How to try and intimidate anti-racists on Facebook…failure guaranteed

mud filled brain nazi.gifAn activist blogger we know recently wrote:


More threats
As some of you may know I have been censoring the posts of a serial pest who makes anti-Muslim and racist comments and has in the past threatened me. He has posted again saying that the next time he is in my area – he names my street – he’ll ‘drop in to say g’day’. Clearly this is an attempt to further intimidate me. If anything happens to me or my family here are his details to provide to police.  jack  He has a druid name email at txc.

We know these tactics only too well.

To help him out, we’ve given him an approximate location for his stalker. It’s a nice little town just south of Adelaide. A pity that the swamp dwellers have reached there.

IP Address:
ISP:                   Exetel
Region:         Strathalbyn (AU)

And we have actually passed these details on to the blogger so he can contact SA Police. They may help make life uncomfortable for his stalker.

So on with the (freak) show

Preamble for the failures

We’ll keep it simple for racists and bigots. We know they are not too bright. In fact they are so dumb they think that the First Amendment of the US Constitution is the law of the land in Australia.

Hate to tell them this – it is not. So when they see hate groups in the US like the Westboro Baptist Church spouting bigotry and try and do so here they are potentially liable for legal action.

You see the First Amendment was written around 1776 by a bunch of well-off  white farmers and lawyers in the American colonies who were (rightfully) pissed off that they were not allowed to have a free press which could criticise the government, unlike the colonial power itself, England.

That’s all. It is not the 11th Commandment brought down from cardboard Hollywood Sinai  by Charlton Heston Moses. In fact it has probably been challenged in the courts more than any other provisions of the US Bill of Rights, simply because as long as you put up such a seemingly admirable law, you are going to have nutjobs, cranks and loathsome haters who will abuse it.

“This is the First Amendment – I think. Either that or I picked up Jesus’s shopping list by mistake.”

10 ways to be bigger failures than you already are

  1. Make a defamatory Facebook group or groups targeting someone you think is running an anti-racist group. It doesn’t matter if you are wrong, in your universe the far right is never wrong. After all in their cargo cult  Pauline Hanson and John Howard are going to return bringing Centrelink payments and a gas-guzzling SUV for all.
"We don't like it"

“We don’t like it”

And remember no matter how big the anti-racist group is only one person runs it even if the group profile shows a dozen or more admins. They “must” be all fake profiles.

  1. When you are not copy-pasting boring hate-filled shite make screenshots of posts at the anti-racist group followed by nasty comments about the poster’s gender, age,  appearance and sexuality. And remember they are all Muslims. It doesn’t matter that they mostly are not. So while all the real Muslims are working out in the community keeping the economy ticking over you can keep hardened up from your bedroom at Mum’s or the cheap caravan in some one horse town by insulting and vilifying the false Muslims.

You are all Muslim woman (sic)

  1. Steal some photos, preferably from young women. Have a particular gloat over the ones where someone’s partner is featured, particularly if the partner is either of a different ethnic group or is same-sex. Comment negatively on the victim or their partner’s age, height, weight or fuckability, notwithstanding the last time you had a root would be when you managed to save up enough to give a bad time to the local sex workers. They ended up charging you extra woody time, a boredom allowance and they complained to Fair Work Australia.

Bonus bogot points for pics of parents or grandparents. Especially if they have recently died or are terminally ill.

  1. Because every anti-racist must be Muslim, grab some random pics of people who are Muslim or who “look Muslim”. Doesn’t matter if they are or not – facts don’t matter in Bogotopia. It’s all about feelings. And bogot psychotic episodes feelings are always paramount right?

  1. Remember the Aboriginals are very dangerous, mainly because they were here first and they often don’t look like you. So spend a lot of online adrenalin pointing out all the things they have that you don’t … like…ah…adequate housing, proper medical services, adequate educational facilities, decent jobs? Also remind them that the Apology has nothing to do with you because you weren’t born when blah blah blah….

  1. Make up some lame humourless memes using pictures of Aboriginal elders disrespectfully or pictures of people sitting in town camps (remember Aboriginal people are always old, all live in rural or remote areas, all live in town camps and they are always sitting around) pointing out their supposed drinking, substance abuse, violence etc – never mind that Aboriginal people actually have lower levels of drinking on the whole than do other groups.

And we are still waiting for the first child abuse prosecution under the Intervention.

  1. In your crazed crusade against innocent Australian Muslims don’t forget to post hundreds of false rumours, conspiracy theories, xenophobic rants, pseudo-histories and Photoshopped pictures of bloody and dismembered corpses, preferably sourced from disreputable foreign websites which are tarted up by their resident web-person to look like “respectable” news sites. Add to that deliberate misinterpretations of actual file pictures and the dreaded Photoshams (the notorious Palestinian “child brides” who are not child brides and the woman supposedly beheaded while buried in sand being favourites). Don’t be perturbed when someone points out the sinister resemblance between your activities and the scurrilous hate propaganda disseminated for centuries against the Jews.

  1. Ignore all references to factual information on scam-busters by Hoaxslayer,, Loonwatch and in Sandi Logan’s letter to the media regarding asylum seeker entitlements. In Bogotopia facts do not exist.

  1. Because even your tiny minds dimly comprehend that notwithstanding (3) there are no facts which will justify your hatred and xenophobia, troll anti-racists sites with your rubbish and post in CAPITAL LETTERS with lots of swear words. This is supposed to scare people and makes up for a complete inability to provide debating points.

      1. When all else fails threaten anti-racists with lawyers and “suites” (or was that lawyers in suits), forgetting that firstly


and secondly
it is entirely likely that at least some of the anti-racists you target might actually know lots of stuff including the law.

And by that we don’t mean “being known to  police” – which is definitely the case with the racist bogots.

