you right now that your child is far more prepared to digest and process the simple notion of same-sex love than you are. You have prattled on with gay abandon the kind of passive-aggressive slander that your children will one day be shameful of. How dare you suggest that homosexuality is a choice that people freely make: a choice that people make without fear of persecution and discrimination? How dare you suggest that being gay is as offensive as swearing loudly in a park – something that is actually offensive and confusing for a child? How dare you suggest that gay people have no right to feel oppressed because they have the support of bigots like you who will give them what they want so long as you don’t have to fucking look at it?

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A few things for you to consider, Melissa:

* Gays usually do understand their feelings. It’s the attitudes displayed by specimens of human chloroform like yourself that they find difficult to understand;

* People are born gay – it’s not something that you need to be ‘sure about’. Many people don’t recognise their sexuality until their late teens because sexuality itself is a new concept – regardless of the names and reasons for the people you’re seasoning;

* You may not think that the very real problems that homosexuals (and transsexuals and bisexuals) face exist but they do. The issue of homosexuality is mainstream conversation now, whether you like it or not. Craptacular blog posts like yours add to the debate too, whether I like it or not. And what your messages do is they reach out to gay people and find them in their hours of loneliness. When you tell your global audience (I’m writing to you from Australia FFS) that they are unnatural and offensive to adults and children, and that their freedom should only be extended to the insides of their houses, you are telling them that they do not belong in our world. You are no better than the Taliban in this respect.

* You may not understand why the prospect of ‘social punishment’ is so real for some people and not so much for others, and you may not understand why children, who are born without feelings of discrimination would use homosexuality as a target to hurl hatred towards, but I will tell you now that children listen to their parents. And their parents read blogs from respectable good Christians like your fine self. And that is just the tip of the iceberg as to how this world revolves.

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Note the key emotive platforms: children, education, television, legislation.

So to Melissa, I can only hope that one day your child teaches you a thing or two. It seems you have no issue with your friend douchebag Myers (Blue BOmb) sticking up for you in such a rational way. Both of you are stunning examples of mental incapacity and your words will be immortalised forever.

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To summarise Mark Thomson:

* Women are the only ones who lie, therefore they should not be granted positions of power;

* Women only need perform in the kitchen and in the bedroom. All other talents and skills are to be performed by men;

* It’s okay to tell a magistrate how you feel while facing a tribunal – as long as you don’t recoegnise (sic) the rule of law and you type in capitals.

“…the laws…changed to protect us and allow us to carry out poofter bashings”


Further evidence of racism going hand-in-hand with homophobia: