Goodbye Pauline goodbye…

Image – Independent Australia

Sung to the tune of Botany Bay (composed and arranged by Wilhelm Meyer Lutz)

You don’t have to listen to Han$on
When you hit the mute on the remote
It works for the radio or telly
Just think -a protest post-poll vote

Don’t read her bilge in the mass media
Don’t look at her racist mean face
Laugh when the Senate turns on her
And wait for her tumble from grace

But we’ll love watching people do sendups
We’ll chortle at all of those memes
We’ll cheer at Huw Parkinson’s mashups
Clarke and Dawe will bring more joyful screams

Look out for our media cartoonists
Dog, Brown, Kudelka and Pope
Moir and Cook and Kautauskas
Bringing some humorous hope

Stick up for our people of colour
And those of the Islamic faith
Gays, lesbians and the transgendered
Whose voices will be choked by this Wraith

Deny her a privileged platform
Turn your backs when she spouts all her junk
Rip her to shreds on the media
And her fact-free “opinions” debunk

So bring on our own Pauline Pantsdown
Get hell-mad with comical Shaun
Watch for The Chaser to stalk her
And wake to a Han$onless dawn!


How Racist is Australia? Pretty Damn Racist

Reblogged from Tumblr

Aamer Rahman

Stand-up comedian (Fear of a Brown Planet)
Twitter: @aamer_rahman

This is my response (originally published in Crikey) to Mark Sawyer’s article ‘How Racist Are You’ published in The Age and Sydney Morning Herald last week (

Dear Mark,

As a comedian I very much appreciated your satirical piece ‘How Racist Are You?’ published in The Age last week.  I think you captured the attitude and tone of Overly Defensive And Clueless White Man perfectly.  It’s actually  inspired me to write my own piece called “Hey Ladies, Pipe Down About Sexism.”Of course, I’m being silly.  You didn’t write it as a parody piece. The truth is much more embarrassing. This is what you, and plenty of others, actually think: apparently racism is totes not a thing any more.Being told by white people that racism is a figment of our imagination is nothing new.  I know well enough that when looking for some quality racism, the best place to start is with the guy screaming “I’m not racist!” You did not disappoint.

Thank you for the awkward list of times you didn’t challenge people’s casual racist comments.  As the kids say nowadays, cool story bro.  And maybe you’re right – there is nothing that justifies calling Australia uniquely racist. Not the specific genocide of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures and languages, an unparalleled migration history that banned non-white immigration here until the early 70s, or our one-of-a-kind anti-asylum regime.  These are things that happened pretty much everywhere, right?  But seriously, why let history and facts get in the way of a white guy’s Feelings About Stuff.

You’re correct, far right parties like One Nation are a thing of the past. But only because their rampant xenophobia was quickly co-opted, re-branded and shared between Labor and Liberal, making Hanson totally redundant.  In an era where our Attorney General openly defends the art of bigotry, Pauline’s services are no longer required.

You ask how many people alive are truly racist.  I don’t know the exact figures, Mark. But ask yourself if the life expectancy statistics that apply to Aboriginal people – well below the national average – would be tolerated if they applied to any other group in this country .  Ask yourself if our system of militarised  border protection and detention – recognised as exceptional the world over – would be acceptable to the Australian public if it was designed to intercept, round up and indefinitely incarcerate white people.

These things cannot exist without a sizeable population of what you refer to as ‘true racists.’ The fact that, as a nation, we accept and allow such things to happen is not an accident or the result of simple misunderstandings. They are the calculated outcomes of generations of programming.  Maybe racism is less about white people making unfortunate comments and more about systemic inequalities that have become the permanent and invisible background noise of Australian culture.  To quote you, it may pay to look at the bigger picture.

It’s 2014, champ. Racism isn’t about segregated lunch counters and people refusing to shake hands any more.  Racism is about this country’s obsession with defining boundaries of inclusion and exclusion, and the pervasive and violent ways in which those boundaries are maintained.  Racism is about two major parties collaborating for years to convince a white majority, through various codes, that they are perpetually at risk of losing out to lazy Aborigines, ghettoised migrants, dishonest asylum seekers and suspicious Muslims.  Racism is a government using free speech rhetoric to facilitate racial vilification.  Racism is, in a climate of perpetual fear and hostility, The Age choosing to publish some childish nonsense about how there’s no such thing as racism.

You’re convinced things have changed. I’m pretty confident they haven’t.

Aamer Rahman is a standup comic and writer in Melbourne.  He is currently touring his solo show The Truth Hurts in the UK and does not miss Australia.


Laughing at the Lamington Reich

In the milling maggoty squirmy sludge that makes up the far right, one occasionally catches a glimpse of an older evil amongst all the present-day phobic paranoiacs and yammering identity movements.

Here’s one who gave us a laugh.



Daz obviously gets his political rocks off by lovingly stroking the “Gays are paedophiles” myth.

Everyone knows that’s a furphy, but we’re a bit concerned about old Daz. Obsessive much?


Next to a warm wet homophobic slur coupled with an obsession with child abuse there is nothing your garden variety (as in noxious weed) nutzi likes better than a bit of Asian bashing.

This was in response to a post about Pauline Hanson, the bigots’ friend. The post quoted Hanson’s first speech from 1996 where she paraded the expected pile of rubbish about Asian immigrants.



Daz is very keen to get people from this Facebook group over to Scumfront, the site of choice for racist and bigoted losers everywhere. Perhaps he is hoping for a hot date? Or a bit of the old grooming? Or some Aryan-style family formation?

Happy Nazi family leaves a NY Family Court hearing

Daz even wants to show them dodgy movies. And he will keep banging on about Scumfront.


Having reached in, groped around  and given us a glimpse of his intentions he then gets on with Asian-bashing.


At the 2011 Census 2.4 million Australians or about 12% declared that they had an Asian ancestral background (ABS). This includes people of mixed ethnicity.

Looks like Asians are well and truly here to stay, integrated into the wider society and responsible for a great deal of economic activity.

And looks like Daz and his hero Pauline Hanson have missed that bit.

Now here’s the money shot


We’ve heard this one before where the bigot claims some sort of identity with the object of its hatred. We’re not sure of the mixture involved – maybe his mum was from Roswell and his dad was Reptilian?

That never stopped such blond blue-eyed Aryans Lamingtons like Jim Saleam and Jack Van Tongeren now did it.

Smashing the fash: fascism in Australia


A student writes

Added by Anon on August 30, 2013.
Saved under Features

My formative years were spent in Mascot Public School, a typical underfunded school. It was a school that didn’t aspire to much: its motto was in plain English and hoped for the least worst of its students (“strive to achieve”); the school gates were adorned with a picture of the official mascot, a jet plane, chosen for the school’s proximity to the airport.

And, much like any underfunded school in an underfunded town in Sydney, it was a school that confronted me with ethnic diversity and tension, not unexpected in a suburb where 70% of people were born overseas, or had parents who were born overseas.

I thought of my childhood, as I’d dully gaze through the side fence of the school, waiting for a bus, of how it helped me grow and whatnot. But one morning, the school sign caught my attention instead. Someone had stickered over it with obscene messages, demanding that multiculturalism be abolished, that ‘international students’ – at a primary school – be sent back, and that students should not heed the anti-Australian lies of their teachers, designed to police the thoughts of the young. At the bottom of each sticker lay proudly: Australia First Party.

We’re told to never forget, because there is a danger in allowing the past to repeat itself. Fascism wasn’t an anomaly of world history, but is rooted in something visceral within society. It has an economic and political vision that strives to protect the legitimate members of society from the ebbs and flows of global finance and immigration; it seeks to create hope in the less fortunate by blaming society’s ills on the least fortunate. It thrives on crisis and decline, and mobilises movements by encouraging the masses to rise up against decay and attain power for the rightful heirs of the state, usually white ‘natives’.

The fringe

The leader of Australia First is Jim Saleam, who is currently running in the electorate of Cook against Scott Morrison. He was a founder of National Action in the 1980s, a far-right nationalist group that plastered racist graffiti on shop walls, intimidated multicultural groups, and produced propaganda against the ‘New World Order’; he was also convicted of his role in a shotgun attack on a member of the ANC, Nelson Mandela’s party,  and conspiring to car bomb a political opponent.

“Hi, is this, uh, Jim – James – Sa-le-am?” I stumbled over my words; embarrassingly mispronouncing a name he greeted me on the phone with (it’s “Say-lem”). It’s difficult to find the right words when the phone is picked up by one of Australia’s most notorious far-right leaders, but I manage. He speaks with a thick Australian accent, and sports a vocabulary one would expect from a PhD. His thesis, The Other Radicalism: An Inquiry Into Contemporary Australian Extreme Right Ideology, Politics And Organization 1975-1995, was supposedly written from a jail cell.

Jim Saleam refers to the aforementioned incidents as an “apocryphal history” that has now, unfortunately, become a part of the movement he is now at the forefront of. This was a concerted attack by the media, according to Saleam, with claims of Lebanese ancestry in the Sydney Morning Herald to discredit and “ethnically cleanse” him. He also claims that he was “targeted by the state” and bullied by the Special Branch of the NSW Police Force, a “notorious organisation” known for monitoring left-wing activist groups. Now disbanded for its endemic corruption, Saleam admits that the Special Branch used far-right groups to assault left-wing groups.

“Morrison is all for refugees”, he says when I ask about the election struggle in the Sutherland Shire. And Saleam? “Absolutely none.” Saleam and Australia First propose deporting refugees back to their countries of origin, assisting them with grants funded by the seizure of assets from those who aid and abet asylum seeking. Saleam denies the label of fascism, and instead identifies with “Australian nationalism.” He uses this label to defend the party’s support of an Aboriginal sovereignty as a ‘legitimate culture’ of the continent that manifests in separatism, as “they can think whatever they want of European settlement … but what’s coming is the end of Indigenous society.”

But Australia First is not the only far-right nationalist party – Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, Rise Up Australia (RUA), and the Australian Protectionist Party (APP), parties recently infamous for their deals with minor libertarian and centrist groups in this election, promote similar views. But combating immigration and multiculturalism is only the most visceral policy tying the parties together; they also agree on the nationalisation of industry, banning foreign ownership, and expanding welfare to vulnerable Australian citizens – conditional on the expulsion of undesirables.

(Israel is a point of contention – Jim Saleam and Australia First considers Zionism as a danger to Australian society through its role in the media and corporations, while the APP and RUA self-identify as Zionists who see Israel as an ally against Islam.)

Appealing to the working class is a notable function of far-right nationalist and fascist mobilising, in contrast to the libertarian right that tends to have disdain for those in poverty. This isn’t anomalous, despite their right-wing tendencies: Franco developed a national trade syndicalist organisation, and Hitler saw the role of the state in mediating class conflict, a concept absent in classical liberalism and capitalism.

Far-right groups use this populist agenda in recruiting members who do not identify with the strict nationalism of the party line. I spoke to Troy Ellis, a candidate for APP in the Western Australian electorate of Swan. Ellis was a former member of the Greens and the ALP, and a participant in Amnesty International, Greenpeace, and the Australian Conservation Fund. Confused, I asked him why he joined the APP. “They sounded like a fairer party,” noted Ellis. It was their taxation policy that drew him into the party, and he identified with the economic arguments of lowering immigration.

But he was unsure about the more extreme elements of the party. “I’m not such a hardliner on immigration myself … there might be some in APP, but I’m less of a radical myself.” The anti-Muslim stance of the party, a recent phenomenon in the far right, especially amongst RUA and One Nation, is also a topic of contention with Ellis. “The party takes a hard stance on Muslims, but I don’t mind Muslims myself.” He also spoke of his strong belief in justice for Palestinians. Ellis seemed uncomfortable with this dissonance with the party line. “But a lot of people who come here from Muslim countries are psychologically damaged.” He buttressed his sincerity in wishing to “soften the party.” Compare to co-founder Nicholas Folkes, who recently left the party and began the (more) anti-Islam Party for Freedom and believes that multiculturalism is a “failed policy” that has brought “chaos to Australia.”

Similarly, the One Nation website explicitly denounces multiculturalism and multiracialism, but has members that are unaware or uncomfortable with this policy. When asked about the political line to abolish multiracialism, Rod Evans, the national contact for One Nation, replied: “I was not aware of that … I do not adhere to that policy myself.” But, along with the rest of his party, Evans believes that Australia’s primary problem is with “the radical Muslim culture”, an issue to be resolved through a policy of “deportation.”

The far right have capitalised on the issue of Islam to build an agenda of fascist and nationalist politics. Unlike 20th century fascism, the focus of the individual is located within a civilisation as opposed to a state. While the Nazi Party promoted the Aryan Germanic race, APP, One Nation and likeminded parties speak of the threats to Western civilisation. Perhaps an intellectual response to The Clash of Civilisations thesis, or a strategic impulse to work with non-Anglo European ethnic groups against the new enemy, the far right analysis of global politics is one of conflict between Islam and the West.

Just like enemy combatants setting up camp beyond no man’s land, Melanie Vassilou believes Muslims have created “ethnic enclaves in Auburn” that “make you feel like you’re in Saudi Arabia.” She sees the face veil as a risk to society, noting “paedophiles are taking advantage of the face veil.” Running for RUA in Chisholm, Victoria, she rejects the racist label: “when you speak out on the issues, you can be perceived as racist.” She notes that their leader is Sri Lankan, and, perhaps justifying her position, Jim Saleam denounces Rise Up Australia as a multiracial party.

The mainstream

But the germination of fascism lies not only in the fringe of politics, but has roots in the centre. A passing comment by Saleam on his past struck me: “our roots were in the Australian Labor Party.” The White Australia Policy attracted the monoculturalists of nationalism movement, but beyond this, the protectionist economics and belief in industrial nationalisation appeal to some of their left-wing tendencies. National Action, after all, classified themselves as National Bolsheviks, and Australia First’s Queensland Senate candidate, Peter Watson, was a former member of the ALP and Stalinist League; Jack Lang is revered by many fascist groups in Australia; and the Victorian Socialist Party, a faction of the ALP early in the 20th century, developed a fascist tendency that dissolved into the Australia First Party.

Fascist elements also reside in the periphery of the Liberal Party in the hard right, or ‘Taliban Right’ or ‘Uglies’, faction. The roots of far right nationalism in the Liberals, that often comes into contention with the classical liberal and libertarian tendencies of the party began when the Nationalist Party merged with the United Australia Party, that soon after became the Liberal Party; likewise, the Young Nationals merged into the Young Liberals.

More uncomfortable for the party is Lyenko Urbanchich. He fled from Slovenia to Australia, having been a Nazi collaborator during the Second World War. When in Australia, he founded the Liberal Ethnic Council, using recent refugees and immigrants from the Soviet Bloc to intervene in the Liberal Party. Urbanchich was an outspoken critic of the threat of “Jewish-communism.”

The hard right is, according to some accounts, the largest faction of the NSW Liberal Party; it is the spiritual homeland of Tony Abbott; and it is the philosophical foundation of the Sydney University Conservative Club, a member of which once admitted to sympathies with fascist philosophy, in particular the belief that the poor and the rich have their ordained, natural positions in society.

The streets

Although many of the early nationalists in Australia have turned to political careers, the tendency in Europe has moved towards the opposite. Golden Dawn, for instance, organises on the street through demonstrates more than it does through parliamentary processes. The British National Party (BNP) has lost appeal in England, and the English Defence League (EDL) has grown to a threatening size. It was the EDL, after all, that Anders Breivik communicated with prior to his massacre of young social democrats in vengeance against Islamic immigration.

Unlike the BNP, which sports a comprehensive conservative agenda, the EDL is particularly opposed to Islamic immigration. Note, for instance, that the EDL has a Sikh division, as well as an LGBT division. However, organisational liberalism does not hide the fascist tendencies of the movement, but instead is a tactical endeavour to build it; Italian fascism, after all, supported expanding democracy, including the universal suffrage of women, and artistic movements such as Futurism. Progressivism in some areas veils an overall reactionary agenda.

Like the EDL, the Australian Defence League (ADL) focuses specifically on Islam. But the ADL is a grassroots movement, utilising street demonstrations and mass mobilisation to affect change. My first encounter with the ADL was on a Facebook event, when a member threatened to murder me. Although most of its demonstrations are unsuccessful, it is a growing movement, one that encourages current discourses of disintegrating borders. Searching through the closed ADL Facebook group, users complain about “muzzies”, promote gun culture against Islamic immigration, and refer to Muslims and left-wingers as “scum”.

These groups are not the main organising tools of the movement, but do provide insight into the models through which ultra-nationalism and Islamophobia develop. The ADL may ultimately not be successful, but it is a glimpse into the future of reactionary activism – on the streets, in community groups, in churches and unions, at dinner parties. Skinheads and Nazis such as the Nationalist Alternative and Southern Cross Hammerskins likewise react on the streets. The old methods of the Left have been appropriated into a movement that is reacting against the supposed failure of the political class to protect Australians.

The response

Fascism is a word prolific in dusty archives but hushed in current affairs. It is a word that is historical, that is used to define the past, but one that can never happen again. We’ve moved on: fascism is passé, thrown into the dustbin of history where it pathetically lies.

But Australia is at risk of forgetting the dangers of fascism. From experience, the term ‘fascism’ is met with mockery – it is a term people define as an extreme, and Australia is seen as a country of moderation. Popular opinion divorces fascism from an intellectual history, from its philosophy, from its economic and political strategies, and from its realness.

Although there are groups and individuals that oppose fascism in Australia, they fail to make an impression in public opinion. Anarchist blogger slackbastard follows the trends of fascism in Australia, but is a lone writer. Fight Dem Back was prolific in combating racial hatred in Australia, but is effectively defunct now. Compare this to the United Kingdom, where the National Union of Students holds a policy of ‘No Platform’, where office-bearers refuse to share a stage with members of fascist organisations; or where the Conservative, Labor, and Liberal Democrats collectively oppose the BNP, citing the legacy of Churchill who was a member of all three parties; or where the organisation Unite Against Fascism regularly demonstrates against fascist groups; as do squads of anti-fascist socialists and anarchists who clash with fascists in English communities.

One could argue that the rise of fascism is not likely in Australia. But the policies – or the trajectory of policies – of many of the groups mentioned in the article, say otherwise. While not every individual in One Nation or the Australian Protectionist Party may espouse negative attitudes towards migrants or non-white Australians, there is an organisational pressure to strengthen the state, to mobilising workers against immigrants, and to isolate Australia by solidifying its borders – and military. Authoritarianism, nationalism, and, ultimately, fascism are not ghosts of the past, but real existing tendencies in Australian politics.




(edited by MMU)

Our 1000th post – One Nation’s Mike Holt supports malicious food tampering

We like to think that when we shop for food in Australia we can be sure that from the producer to the shop floor our food is safe from contaminants and malicious tampering.

Apparently not the case when the Islamophobes are on the prowl.

Take a look at this story

A 26-year-old Kingston woman will appear in court on Friday charged over an anti-Islam sticker scandal that has embroiled One Nation’s Fairfax candidate and lead to scathing criticism from the state government.

Earlier this month, a jar of coffee with its seal broken was allegedly found at a Woolworths supermarket at Underwood, south of Brisbane, featuring a sticker stating “Beware! Halal food funds terrorists”.

The stickers can be purchased from Restore Australia, whose chief executive officer is One Nation candidate Mike Holt.

The Queensland One Nation candidate remains unapologetic for selling the stickers.

You may be interested to know that the woman concerned has been charged and is appearing in Beenleigh Magistrates Court on Friday 26th July.

However Mike Holt himself has not been charged with aiding and abetting. Nice of him to let one of his fans take the flak. Really says a lot about the ethics of the nutjob right.

Mr Holt had been condemned by his Greens opponent David Knobel and LNP Member for Noosa Glen Elmes, but he is undeterred. “I say to these Greens and the member up in Noosa, ‘Get an education about the Muslim religion and what it’s all about and you will be horrified’,” Mr Holt said.

Mr Elmes condemned the stickers as “offensive, grotesque and designed to inflame hatred”. Mr Knobel described Mr Holt’s behaviour as “appalling”, adding that the “dog-whistling” style of politics should be condemned.

And perhaps you would like to know what One Nation’s founder thinks of interference with our food and with her candidate’s stance on the matter?

We actually know that “Muslim/Islam is not a race”. Judaism is not strictly speaking “a race” either though it is part of an ethnic identity. You can theoretically choose to belong to a religion but you do not have much say in your ethnicity.

However it is bigotry to attack people on the basis of their religion and in Queensland it attracts equal sanctions to racism.

So if you come across any of these contaminants you can do the following:

  • inform the supermarket manager
  • inform the company
  • report the incident to your local Council Health Inspector and your state EPA

Oh by the way there is no such thing as a “halal tax”. There is not even GST on fresh foodstuffs in Australia.

So if you have issues with what your supermarket charges for food take it up with them or do some comparison shopping like wise consumers do.

And check out our past shite of fools here

Kempsey’s Finest… Racists

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Kempsey Macleay RSL Club email contact:

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Our senior source has just come through with some more gems from the lovely Rebecca.


We’ve never heard of the “oad” before. Is it a new dance craze?

If you mean the ODE please spell it properly or GTFO.


So if you criticise a town somehow you are racist…?



And after this incoherent rant came this pearler


We just checked and none of us own a BMW or Mercedes, sadly. Nor do we sell drugs.

Maybe Rebecca and her mates can fill us in on this?

Run For Refugees and the Trolls Who Tried to Ruin it

@ASRC1 #auspol #ausmedia #run4refugees

On Sunday, October 13, the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) is holding a ‘Run for Refugees’:

On Sunday 13th October 2013 staff, volunteers and supporters of the ASRC will Run 4 Refugees for the fifth year.

This is your opportunity to join our largest fundraiser of the year, set and achieve a personal challenge and have loads of fun in the process. Get your family and friends together to make a difference.

You don’t have to be a seasoned runner or athletic in any way to join. The great thing about the Melbourne Marathon is that there are events for all levels, starting from the 3km walk. You can join as an individual, join a team or create your own team.

By participating you’ll be helping us raise much-needed funds for the ASRC and making a difference in the lives of some of our community’s most vulnerable people.

Run 4 Refugees in the Melbourne Marathon this October, and join us in standing up for asylum seekers.

For all the details visit, email or call us on 9326 6066

And if you can’t join us you can show your support and encouragement by making a donation.

(Run For Refugees Facebook Page)

This is an effort by a non-profit community based organisation to raise their own money to support those who have fled war, persecution and civil unrest to find safety and a better life. This event page was crashed by filthy smegma coated fuck-ups who are scared of non-whites.

Members of ASRC and people with refugee backgrounds were referred to as pedophiles and rapists while numerous violence and death threats were made.

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Carrie, (From the RSPCA website):

The standard for meat production in Australia is that all animals must be effectively stunned (unconscious) prior to slaughter. The most common form of halal slaughter complies with the Australian standard. The only difference between this halal-slaughter method is that it uses a reversible stunning method, while conventional humane slaughter uses an irreversible stunning method. Halal slaughter overseas may not permit stunning of the animal and this is the key difference between halal slaughter in Australia and halal slaughter in some other countries.


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Here’s Glenn Mchale aka Smokem Torana aka Beardy McShitbreath getting ready to be lunch:

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Carrie Forrest, quite literally talks shit. Oh the irony.


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Crohn’s disease, also known as Crohn syndrome and regional enteritis, is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that may affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus, causing a wide variety of symptoms. It primarily causes abdominal paindiarrhea (which may be bloody if inflammation is at its worst), vomiting (can be continuous), or weight loss, but may also cause complications outside the gastrointestinal tract such as skin rashesarthritisinflammation of the eye, tiredness, and lack of concentration.


Carrie is such a giver. She’d really like to give her infected anus disease to Muslims if she could.

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Carrie seems oblivious to the fact that her husband/boyfriend/tool-belt spent the weekend offering death threats to Muslims and talking about raping females.



Stuart Forrest aka Buzzcut Weaponchin:

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1,000 brain-dead Aussies can be wrong

Imagine over 2,000 posts on a deliberately provocative question from  shock TV current affairs programme Sunday Night regarding the tragic murder of  Trooper Lee Rigby in London.

Over 90% of the posts are bigoted repetitive rubbish. We feature but a small selection here.

What stands out is that the fact the murder took place in Britain seems to have completely escaped the motley array of ignorant bogots commenting.



What, ONE politician should be watching? Probably an Islamophobe – are you listening Cory Bernardi?

Err Kerry, WHAT dictatorship? The UK? Well some Brits may think so but we don’t think the UK has reached North Korean levels of oppression quite yet.


Umm…derr  “this man” (we assume you mean Anjem Choudary) never lived in Australia. The murder of Lee Rigby took place in Britain. Choudary is British.


Well Alyson is correct, though not for the reasons she thinks. Australia is a secular country. And we do not have an established church or any other established religious body.

The UK actually does. It is called the Church of England and 21 of its Bishops sit in the House of Lords, the upper house of the UK Parliament. There are no clerics from other religious bodies who have this privilege.

Now for the guffaw factor – Matthew fervently whispers “atleast (sic) the adl is on the way”


You mean these muppets?


Blake parades his paranoia, followed by Monika who decides the story will “outrage Aussies”. Well we do get outraged when we see a gathering of the most ignorant parading their ignorance on a public forum. Makes us wish we were in a more civilised country.

And Alex Car-name has decided that “AUSTRAILIANS” should form lynch mobs for some non-existent threat.

Now we knew it wouldn’t be too long with so much ignorance stewing before some of Australia’s least wanted turned up to join the hate-fest.

First comes the beige shirts of the (Niqi-less) APP complete with an ad for their dreary web page.


Now here’s a supporter of serial electoral rent-seeker Pauline Hanson


But she’ll collect her taxpayer funding on the way right Melanie?

Oh here’s another Hanson fan who wants the National Anthem before the news each night.

We prefer Clarke and Dawe ourselves, but perhaps we could arrange for the PM to send Noel a reel-to-reel tape in keeping with the quaintness of the sentiment.

And let’s NOT have the guns ever back in this country. Remember Port Arthur, Columbine, Virginia Tech, New Town?


And here’s an old “pal” we featured a while back. Still an extremist nutjob spouting lies.


It looks like Cassandra is bedazzled by yet another foreign extremist.


Hate to bust your romantic balloon Cassandra, but Wilders is a bigot.  And his party has actually lost support.


So here’s Scott Moerland again, promoting an extremist far right party with an extremist far right founder in the form of the notorious Christian preacher Danny Nalliah.

It was only a matter of time before “Debski Bebski”, intimate friend of a range of trolls, fronted up to give her 2 cents worth of homespun theology. And 2 cents is all it is worth.


We’d like to suggest that “Debski” gives up on the amateur theology and withdraws from bigotry.

Here's "Debski" AKA Deborah Daldy of Western Sydney. She likes walks on the beach and blatant bigotry.

Here’s “Debski” AKA Deborah Daldy of Western Sydney. She likes walks on the beach and blatant bigotry.

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