Why Bigotry Thrives Under Our Current Government

Guest Post Ramio1983

Let me say briefly, I never voted for Tony Abbott. Yet I also do not blame people that did. When the Australian Labor Government fell on its knees and made an embarrassment of itself from its rise of Julia Gillard and fall of Kevin Rudd, we all were keen on a new leadership. Someone we could trust and a government that was solid with the interests of not only Australians in mind but society and the world as a whole.

An elected government could quickly change the demographic of the nation and i have noticed this with the current Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott. I have been alive for just over 30 years in this country and there are many things I notice about the climate of the population. Sometimes people will mirror the sentiments of their leader, yet what is evident is the low lives of society that remained dormant for many years have suddenly risen with this new government and never have the bigots felt so confident to come out and offend our current social climate.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has made some questionable decisions.

Let me give you an example. Years ago under many other Australian governments I had never heard of groups like Reclaim Australia or the Australian Defence League.

These are borderline Fascist neo-Nazis that hate all things immigrant. So far this year there have been “rallies” in many major Australian cities conducted by these nationalistic groups that were thankfully challenged by other groups in public squares. Yet these protests turned violent and another one is planned this month in July 2015.

These “protests” were attended by people with swastikas on their heads and clear affiliation with other groups that are high on the crazy scale. Even though these protests were violent and full of hate, we barely heard about them in the media. Yet when a bunch of Australian Muslims ran around spewing their disgust in a distasteful matter about Prophet Muhammad cartoons, we barely heard the end of it. The bottom line is the bigots feel protected by this government to come out of their dungeons and to cause civil unrest- like members of the Australian Defence League going to a mosque and taunting people whilst they mind their own business after prayer services.

Groups like the Australian Defence League feel protected by this current government.

Why are people surprised by former Olympian Dawn Fraser telling misbehaving tennis players to “Go back to where their parents came from”? This was the language many people were afraid to speak of with other governments that held stronger stances against stereotypes and xenophobia. Yet under Tony Abbott, people are not only taking aim but firing away with their derogatory comments about their fellow inhabitants in this nation.

Why are people so surprised when we have a government minister on public television telling Australian born and bred citizens that were accused of terrorism but acquitted of those claims “I’d be happy to look you straight in the eye and say that I‘d be pleased to be part of the Government that would say that you were out of the country. I would sleep very soundly at night with that point of view.”

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs openly tells an Australian Citizen to get out of Australia on public television.

This was before Zaky Mallah said that oh so shocking quote about ISIS yet nobody blinked an eye when we had a Parliamentary Secretary actively telling an Australian citizen who was NOT charged with terrorism that he would “like him [permanently] out of the country“. Again such brazen comments made with a daring confidence highlights something to me, due to the current political climate we are in and seeing how our current Government views its minorities, immigrants and Indigenous Australians, we find that never before have we seen such an influx of nationalistic, paranoid and power-obsessed political figures and citizens come out from the dark.

This attitude of mine does not come out of thin air. I did not suddenly wake up and say I hate this government and what it stands for, yet it is a series of progressive decisions made by our government and its reaction from the Australian public of which I see where the problem lies. Sometimes the people are a reflection of the government and sadly my fellow Australians are mirroring this Parliament’s shortsightedness and I think we need to make changes- fast!

Another nail in the coffin was the recent decision by the Australian Government to shut up Australian workers in foreign detention camps where “illegal” immigrants are currently being held, including children. The Tony Abbott government recently made a new rule claiming that all doctors, hospital workers, guards and other staff have no rights in reporting bad behaviours in these detention camps. That is right, if human rights abuses are being conducted (and there is evidence to suggest that they clearly are) the government has paralysed the right of these Australian citizens to report the cruelty with the lurking threat of two years gaol for such a “crime”.

Our government no longer allows workers in out detention centres to report misconduct or abuse- instead they face jail.

Not only that, our current government has also allowed meat-headed “guards” in these detention centres who have a clear hatred for immigrants and xenophobic attitudes. Recent evidence has shown that many of these guards carry anti-immigrant tattoos, make hateful social media posts and display open sentiments of intolerance including photos with the infamous political bigot Pauline Hanson. These guards that the Australian Government has entrusted with these vulnerable people LOATHE them. Yet the most horrific fact about this situation is that the guards’ alleged abuse of these people cannot be reported. It is illegal to report them! Obviously there is something to hide. Such laws are being passed and Australia is letting it happen.

These issues will now even filter down to our schools and education system here in Australia. The impending threat of 0.02% of the Australian Muslim population (100 from 500,000 who went to join ISIS) has now reared its ugly head into our schools. The Australian Government is trying to implement a new “Jihadi Watch” scheme in our schools where teachers and students are taught on how to “spot” a Jihadi among their midst. Apparently if a fellow student “gets in trouble” or “argues with people of different ideologies” or “drifts away from their friends” this constitutes suspicious behaviour that would leave that student singled out and watched by fellow students and teachers. That’s odd that they formulate general “naughty” behaviour in school to Jihadi links. They might need to actually reconsider what a Jihadi actually is.

Our government proposed “Jihadi Watch” schemes in our schools where kids can be reported as potential terrorists by fellow students and teachers.

Just think about that for a moment, if one day Sarah at school decides to wear a hijab and Abdul decides to grow his beard, then their friends distance themselves from them and their teachers and fellow students ostracise them as potential terrorists- how on Earth would that be productive to our current social condition? How do you expect to counter terrorism by making almost anyone a suspect? It’s absolute nonsense. Will our schools then introduce “Domestic Violence Watch” schemes or “Drug addict schemes” or “Alcohol fuelled Violence” schemes? ALL of these examples pose a much bigger threat to Australians, yet there is no government initiative against them on a federal level.

The voice of the reasonable like us is suddenly being muffled by these flag waving bigots holding up scary signs with words like “Halal” and “Sharia” whilst they start protests, vandalise mosques, send death threats and degrade fellow citizens. Which is why Sydney and Melbourne are holding COUNTER Rallies against these groups of hate. The No To Racism, No To Facism and No To Islamophobia counter rally will be held at Martin Place, Sydney on July 19th.

Our Detention Centre “Guards” posing with right wing politician Pauline Hanson at an Anti Islam rally

Remember this is a COUNTER rally against hate.
It was never a rally that was meant to exist. Yet it is about time we respond to this rush of ignorance in our beautiful country and we cannot allow them to take the microphone and become the spokesmen and women of Australia. We cannot change the government right now, yet when that moment comes ladies and gentlemen we must make a change. Australia cannot afford such leadership, nor such a following.

Peace, Salam!:-)

Originally posted here

Wagging the dog-whistle

A bunch of half-baked juvenile delinquents decide to head off to the Middle East because they fancy a bit of real life smiting, rape, pillaging and beheading mixed with brain-numbing fundamentalism.

Just like these guys


Makes for a convenient government beatup complete with fear-mongering and the opportunity to let the home-grown haters out of the cage.

Every picture tells a story

From Twitter

From Peter Lewis


How high is “teh_terror”? Depends on the daily state of Crusader Abbott’s hubris.

From Junkee

And do we again need a fridge magnet to hide behind as we wriggle under the bed or behind the sofa with the magnet clutched to our quivering chests?




From theducks.org




 From Jon Kudelka


 And with Chrissie coming you can ramp up the groundless fear with your very own genuine autographed Tony Terror Sword ™ made in China of 100%  nuclear grade plastic.

And back in 1998 they even made a movie about it

 Tired of pictures? Have a read

The Burqa, Colonial Feminism and the Politics of Dog Whistling

Terrorists under the bed? TAB has the answer

As scores of Strayans tremble with fear at the thought of a few thousand juvenile offenders making their way to Straya, selling  grannies into slavery and marrying foetuses we thought it was time we as good citizens reviewed our Boredom Security.

We are not keen on the current threat alert. Too dull, not granular enough. Too easily confused with the bushfire alert. Nothing with which to to engage the reader.

And it looks rather like a galah flattened by an out-of-control B Double – which could well be a metaphor for this country.

So we decided to produce our own.



Enjoy – fridge magnet coming soon.

Open Letter to Australian Race Discrimination Commissioner

@timsout @nswpolice #auspol #ausnews

Dear Tim Soutphommasane, Race Discrimination Commissioner at the Human Rights Commission,

It was truly excellent to see you denouncing the racist buffoon Sue Wilkins Karen Bailey for her racist and child-abusive rant on a Sydney to Newcastle train last week. I mean, that’s pretty much what the majority of your job is, right? It’s up to you to hold a light to racism in our society when and where you see it and speak to the public about why it is unacceptable. Maybe change a few minds, educate a few dopes? It was also inspiring to see the NSW Police act so quickly to find the woman and have her charged. They even prepared statements to address media outlets.

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So why the continued silence regarding online discrimination?

From Nazis and white supremacists to homophobes and sexists, from rape enthusiasts and disability abusers to anti-immigration nut jobs, the Internet is rife with discrimination produced in Australia by Australians who are happy to give their name, location, employment status and photo to their comments. We’ve been immortalising the comments on our website for years. Yet it takes a 50 year old dunce on a train to say the word ‘gook’ and everyone just loses their shit.

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So where are you? Where are the State and Federal Police? Nowhere to be seen. It’s depressing to say the very least. Our Race Discrimination Commissioner is absent and our authorities lack interest and power.

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So the old biddy has said her apologies under the pseudonym of Sue Wilkins and everybody is breathing a sigh of relief. Thank goodness we got through that, right?


These opinions exist in our society. It’s a fucking plague. These opinions are validated by oxygen thieves like Scott Morrison, Cory Bernardi, Tony Abbott and their bumbling supporter MPs sidekicks and accompanying Murdoch led media circus. These hate-filled discriminatory opinions bubble to the surface on public trains and buses regularly but even more regularly online and nobody appears to give two shits either way.

How can people expect to feel as though they are safe in this country if their sexual orientation, physical ability, country of origin or religion are the focus and target of so much anger and hatred? Who is there to help people who read this shit online? Who is there to help the people who are the victims or onlookers to vile discrimination? I’ve interviewed anonymous police officers several times and have been told regularly that police will not bother charging a person unless they’ve physically abused someone. The Telecommunications Act lacks teeth and it lacks officers who are willing to go after these people.

Here are some screenshots that were taken today. They are from a Facebook group set up to oppose a mosque being built in Kalgoorlie. I’m sure if you ask them on Today Tonight they’ll tell you that their opposition exists because of ‘parking and traffic concerns’ or some other bullshit. But it’s what’s simmering underneath and boiling to the surface of social media that is the all too common truth. Australia is a fucking racist country. End of story.

Do something about it Tim.

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Guest post – Broken Promise – The promise we are glad Abbott has broken

May 28, 2014

Peter Wicks


It has come to light that Tony Abbott and the Coalition are set to break yet another election promise.

Unlike all of the other broken promises however I don’t think we will be seeing a backlash from the public over this one, although some sections of the public will no doubt be disappointed.

Fairfax has revealed that George Brandis is backing down to decency and public outcry over his proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act, in what has become known as the Section 18C Attack, or the Bolt Bill.

Those who will no doubt be disappointed over Abbott’s latest broken promise will be some of the most influential to the Coalition.

Racists, Bogans, Nazis and bigots will together with shock-jocks, right-wing columnists, Senator Cory Bernardi and of course Attorney General George Brandis will no doubt mourn this day as a loss for freedom of speech, along with other Coalition MPs.

The freedom they desperately sought was the freedom to racially vilify people. The freedom to use words as a weapon and reduce people to an object that is easy to hate as Hitler did so effectively with his anti-Semitic propaganda designed to dehumanise Jews on his rise to power.

We all remember how badly that ended…

This freedom to vilify and preach hate was of course the promise that Tony Abbott and George Brandis made to columnist Andrew Bolt, and thankfully they have failed to deliver.

The promise was made after Bolt was found guilty of breaching the Discrimination Act in 2011 in Federal Court.

This is one promise I am glad to hear the Abbott government breaking, although it will no doubt lead to months of publicly crying like a baby from Andrew Bolt and others like him.

Andrew Bolt must be fighting back the tears

To those of us who accept people from all walks of life and backgrounds without judgement this is a huge win. It is a huge win also because it has proven that if there is a large enough outcry the government elected to represent us will eventually listen to us and may truly represent us instead of their nutty mates.

Australians have spoken with a united voice on this issue and boldly stated that it is not acceptable to vilify someone due to their race in this country.

Australians have heeded the old saying of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.

Australians accept that we are part of a multicultural society and that means that we should accept people of all races as they are part of the fabric of our great nation.

We’ve been a multicultural society ever since us white folk invaded aboriginal land.

It also shows that Australians are wise enough to recognise that the campaign of fear being perpetrated by those on the right is not working.

The campaign I speak of is the campaign that attempts to portray the extremists and the radical as part of the norm within some sections of society. An example of this would be the campaign about how one day we will have sharia law in Australia if we don’t do something now, as that is what all Muslims are apparentlyseeking.

I’m sure most of you have heard something along a similar line.

This is of course complete and utter crap. We are more likely to see Elvis as our Prime Minister than we are to introduce sharia law here.

Much to the displeasure of the racists and right-wingers we are an overwhelmingly decent society and we long to remain so.

As much as Andrew Bolt and others like him may subtly preach hate and fear, sadly for them most of their listeners and readers aren’t that easily led and are quite capable of differentiating between political commentary and the rantings of a fuckwit.

On this broken promise from the Coalition, I have two words to say.

I say these two words not because of any religious views (I’m an atheist), but because I think today is a great day to be proud of our nation’s ability to accept others and to make a stand against racism in all its forms, plus I can think of no other words that will piss off the right wingers more.

Praise Allah.
Follow Wixxy at his blog Wixxyleaks

Tony Abbott stops for a “sleazy, slimy” wink

From The Guardian


Here’s the actual footage

Bob Ellis blogs about it here

And overheard in the Liberal Party room – “Will no one rid us of this turbulent (ex-)priest”

Some people never learn




Sex line grandmother ‘Gloria’ labels PM Tony Abbott’s wink ‘sleazy’ and ‘slimy’


The Antibogan asked its fans for some memes and here they are
Australia’s got wink memes!

Australia’s got wink memes !

Read more

All the reasons Tony Abbott’s wink is no laughing matter

Our memes

Feel free to download and share







We certainly hope this was not what was happening



The act of attempting to lure a member of the opposite sex through online flirting (winking) to observe oneself masturbating (wanking) on a public webcam.




I must be mixing with the wrong people

Café Whispers

I couldn’t tell you how many people I’ve met, although they must surely number in their thousands.

Tony Abbott – a person I have never met – appeals to the oddest types and I’m thankful that I haven’t met any of them either. But they are out there! The majority of them prefer, it seems, to hide behind an internet persona while spreading the government gospel, usually with huge amounts of vitriol and disdain against anyone who wants to save a forest, a heritage site, the planet or an asylum seeker.

I’m yet to meet a person – in real life – who behaves as insanely mad as the knuckle-dragging, right-wing cheer squad do when they bang down on their keyboard all frothed up with hate.

But I must be mixing with the wrong people. From what I’ve recently read here, there are hordes of Australians (who are not the…

View original post 508 more words

With fans like Keith Harding…

Here’s Keith Harding, supporter of failed Liberal candidate ronnoC ‘O naeS Sean O’ Connor who stood for the safe Labor seat of Sydney at the recent Federal elections.

T shirt and all.


Now you may recall that the openly gay Sean O’ Connor actually supports same sex marriage. His cognitive dissonance with his own leader and his own party must be of epic proportions. It certainly showed in his preference deal.

Sean O’ Connor

But it pales into insignificance against that of his big fan. Though with fans like Keith, Sean might feel he doesn’t need enemies.

Note that Keith takes his own sad selfies in his own bedroom mirror. Dateless and desperate?


Anti-semitism and hatred of black people are not likely to win friends and influence people, nor to attract any votes for his favourite candidate.


Keith doesn’t like asylum seekers either and rather fancies them as targets.


Not much compassion for foreign aid recipients either.

In conclusion – with fans like Keith Harding …