The Day I Had to Tell My Daughter About Unnatural, Abnormal Homosexuals

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The homosexuality debate will be one for the ages. Without even factoring in the same-sex marriage football, we are still, around the world, witnessing stupid, stupid people climbing over themselves to tell us how wrong (morally and naturally) homosexuality is. It’s not like this post is going to tell you anything new, but it might just change your perspective.

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The excerpt at the top of the page was taken from Melissa Dereberry’s blog. If you can be bothered trudging through the rest of her stagnant ramblings, you’ll see that she’s a self-congratulatory, award-winning author who is generally concerned and somewhat primarily occupied about children’s issues. Just reading this particular entry got me thinking however: what kind of child-blog typing parent has an eight year old who doesn’t know what homosexuality is? Has this child seriously been sheltered from the concept for this long? Has this child never heard the word ‘gay’ before or even considered the idea of same sex people loving each other? Obviously not. Because a ‘nice’ moment (watching TV at midnight together) was suddenly not a nice moment, because mother now has to teach her daughter about gays.

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So we get to paragraph two, and the ‘I have nothing against gays’ line comes in. Being a God-is-great-and-I-am-full-of-love-for-all-except-those-like-me skeptic, I immediately scan the text for the word ‘but’, or ‘however’. I found it. And it was coupled with some emotive words, highlighted there for you to see. What can we glean from Melissa’s perspective at this point? Well it would seem that she believes that homosexuals are free to be homosexuals as long as they do their business away from the public eye, as that would force concerned parents to have to explain to their children how a person can love another person. See, once a parent has had an opportunity to explain that homosexuality is just not right at all, then the child will be more intellectually prepared and therefore less likely to have an emotional episode if it’s sprung on them while watching the box.

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This is the part where the aforementioned ‘however’ really takes effect. Melissa Dereberry has nothing against homosexuals, but they’re just not normal or natural, and they don’t fit into the natural order of the universe. Pretty harsh words from someone who has nothing against them. I would love to be a fly on the wall as she tells her supposed many homosexual friends that they’re not normal or natural and that they don’t fit in.

Now, the first of Melissa’s arguments against the normality of homosexuals is because well, god dammit there just ain’t that many of ’em. They just ain’t the norm. I guess that would also suggest that pandas aren’t normal. I guess that would also suggest that men and women who remain celibate prior to marriage are also abnormal.

Next, she demands ‘science’ prove that homosexuals live in fear of being discriminated against if they come out. Along with the obvious chortling that accompanies a goofball God-girl asking for scientific proof of something comes the shocking reality that all across the world this is overwhelmingly the truth – especially in countries where being gay equates to a death sentence. In Australia alone, A 2008 study of found that nearly one in seven reported living in fear of homophobic violence. This fear was justified in that nearly 85% of respondents had been subjected to some form of homophobic violence or harassment in their lifetimes and one in two had experienced homophobic harassment or other non-physical abuse in the past two years. (Source)

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But here comes the big one. The oft-pushed argument that homosexuality is unnatural because homosexuals can’t produce and that there was Adam and Eve – not Adam and Steve. What a crock of shit. In the United States, a Pastor Worley of the Providence Road Baptist Church was quoted as saying that homosexuals should be caged behind electrified fences until they died out. Now, the logic behind this was that none of the gays would be able to procreate behind there and that eventually the homosexuals would die out. Of course, what the Pastor and our own Melissa Dereberry fail to recognise is that not only is ‘God’ producing gay people each and every day, as ‘He’ has done since the beginning of time, but those children are born to straight parents. Gay parents do not create gay children, no. Straight parents do. Why, in a world that is at dire risk of over-population, where millions live in poverty and without access to basic needs like food and water, does Melissa place such emphasis on the need for human beings to reproduce? Does she see celibate nuns as unnatural? Does she see women who cannot fall pregnant as abnormal? What about men who have low sperm count? How about selectively and non-voluntarily single people? What about those in relationships that do not want children? How about those who have given birth to stillborn children? Are all of these people failing to ‘fit into the natural order of the Universe’?

Look, don’t get Melissa wrong. She believes in free speech (not sure why she brought that up), but as soon as it ‘incites confusion’ in a child? Well that’s where Melissa draws the line. Can you imagine the educational journey of this woman’s child? Every single time this little petal sees something that confuses or offends her her mother, the ol’ Deneberry blog is going to kick right into gear and the American constitutional right to ‘freedom of speech’ is going to be used without a word of hesitation.

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Next, in one swift flick of her fingers, Melissa has compared same sex love to ‘eruptions’ of foul language and then spoken of how the naked female body should not be seen. I’m starting to get a good idea of what the inside of Melissa Dereberry’s daugher’s head is looking like. No wonder the poor child is confused. No, wait, hold on – the child’s only question about homosexuality to date has been in response to seeing two males kissing “Mom, they both looked like boys.” The dropkick parent has since spoken about being ‘speechless’, but we are all starting to see that the concept and reality of speechlessness are starkly different. This rancid woman has much to say on the topic and you can bet your bottom dollar that if she’s stupid enough to spout her nonsense on her shitty blog, then she’s stupid enough to espouse her values upon her poor, innocent child as well. Parent of the fucking year.

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The gentle subtlety seeps through. Homosexuality is a choice. Yeah right. Did you choose to find the father of your children more attractive than females, Melissa? Did he choose to bump uglies with you instead of doing the horizontal folk dance with a dude named Dave from the bar? What will you do if your child ‘chooses’ not to be interested in the sexual company of the opposite sex one day? Will you tell her that it’s fine, and that she should ‘feel free’? May I ask though, how free does a person feel when they are told to celebrate their love and marriage behind closed doors only? Is that freedom? Or are we just pandering to your insecurities? I’ll tell you right now that your child is far more prepared to digest and process the simple notion of same-sex love than you are. You have prattled on with gay abandon the kind of passive-aggressive slander that your children will one day be shameful of. How dare you suggest that homosexuality is a choice that people freely make: a choice that people make without fear of persecution and discrimination? How dare you suggest that being gay is as offensive as swearing loudly in a park – something that is actually offensive and confusing for a child? How dare you suggest that gay people have no right to feel oppressed because they have the support of bigots like you who will give them what they want so long as you don’t have to fucking look at it?

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A few things for you to consider, Melissa:

* Gays usually do understand their feelings. It’s the attitudes displayed by specimens of human chloroform like yourself that they find difficult to understand;

* People are born gay – it’s not something that you need to be ‘sure about’. Many people don’t recognise their sexuality until their late teens because sexuality itself is a new concept – regardless of the names and reasons for the people you’re seasoning;

* You may not think that the very real problems that homosexuals (and transsexuals and bisexuals) face exist but they do. The issue of homosexuality is mainstream conversation now, whether you like it or not. Craptacular blog posts like yours add to the debate too, whether I like it or not. And what your messages do is they reach out to gay people and find them in their hours of loneliness. When you tell your global audience (I’m writing to you from Australia FFS) that they are unnatural and offensive to adults and children, and that their freedom should only be extended to the insides of their houses, you are telling them that they do not belong in our world. You are no better than the Taliban in this respect.

* You may not understand why the prospect of ‘social punishment’ is so real for some people and not so much for others, and you may not understand why children, who are born without feelings of discrimination would use homosexuality as a target to hurl hatred towards, but I will tell you now that children listen to their parents. And their parents read blogs from respectable good Christians like your fine self. And that is just the tip of the iceberg as to how this world revolves.

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Note the key emotive platforms: children, education, television, legislation.

So to Melissa, I can only hope that one day your child teaches you a thing or two. It seems you have no issue with your friend douchebag Myers (Blue BOmb) sticking up for you in such a rational way. Both of you are stunning examples of mental incapacity and your words will be immortalised forever.

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Australian Nazi Collective

Just the tip of the iceberg ladies and gentlemen…

No Svengali with this Trilby

Are you sitting comfortably?