Though we could actually do with some new lounge or dining room suites. ASIO  Mossad  the CIA don’t pay us too well since the GFC.

This will happen

This will happen

Did Aboriginals Deserve an Apology? – “This is not a racist page”



Kevin Rudd apologised as Prime Minister at the time on behalf of the government and people of Australia. Whether he was around during the period of the Stolen Generations or not is irrelevant.


Indigenous reactions to the Apology were positive. Indigenous people were not concerned whether Rudd had been “around” or not,  just that he was there as Prime Minister representing the government and the nation.


Oh and we know of no Indigenous people, alive or dead, who were or are “grateful” for being snatched away from their families. The anonymous admin of that page must live in another universe!


“He makes white Australians feel uncomfortable”



The Stupidity Award for Facebook Racism has to go to Jarrod Schaub


WRONG you cretin. Indigenous people have lived here for more than 40 000 years.

And guess what fuckwit!  The Chinese had an empire and an advanced civilisation for thousands of years and invented many things we still use but had no glass.



And they were even kind enough to invent the foldable umbrella for Jarrod’s European ancestors who obviously couldn’t manage it themselves.


And it gets better – or worse.

Jarrod is not the end of the dregs there. Take a look at “Mark Whiteman” who likes to grab the profile pics of people who dare to disagree with him and misuse them.

Sound familiar?

It’s something that goes with far right nutzi politics because when they get out in the real world they find their political nutjobbery has nothing to offer.

It is much easier for them to bully and intimidate young Aboriginal women for instance.



We are fairly sure that the real owner of that picture, State of Michigan political analyst Marlon Brown, who is an African-American albino, would not be too impressed by knowing that a white supremacist was misusing his photograph.

We know where to contact Marlon and we’ll be letting him know.

Joining “Mark” for some tag team bullying action is Chris Smith.



Yeah we know that Chris. You have quite a track record.

Chris Smith 1

This might have been at the Sandringham Hotel in Newtown where him and his motley crew like to hang out despite all the gay leftie greenies who are thick on the ground in that part of Sydney.

Chris has been in the neo-Nazi scene for a long time with a bunch of fellow fantasists called Volksfront.  That is, when he’s not fronting the beak at Penrith Court.

So is Did Aboriginals Deserve an Apology? a racist page?

Oh yes indeed!


Slackbastard blog is a mine of information on far right fringe groups and their antics

Law and Order: Not-so-special-victims

Racist, Gun-Toting, Dopey Australian Embarrassments

Yeah um, no. Refugees do not get more money than pensioners. Here’s the proof:

1. How do you remove people who follow a religion from society? Wouldn’t people just start lying about their religion if Gerard went on a deportation witch hunt? It’s all well and good to want to eliminate people from society… actually, no, it’s not. But Gerard would choose to overlook other dregs just so he can carry out his xenophobic and bigoted whitewash.

2. Does Gerard realise that the vast majority of illegal immigrants are those who fly here and overstay their Visas? There are over 80,000 of these ‘illegals’ in our country right now.

3. Does someone want to let Gerard Scaballagher that Aboriginal people are not the only people who are entitled to financial and housing assistance? As for free cars – WTF?

One day, like so many children-of-bogan-arse-hats, these two children will grow up and wish that daddy hadn’t acted like a complete bell-end on a public social media website using a photo of them in his profile picture.

Meet John Atherton. He’s now into his 4th marriage (no lie – check his Facebook profile out). He’s into fucking up his life and then blaming non-whites. Obviously didn’t get much out of his Catholic education.

Ed McDonald: “Like it, love it. Should have pushed his baton through his ears and picked the scum up by the handles”

(Is that the kind of comment that should be made by someone in the defence force? The kind of guy we give guns to?)

juxtaposition |ˌdʒʌkstəpəˈzɪʃ(ə)


the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect: the juxtaposition of these two images, ie. a racist gun-owner and his beauty therapist dog wife/sister.

Joseph White: “If I was the copper I would blow a hole in the top of his fuckin head”

Community Alerts Page Warns Against Aboriginal People and ‘Muslim Churches’

Burdekin Alerts is a community ‘alerts’ page on Facebook. It purports to report every mundane activity relevant to the area and not suprisingly receives low levels of public interest. You can view the page here.

But a few posts got our attention. The first talks about a story about how a ‘good white kid’ saved an elderly man from having his medals stolen by some ‘abooriginal [sic] kids’ who were harassing an old lady. The second post is a wild attempt to incense the community into outrage over the proposed building of a Muslim ‘church’.

None of the ‘alerts’ this page provides have any link to actual news reports, police statements or anything factual whatsoever. But why should they get minor details like that get in the way of the truth? Especially when they’re providing a service to a miniscule redneck audience.

More From the Protectionist Pathetics

Peter Hinds describes Australia’s skills shortage as a myth, while Darrin Hodges explains that any migration to Australia should be for non-blacks only, based on… um…

Jack Stone tries to comment on a specific event by intimating that Aboriginals in general are over-compensated, criminal scum, while Nicholas Folkes talks about his poo stains while simultaneously eluding to the fact that white people are the ‘normal’ people.

Nicholas Folkes focuses on a singular ethnic group while talking about over-population in a country that ‘struggles’ with 2.66 people per every square kilometre. Krystal Lee throws in an irrelevant comment about another country’s immigration needs while Paul Hayman strokes her ego.

No wonder this ‘political party’ can’t find a foothold in parliament. Their smartest are thicker than our society’s thickest.

Natalie Brooks on How To Live Up To Your Stereotype

Natalie Brooks thinks Aboriginals are disgusting scum who are living up to a stereotype when they commit crime. How do stereotypes become perpetuated again? Hmm?

Yeah, you’re a racist Natalie, and that makes you scum.
