How Embarrassing: Neo Nazi Insults Female Online; Admits to Bestiality

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#auspol #ausmedia #destroythejoint #rapeculture

Publicly posting a photo of a girl without her permission and then suggesting that she is sexually and physically assaulted? True blue. We thought you might enjoy finding out what the ‘humans’ behind this online attack look like themselves.

Craig Dr Jekyll Wright:

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And here is Chris Merrett, who has featured here plenty of times himself. Feel free to have a browse of this dick cheese’s online profile here:

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John Farnham’s Sister-In-Law & The Pedo Bear Bandits

Welcome to the wonderful world of Bung on a Burqa. An event page where sexually repressed troglodytes can spew their bile against Muslims while sharing their concerns about penile dysfunction and frustrations about not being able to get laid without paying for it.

1 - Sexually Frustrated - 1

1 - Sexually Frustrated - 2

1 - Sexually Frustrated - 3

1 - Sexually Frustrated - 4

1 - Sexually Frustrated - 5

This intellectually stimulating event page was, until very recently, public and whoever wished to contribute to threads about bum sex and vegetables and plants that looked like cocks and balls, could. That was until a few days ago when the event page was set to ‘invite-only’ and anyone not on the event creator’s friends list were purged. Event creator is Lisa Maree (alt name Havana Cone).

*Click on images to enlarge them*

2 - Lisa Maree Host

Confident in the privacy that was bestowed upon them, the posts of the swampies naturally turned more vile. Posts of a paedophile nature were quickly filling up the wall.

3 - Peadophile Posts - Chris Merrett Mr Pedo Bear

3 - Peadophile Posts - Chris Merrett Pedo Crossing Sign

3 - Peadophile Posts - Chris Merrett Posting School Children Photo

3 - Peadophile Posts - Chris Merrett Wanking Over Baby

3 - Peadophile Posts - Jason Paul Penis On Board Drawing

3 - Peadophile Posts - Matt Donald Posting Girls Photo

3 - Peadophile Posts - Paul Jason - Fingering A Minor

Jason Paul Pedo Bear

Here’s Milly Knight, real name Jude Billman / Jude Grech / Judith Dianne Billman Grech sister in law of John Farnham (yes the singer), declaring she would soon be posting up pictures of an anti-racist activist’s underage children. Jason ‘Ban Islam’ Paul (alias Bluey Zarzoff / Bernie Zarzoff) chimes in and eggs her on.

From Wikipedia


4 - Jude Billman - Threatening To Post Pictures Of Minor Kids - 1

4 - Jude Billman - Threatening To Post Pictures Of Minor Kids - 2

Soon after, Jason Paul under his Bluey Zarzoff account uploads a picture of a young girl and declares she is the alleged daughter of the same anti-racist activist whom Milly (Jude Billman) was threatening. Chris Merrett corrects Jason Paul and informs him that there are several accounts of the same name and encourages him to find the right girl by posting two Facebook profiles urging him to look through them to find more pictures of another underage girl while offering pictures of this person’s mother and sister in another thread.

5 - Jason Paul Posting Kids Picture Thread 2

6 - Chris Merrett I Have Mum & Sister Pictures

Now armed with more photos, Jason Paul (Bluey Zarzoff) uploads another picture of another girl who looks even younger than the previous one with the caption, “root, shoot or electrocute”.

7 - Jason Paul Posting Kids Picture Thread 1

*Note Chris Merrett’s comment on school uniforms. We will come back to it shortly*

A handful condemned the posting of the picture and the following remarks and naturally his fellow swampies came out of their caves to defend the threats to rape and/or kill the young girl.

8 -Marina Chapman Justifying Posting Of Kid Picture

8 - Chris Merrett No Problem With Posting Private Albums

A post is made informing the sewer rats that the girl that was being spoken about in a sexual and violent matter has been confirmed as a minor.

DB Girl Is 12

We investigated the claim, as the parasites had posted a link to her profile, and concluded with full certainty that the girl is indeed 12 years old. The mongrels foamed in a rabid frenzy and banded together to try and discredit what was clearly obvious.

*Remember that Chris Merrett, in his comment below the girl’s picture, had commented on her school uniform.*

Even so, the maggots had found that the year girl had listed a university in her education details, even though it was evident she was too young to be at uni. And so the swamp creatures, in their confused fury, started making all sorts of claims with Marina Rosemary Chapman leading the charge…

Scum Confused About Age - 5

Scum Confused About Age - 1

Scum Confused About Age - 2

Scum Confused About Age - 3

Scum Confused About Age - 4

Scum Confused About Age - 6

Scum Confused About Age - 7

Scum Confused About Age - 8

Jill Steinberger

The event page creator, Lisa Maree (Havana Cone) offered a disclaimer for anyone who felt offended over a minor being threatened with rape and murder. Even though she could have easily deleted the offending and illegal post, she waves away any responsibility and directs people to report it instead.

10 - Lisa Maree Disclaimer

Jason Paul

Jude Billman

Marina Rosemary Young Chapman


The post has since been deleted but here is the permalink in case the police decide to investigate:


As is typical with this lot one of our people received this threat to publish more kids’ pictures. The name and profile are fake; we know who it is.


Chris Merrett vs Aborigines, Muslims, University Graduates, Asians, Jews and Indians



i love islam 2

i love islam

merrett abo

merrett abo2

merrett indians

merrett indians2

Ladies and Gentlemen: We present to you – The Master Race:

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Appendix One: Merrett with dribble shirt, dried-piss pants, poking stick and double Ds sitting in outdoor pig-sty showing ‘thinking hard’ ‘hardly-thinking’ pensive expression.

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Appendix Two: Post-man-boobs Merrett outside familiar caged facility modelling freshly cleaned teeth peeved about being denied entry. 


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Appendix Three: Master-Race Merrett shows off impressive constellation encompassing breasts, centre-parted hairy smudge-mullet and freshly fingered fish-mullet.


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Appendix Four: If-It-Ain’t-White-It-Ain’t-Right Merrett showing off finger used to poke nostril and arsehole while admiring framed Ned Kelly bio.


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Appendix Five: I-Wear-My-Sunglasses-At-Night-Corey-Heart Merrett all rugged up for another night under the stars with only friend dim op-shop head torch.


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Appendix Six: Fire Safety Merrett demonstrates the correct way to pass out after six goon sacks with cigarette end aiming away from the eyes/towards generic clothes-bin teen blouse.

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The Master(bating) Race

My iCrusade Against Rightist Extremists

Wank Stains

Ummmmm… you decide…

[All those pictured have made extremely derogatory, sexist remarks towards Muslim and non-Muslim women]
[Click image for larger version]

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Defamation Row

with apologies to the great Bob Dylan


Just after we published our last set of musings on the racist and bigoted sewers of the Internet we happened to come across a stolen picture of one of our friends on one particular scumsite complete with defamatory comment.


That is nothing new for us since just about every anti-intolerance activist has been labelled and defamed as paedophiles since Facebook began. Some of them notoriously so.

It seems the enemy, lacking any factual or moral underpinning for its garbage, can only resort to the criminality which comes so naturally to it.

However the person in question is a blogger who happens to support the Australian Labor Party and the Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Just like about 50% of the Australian voting-age population going by the results of the last Federal election.

He has never actually confronted the enemy nor has he written about them. Yet.

Now note the only comment showing.

Here’s the brave person making the comment hiding behind a fake profile.


Yet another numbingly boring robotic troll created to make the scumsites look like they have more interest than they actually have. There must be a Dalek factory somewhere producing them.

This one seems to be American. We hope for its sake that it has deep pockets.

And just take a look at who has “liked” the comment.


“John Jones” is a fake. But Scott Pengelly, of Melton in Melbourne’s outer suburbs, is not. Moreover he is allegedly employed in a child care centre!