At the beginning of last century there was a fashion for lurid Gothic novels usually featuring an innocent young girl ensnared by the hypnotic powers of a charismatic and diabolical mentor. The practice of hypnotism was in its infancy and the ability to apparently control minds was regarded with awe.

The most famous of these was George du Maurier’s Svengali. It was filmed several times, the most famous version being in 1931.

Early Trilby

Let us introduce Trilby Steinberger who seems to have managed to incorporate delusions and diabolical behaviour into her repertoire without the need for any assistance from a charismatic mesmerist. Unless of course you think it is Luke Jenkins.

The plot thickens

Trilby Steinberger

There’s Trilby at the local watering hole with friends. We have edited the friends out of the shot.

Now how do we know about this Trilby? Seems her Facebook friends are quite happy to let us know about her.

Trilby outed

We’ll let Trilby’s odd self-description pass for now. If she wants to characterise herself as a murderous purple Dalek then she can do so.

And Trilby’s good friend Daniel typically follows his heads-up with a gratuitous swipe at Indigenous people.

On yet another occasion a friend’s enthusiasm overcomes his(?) discretion. Trilby must be some woman.

Trilby outed again

And here’s another enthusiastic fan named Kevin Huggins. Great to see that such a consummate artist has such caring friends.

Trilby and Kevin

Here’s Trilby having an intimate tête-à-tête with Facebook bore and well-known Sydney businessman Allan Ellison “Jarrod Devan”.

Intimate moment with "Jarrod"

So now Trilby admits she is the artist formerly known to us as Batty Burqa. In fact so enchanted is she by this fake profile she is chatting to she forgets to delete the conversation – oh well.

We figure that “Paul” refers to Paul Toohey, lately outed by one of his own as a part of  “John Harris”. The arse end of the Centipede no doubt.

Confession time

But wait…what is going on here? Has Arse End disappointed Trills in some way? Has the whole Centipede slithered away?

Denial from Trilby

And the implication that she knows Sergio? – well Sergio loves meeting people for coffee and actually invited one of us, though we at TAB have better things to do – like watching Inglourious Basterds once again to remember how to really deal with Fascists.

"Jarrod" gets cosy with Trilby

Well that anti-Muslim page is one of her hate pages despite her constant denials that she is racist or bigoted. Such as this one.

Not racist but...

No doubt Trilby is keen to be seen by people as being normal. A normal bogot that is. And note the comment by oxygen thief Andy Watts.

Of course Trills manages to contradict herself elsewhere, but we are all getting used to that.

Don’t know which “moron” Trills is referring to since she seems to be surrounded by quite a collection of them.


Though it is rather disturbing to realise that she sees green maggots overrunning her pages. With fake profiles of themselves too.


Sorry to disappoint you Trills but maggots are white – so perhaps you need to clean up your 38 members? Get rid of the white maggots?

Now Trilby and friends get down to some serious stalking.


Now we have never figured out why racists like “Julia Munnrow” would be interested in the personal details of anti-racists.

Are they going to report them to the law for being anti-racists?  Nooo

Are these people going to be publicly embarrassed by being named as anti-racists? Nooo

Are these people going to be shunned by the community for being anti-racists? No, far from it.

Will “Julia Munnrow” and her kind stalk and harass them? Most likely. In fact they have done so already.

Replete with the skills obtained in her TAFE Photoshopping Photography course, Trills is happy to prominently display her very own personal gallery. In this presentation of Trilby’s artistry we have edited out photos stolen from the profiles of people who have offended the bogot community by actually disagreeing with them.

Here’s Trills and her mates workshopping the collection

Trills workshop

Art conoisseur Jude Billman Milly Knight “Mardi Templar” gives Trills the benefit of her expertise gleaned from hanging around hate sites and making inane comments.

However Trills and her cronies are not exactly burdened with the weight of high ethical standards – the same old pics have been splashed enthusiastically around every conceivable hate group. This is just a sample.

Stupidity sample2

And while resting from her efforts to promote racism and bigotry she also manages to have a swipe at people who don’t like Tony Abbott – thus showing that criticism of politicians is not allowed in her strange little world despite the constant clamour of the bogots for “freedom of speech”.

And we do not think for a moment that Tony Abbott would welcome her as a supporter. Especially when she is accompanied by armchair Brownshirt Andrew Watts.

Stupidity sample

Meanwhile, back at Stalk Central, Aaron Cross of the Ryde area is getting very excited about the Antibogans being mentioned on the neo-Nazi site known to us here as Witless Towers.

At that stage Trills, as always showing her peerless artistic taste, had assumed the profile picture of the late shoe-throwing activist Peter (surname redacted) who has recently and tragically died of cancer.

Trilby and the Nazis

Aaron had decided to call the person he assumed was the “chief Antibogan” and by his own admission had continued to make nuisance calls to the person’s phone. Trills certainly keeps delightful company.

And Trill’s reaction? Apart from calling the victim a “fag”?

Advocates stalking

And speaking of ethics take a look at this

Trilby double standards

Posting people’s photos? What was that again about “double standards”? So it is OK in Trill’s dystopia to do one thing then to condemn others for allegedly doing the same?

There’s that obsessive sense of entitlement all these racist bigots have rearing its ugly head again.

Trilby double standards 2

One project obsessing this little band of bigots artists is the continual spamming of a video of someone they do not like. We are not sure what this is meant to achieve. There is no point in undertaking dumb childish revenge fantasies art works unless someone is interested in seeing them. I mean, does anyone want to watch endless repeats of TV shows which were not all that good the first time around?

Defamatory content

And now for the crowning artistic achievement. Covered in pirated photographs triumphantly displayed by Trills, Centipede and other members of their artists’ collective, with obvious and lovingly executed works from the great artist itself comes this exquisite piece.

Trilby is a member

Note Trilby’s enthusiastic embrace of this scurrilous and defamatory group.

And here is the most bizarre aspect of the lot.

As an additional titillation for her 38 white maggots, and obviously seeking to recruit more fans, Trills managed to create by her own admission a defamatory dating profile of the targeted male anti-racist as revenge for a defamatory dating profile created by a female acquaintance of hers in 2008 who is completely unrelated to any of the events outlined here.

Confused? Yes, we are too. A search of the DSM IV failed to find a particular psychiatric disorder which applied here.

Made by a psycho

But in case Trills is having second thoughts this has been reported to the police, to our entourage of public interest lawyers who work for us pro bono and the website owner has been informed of his obligations under the US Communications Decency Act (1996).


The Human Centipede- “John Harris” Exposed

Village of the Damned

Extortion is an ugly word

Of all the stupid things

Should we name and shame online racists?

ASIO, Fascists and anti-Fascism

Facebook Threats of Violence and Destruction

NSW Poolice are a funny bunch, aren’t they? They certainly take Facebook comments seriously when they come from a bloke calling himself ‘Khaled’…

But this came through to our blog earlier this morning from a user calling himself ‘timmy mcveigh’, using the email (no surrender; and 1488 is a Nazi reference)…

Of course, you might be wondering – what kind of dipshit makes up an email address like that. Well here he is:

And if NSW Police are interested, there’s been death threats and bomb threats happening on Facebook on a DAILY basis. And a lot of these comments still remain publicly accessible, in open Facebook groups and pages. It really makes you wonder about ethnic profiling and what good it does.

Let’s be perfectly clear about this – if a terrorist had wanted to cause mayhem in Sydney, how hard would it be for him to get on a crowded peak-hour train? No heavy security at any train stations I know of. How hard would it be to walk across the Harbour Bridge or inside the Sydney Opera House wearing a bomb? No heavy security there.  Anti Terrorism measures are PURE BULLSHIT. If somebody had wanted to do something, they would have done it by now. Big Brother doesn’t sit everywhere.

If we really want to eliminate terrorism, we need to stop giving extremists a reason to exist. Embrace human rights, and the right for all human beings to practice their faith while living in adherence to each country’s laws, and mutual respect is born.