Maybe it’s time to remind it that in Australia we have defamation laws and a large amount of precedent-setting case law and its foreign origin does not protect either it or Facebook from litigation. Check out Gutnick V Dow Jones [2001] if you don’t believe us.

In fact scummies you are all on the wrong track. An association between child sex offences and far right political views, beliefs and culture  is emerging in the literature.

Paedophilia: The Public Health Problem Of The Decade (Dr William F Glaser)

If we do not deny the offences, then we refuse to recognize the victims. If we do not deny that there are victims, then we refuse to recognize their suffering. The reasons for this state of affairs are complex and arise from a combination of entrenched patriarchal values, child (and woman) hatred disguised as pseudo-science …(Rush, 1980; Masson,1985).

Jimmy Savile, Gary Glitter and the politics of paedophile rings: The Conversation (Michael Salter)

It is well recognised that commonly held views about masculinity, sexuality and power are used by offenders to legitimise child abuse. In some circumstances, the abuse of children and women can become a means of male bonding.

So perhaps scummies you should all look in the mirror before you continue to defame decent hard-working progressive Australian men.

How to try and intimidate anti-racists on Facebook…failure guaranteed

mud filled brain nazi.gifAn activist blogger we know recently wrote:


More threats
As some of you may know I have been censoring the posts of a serial pest who makes anti-Muslim and racist comments and has in the past threatened me. He has posted again saying that the next time he is in my area – he names my street – he’ll ‘drop in to say g’day’. Clearly this is an attempt to further intimidate me. If anything happens to me or my family here are his details to provide to police.  jack  He has a druid name email at txc.

We know these tactics only too well.

To help him out, we’ve given him an approximate location for his stalker. It’s a nice little town just south of Adelaide. A pity that the swamp dwellers have reached there.

IP Address:
ISP:                   Exetel
Region:         Strathalbyn (AU)

And we have actually passed these details on to the blogger so he can contact SA Police. They may help make life uncomfortable for his stalker.

So on with the (freak) show

Preamble for the failures

We’ll keep it simple for racists and bigots. We know they are not too bright. In fact they are so dumb they think that the First Amendment of the US Constitution is the law of the land in Australia.

Hate to tell them this – it is not. So when they see hate groups in the US like the Westboro Baptist Church spouting bigotry and try and do so here they are potentially liable for legal action.

You see the First Amendment was written around 1776 by a bunch of well-off  white farmers and lawyers in the American colonies who were (rightfully) pissed off that they were not allowed to have a free press which could criticise the government, unlike the colonial power itself, England.

That’s all. It is not the 11th Commandment brought down from cardboard Hollywood Sinai  by Charlton Heston Moses. In fact it has probably been challenged in the courts more than any other provisions of the US Bill of Rights, simply because as long as you put up such a seemingly admirable law, you are going to have nutjobs, cranks and loathsome haters who will abuse it.

“This is the First Amendment – I think. Either that or I picked up Jesus’s shopping list by mistake.”

10 ways to be bigger failures than you already are

  1. Make a defamatory Facebook group or groups targeting someone you think is running an anti-racist group. It doesn’t matter if you are wrong, in your universe the far right is never wrong. After all in their cargo cult  Pauline Hanson and John Howard are going to return bringing Centrelink payments and a gas-guzzling SUV for all.
"We don't like it"

“We don’t like it”

And remember no matter how big the anti-racist group is only one person runs it even if the group profile shows a dozen or more admins. They “must” be all fake profiles.

  1. When you are not copy-pasting boring hate-filled shite make screenshots of posts at the anti-racist group followed by nasty comments about the poster’s gender, age,  appearance and sexuality. And remember they are all Muslims. It doesn’t matter that they mostly are not. So while all the real Muslims are working out in the community keeping the economy ticking over you can keep hardened up from your bedroom at Mum’s or the cheap caravan in some one horse town by insulting and vilifying the false Muslims.

You are all Muslim woman (sic)

  1. Steal some photos, preferably from young women. Have a particular gloat over the ones where someone’s partner is featured, particularly if the partner is either of a different ethnic group or is same-sex. Comment negatively on the victim or their partner’s age, height, weight or fuckability, notwithstanding the last time you had a root would be when you managed to save up enough to give a bad time to the local sex workers. They ended up charging you extra woody time, a boredom allowance and they complained to Fair Work Australia.

Bonus bogot points for pics of parents or grandparents. Especially if they have recently died or are terminally ill.

  1. Because every anti-racist must be Muslim, grab some random pics of people who are Muslim or who “look Muslim”. Doesn’t matter if they are or not – facts don’t matter in Bogotopia. It’s all about feelings. And bogot psychotic episodes feelings are always paramount right?

  1. Remember the Aboriginals are very dangerous, mainly because they were here first and they often don’t look like you. So spend a lot of online adrenalin pointing out all the things they have that you don’t … like…ah…adequate housing, proper medical services, adequate educational facilities, decent jobs? Also remind them that the Apology has nothing to do with you because you weren’t born when blah blah blah….

  1. Make up some lame humourless memes using pictures of Aboriginal elders disrespectfully or pictures of people sitting in town camps (remember Aboriginal people are always old, all live in rural or remote areas, all live in town camps and they are always sitting around) pointing out their supposed drinking, substance abuse, violence etc – never mind that Aboriginal people actually have lower levels of drinking on the whole than do other groups.

And we are still waiting for the first child abuse prosecution under the Intervention.

  1. In your crazed crusade against innocent Australian Muslims don’t forget to post hundreds of false rumours, conspiracy theories, xenophobic rants, pseudo-histories and Photoshopped pictures of bloody and dismembered corpses, preferably sourced from disreputable foreign websites which are tarted up by their resident web-person to look like “respectable” news sites. Add to that deliberate misinterpretations of actual file pictures and the dreaded Photoshams (the notorious Palestinian “child brides” who are not child brides and the woman supposedly beheaded while buried in sand being favourites). Don’t be perturbed when someone points out the sinister resemblance between your activities and the scurrilous hate propaganda disseminated for centuries against the Jews.

  1. Ignore all references to factual information on scam-busters by Hoaxslayer,, Loonwatch and in Sandi Logan’s letter to the media regarding asylum seeker entitlements. In Bogotopia facts do not exist.

  1. Because even your tiny minds dimly comprehend that notwithstanding (3) there are no facts which will justify your hatred and xenophobia, troll anti-racists sites with your rubbish and post in CAPITAL LETTERS with lots of swear words. This is supposed to scare people and makes up for a complete inability to provide debating points.

      1. When all else fails threaten anti-racists with lawyers and “suites” (or was that lawyers in suits), forgetting that firstly


and secondly
it is entirely likely that at least some of the anti-racists you target might actually know lots of stuff including the law.

And by that we don’t mean “being known to  police” – which is definitely the case with the racist bogots.

Though we could actually do with some new lounge or dining room suites. ASIO  Mossad  the CIA don’t pay us too well since the GFC.

This will happen

This will happen

The Anti Anti-Bogan; Starring Tom Lalor. BEWARE – Confronting Content

Feel like a laugh? Watch out, ‘The Realists’ (aka uno muchacho Tom Lalor) has taken a firey shot at our website and what we do. His main gripe? We only ever feature those of low intelligence.

Well dayum.

I guess all that’s left to do before leaving you to watch this brain-fart of a video is to say thank you to Tom Lalor for finally admitting that we target the less intelligent. In a round-about kinda way, he has done our work for us.

Racists, sexists, homophobes and bigots are fucking stupid.

Here’s the nuff-nuff spanky-pants that first alerted us to the video.

Randy Lahey operates behind a fake profile. It is believed that his real name is Chris Merrett. Remember him? Read the other posts about him and you’ll agree – he needs an image overhaul.

Ah. Much better.

And yeah – all people featured in this post are of incredibly low intelligence. Soz.

Australian Nazi Collective

Just the tip of the iceberg ladies and gentlemen…