Live and let live.

But take a look at what the Kleagle was up to soon after leaving school…

Chris Smith, like so many here, has criminal charges to his name. Email us for his parole officer’s phone number if you wish.

(Another Australian Defence Force representative)

But wait…

paul toohey record

“…the laws…changed to protect us and allow us to carry out poofter bashings”


Further evidence of racism going hand-in-hand with homophobia:






You’re in Australia: Speak English!

HIGH schools with a high proportion of students from migrant families dominate the top 10 performers in the national literacy and numeracy tests.

An analysis by The Sun-Herald of top performers in the year 9 NAPLAN tests shows that not only do selective high schools top Higher School Certificate results, they are topping the basic skills tests in reading, writing, spelling, punctuation, grammar and numeracy.

More than 85 per cent of students at seven of the 10 top achievers in the HSC come from homes where a language other than English is spoken. All seven schools are also in the top 10 achievers in NAPLAN test results.

The data is based on information provided on the federal government’s My School website, which was launched on Friday.

It shows 97 per cent of students at James Ruse Agricultural High School, which has topped every NAPLAN test and HSC results for more than a decade, are from non-English-speaking backgrounds.


Now… Let’s compare the literacy and numeracy skills of those with Language Backgrounds Other Than English (LBOTE) with some home grown patriotic Aussies who have no problems bad mouthing immigrants:

Why Do They Call Us Racist?? Waaaaah!

Um, we call you racists because…:
(Note: If you were wondering why so often we categorise racism with Islamaphobia, you only need to read a few of these to understand why).

Hitler: Australia’s Preferred Prime Minister

Despite mass media often denying that there are KKK and neo-Nazi remnants in Australia, we constantly find very public evidence of it.

And it seems that the kind of people shown above generally don’t like Kevin Rudd because of his immigration policies. John Howard accepted more immigrants per year into Australia than ‘Krudd’, but this fun fact is widely ignored.

Funny how these people find that accepting immigrants into our society is more detrimental than violently abusing, threatening and killing people based on their country of origin.

Below are just a handful of some of the members of the (above) group):

Shameful, Inhumane Australians

Below are comments from real Australians, most of whom would never have even met a refugee. And if they had, they wouldn’t even know it. Refugees/Asylum seekers are real people with families, fleeing countries for fear of violence and persecution. They do not have the luxury of browsing the Internet in their lounge rooms with a cup of coffee, checking out idyllic places to casually move their families. They can’t simply pop down to the post office/immigration office and say that they were thinking of leaving the country. The situation in various parts of the world is not too dissimilar to the regime of the Nazis. The role played by people smugglers is not too dissimilar to the Germans who housed and protected fleeing Jews, the only difference being the fact that they are charging money for the very fact that they themselves are risking their own lives to help others. And rather than show any form of compassion to these people, these survivors, who have pooled all of their belongings just to finance a chance to get one or two family members onto a boat that might not even make it out of the country, Australians are laughing at their plight and demanding that they be shot and killed, and left to drown in icy waters. Imagine if it was a boatload of horses… Racist Aussies tend to feel better about their racism by identifying with a balancing humanity cause, such as being anti-animal cruelty, or anti-child abuse. And their excuse for being so cold-hearted in their demands for human casualties? Apparently all of the people in the boats are terrorists. Ignoring the fact that terrorists are generally people with money, contacts and plane tickets, and that over 90% of Asylum seekers are found to be genuinely fleeing inhumanity, some Australians refuse to give a shit.

And while it seems to be perfectly acceptable to demand that boat people are killed, I would find it perfectly acceptable that these people who voice these opinions are locked up, as they are dangerous minded individuals – many of whom in charge of raising children. Absolutely fucking disgusting.

Please refrain from punching your computer screen when you get to the bottom of these comments. The sad thing is that this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg. Not even close. Theantibogan files are overflowing in the thousands from screenshots captured and emails from concerned citizens around Australia.

Sorry you had to see this. Regretful that this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg.