Ban the Burqa? Anti-Islam (Aussie Pride) Rears Its Ugly Head Again

The question of whether or not Australia should ban the burqa has once again come to the media forefront, and despite living in a peaceful society in which freedom of culture and religion have been the norm for decades, frightened and aggressive Australian racists have allowed their Islamophobic opinions to overcome any hint of rationality that might have otherwise been.

A recent story in the news was the decision of a Melbourne swimming pool to accommodate a dress code requested by a small group of Muslim swimming enthusiasts.

Note: The restriction would apply only in August of next year, for two hours in the evening, for one night. While you’re reading some of the intolerant, outraged rants of concerned Australians, just keep in mind that this applied dress code was imposed after regular pool opening hours, at night, in Winter. I’ve never seen Australians using public pools on cold Winter nights, have you?

Secondly, the dress code wasn’t mandatory burqas, like a lot of these bogans are complaining about. It was T-shirts and board shorts. It was a request that shoulders and knees were covered, and that’s all.









The following is a publicly posted email sent to the swimming pool in question. Make sure you read to the bottom of this bogan twat’s email where she threatens a ‘huge demonstration’ from outraged Australians.


Australians have already mistakenly assumed that their swimming pools were being taken from them by ‘Islamist mayors’ – be aware that this isn’t the first explosion of mass delusion. Serial right-wing radio pest Alan Jones hyped the hopelessly critically inept bogans up with a story about a swimming pool in Auburn that was apparently closing its doors to non-Muslims. Just like the story above regarding the Dandenong Oasis Swimming Pool in Melbourne, the dress code sessions were open to anyone as long as they followed the slightly altered dress code (t-shirts and board shorts), and the sessions ran once a week, for one month, in the middle of Winter.

Read about it here:

So, this is now the second time that racist Australians have got their bikinis and budgie smugglers in a knot over a small group of Muslims wanting a swimming pool dress code applied for a few nights in Winter. Neither of the pools closed their doors to non-Muslims.

And whenever some sensationalist anti-Muslim hoax comes to light, dead shit Australians come out of the woodwork to speak of their vile hatred for Muslims, thinking that their choice of words is completely acceptable under the guise of some kind of patriotic freedom of speech and a desire to ‘protect’ our country from these terrorists.




(Did this arse hat just identify an alleged Muslim goal of making Australia a Muslim country in the next 10 years? Wonder where he got that gem from… Considering Muslims have been in Australia for over a hundred years, and that the current percentage of Australian citizens practicing the religion of Islam is around 1.3%…)


Note: In this misguided, ill-informed rant, Clinton made 41 spelling and grammar errors. That’s all that needs to be said at this point.




Sorry Kelvin, which laws are Muslims not abiding by in our country? And are you implying that all Australian citizens abide by the law…?



Anybody else smell a bullshit, made-up story? There’s nothing worse than a bogan who makes up stories to support ill-conceived reasons as to why her overt racism is justified.


Ummmm…. No they don’t:


Another knob-end refusing to confront these issues in a rational way. Read about this issue below:


It really is a sad state of affairs. Muslims are copping a raw deal, especially when fundamentalist crackpot Islamic leaders are the only ones mainstream media ever wants to pay any attention to. Among the atrocities Australians are willing to associate Muslims to include:

* Muslims are terrorists;

* Muslims are pedophiles;

* Muslims want Shari’a Law to rule Australia;

* Muslims are taking over the population;

* Asylum seekers are all Muslims;

* Muslims want to cancel Christmas;

* Muslims want to rape women who walk around in bikinis;

* Muslim husbands all beat their wives;

* Muslims want to close swimming pools;

* Muslims refuse to participate in Australian society.

All complete bullshit.

Feel free to peruse the rest of our website for more eye roll-worthy posts. Here are a few recent posts worth reading:


203 thoughts on “Ban the Burqa? Anti-Islam (Aussie Pride) Rears Its Ugly Head Again

  1. Fuck, this makes me angry. These degenerates left the garden too early, as Bill Hicks would have put it. Once they actually know what they’re talking about, THEN they should be able to make proper judgement. And their opinions certanly won’t be the same once they know.

  2. I just can’t believe how racist some Australians are still. Mostly young people too… Are you so naive that you just believe EVERYTHING your bigot parents and peers tell you?? Do
    some research and educate yourselves. Your violent and hatred rants are
    sickening to us Australians that welcome other cultures.

    • I can’t believe how stupid the author of this drivel is.
      Do they even know the meaning of the term “racist”?????
      You cannot be racist again a religion, or in this case, a cult.

      This is just another piece of muslim propaganda.

      • In regards to the Racial Discrimination Act 1975:

        The Act renders unlawful racial, sexual and other types of discrimination in certain circumstances and promotes equality of opportunity for all people.

        The Act covers the following types of discrimination:

        * Sex (including breastfeeding, pregnancy and sexual harassment)
        * Disability (including past, present or future disability and also includes actual or perceived HIV status)
        * Race (including ethno-religion)
        * Homosexuality (actual or perceived)
        * Marital or domestic status
        * Age (present or future)
        * Transgender (including transsexuality)
        * Carer’s responsibilities (but only within employment).

        You will see that race includes ethno religion.

        You can in fact be racist when you attack individuals that come from Islamic countries because of the acts of other individuals from the same country. You can in fact be racist when you attack people on the basis of the country they originate from, or on the basis of the religion of their primary country, or on the religion that they are associated with.

        If you cannot see the discrimination in labelling all people who belong to a race or a religion as being the same as those who seek to give their race or religion a bad name, then you’re the stupid one. I’m sure that Catholics hate being called pedophiles.

  3. The ban the burqa in Australia FB page seems to be dominated by Paul Toohey and Christopher O’reilly who have a very organised agenda between them. I have been barred from the page four times with different names as a result of arguing against their nonsense – to be honest I may have been slightly rude to some of them :-). They are now suggesting that people moderate their language to avoid the page being shut down should the authorities look at it. Might be related to me telling them that I was sending the link to media outlets and AHRC – which I have now done.

  4. Oh and another comment from our little dutch boy Zeb Haas. This also makes me angry!!! I can’t stand racism. Nor the retards that spout this crap from their mouths and actually believe it.

    • @Megan. “You cant stand racism” lol I suggest you re read your own comment. You don’t mind labelling people retards either. Your a funny little creature aren’t you! What is spouting from your mouth? GLASS HOUSES KIDS!

      • @MD the reason I pointed out that Zeb is a dutch boy is that he is telling the world that muslims are scum and should f**k off home when clearly if Australia didn’t allow immigration he would not be living in Australia. This in itself is not a racist comment. You trying to be smart just furthered the proof that some people are ‘retards’…and by this I do not refer to disabled people. I am sure you have heard of colloquialisms. Since retard hasn’t been used to describe people with disabilites for nigh on 20 years…it is the colloquial term used to refer to bogans/ inbreds that that have drunk their brain cells into extinction or were not dropped at birth they were thrown at a wall.

  5. Lack of communication- from any-race Australians, as well as Muslims.

    Being a Muslim woman- and choosing to refuse wearing burqa, i wish people had simply rationally accepted that any form of clothing is a woman’s choice. If to you, women in burqa seems like they are wearing rags. So be it. Just don’t wear it yourself.

    And if to me, it seems like you are being immodest by wearing bikini in public, then again- so be it. As long as i don’t do what you are doing, everything should be kool orright?

    Clothing is a woman’s choice. She can wear whatever she wants. This is common sense.

    Religion, culture, society and politics does not need to tell another human being how should they dress.

    As much as i hate burqa, i am still left zipped on banning it. You can’t ban a style of clothing. What if it’s inappropriate?- Well, who decides that?…If Muslim woman don’t have the fashion sense, well fine, call me backward, but don’t tell me leave my country.

    Sharia Law? What is sharia law?- I don’t know anythign about the Sharia Law. Oh you mean the rules and regulations in Saudi Arabia?- Hun, it is a men dominated society. And tellling you this now, there is no such thing as the”sharia law”- it is made up rubbish by men (any sick minded men) to control women- or to control other people’s mind in general.

    Rather than telling these Muslim women off, or telling them to leave their husbands and stand up for their rights, how about you help them by hearing their voice? How about you teach them that men and women are equal? Don’t just tell us to go back, we know we will have no life back in our country. Try understanding us, hear us out.

    • Well said Rida. I hope as an atheist coming from a Muslim dominated country and having lived sometime in the Middle East as a foreigner, I am a bit more enlightened to talk about the so-called Shariah Law than these drunken retards. Sharia Law is only practiced in the Middle East, specifically the GCC (Saudia Arabia etc). The whole of GCC is an absolute monarchy and comes with its evils, KSA being at the top. The rest of the Muslim world doesn’t follow the Sharia Law. Most of the countries have their constitutions formed on the basis of either the English, French, Portuguese or Italian laws depending on their exposure to these countries during the colonial era. However there is a small minority of extremists in the Muslim countries. But the only difference between them and religious fundamentalists everywhere is that they are more vocal and have the energy to practice their threats. That is it. They are not liked by the majority of Muslims.
      I was born and raised in Pakistan (everyone labels it as a terrorist nation). My whole life I have seen these extremist groups seeking to implement the KSA laws in Pakistan failing miserably in the general elections. One thing is certain, nobody likes them except the local and western media.
      Also, majority of Muslim men (we aren’t just confined to KSA, we are the second largest group in the world so please open your eyes and do a little bit of research, trust me it won’t do you any harm.) don;t consider women as inferior. I have seen women working beside men throughout my life. My own sister works in the fashion industry with leading French brands. And we come from a normal family in Pakistan. Most of the ladies in my family are working full time in desk jobs.
      I don’t believe in any religion, yet I am not stupid enough to have an opinion about a group of people just because its easy to judge them based on some random abstracts from their religious books. Gender discrimination in religious literature, you think Islam is the only one out there? Try picking up Bible someday and actually read it. You’ll be surprised.

      And yes I am a man and NO I don’t think I should decide what my mum, sister, wife or daughter should wear. I have enough worries in life than deciding their wardrobe. That is one head ache less for me. And NO, none of them wear the burqa. But we don’t judge people who do.

  6. I have a bit of a confession to make. I think I may be racist. Because, fuck, do white people make me sick. Ok, not all of them, just the xenophobes who litter their lives with ill-informed and oft misspelled garbage. How does one act like a complete and utter twat and not have any inkling of how fucking ridiculous they sound? I used to be all about open dialogues, but slowly I am turning to their blinkered way of thinking, as I begin to think of racists only in terms of sheer revulsion and unacceptance.

    • I hate racists. Full stop. I am no lefty promoting tolerance and dialogue at all. If people are willing to spout their unfounded hatred in a public way, I’m going to publicly denounce them.

  7. Personally I don’ like the burqa and I believe it represents but I’d never tell others what they can and cannot wear.

    I believe VCAT granted this exemption under Victorian ant-discrimination legislation. I’m also not a big fan of exemptions to anti-discrimination legislation on any grounds (ie the special treatment religious schools get). But I’m not stupid and pathetic enough to think it’s some huge conspiracy or that Muslims are evil.

    I think it’s sad that people cannot engage their brains before spouting such hatred. Of course, I am presuming they have one.

    • “it is absolutely shocking, shocking, that there are Muslims (or anyone) setting up large communities here and dictating what WE do, and WHEN, in OUR swimming pools!”

      Scott, you have once again completely missed the point. Though your moobs (that’s street talk for man boobs “dude”) are offensive to the eye, no-one is dictating that you cover them up when going for a swim.

      Your misguided uproar is all about a once a year, 2hour session betweem 6:15-8:15 on a winter’s evening where boardies and shirts are the minimum. That leaves you an additional 8,757 hours of the year you can get your David Hasselhoff on to your hearts content.

      You are an absolute failure at life Scott. You do your white supremacy claims no favours by ever opening your mouth and exposing your inferiority.

  8. Ten years ago Muslims were only a teeny, tiny, microscopic minority in Melbourne. That’s all it had to be and should never be otherwise.
    What’s shocking is that now there is such a massive, and growing, Muslim presence here that these issues even arise!
    It’s also staggering that dull-witted and complicent leftists here talk about the reaction by Australians to all as being “racism”. It isn’t, and it is, if you can follow.
    Islam, is not a “race” (it’s actually getting tiresome to have to explain that to leftists and liberals), although, conversely, it is a racial issue.
    For several reasons, that would take much time to go into.
    It’s staggering that multicultists actually so feverishly invite in those who would absolutely remove the freedom that they liberally take advantage of now.
    There is NO “multi-culturalism” within the Islamic world and politic…although the faith does traverse many cultures.
    There is phenomenal oppression, suppression, and subjugation of other peoples and groups by Muslims and within the Muslim world.
    It’s frightful that multicultists talk about other people “knowing what they’re talking about” before making judgements…when they have no idea about anything, at all, themselves.
    Since when, as well, did knowing about something preclude one from criticising it or aspects of it…or immediately mean it must be capitulated to?

    it is absolutely shocking, shocking, that there are Muslims (or anyone) setting up large communities here and dictating what WE do, and WHEN, in OUR swimming pools!
    They would not…repeat NOT…have anything like the same in their own countries!

    The only reason there is any Muslims or Islam outside the Arabian peninsula is due to centuries of invasion, massacre, conquering, subjugation and/or conversion of other peoples, cultures, and civilisations.

    This, at the very least, was taken in the past by military force, and people at least had the chance to defend themselves.
    As with Europe and Britain now…Australia is being given over to them “peacefully”(?).

    Simultaneously here, large groups of Hindus, the Chinese, other Asians, minority Muslim groups, African Christians, Middle Eastern Christians, and indeed divided major Muslim sects and nationalities, who all seriously dislike or despise each other, are being unwisely and unjustly brought in.
    This is a recipe for nothing but division and confrontation, and one has to seriously wonder how any of you can imagine otherwise.

    Australia is not an Islamic state!
    This situation, this issue, should not be happening AT ALL!

    • I know you’re espousing your views here Scott, but all we hear is blah blah blah, I’m a fucking spastic.

      Got any statistics from the ABS regarding the Muslim population you’d like to back up your claims with?

      Quick question: Have you ever gone swimming at Dandenong Oasis Swimming Pool after 6:15pm at night during Winter?
      Yeah, I thought so.

    • so i can’t even be bothered reading the rest of your post because once i saw the whole : “It’s also staggering that dull-witted and complicent leftists here talk about the reaction by Australians to all as being “racism”. It isn’t, and it is, if you can follow.
      Islam, is not a “race” (it’s actually getting tiresome to have to explain that to leftists and liberals), although, conversely, it is a racial issue.”
      did you not read the fourth comment on this page?
      seriously scott
      a. do your research before you spout crap on the internet whats already written before you write mindless contradictory drivel
      c. loose the cyber balls and grow some real balls

  9. I personally wear a t-shirt, shorts and a hat everytime I swim, no matter what time of year, and tolerate semi pornographic g-string clad topless bathers when ever I go to the beach (I mean, who am I to dictate what they should or shouldn’t wear?). I am a non-denominational citizen on the World. Let people be who they want to be. Stop dictating how people should lead their lives. I think it’s fantastic that a group of Islamic women want to learn to swim, and have a community support group to facilitate this. You go girls! and pass the skill onto your kids, because considering that our home is girt by sea, the ability to swim is important for ALL AUSTRALIANS! It’s interesting (and ironic) that the racist vitriol spewing from the mouths of loud minority of white Australians and not our First People (geeze the Murris, Kooris, Noongas and Nungas must be scratching their heads and laughing at all the Johnny Come Lately Whities telling non-Anglo-Saxon-Christians to go home).I think you should go back and read your bibles… perhaps starting with the ten commandments!

    • Don’t give them ideas about reading the bible!!! That’s a very dangerous book to give a right-wing, close-minded beast! They’d take it literally and start on with slavery and gay bashings… Maybe something giving them some kind of critical brain first… I dunno…An education past year 9 would probably go a long way…

      Just saying…

    • Perusing the pits of Facebook and other social networking sites…
      Not all of them know, but we wouldn’t mind if they were told. They publish their comments in the public sphere, therefore we have no problem further publicising them.

  10. I only read the first little bit of your ignorant spray Scott. It is a racial issue because I guarantee you’d judge an Arab Christian before you even realised they weren’t Muslim. You’re a racist xenophobe who if the world was a better place would be the ones we discriminate against for being such small bigot bigoted pieces of trash.

    Anyone else notice the people who were cracking the Muslim women are ugly jokes were fucking hideous themselves? Women of Arab and Persian race are generally much better looking than the white Anglo-Saxon.

    And then as usual every post was full of spelling and grammatical errors, but what can we expect from a bunch of ignorant bogans who work in places like Super Cheap Auto, Mcdonalds etc.

    • “Anyone else notice the people who were cracking the Muslim women are ugly jokes were fucking hideous themselves?”


      “Women of Arab and Persian race are generally much better looking than the white Anglo-Saxon.”

      Subjective opinion that I do not necessarily agree with, but every race has its fair share of beautiful and ugly people.

      “And then as usual every post was full of spelling and grammatical errors, but what can we expect from a bunch of ignorant bogans who work in places like Super Cheap Auto, Mcdonalds etc.”

      Racism and poor spelling/grammar go hand in hand. It goes without saying. It’s then safe to assume that the less educated will hold down jobs at places that don’t necessarily need qualification. It is a little unfair for you to generalise all people who work in places like Super Cheap Auto and McDonalds etc though!

  11. Gee, for starters ‘antibogan’, no genuine Persians would enjoy hearing you acquaint them with the Arabs, nor like hearing you describe them as being of like race!
    You’ve clearly no understanding of things, do you?
    Semites, such as the Arabs, are only very broadly of the Caucasian race.
    The Persians, the Iranians (Iranian means Aryan), are, or were, purely Caucasian.
    Much of the original Persian/Iranian race, ethnicity, culture, religion, and civilisation was subjugated or else obliterated by the Arabs/Muslims.
    Trust me, no true Persian would be pleased with you acquainting them with the Arabs!

    Much of the population of present day Iran IS Arab though…as with elsewhere in the Middle East, due to their invasion of these lands, their populating of them, or of their admixture with the earlier people.
    ‘Funny’ how all of that, in anywhere esle in the world, and by anyone else but purely White people, “doesn’t matter” to multicultists.

    Yes indeed, there ARE many exquisitely beautiful Persian women…AND very beautiful Arab women!
    What’s your point?
    Neither the Persians/Iranians, or the Arabs, colonised the Australian continent or founded a society here.

    I know why multicultists like yourself beat around the bush and refuse to seriously discuss situations or anything put to them…but you have really got to look at it yourself, why, do you refuse to properly examine or discuss this situation?

    • You will notice, Scott, that I was quoting somebody else.
      Here is something I actually said:

      “…every race has its fair share of beautiful and ugly people.”

      Here is something you said:

      “Generally speaking, pure Anglo-Saxon…or pure Celtic…women are more beautiful than either Persian or Arab.”

      This is what we call an opinion. You still haven’t grasped this simple concept yet. You cannot tell us that pure Celtic people are more ‘beautiful’ than Persians and Arabs.

      You are too stupid for words.

    • Your love affair with racial purity gives you away Scott. You’re a fuckwit of the highest order.

      Why is it vast areas outside of Iran speak Persian dialects rather than Arabic? Why is Iran so much different to say Saudi Arabia or North Africa?

      “most “Arab Christians” are not Arabs!” you say later. Like fuck they aren’t you thick as pigshit rube.

  12. Liam, what?
    Generally speaking, pure Anglo-Saxon…or pure Celtic…women are more beautiful than either Persian or Arab.
    True Persians though, true Iranians, are of the same race as Anglo-Saxons, and Celts.
    Arabs aren’t.
    Arabs are loosely related to the Caucasian race. Persians and Arabs are not one and the same.
    Though, as I’ve stated above, due to invasion and “immigration”, many Arabs have lived in Persia, or Iran, for centuries.
    There ARE also many very White, fair hair and light-eyed, “Arabs”, Muhammas was White, and so the question of the race of different Arabs is still often open.

    Lot’s of things upset, Liam, but if anything REALLY upsets, it’s being called “ignorant”! I’m far from being ignorant, Liam, about many things and definitely about all of this.
    Why claim so? ESPECIALLY after stating that you didn’t even read what I wrote?
    It really is genuinely flabbergasting, how often multicultists…who go on and on about “ignorance”…then so often candidly express that they don’t actually read or listen to anything being said by the other people!

    There ARE many Caucasian/Caucasoid, and White, Muslims. This IS a racial issue though as well, for Islam is VERY Arabic, and there has been a line drawn between Western/Christian/White civilisation, and the Islamic world, and people, for a long time.

    I know that actual knowledge of history and culture is not good for the business of multi-culturalism, but I care not for that. There is no excuse whatsoever for your downright ignorance of things.

    “Xenophobe”? Oh God, do we REALLY have to go through that again?
    I’m actually very interested in difference, and in different peoples and culture.
    That does NOT mean I want it here, nor should it be here.
    That also does NOT mean that there is not things to indeed be FEARED from those and that which is different!
    Various Islamic powers and Muslim peoples have tried invading Europe for many centuries…and made much headway for a while…there IS a strong precedent to this fear!

    There is absolutely NO immigration into the Muslim world either (as there is no immigration into any other non-White/non-Western countries), there are NO churches allowed to be built in Arabia or many Islamic states, NO Christians are allowed at Mecca…churches and temples are regularly attacked and burned down by Muslims in the ‘Islamic’ world (which only exists through invasion, massacre, and subjugation!), much of the culture and civilisation of other regions has been destroyed by Muslims, people and peoples oppressed, killed, and enslaved, non-Muslims attacked, beated, raped, and killed even now…religious and ethnic minorities viciously oppressed in the Islamic world. You’d ought to cast your net more widely if you wish to bring up ‘xenophobia’ then!

    It’s bewildering that both Middle Eastern or Arab Christians (most “Arab Christians” are not Arabs!) and Muslims are being brought into Australia. They, clearly, are not going to like each other, it is incredible though, though the decision is made by those engineering this to not favour the former, but to recklessly import both.
    Australia is Australia, for White/British Australians Liam…asides from my knowledge of and opinions on the world and it’s peoples…I do NOT want Arab Muslims OR “Arab” Christians coming here…especially not in any large numbers!

    I’ve worked for Super Cheap Auto in the past, setting up their stores, I hate the “bogan” thing, AND my spelling and grammar is quite good, if I do say so myself, so you’re going to have to try and come up with something better than that.

    Julia…neither the Murris, Kooris, Noongas, or Nungas had swimming pools…they may have had swimming holes…but not swimming pools.
    Ask THEM to share their swimming holes with these people. They WON’T let them, and the Muslim women WOULDN’T want to either!
    Aboriginals were not fond of water for the most part, and never ventured into the sea much either.
    OUR home, Australia’s son’s, is girt by sea, OUR home!
    This is not the home of Arabs or any other Muslim ethnic/narional group.
    We White/British Australians are NOT “johnny-come-lately’s” (what an insult!)…this is OUR country and society, we’ve been here over 200 years!
    There simply IS NO society, NOTHING that you take for granted here (or presume to have the right to give away to anyone else) without US!
    Our labour, technology, our infrastructure and money provides those swimming pools.
    There simply would NOT be any swimming pools here in Australia if not for us, for WE brought the civlisation and made the society!
    It is insane to have to actually express this to people!

    Again, back to the ‘antibogan’, the time span at present is not the issue…it is that foreigners are making demands of our time, and our facilities, in our country.
    Do you realise that you, with your words there, are granting licence to foreigners dictating to Australians what’s what?
    What if it blows out to 2 or three hours a day? Several hours? Several days a week?
    What do YOU think is an “acceptable” time-frame in which to hand your country over to the whims of foreigners in?
    What if this demand is now made of other pools, more pools, of beaches???

    Ever heard that phrase, give ’em an inch and they’ll take a mile?
    That’s what you’re doing.
    Concession, appeasement, defeatism.

    Don’t piss around with nonsense about “blah blah blah”, actually READ what I have written, AND contemplate it.

    • Fuck off out of Australia then. I doubt many Aboriginal people want you here. Oh but wait they don’t count as the original Australians right? As soon as Europeans settled here Australia became a multicultural society. And that is the way it shall always remain.

    • Have you looked at stats of hate crimes of Christians on Muslim churches in Arab countries… You didn’t mention any of the crimes the are committed against the Muslims in their own countries…
      There is so, so much wrong with your argument. You’re only using evidence that backs your opinion, and ignoring all of the other stuff… How can you even consider your opinion valid if you’re not even taking into account most of the information..It’s a childish argument at best!!!… It makes me really sad that there are still people out there like you!

  13. @Scott…..Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,BlahBlah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah, lah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah.

    Why does noone read your stupid bigoted bullshit……COS UR FULL OF SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. and haha worked at supercheap certainly fit the ‘bogan’ stereotype…all except the bad spelling and grammar. I’ll bet you even have the bleached blonde moll that sucks your cock at redneck parties while other bogans shout “Cor’…get a load at that slut mate” .

    This TERROR bullshit has ruined ordinary Australians. People who will constantly allow the media to pollute their thoughts on shit that isn’t even happening, nor has a chance of ever happening. -Idiots believe what they see on TV- -Smart people look for the political reasons why-

    I am 9th generation Australian….so most likely more ‘Aussie’ than you!! And to be fairly fucking honest I would rather you head back to good ‘ol England than pollute this country with your cunt lipped filth.

    • Thats not fair Megan, I’m from the UK orignally. I don’t want this filth going back and adding to the ranks of the BNP and ruining my country of birth even more. Racists like him should get their own island and then hopefully the effects of climate change can take place to drown them :p

  15. Just what I referred to!
    HOW are liberals so able to casually try and juggle both ends? To pay lip-service to denouncing ignorance, yet continually pursuing such wanton, and dangerous, ignorance of their own?

    “Bigoted”? Yes indeed Megan…By God…I will not take what is being forced upon us!

  16. Can we ban the g-string/muffin top combo and the boys with the pants that sit under the bum with the undies out the top? I’m fine with the burqa, but those two make me shudder. =)

  17. I said I worked for Super Cheap Auto, Megan, in setting up stores, not at Super Cheap.
    Splitting hairs maybe, but I always insist on being very clear.

    I’ll say “Cor” when I see a fine girl, that’s for sure, but I’ve never had my cock sucked at any ‘redneck’ party, nor at any party, full stop.
    I wouldn’t want to enjoy such in front of company anyway!
    Just what kind of parties have you gone to, or are referring to?

    I myself had GENUINE run-ins with the truly nastier side of real bogans, back in the day.
    You’ve no idea what you’re talking about, any of you, as you use that phrase.

    Keeps in line with the greater theme though, I suppose, of none of you knowing what you’re talking about.

    The media polluting thoughts? And YOU’RE a liberal and all?!
    Yes indeed, the media IS polluting so many people’s thoughs…trying to convince people that “none of this is happening”, and that if it is, it’s “for our benefit”, and anyone who takes exception, and worse, speaks out about it, is a racist/bigot/redneck/xenophobe/take your pick, of whatever liberal put-down can be rashly applied.

    This terror “bullshit” HAS affected and ruined the lives of many Australians, and many people around the world, and WILL ruin the lives of many more if left unchecked!

    “Cunt lipped filth”? Isn’t that verging on being just about the most extreme clash in terms ever put out?

    I’m around 9th generation myself, so we have a similar heritage here. You’ve been duped into not valuing yours anymore.
    Do you realise that your demanding that the direct descendents of the people who built this country and alone made this entire society possible go back to Britain…because they oppose foreigners, who did not and could not have made this country and society, coming here to take it over?
    Do you realise what you’re saying?

    Possibly for the very first time in history, Islamic invaders (and a host of others) are being actively and either duplicitiously or meekly invited into a country by certain segements of that country’s population.

    That is an insult to your own heritage, to my heritage, to that of every British/Australian person…and an insult to the memory, efforts, valour spirit, and civlilsations of many other people in many lands!

    This is a crucial issue at the moment, the burqa is but one element of it, the Western world, and the world in general, has been brought to an impasse, to a very dangerous crossroads…one that we were safe from for so long.
    Strident effort must be made by good people to not have us go down the path that you and your cunning masters would have, and for us to stay on the right road.

    You must have pretty low regard for your own body Megan, with what you say, and please, just what “filth” are you referring to?

  18. God, it’s amazing Liam, that people striving to DEFEND their own people and country, such as the British National Party, are seen by some as being “bad” for doing so!

    Do you think there is similar going on elsewhere? In non-White, non-Western countries? Do you think there’s anyone decrying their own for wanting to cherish and defend their own?

    There have been dire predictions made that (genuine) British people will be made a small minority within Britain by the middle of this century. Do you think this is “okay” Liam?
    Do you really think the BNP, or anyone else, is not justified in taking a stance in defence of their people, and against the loss and destruction of their country and society?

    Your country of birth is being RUINED by corrupt powers who invite in those who WILL massively populate and who WILL aggressively take over, if given the chance.

    What happened to ‘we shall never surrender’? What happened to that bulldog spirit? What happened to “Britons never, never, never shall be slaves”?

    Many of us still strive to defend ourselves!

  19. The BNP is a fascist Nazi esque party. They are a disgrace and do not represent the views of many Brits at all.

    I don’t need to defend anything because nothing is under attack. Just fascists like yourself always looking for a scapegoat to persecute think there is. Your days are limited mate. More and more people won’t tolerate your outdated views much longer.

  20. The BNP is a “fascist-esque” party? How so? Because leftists say so?
    Most nationalist parties or groups are, in a manner of speaking, ‘fascist’.
    You think that Islam is not fascist?
    It would be nice though, to see people such as yourself try and go five seconds without saying something like “fascist” in regards these issues…and see how fast your weak argument falters and falls.

    What is being DONE to Britain and Britons IS the disgrace! What you’ll find, as well, is that the BNP speaks FOR the greater, but silenced, majority of true British people!

    You think that nothing is under attack?
    Charles Martel defeated an Islamic invasion in 732, and now France is on it’s way to being made an African and Islamic majority population!

    You think nothing is under attack?
    As I’ve said, the people of Britain, and those of several European nations have been told that they are fast on the way to being reduced to a marginal minority…in their own country and continent, in the next couple of decades…if things proceed as is.

    Similar is happening to Canada and Canadians.

    Here in Australia as well…shockingly…the same thing is being invoked!
    We here, are being invaded and crowded from several sides, and warned that we will be made a minority, or worse, by the end of this decade.

    EVERYTHING is under attack Liam!
    Race, Culture, Religion, Civilisation…EVERYTHING and everyone in the West is under attack!

    What you’ll find, as well, is that the “scapegoats” that are blamed are indeed VERY MUCH a part of who and what should be blamed for what is going on!
    They are here, in our countries, aren’t they? We’re not just imagining that are we? They are increasing their populations in our countries, aren’t they? They are seeking not only a place for themselves and their own here, but power and control as well?!

    Don’t call me mate either, you’ve forfeited that.
    My days are numbered? Typical thinly veiled liberal threat. Wise up, if my “days are numbered” you don’t think your’s are as well? As are those of every White person in Britain and Australia?

    Oudated views? Australia was on of THE leading nations of THE most advanced civilisation!
    We were headed into a brilliant future!
    How is bringing lesser races, third world peoples, the populations of retrograde societies and medieval cultures here somehow more “up to date”???
    How is having all sold out from under us by malicious powers, to the greedy hordes of the world, “up to date” in any positive manner?

    Cripes, maybe ever other people and society that resisted invasion and betrayal in times gone by were “outdated” in their striving for self preservation?

    Perhaps Japan should stop being so outdated and open up to massive immigration from all corners of the world, hey? Lest they continue being ‘outdated’ “fascists”???

    What people are “tolerating” now is a crying shame!
    What it is demanded that people tolerate now…is unacceptable.

    People have got to hear the views of people such as myself more, for I am echoing what they’re thinking! The voices need to rise against what is being doen to us and our own!

    • Yet no one voted for them in the May elections. Speaks for itself really. You are a complete tool mate. I can’t be bothered wasting my Sunday arguing with you because your opinion will never change. Like I said your days are limited and I can’t wait for the day it is you we discriminate against for having racist views.

    • The BNP are a bunch of left over mouth breathers from the National Front. They support holocaust denial, Jew hatred, and general white power bullshit often involving nail bombs. Griffin has nice things to say about Hitler and your alluding to Churchill and the “never surrender” attitude of Britain to the nazis is hypocrisy of the highest order when BNP officials criticise Churchill and the British for fighting their “Aryan brothers”. How about you stop listening to primary school drop out neo-nazi buddies of yours and pick up a real history book you ignorant piece of shit.

  21. Of course I believe in God ‘antibogan’! Do YOU???
    The answer to your question is definitely a no with a but, and a yes with an if.

  22. No, no, Liam, what that speaks for is what two decades of multicult propaganda, liberal rhetoric, and politically correct indoctrination has done to people!
    That people have been “taught” to fear speaking up for their own people and society ahead of the loss and destruction of them!

    Liam, by favouring foreigners over your own people, by throwing your lot in with the agenda of those who engineer multi-culturalism on the West…you HAVE discriminated against me, and all of your kin.
    You already have indulged in the worst kind of discrimination.

    I, and all clear thinking nationalists and racialists, wisely and conscientiously discriminate…for the right reasons.

    The hypocrisy is staggering…you want to welcome in all manner of, and God know’s how many, foreigners into this country…a country they did NOT found or create…AND you want to enjoy a nice Sunday here!
    Well, with every one of them that arrives now, and with every 100,000 plus every year, it’s those lovely Sundays in a civil country, in our country, that are numbered Liam!

    No-one has any right to endanger that though.

    This gradual invasion must be spoken and stood against!

    • hey scott just a quick question, WHO ARE YOUR PEOPLE? where did you come from? obviously your not aboriginal so therefor not one of the original inhabitants of this fine country so you have immigrated from somewhere. i would like to know from which countries, religions and when they came over.

  23. Ive been looking through this site and wow i am so glad that this site is here, i didnt realise how many racest ppl there are out there… the most funny thing is that they have no idea what they are on about.

    This is a awesome site keep up the good work! 😀

  24. Scott, do you really think your god would approve of your stance? Don’t you think a just god would like us all to get along no matter where we live or where our ancestors may have come from? I have a feeling that when the time comes that you meet your god, you will be judged very harshly indeed.

  25. “It’s bewildering that both Middle Eastern or Arab Christians (most “Arab Christians” are not Arabs!) and Muslims are being brought into Australia. They, clearly, are not going to like each other, it is incredible though, though the decision is made by those engineering this to not favour the former, but to recklessly import both.
    Australia is Australia, for White/British Australians Liam…asides from my knowledge of and opinions on the world and it’s peoples…I do NOT want Arab Muslims OR “Arab” Christians coming here…especially not in any large numbers!”

    Just had to call you out on a technicality here Scott…
    Are you forgetting where Jesus came from? The first place he preached was in Damascus, Syria (ie. ARAB country). First establishment of the Christian church? Antioch (Currently located in Turkey, used to be part of greater Syria).

    What exactly are you basing this “Arab Christians are not Arabs” on?
    Last time I checked, I was both Arab and Christian. Thanks for undermining my entire community and ancestors with your uhh “facts”. *sigh*

    AND for the record, I love Australia AND my Arab roots. I have friends of all colours of the rainbow and all religions and I love the fact that I can walk outside and experience the beauty of the world’s cultures at my doorstep.

  26. i think the real issue behind all this xenophobia is religion. scott, a racist anti multiculturalist believes in god, and im assuming is christian. as much as i am against burqa’s and what not seeing it as a terrible form of oppression for women, the real issue with alot of the west vs middle east is…… bah bahdahbah RELIGION!! 2000 year old bullshit that has infected the minds of far too many, causing people to ignore logic and hate anyone who is a non-believer (or atleast condemn them to hell as most of my christian friends believe i am going). we could do ourselves a big favour and ignore this centuries old crap about having 70 virgins waiting for you in heaven, or believeing every single species of animal lived within walking distance of noahs arc and fucked on it. come on people, wake up and smell the fresh air, religion is tosh, were all genetically the same species. i for one welcome foreigners into our country as they are human beings, as am i, and they should be afforded the same rights as every other human being. i might sound a bit john lennon here but doesnt a world without religion just sound a damn sight better??

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  28. “How is bringing lesser races, third world peoples, the populations of retrograde societies and medieval cultures here somehow more “up to date”???”

    Yeah… uh you’ve never actually visited ANY Country in the Middle East have you? My advice? Get foxtel and subscribe to the Arabic channels.. then maybe you’ll see how “medieval” they are (hahahah.. must be a sad life, being that ignorant and stubborn. take your hands off your eyes Scott, you’ll be able to see clearer)

    “The hypocrisy is staggering…you want to welcome in all manner of, and God know’s how many, foreigners into this country…a country they did NOT found or create…AND you want to enjoy a nice Sunday here!

    This gradual invasion must be spoken and stood against!”

    *hears every member of the Stolen Generation turn over in their graves*
    Sorry, were you lecturing on hypocrisy?

  29. There’s no “your God” per se (and grant God the respect of a capital while you’re at it), there is ONE God!
    God Almighty DOES indeed approve of my stance, and anyone like me…that He created the races for a reason, and raised the nations of the world!
    Do YOU think that God would approve YOUR stance? That “nothing matters”, that genocide is acceptable, that nations and societies can be detroyed?
    That race and civilisation “don’t matter”?

    God wishes for people to get along as THE WORLD!
    God has NEVER sought for different peoples to be forced together!
    NEVER condoned what is being done to us and ours now.

    God wants the highest and the purest to remain so.

    Do you think that God REALLY approves the mass destruction, on so many levels, that YOU advocate for Australia and the West now?

    WHY don’t you demand that Muslims (or the Chinese and Japanese for that matter) open THEIR countries (which they invaded and conquered) to mass immigration?
    WHY don’t you demand that Muslims open THEIR countries to hundreds of thousands of foreigners arriving each year to set up communities there, and that they should “GET ALONG” with them?

    We all get along with most of our neighbours in our street, right? But if they decided to come to your house, and stay, for good? TOTALLY different situation!

    The world must get along AS the world…NOT be forced to get along in OUR COUNTRIES at OUR expense!

    Do you think that any Muslims in a Muslim, or Muslim dominated, country or region are telling their countrymen to allow immigrants in and for them to “get along” with them? Because they’re NOT!

    You think that by calling yourself an “atheist” and referring to God with a lower case you ‘get out’ of judgement? Think again, seriously!
    Where do you think you would stand in a new Caliphate forced upon the West? VERY low, indeed!

    I’m very conscious of being judged by God, and that is a key part of WHY I speak about what I do!
    For we will be judged on what we have said, and not said.
    What we have loosed, or what our silence has condoned in the world.
    What our INTENTION and our actions are!

    I speak the truth, I strive to defend my people and civilisation.
    That, I am positive, is well judged by God Almighty!

    • “God has NEVER sought for different peoples to be forced together!”

      Epistles to the Hebrews, to the Romans, Ephesians, Galatians, Thessalonians….. would indicate otherwise. You. Fucking. Clown.

    • Wow…so you’re telling me because I know that God is a fairy tale I will one day be judged – by this fairy tale creature?

      Sounds terrifying!

    • “Do YOU think that God would approve YOUR stance? That “nothing matters”, that genocide is acceptable, that nations and societies can be detroyed?
      That race and civilisation “don’t matter”?”

      “Do you think that God REALLY approves the mass destruction, on so many levels, that YOU advocate for Australia and the West now?”

      Where have I said this? You assume that all who disagree with you must have this stance, you are wrong. You have made that up.

      and this……

      “God wants the highest and the purest to remain so.”

      Where may I ask is that written? You’ve made that up also.

      • Scott’s god is definitely one cast in Scott’s own unfortunate image. Funny how that is always the case with racists when they profess to believe in a deity.

    • There is no god fool, prove there is.
      You are delusional Scott. Your visions of grandeur of being the great white saviour with your gods backing is so comical that I am in constant fits of laughter when reading your diarrhoeal driven banter.Thanks for the laughter sunshine 🙂

  30. Pingback: Tweets that mention Ban the Burqa? Anti-Islam (Aussie Pride) Rears Its Ugly Head Again « Fuck Off We're Full Of Racists --

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  32. Wow! Are you ready for the lawsuit for invasion of privacy??? You ppl are incredible! You have the hide to have a go at so-called ‘racists’ but you’ll be the first ones crying when a terrorist attack is carried out in this country. Wake up!

    • Hi Elljae,

      When people post public comments on a globally public website such as Facebook, they are forfeiting any privacy that their comments may have had. The authors here simply screenshot their comments and repost them. The antibogan authors do not go into people’s private profiles – no.

      Moving on to your second comment. If and when a terrorist attack is carried out in this country, it will most likely be in reaction to comments and actions coming from Australian citizens and/or institutions that seek to prevent people living in a secular and free society from practicing their religion. Can you imagine the attacks that would come about if somebody told Christians that they were not allowed to practice their religion, and that they were unwelcome?

      Suicide bombs and terrorist attacks are not the actions of those who are presented with the opportunity to live harmoniously with people who accept them and their beliefs.

      • “Can you imagine the attacks that would come about if somebody told Christians that they were not allowed to practice their religion, and that they were unwelcome?”

        I respectfully point you in the direction of IRA attacks in Britain. They were the direct result of 800 years of oppression, murder and theft by Snotts heroes and ancestors.

  33. Thank you to the person who has finally exposed these sick ignorant people to the world. I’ve wanted to do something about this page, wanted to expose these ‘people’ to the wider community, but I had no idea whom to report it to, or how to go about it. Thank you!!

    I’d like to see this page banned, but they would set up another page just as quickly. Embarrassing these people is what I’d now like to do, expose them for the racist, ignorant, disgusting cowardly people they are. If you do not agree with them or hate as much as them, you are against them. Any well thought out argument is met with swearing and base insults. Because I am ‘young’ (19), I am therefore too ignorant, inexperienced and naive to have an opinion.

    Pages like this one should not exist, under the pretext of ‘protecting’ the ‘Australian’ culture. If what these people promote is the Australian culture, I’d be ashamed to call my self Australian.

    Hopefully this will go further, and the idiocy and hate will come to an end.

  34. Can I ask why do these women wear the burqa/burka or any garment that leaves only their eyes exposed?

    The common element about Australian’s no matter your wealth, race, colour or creed or religion is that we are in the most part an approachable people. I can have a chat to pretty much anyone – from a Mum down at the park whose child is playing with mine, to the bank clerk, to the guy behind the counter at the service station, to the lady at the Chinese shop to the old man at the bus stop. We are an inclusionist society in that we prefer to include each other and be sociable rather than exclude. The main problem for me with the Burqa or any of these habbib or garments that cover the face to only leave the eyes, is that they are intentionally exclusionist. That is designed for people NOT to be able to engage in communication with the person wearing one.

    These garments exclude me from talking to them, taking facial cues, even something as simple and wonderful as a smile is taken away.

    To me it is Anti-social, it is repressive, it is symbolic of a misogynist culture, it is denying of the normal freedoms women have worked so hard to achieve in the Western world, it is symbolic of all we are fighting against the Taliban in Afghanistan, it is scary to children, it is unhealthy, it is medieval, it evokes connotations of slavery and domestic abuse, it is ugly, it is unfriendly, it is non-conformist, it is impractical AND you can’t eat an ice-cream while wearing one. I see no laughter or happiness in these garments.

    This is how I feel.

    • Hi Lee,

      I’m not an expert on Islam but I presume it’s for religious/cultural reasons people wear religious outfits.

      And I agree with some of your sentiment but it’s not the point here. People have the right to practice their religious beliefs (however stupid they might be, in my opinion) as long as they’re not harming others. That’s a basic liberal theory and human right.


    • You are full of shit. You talk to every single person you see? Rubbish.

      If your sole reason for wanting a ban on burqas is so you can talk to people who would normally wear them, why don’t you just talk to them anyway? Or are you frightened of the woman inside?

      While you’re banning people who wear things that turn people away from wanting to socialise with them, why don’t you also impose a ban on the following:

      * facial piercings and facial tattoos;
      * gothic clothing and make up;
      * enormous muscles and tight shirts;
      * southern cross tattoos?

  35. Hey Scott, if you are free andhave nothing to do I would love to meet up with you and smack you in the head!! All the logic in the world doesn’t sink into you, maybe a hard hit to the cranium may get things back online.
    You are a first class fuckwit son!!!!

  36. Scott, the Aboriginal people of Australia have inhabited these lands for tens of thousands of years. Compare this with British Australians have been for 222 years. So we’re looking at a ratio of over 500 to 1 (this is a very conservative estimate).

    Although by your logic I shouldn’t be here. My family is Austrian, this was where Hitler was born (but something about your fascination with national identity and racial purity leads me to believe that you may be of kindred spirit with Adolf)

    • It is the gracile aboriginal populations that were here for thousands of years. Then the robust aboriginal people invaded the country and decimated out the gracile population. The robust aboriginal people are just as much invaders as the Japanese, Indonesian, Chinese and European peoples are. The fossil records tell us this. The only difference is in timeline. I do not deny anybody a right to settle in Australia but I believe we have to stop immigration now. In the 1970’s Monash University put out a paper that said that Australia’s natural resources could only afford a population of 17 million. We have exceeded that and now we are talking about a “big Australia”! Where does the food and water come from to support “big Australia”? Stop immigration now!

      • Your knowledge of prehistory is abysmal. You have taken the works of Mulroney and Blainey and completely distorted them, and you have ignored later scholarship on the arrival and settlement of the ancestors of modern Indigenous people.

        By your reckoning then the Neanderthals who preceded modern humans in Europe were “decimated” by them – in fact there is no evidence to indicate this. Nor is there any evidence to indicate that successive waves of prehistoric human settlement in Australia meant that previous populations were wiped out. What is more likely is that the successive Indigenous groups were actually peacefully absorbed into earlier populations. Good old sex was probably the main driver of this absorption, since prehistoric populations worldwide were mercifully free of any notions of “nation” and “race”, unlike some of their more backward descendants such as yourself.

        In fact it was not until about 200 years ago that we have evidence of systematic genocide of Australia’s first peoples – by European colonists.

        Too often we see the question of a sustainable population used by closet racists as an excuse to demonise recent immigrants, particularly refugees, asylum seekers and any newcomers who are not white.

  37. Scott, your a dirty fucken rat. Australia is meant to be a multicultural country so i think you put this shit behind you and face the facts. Australia is full of indians, asians and so forth and use dont seem to be bothered by their cultural/religious clothings. I dont see how its acceptable for ”Australians” to walk the streets half naked and junkies walking around with needles stabbing some sort of drug into themselves. If you think women who respect themselves and their culture/religion by wearing their religious clothes is the biggest problem in this country then you need to get an education on whats happening not only in this country but around the world. Theres children getting pregnant and keeping these children at the age of 14, theres numerous numbers of people who cannot get over their addiction to drugs or alcohol and who are still roaming the streets, theres pedophiles walking by your children and your concerned about women who respect their culutre, grow up!
    If you think thats a great look for australia then by all means continue with your racism and for an extra note most woman who wear the burqa is becuase of their own choice.

    I though Australia was mean to be multicultural, so if YOU dont like it how about YOU leave!

  38. Oh dear Stephanie, sadly you are showing your young age by living in a fantasy world. I am definitely not sick or ignorant or disgusting as you ‘oh-so-eloquently’ put it. I am racist when it comes to terrorism and muslims taking over our country. And you’re right, you should be ashamed to call yourself Australian, you have no Aussie pride. As for being called a coward by you? I am more than happy to stand by my beliefs and defend them to anyone who asks. As for banning the page….itll never happen! If that one goes there’ll be another and more after that because real Australians are sick to death of having our country and ‘aussie culture’ trampled on.

    • “I am racist when it comes to terrorism and muslims taking over our country.”

      Correct. There have been zero terrorist attacks in Australia at the hands of Muslims. Muslims make up less than 2% of our overall population. One of the worst terrorist attacks in Australia was at the hands of Martin Bryant, a white Anglo Australian male. This does not suggest that white Anglo Australian males must be suspected of being potential mass murderers.

      “If that one goes there’ll be another and more after that because real Australians are sick to death of having our country and ‘aussie culture’ trampled on.”

      You have less culture than yoghurt. Your Facebook pages are a sad extension of your pathetic existence, and wield no influence over a voting public. It is populated by a bunch of unintelligent sexist, racist, homophobic arse clowns, and hardly registers 0.01% of the overall population of this country. You personify epic failure.

    • What fantasy world am I living in, Elljae?

      I do have pride in being Australian, just not when ‘pride’ gets lumped in the same boat as the idiotic racist ideas from people like you.

  39. do these uneducated people realise who the true Australians are, bet they would be shocked – oh I forgot they tried to shoot them too…

  40. Hahaha you’re hilarious!!! You accuse me of a pathetic existence? Have you LOOKED at your site lately?? You have nothing better to do than make fun of other ppl you imbecile! As for culture, I have more than enough thank you very much. You don’t know me or anything about me and never will thankfully because I would NEVER lower myself to associate with ppl who are happy to take personal shots at others to draw attention to themselves. No there hasn’t been a terrorist attack here, YET!!!! You have no idea what’s coming and it will be amusing to see what this moronic website posts when it happens LOL. Epic failure will be your cowardice and shock when this occurs. Hmmm lets see, am I homophobic? NO! Am I unintelligent? NO! Am I sexist? NO! So your pathetic attempt at insulting me is the only EPIC failure herre mate! Ooops sorry shouldn’t call you mate, thats a word AUSSIES use toward each other 😉

    • Your opinion of Muslims is vastly unintelligent. If you’re one to make big generalisations about an entire sector of the population based on the terrible actions of a few radicals then you’re missing something.

      If a terrorist attack was to take place on our soil I would feel resentment towards the individuals committing the act rather than a huge number of people who had no involvement whatsoever.

    • “Have you LOOKED at your site lately?? You have nothing better to do than make fun of other ppl you imbecile!”

      Yes, we LOOK at our site daily. But this doesn’t imply that we have nothing better to do. In fact, the authors of theantibogan all have full time jobs, and full lives. It takes 5 minutes to create a post here, and 5 minutes to rubbish your dumb-as-fuck comments. That leaves 23 hours and 50 minutes in each day to get on with living our lives, while you pull your hair out over your frustration at being an inbred fat bogan hick with three STDs.

      “No there hasn’t been a terrorist attack here, YET!!!!”

      And there hasn’t been a UFO landing here… YET!!! Get your tin foil hat on quick, purple haired bogan!

      • Oh dear that dreadful harpie.

        I almost regurgitated the excellent steak I had for dinner.

        And have people been watching the Commonwealth Games? Aussie athletes from all backgrounds competing and winning.

        I am sure this upsets Snott and his friends no end.

        Good. 🙂

    • Eljae you’d best get out your fridge magnet then and cower under it. I’d suggest the bed but yours probably has imaginary Reds under it.

      The rest of us aren’t troubled by terrorists. If there are any in the future they’ll be of the home-grown variety and invariably from the right. Probably the fools from the racist groups. They have a long record of popping each other off.

  41. A lot of this “taken out of context” is on this page, not only that, where are your references to back your arguments, I do see references though, but they seem to be all from this webpage. There is a vast amount of information out there on the web you could be using to back up your argument out there but you choose not to do so. Taking that in mind along with comments that are taken out of context, whatever this page is going on about shows no strong evidence to back your argument other than a bunch of hypocrites who are just creating a storm in a teacup. Take a look again people and you will see that there are links posted for reference, I heard rumors that this page has been created by a Uni student, correct me if I am wrong. I have been to Uni studying Creative Industries, and a bit of Engineering, (Dropped out because I ran out of money) therefore know first hand that if I were to create an assignment, I have to provide references from many sources otherwise my marks would be affected greatly no matter how great the assignment is.

    • Hi Christopher,

      Thank you for your musings. If evidence is so high on your agenda, please supply us with some support to suggest that the racist rants contained within the walls of this blogsite are ‘taken out of context’. What possible context other than complete prejudice and hatred could the comments from these bogans stem from?

      Lucky this wasn’t an assignment, or your comment would have been graded with an epic fail.

  42. On you David Brooks, at least your honest about your passion for violence…unlike the others here who hide their neo-marxist, Che-esque fantasies of violence behind a smokescreen.
    Doesn’t make it right though, of course.
    No, your kind of cold, callous logic…the kind of logic espoused on here…just won’t sink in with me, or any other clear thinking, conscious person.
    The genuine logic is that Australia IS a White, British, nation, and a Christian nation to boot…and that continued mass immigration by radically different races and divergent cultures, is destroying this country…it has to stop.
    I can’t think of any other more logical way to put it.

    • ” your kind of cold, callous logic…the kind of logic espoused on here…just won’t sink in with me, or any other clear thinking, conscious person.”

      Of course. It’s logic. It won’t sink in with someone who doesn’t know the meaning of the word.

      As for “any other clear thinking person”…you mean the hordes of them here supporting your views 😀 ?

  43. ‘Disgusted’? YOU’RE “disgusted”?
    Australia is being taken from Australians and Australians reduced to a minority here…every day it’s one more insult after another…and YOU’RE feigning disgust?
    What is being done to Australia, is disgusting!

    Australia is actually NOT meant to be a multi-cultural country!
    NO country is!
    The VERY FIRST law passed by our founding fathers, to unanimous public support, after our nation was federated, was the institution of the White Australia Policy!
    If there could be a more strident statement of intent for a country, I haven’t heard it!

    So-called “multi-culturalism” goes against everything that this country was founded upon and for, and is an insult to generations of Australians!

    Australia was NEVER…EVER…”meant to be multicultural”…it was always actually meant to be entirely mono-cultural!
    I do not have to leave my own country.

  44. James, quick question…do you live in a primitive, stone-age, Aboriginal society…or do you live in a highly advanced, civilised, first-world, British nation?

    Yes, the Aboriginals inhabited the land, and after burning much off it into desert didn’t do much with it.

    You’re Austrian? So fending off invasions should come as no surprise to you? The Gates Of Vienna mean anything to you?

    How many Austrians live in Australia? Very few, and they are of same race as us anyway. The moment you swore an oath tothe Commonwealth of Australia you actually paid homage to the British society founded here.
    So, your vapid concern for the Aboriginals counts for nought.

    Key issue, nearly ALL immigrant or ‘refugee’ groups coming here have their own cruel and bloody histories of invading and conquering other people and their lands!

  45. You couldn’t have just said that all in one post? You waste enough bandwidth as it is.

    It’s amusing that you believe that all people with left wing opinions must have a predeliction towards violence. A gross generalisation if I ever saw one. Then you’ll go on some tirade probably…

  46. Moves are afoot to give away, to throw away, to waste, Australian society…and you’ve the nerve to talk about the “waste” of anything?
    I’ll say what I have to say in one post…or a hundred posts.
    It’s up to me.
    I generally prefer to respond to different people in seperate posts.
    You conveniently, and cunningly, avoid everything I wrote about, referred to, and replied to as well…just like your typical liberal!
    Lest you have to actually, you know, think about anything…and be forced to express just how wrong your angle is.

    The Left, which eminates entirely from radical revolutionary movements, and operates under their auspices and that of their puppet-masters, no matter how far they seem away, is always predisposed to violence!

    • Let’s see Scott – YOU attacking others for avoiding the topic? YOU accusing others of not thinking about how wrong they are, when you’ve never once supported any one of your opinions (which you post as fact) with any evidence despite being asked again and again and again? Was that last post meant to be a joke?

      It’s not “up to you” by the way, never forget that posting here is not a right. Your permission to post here is at the discretion of the blog’s owners. Frankly I’m surprised they’ve let you last this long.

    • Great. So I am apparently a violent person. Completely disregard the fact that I abhor violence and never commit violent acts against others. That is irrelevant if I happen to hold a few left wing views on social issues.

      Utter bullshit.

      Your precious right wing is rather predisposed to senseless violence, as it happens:

      National Bash A Muslim Day

      Let’s Bash Wogs For Australia Day

      Chris Likes Snapping Indians’ Necks

      Let’s Just Blow The Middle East Up

      Australian Soldier Beats Local Citizens

      Ku Klux Klan Melbourne Realm

    • Dear Snott,
      Please point out where eactly in the bible it says that god did not want the races to mix, ever.
      Please point out where it says he intended one race to be superior to the rest.
      Please tell em that you are aware that the late JC actually lived in the middle east

      “Moves are afoot to give away, to throw away, to waste, Australian society”
      Please provide evidence of how and why it this happening.

      Please also explain why you believe ‘racial purity’ is, aside from being able to say “my ancestors were x”, something that needs to be maintained.
      Do you believe people who marry interracially should be punished for diluting the purity of their race and what form should this punishment take.
      What about mixed race children, what should be done with them? I presume since they can’t be used to enhance the purity of any race they are of no value to society?
      What exactly are the negatives associated with interracial relationships? Why are ‘less pure’ races a bad thing? Again, I don’t mean from an identity point of view. My ancestors are celtic, french and norman and possibly some anglo (*shudder*) but overall I am irish. All of the above are merely labels, what difference does another one, two or three make as long as people identify themselves as Australian?

      The british may have had a large empire but they built that empire on the bodies of the people they murdered or forced into slavery, whose homes they stole and whose land they pillaged…that’s not something to be proud of and it’s certainly not something to use as a reason to discriminate against others hundreds of years later.

      Since I know you won’t provide any sort of logical, rational answers that aren’t based on your paranoid fears I can only hope that any child you have or might have will one day grow up and realise what an ugly, hateful, person you are and ends up marrying a gay half asian/half african muslim

  47. yes scott our founding fathers may have instituted the white australia policy, but how outdated is that in todays context?? much the same way those that still believe in a religion of any sort, why the hell would you live in the past and abide by rules and regulations set out by a completely different time frame?? when you decide to join us in the 21st century in the real world you might just understand how insane your viewpoints really are….

    • Scott believes in a fantasy world where Australia is only inhabited by white people and other cultures only exist for his voyueristic pleasure.

      • “other cultures only exist for his voyueristic pleasure.”

        And to clean his house.
        He is white after all and I’m sure it says in his KKK version of the bible that it’s ok to have slaves as long as they’re not white.

  48. Opposition to the dresscode needn’t be automatically be considered ‘racist’, as it is an ‘enforced’ as opposed to ‘voluntary’ dresscode, it means that in order for the public to use a public facility during a public venue, they must adopt the religious practices of another culture.
    That is entirely unreasonable. At no point should it be an enforced dress code, particularly not when the religious reasoning behind it is that uncovered women will corrupt the world and drive men insane with lust.

    As for banning the Burqa, considering what it represents is that so unreasonable? Ex-Muslims themselves have commented on the fact that the Burqa robs a woman of her identitiy and independance. Ayaan Hsiri Ali describes it as ‘wearing a room’, always being ‘inside’.

    Dear Scott:
    “just like your typical liberal!”

    When you say liberal, do you mean a member of the Liberal Party? Or do you mean the political philosophy?
    If you do, indeed, mean the political philosophy, then I suppose you find the very idea of valuing individual rights and liberty horrifying. After all, that’s what a liberal is, one who advocates liberty for the individual.

    “The Left, which eminates entirely from radical revolutionary movements, and operates under their auspices and that of their puppet-masters, no matter how far they seem away, is always predisposed to violence!”

    Always? Amazing. I suppose the right isn’t predisposed to violence at all? Oh, wait. I’m surprised you wail against the Muslims so hard, they’re as reactionary as you are. The right and radical Islam are perfect for one another.

    “Australia is being taken from Australians and Australians reduced to a minority here”

    If we’re talking about the ratio of citizens to non-citizens, I think you’ll find that Australians are hardly the minorty.
    But don’t let facts get in your way.

    “How many Austrians live in Australia? Very few, and they are of same race as us anyway.”

    If you’re at all familiar with biology and genetics you’d know that there is no such thing as ‘race’. If we’re talking Culture, then no Austrians are not the same race as Australians.

    “Key issue, nearly ALL immigrant or ‘refugee’ groups coming here have their own cruel and bloody histories of invading and conquering other people and their lands!”

    Actually, every nation on Earth, every racial group, every culture, has links to a bloody and brutal history of violence.

    • “…as it is an ‘enforced’ as opposed to ‘voluntary’ dresscode…”

      Not necessarily.

      “As for banning the Burqa, considering what it represents is that so unreasonable?”

      It represents different things for different Muslim women. In a secular society, religious choice should remain paramount. Imposing restrictions on some religions and not on others will cause unrest, and for what? So we can converse more easily with these women in the extremely rare chance that we see them in the street? This isn’t Saudi Arabia – it’s Australia. Muslims make up less than 1.3% of our entire population. Muslim women make up less than 0.6% of our entire population. A percentage of those are pre-puberty. A large percentage of them don’t wear the burqa. A smaller percentage than that don’t even wear the hijab.

      It is racist when people start inferring things such as:

      * They are ugly as fuck under there;
      * Their husband fuck goats instead of them;
      * Burqas hide bombs;
      * Muslims have no soul.

      etc etc fucking etc.

      And yes, it has been noted that ex-Muslims have spoken out against the burqa, and the hijab as well. However, you’ve also got converted-Muslims speaking out in defense of the garments, saying that they feel empowered while wearing them.

      The law that should be imposed in this country, in regards to the burqa and the hijab, is that no woman should be forced to wear them by a husband or a family member or a friend. Full stop. Women in this country should have the same basic rights and freedoms as men, regardless of religion. In most cases, they do – regardless of religion.

    • I wouldn’t be using Ayaan Hirsi Ali as a reference. She’s been sold by Geert Wilders and his crew to Rove and the Neocons. They will discard her once they have finished using her as a poster girl.

  49. That picture was for a dress up party you low life scum. I have contacted a lawyer and this picture will be removed and an apology sent or I will also be suing for defamation of character. How very very sad that you have so little intelligence that you resort to that. Some ppl don’t know any better I suppose. Maybe you should run a reality tv show?? You seem to do anything for ‘ratings’?

    • Hello bogan,

      The picture will be removed at your request of course! We aren’t entirely unreasonable here!

      The picture in question was public anyway – perhaps you should tighten the security settings on your Facebook profile, especially before verbally abusing the authors and members of this forum and saying that we don’t know anything about you, when in actual fact we do! 🙂
      As for your ‘suing for defamation of character’, thanks for the laugh! A publicly accessable photo that actually proves that you are a fat bogan isn’t defamation!

    • More fairy tales no doubt? A solicitor would laugh you out of his/her office. They have winnable cases to deal with.

      You don’t want your picture or comments in the public domain then don’t make idiotic comments in the public domain.

      What goes on the Internet stays there forever – think about it very carefully if you have kids, or if you are looking for a job and some curious employer Googles you.

    • Hey – if you’re prepared to come on here and insult people, you can only expect to be insulted in return! This little site gets over 1000 hits per day. Still not quite your calorie count though… 😦

    • Elijae how about you grow a brain? There’s a definition of a bogan on this site. Read it. Insulting someone who jumps on this site to attack it’s authors does not make one a bogan. Comments like this on the other hand:

      “I am racist when it comes to terrorism and muslims taking over our country. And you’re right, you should be ashamed to call yourself Australian, you have no Aussie pride”

      …plus defending the clearly racist posts highlighted by this site, plus being stupid enough not to fix up the privacy settings on your Facebook when defending racists…that makes one a bogan.

  50. “And yes, it has been noted that ex-Muslims have spoken out against the burqa, and the hijab as well. However, you’ve also got converted-Muslims speaking out in defense of the garments, saying that they feel empowered while wearing them. ”

    The Hijab is not in question here, it is the burqa. I have no problem with the Hijab as even though it is ridiculous, the woman still has an identity.

    And, as for ex-muslims defending the Burqa as liberating, I’ve never yet read or encountered any such thing.

    “The law that should be imposed in this country, in regards to the burqa and the hijab, is that no woman should be forced to wear them by a husband or a family member or a friend. Full stop.”

    And yet when it comes to Muslim culture, where the woman is ordered by religion to be subservient to the man, how do you differentiate between her choice and the will of the religious figures and male family members?
    What about the impact of ‘family honour’, where family members may be punished or ostracised by their community for the actions of the daughter or wife?
    How liberated can these women be in a culture which demands they abandon their independance and individuality?

    “Muslims make up less than 1.3% of our entire population.”
    On what planet is this an argument?
    Even if there was only a single Muslim woman, she should no more be forced to wear the Burqa than those women in Saudi Arabia.

    Take a look at the cultures that employ the burqa and ask yourself this:
    If the woman doesn’t wear the Burqa, what might she suffer? How can it be considered a ‘liberating’ choice to completely deprive yourself of your identity and independance, and where not wearing it can result in quite a severe physical attack, and in some cases death?

    ““…as it is an ‘enforced’ as opposed to ‘voluntary’ dresscode…”

    Not necessarily.”

    Yes, necessarily. The pool will be enforcing a dress code.

    • “I have no problem with the Hijab as even though it is ridiculous, the woman still has an identity.”

      How insensitive of you to insult another culture’s garment. Do you have criticisms for all of these cultural examples as well?

      “And yet when it comes to Muslim culture, where the woman is ordered by religion to be subservient to the man, how do you differentiate between her choice and the will of the religious figures and male family members?
      What about the impact of ‘family honour’, where family members may be punished or ostracised by their community for the actions of the daughter or wife?
      How liberated can these women be in a culture which demands they abandon their independance and individuality?”

      You speak about the cultural implications for a woman living in a Muslim country, such as Saudi Arabia. In Australia, you need to understand that matters of enforced dress codes within families are a lot more relaxed than you’re intimating. I’m not sure how many Muslim men or women you know in real life, but I know a great deal, and the majority do not face pressures from within their families or friend circles to dress a certain way. In matters where a Muslim woman is forced to wear the burqa or the hijab, in Australia, at the end of the day this is a personal battle for them to face. If the punishment from the family for not adhering to dress requests is violence or death, these people are susceptible to Australian law, whereas violence towards women is strictly frowned upon – with or without cultural or religious sensitivity. I have a 20 year old brother, and he is still told what to do by my mother, and quite frankly lives according to her rules in her house. The day will come where he will want to break free of this restriction. If he was threatened with violence or death, it no longer remains a family issue, but becomes an issue of Australian law.

      Once again, however, don’t assume that every female who wears the burqa or the hijab is doing so because they are being forced to do so by other people. This is your assumption only.

      ““Muslims make up less than 1.3% of our entire population.”
      On what planet is this an argument?”

      The point is that so many Australians have their knickers in a twist about banning the burqa, when the percentage of our population that actually wear it is miniscule. Not only that, but you cannot claim to know the reasons why any Muslim woman wears the burqa if you haven’t asked them all individually. Your assumption is that any woman who wears the burqa or the hijab is doing so because they are being forced to. Once again, this is an incredibly insensitive assumption.

      “Yes, necessarily. The pool will be enforcing a dress code.”

      I assume you are speaking about the two pool scenarios. The dress code enforced is a t-shirt and board shorts. Not burqas.

  51. How insensitive of me to insult a cultural garment? Hardly. Nobody, anywhere, has the right to be exempt from criticism, particularly not religions. If the Hijab stems from a tradition which demands women cover up because of their corrupting influence, and states that all women must advert their gaze under men, then yes it is ridiculous.

    I speak of women in Saudi countries do I? Tell me, have you ever googled ‘Honor Killings in Australia’?

    And a personal battle? Utter nonsense. They are indoctrinated from birth to be subservient, that subservience is reinforced by their fathers and brothers and uncles, by their neighbours and families, by other Muslim women. They are ostracised by the greater Australian community on two fronts – one by the racists who don’t see them worth saving, and the other who claim that ‘all cultures are equal and worthy of respect’.
    And I never said ‘all’, your assumption is that those who do so make the decision out of pure, rational, self-determination. How many non-Muslim women wear the Burqa out of a sense of liberty hey?
    Oddly enough, I have yet to encounter a single one.

    And, as I said, one Muslim woman has the right to protection and individual liberties under law as a thousand. That a small number do is irrelevant, they are no less important and worth the dignity and respect that we afford our own women.

    And on the matter of ‘speaking to’, how many have you spoken to? How do you know that so many do it out of a sense of liberty, freedom and personal choice? I have testimony from Ex-Muslims, with Ayaan Hsiri Ali being a cited example, who explain how oppressive the Burqa is. Would you care to cite a single Ex-Muslim who speaks of wearing the Burqa as ‘a symbol of liberty’?

    • “How insensitive of me to insult a cultural garment? Hardly.”

      Rubbish. What if a complete stranger walked up to you and told you that your shirt makes you look like a fat hobo?

      “Nobody, anywhere, has the right to be exempt from criticism, particularly not religions.”

      Bullshit. Religion can be criticised, but not the people who follow that religion. Why do you think so many Catholic people take offense when they are referred to as pedophiles and kiddy fiddlers?

      “If the Hijab stems from a tradition which demands women cover up because of their corrupting influence, and states that all women must advert their gaze under men, then yes it is ridiculous.”

      First of all, let us get one thing clear. The burqa is not an Islamic garment. The prophet Mohammad did not recommend it or ask for it. He did not say it was decreed by God either. The burqa is purely a cultural thing and nowhere in the original Quran is it mentioned.
      As for ‘corrupting influence’, can’t the same be said about clothes in general? Why do women wear bikinis to the beach? Why do women feel the need to cover their breasts and vaginas? Why do we wear clothes? Surely if everyone got around naked, rape would soar. Your thoughts?

      “Tell me, have you ever googled ‘Honor Killings in Australia’?”

      I am not denying that this has not happened in Australia. I am saying that in Saudi Arabia this would be acceptable, whereas in Australia it is not. Anyone who partakes in an honour killing must face consequences outlined by Australian law.

      “They are indoctrinated from birth to be subservient, that subservience is reinforced by their fathers and brothers and uncles, by their neighbours and families, by other Muslim women.”

      Cannot this same observation be related to Christianity and Catholicism?

      “They are ostracised by the greater Australian community on two fronts – one by the racists who don’t see them worth saving, and the other who claim that ‘all cultures are equal and worthy of respect’.”

      I am one that agrees that cultures deserve respect as I don’t believe that people of one culture can criticise those of another culture. Yes, our culture is full of freedom and freedom of expression, which includes the freedom to wear whatever you want (as long as it doesn’t reveal a person’s naughty bits oh my!), but take a look at how women are treated in our society! They remain pieces of meat, they remain objectified, they remain largely unsuccessful in comparison to men, they remain victims of rape and domestic violence on a grand scale – and we have the nerve to dictate to another culture that they are oppressing women for trying to avoid the gaze of unknown men? Sure – women in Western societies feel free and happy. But don’t suggest that women who wear burqas to emancipate themselves from these atrocities and to move closer to their idea of spiritual togetherness with their God are completely oppressed.

      “How many non-Muslim women wear the Burqa out of a sense of liberty hey?”


      “And, as I said, one Muslim woman has the right to protection and individual liberties under law as a thousand.”

      Individual liberties such as the freedom to be able to wear a burqa or a hijab or a niqab without it being banned by the masculine state who believe that these dresses are oppressing them? The protection from violence and murder comes from our laws. In a country like Saudi Arabia or various Taliban ruled regions, it is perfectly reasonable to stone a woman to death for appearing in public without a burqa on. There are completely different connotations of cultural dress there compared to here.

      “And on the matter of ‘speaking to’, how many have you spoken to?”

      I am close friends with around 9 or 10 Muslim women and roughly the same amount of Muslim men. None of these wear the burqa, but every single one of them has the choice to wear (or not wear) articles of cultural dress. All but one of the Muslim women wear the hijab. Once again I state that if a woman is threatened with violence or death for choosing not to wear cultural dress imposed on them by members of their family, it becomes a matter of Australian law.

      “Would you care to cite a single Ex-Muslim who speaks of wearing the Burqa as ‘a symbol of liberty’?”

      You continue to refer to ‘ex-Muslims’. A person who leaves their faith no longer believes that their religion is good for them, and so it will be difficult to find a person who will speak positively about a religion that they no longer associate with. At this point, it’s important to note that at no point in the Quran is it stated that the burqa or hijab or anything of the like are compulsory for women to wear.

    • “Honour killings in Australia”. Yes, it is another form of the domestic homicide which has been going on in Australia for two hundred years.

      When the first white settlers arrived they celebrated their invasion by raping the female convicts. The Aboriginal people wisely hid their women from the “ghosts”. However the first bogans soon tracked them down, and managed while raping these women to pass on a range of diseases like smallpox, syphilis, gonorrhea and measles which helped to decimate the Indigenous population.

      So do not conflate a tiny handful of domestic homicides as being any different to the appalling violence against women which has been a feature of this country since 1788. After all a new arrival could easily be under the impression that such behaviour is not only tolerated but encouraged. Just look at the weekly stories featuring football “heroes”.

  52. Your just a bunch of racist fucks. Honestly grow up and get your head of that idiotic framework that you have going..

    The muslim population will continue to grow just like any other population will grow, you cannot do anything about it so get over it! We muslims will wear burqa’s if we feel and use will continue to wear your bikinis to the shops, to dinner, whereever use please! You dont see many muslims complaining about your ‘culutral’ up bringings and those whom do must have been insluted directly by one of you BOGANS! I have not seen so much racism come from a handful of people, use have no morals what so ever! We are just as much AUSTRALIAN as use are, many of us were born here just like use might have been. You dont have to be blonde hair blue eyes wear flipflops and walk around half naked with a VB in our hand to be considered AUSTRALIA.

    Lets stereotype all ”australians” to be bogans to have no morals and to be fat ugly slobs and anything else i might have just stated because use seem to have stereyotyped all muslims to be terrorists. GROW A FUCKING BRAIN IDIOTS! Two can play at sterotyping others but well see how you take it. Go have a little sook to your mum cause noone else wants to hear your shit!

    Muslims will contuine to stand up for what they believe (their culture their religion etc) and we will not take shit from your pathetic minds. And YES australia is meant to be multiculuitral.. Otherwise you wouldnt hear the PM and previous PM’s stating so, there also wouldnt be an allowance for immigrants and you wouldnt see “multicultural days” in public and high schools.

    Anonymous, you stated that “The law that should be imposed in this country, in regards to the burqa and the hijab, is that no woman should be forced to wear them by a husband or a family member or a friend. Full stop.” And i completely agree, but to most woman of the muslim religion, it is their own choice to wear it, and whom might use be to question how it is ‘liberating’. I must admit, being a muslim woman i don’t wear the hijab (my culture doesnt wear burqas) and one day it might be my choice to wear the hijab, again, whom will use be to question if i should wear it or not.

    Stating all that, like i said i agree that no woman should be forced to wear the burqa nor anything else, it should be soley to the woman herself and noone else. And i must say if use dont agree use honestly have a problem.

  53. The burqa is an oudated repressive tool of a repressive patriachal society All religions should be practiced in the nude just like god made us. Bloody Mohammed, Jesus, Zoroaster, Mithras, Hermes, Buddha were all messengers of this one god. Dosent mean they understood the message correctly. Think about what he means to you not what others tell you that he means. All I read here is biased comments from placard wearing flag burning name calling do-gooders from all sides. Learn to get along for all humanitys sake. Leave your organised religion bullshit on your hatstand by your front door before you leave to enter society and do unto others as you would have them do to you. The only commandment that he intended. Moses had an agenda in creating the other 9.

    Wake up world we are all related by species. We will never get on with everyone but we can still respect them as fellow humans.

    Get a grip

  54. Firstly, let’s get this clear. Simply because a religious text does not prescribe something that does not mean it is not part of the religion. Why else would Imams and Ayatollahs pass decress that women must wear these garments? Why do we find that it is hardline Islamic countries that enact laws forcing women to wear the burqa or hijab?

    Secondly, not a single one of your links referenced an ex-muslim speaking about how the burqa was liberating. One article actually stated that the ban infringed on the right to choose what to wear, but then also pointed out what I have – that there is a great deal of cultural pressure and ‘internalised subjugation’ (is how I think he put it) which can be attributed to a woman donning the burqa.

    Thirdly, No it can not be applied to the majority of Christianity. The reason for this is the enlightenment and questioning. If you’ve read a little you’d know that Ex-Muslims have spoken about the differences already – In Christianity you are encouraged to understand God’s word, you are encouraged to find your personal God, to find meaning in the words. In Islam you are not. You are encouraged to take, at face value, what is written whether you understand it or not. There is no questioning of meaning, no deliberation.

    Finally, Honor Killings happen in Australia in spite of the law in no way makes it any less of an issue. There are plenty of articles on the topic out there, and a number of them, in particular, speak about the close-knit Muslim communities and how domestic abuse and violence – ritualised by the Islamic culture – is not likely to be dealt with outside that culture.

    “I am close friends with around 9 or 10 Muslim women and roughly the same amount of Muslim men. None of these wear the burqa, but every single one of them has the choice to wear (or not wear) articles of cultural dress. All but one of the Muslim women wear the hijab. Once again I state that if a woman is threatened with violence or death for choosing not to wear cultural dress imposed on them by members of their family, it becomes a matter of Australian law. ”

    Huh. So I know a few more than you do then. The ‘Westernised’ Muslim is a great phenomenon ain’t it? Abandoning traditional Islamic values and adopting the concept of ‘individual liberty, freedom and equality of sexes’ that the West is currently built upon.

    “So do not conflate a tiny handful of domestic homicides as being any different to the appalling violence against women which has been a feature of this country since 1788”
    …you honestly believe this? That a Muslim migrant who’s holy scripture tells him it is fine to beat his wife for disobedience is going to look at Australian Footballers as a moral example of how to behave?
    And yes, I will hold these ‘handful of domestic homicides’ as being different when the justification given to them is a holy law, a judgement passed down by God on women for dishonoring the family, and when their husbands and family members are considered by the Muslim Culture as being worthy of passing down this judgement.

    • “Firstly, let’s get this clear. Simply because a religious text does not prescribe something that does not mean it is not part of the religion. Why else would Imams and Ayatollahs pass decress that women must wear these garments? Why do we find that it is hardline Islamic countries that enact laws forcing women to wear the burqa or hijab?”

      So we can assume that the burqa and hijab are cultural dress, correct? Islam dictates culture in some countries. In Australia, Islam does not dictate culture.

      “Secondly, not a single one of your links referenced an ex-muslim speaking about how the burqa was liberating.”

      A person who has left a religion will not speak positively about that religion. Can you find an ex-Catholic willing to speak about how Catholicism has enhanced their lives?

      “In Christianity you are encouraged to understand God’s word, you are encouraged to find your personal God, to find meaning in the words. In Islam you are not. You are encouraged to take, at face value, what is written whether you understand it or not. There is no questioning of meaning, no deliberation.”

      Yet you were saying “Simply because a religious text does not prescribe something that does not mean it is not part of the religion.” How this relates to banning the burqa now I’m not quite sure.

      “Finally, Honor Killings happen in Australia in spite of the law in no way makes it any less of an issue.”

      Agreed. Yet we are willing to impose a ban on burqas because of the assumption that the women wearing them are doing so because they are forced to by threat of death. How many alcohol related murders, rapes, car accidents and assaults are recorded each year in Australia? If the one reason to ban a burqa was that not wearing the burqa caused almost certain death, then couldn’t we ban alcohol on the same premise? Couldn’t we ban cigarettes? How many bans would you like to impose in order to save lives that our law doesn’t already cover? Would you like to prevent rape by banning bikinis, pornography, g-strings and strippers? Would you like to prevent child abuse by enforcing dress codes on children and preventing them from attending parks and swimming pools?

      You suggest that a woman is forced to wear the burqa because if they don’t, they will be beaten or killed by family members. Yet you ignore the links I provided that suggest that women wear the burqa for other reasons as well. And it is my suggestion, and a much more credible one at that – that a woman who wears the burqa in secular Australia is more likely to be wearing the burqa based on a number of possible reasons, while a woman who wears the burqa in Saudi Arabia or in other sections of the Middle East is doing so because of imposed Taliban laws or family pressures.

      “The ‘Westernised’ Muslim is a great phenomenon ain’t it? Abandoning traditional Islamic values and adopting the concept of ‘individual liberty, freedom and equality of sexes’ that the West is currently built upon.”

      Your point? Individual liberty and freedom point to freedom to wear cultural clothing. Criticising the Westernised Muslim by comparing her to the patriarchal regime oppressed Muslim does nothing for your cause, and gives no weight to your suggestion that we should ban the burqa.

      “…when the justification given to them is a holy law, a judgement passed down by God on women for dishonoring the family, and when their husbands and family members are considered by the Muslim Culture as being worthy of passing down this judgement.”

      When honour killings occur in Australia, the killer is sentenced under Australian law. This, in my opinion, seems far more acceptable than imposing cultural bans. If a ban was to be placed on women wearing the burqa in public, and there were these families in Australia that threaten death on a woman who walks out in public without her burqa, then all you are doing is increasing the oppression on this female, as she will now be forbidden from leaving the house at all. If she leaves the house with her burqa on, she gets charged. If she leaves the house without her burqa on, she gets killed (apparently). If she chooses to wear the burqa, and she leaves the house with it on, she gets charged. If she chooses to wear the burqa, but is now forced by a secular democratic government not to wear it, she then chooses not to leave the house. How do any of these situations empower Muslim women? How do any of these situations prevent Muslim women who are supposedly living in fear of their families from being persecuted and harmed?

    • In case this looks confusing – I did second it under my pseudonym ‘Seriously not Terror AUSTRALIS!!!’ but this awaits moderation…

  55. I have no Parents, I make the sky my father and the Earth my mother, Contemplate on this and your silly little human biases become completley trite and meaningless. We did not make God. We tried to use his existence as a tool to subjugate humanity for the greedy, who think that the material world is where we belong. We can seek to create harmony in this world through our actions or disharmony and you are all doing the latter. Even the antibogan name is bloody ridiculous how can you expect to have people listen to your sermons on freedom of choice when you are obviously tainted. The bloody blind leading the bloody stupid. Welcome to the human world where nothing changes except the names we call each other.

    That is all

    • Thanks for that Captain Pessimist.

      The authors of theantibogan make no apologies for being harsh motherfucking intolerant arseholes. We despise people that criticise on the basis of race, gender, disability, sexuality and religion but find no issue criticising people who do so.

      The authors of theantibogan are all externally engaged with more positive harmony projects outside of this hate-filled venture. Don’t assume that this represents all that we do.

  56. Yep you are of the same mold as those you seek to criticise. Thats not pessimism its honest appraisal. The blind leading the stupid, throwing fuel on the fire of discontent creating disharmony in a world that needs to embrace difference.

    Such a sad sad thing.

    • Dear Andrew

      Good luck with loving the racists. I can assure you it won’t be returned. You are dealing with people whose thought processes are warped.

      Think about it. Racists are not born they are created. Racism and violence are close bedfellows. In this country a whole people were almost obliterated by deliberate massacre, introduced diseases and the forced removal of their children.

      Look at the supposedly civilised USA, who trumpeted loudly and long the virtues of democracy, while being the only country in the Anglophone West which enslaved people on the basis of their colour. Look at the awful legacy of slavery which continues into the 21st Century, despite the US having a black President.

      Are you going to extend your uncritical embrace to the Nazis and the KKK? Because both the Nazis and the KKK started somewhere, and strangely enough it was with the very same sort of mindless bigotry exposed on this site.

      I am quite comfortable with being intolerant to racists and bigots because the alternative ignores and denies the victims of racism and bigotry.

  57. Josh

    Nice words, so your answer to racism and bigotry is to be racist and bigotted. Everyone has a voice my friend and you cannot fight hatred with more hatred. Civilisations rise and fall has been happening for thousands of years. We learn from everyone on this world as everyone has a story. When you stop listening to all sides you close yourself off and become impotent.

    I never said that I love racists. I just understand humans better than you. There will always be conflict because we suffer from intelligence. It is only a gift if it is used wisely. By espousing hatred no matter at who or for what reason you are not using it wisely. I live my life by studying the mistakes of history and there have been a shitload of them and vowing to do it right, by me for myself, my family and my community. I dont care who lives in it or what/how they think for they are all my brothers and sisters.

    Time to take a step back people and instead of fighting against what people think. Look at the reasons that make them think that way. For exanple. The Jewish people are so caught up in the holocaust caused by the Germans that they fail to remember the 40 years of roaming the globe under Moses killing everyone untill found their new H
    homeland. What comes around goes around and only the innocent suffer. But then all life is suffering.

    Our only influence on others is to accept who they are or what they think and try to change them through setting a good example. Sometimes it works and sometimes it wont. But you never stop trying. they will live there life and I will live mine. I will greet every man as my brother and every women as my sister. This works for me and would probably work for everyone else if they gave oit a shot.


    • So please inform us of where anyone here (apart from the raucous intruders and the losers who post their rubbish on social networks and then become offended when they are called on their racism and bigotry) is “racist” and “bigoted”.

      I’m really not interested in having “debates” with racists and bigots, because I’ve read all their foul outpourings, both the notorious products of white supremacists and the mindless spews highlighted on this blog.

      Normal people find it very difficult any time to engage with the turmoil of disordered thought processes and misperceptions – anyone working in the mental health field can tell you that. Couple that with the manipulative rabble-rousing of media shock-artists, which deliberately fuels unfocused rage for its own agenda and you end up with the enshrining of such outpourings as somehow representing “views” and “opinions” which have equal weight and validity with evidence-based conclusions.

      You have fallen into the trap yourself by assuming you know more about human nature than you say I do, without any proof. A sweeping statement like the one you made does not constitute evidence. I prefer to conclude that the public utterances of the racists and bigots shown by TAB pretty much reveals the state of mind of these racists and bigots, and hence by its nature cannot go unchallenged.

      So what is it you find so valid and worthy of respect about their “views”?

    • Hey Andrew

      Whilst I appreciate your esoteric musings on not fighting hatred with more hatred; I have just a couple of points on that note:

      1. I am happy to say that the only people I am truly intolerant of are those who are intolerant. No problems here with being bigotted against the bigotted. Now before you go espousing criticisms of ‘hypocracy’; let me reassure you that mine is a channelled and focussed intolerance and is based on an assessment of the opinions and choices of others to be intolerant, not on matters outside their control.

      2. I have listened, I have been a witness to and I have seen suffering at the hands of intolerance based on pure unadulterated bigotry. Whilst you appear to espouse a philosophical reasoning of a Gandhian nature (i.e. Satyagraha); you appear to fail to recognise the fundamental flaws in your reasoning.

      The concept that through ‘listening’; fusion and harmony is attained is an absolute fallacy.

      You profess to understanding humans better than Josh but I am not certain that you do on the basis that you follow this comment with the absolutely absurd line:

      “There will always be conflict because we suffer from intelligence.”

      Whilst I am generally loathe to use Generation Y parlance – I veritably LOLed at that one.

      Here’s the reality my friend:

      a) There is a god or pantheon of gods – who for some bizarre reason have imposed his/her/their will on selected people who are then authorised to clobber the shit out of non-believers (in essences, humans justify violence with religion); or

      b) Darwin was correct and we are all basically semi-evolved bi-pedal simians who carry all the genetic predispositions of violence as a classic survival mechanism.

      Either which way, violence begets violence principally because that is what huminaty is about and has always been about. We are as a whole NOT intelligent; we are fundamentaly stupid.

      The fact that you or I may be more enlightened does not change the reality for the vast majority of the planet.

      Ergo – sitting around loving people and “understanding” them is not going to stop them abusing or even killing you on the basis of your gender, religion (or lack thereof), culture or country of origin, i.e. things out of your control.

      Now you suggest that you study the mistakes of history and then go into some waffle about Jews and 40 years of massacres under Moses?!?

      Ummm…. Firstly I don’t think you’ve actually read the Old Testament based on that strange analysis; and secondly and perhaps more significantly if you appear to be suggesting that the Old Testament is a valid and certifiable historical document that stands up to any academic or scientific rigours whatsoever.

      Since you have cited the Holocaust, let me fill you in on some details you seem to have missed:

      1. The genocide was not stopped by people wanting to “understand” and love the Nazis. It was stopped by a violent invasion of Germany. Nothing has changed on this front – see the “Rwandan Genocide” or “Bosnian Genocide”.

      2. At the time of the holocaust Germany was not 100% full of Nazi supporters. The majority of the people infact were not pro-Nazi; but it was their apathy that allowed this horror to continue. I for one will not stand around apathetically whilst the rhetoric of unthinking intolerance rises around me – see “Nazi resistance” for more details on how to stand up against hate.

      3. Since you profess to be one who learns from history, I suggest that you actually talk to a Holocaust survivor about the racism and rhetoric that increased around them prior to the Nazis being voted (legitimately I might add) into the Reichstag. You may be astounded to hear the parrallels with what is occuring now with this anti-immigrant; anti-Muslim; anti-Arab xenophobia that is spreading across Australia. The culture of fear that now prevails is exactly the same that caused the German majority to ruthlessly exterminate the Jews, Roma and homosexual minorities in their culture.

      You can therefore sit around greeting every man as your brother and every woman as your sister if you want. This attitude in WWII would mean that you would sit back and watch SS troops line up Jews including women and children and execute them on the street but still greet them with love. Now imagine trying to do this if you were Jewish yourself….

      You want the innocent to stop suffering perhaps? – Then how about stop being a gutless wimp and stand up to that which is morally reprehensible.

      You live in a fantasy world if you thing THEY are going to see your ‘good’ example and learn from it.

      Nice utopian fantasy – now welcome to the world of Realpolitik!

  58. I believe that you are focussing on 1 degree of the total human knowledge base. Unfortunately by doing this you miss out on the other 359 degrees of the circle of knowledge.
    I find all views valid because there is a positive side to everything. However you cannot fight hate with hate which is what I feel that you are doing. I am not a normal person in any context of the word. In fact I have been labelled as eccentric by those in the mental health field. Fortunately I take that as a compliment. As it proves that I do not fit into the “normal person mold”.

    By studying history I can not help but to see the circle of life revolving down through the eons. Expansion and contraction the 2 sides of the coin. Yin and Yang being another term to quantify this phenomenon.

    Until you can step back from your own viewpoint to allow others in how can you learn??

    I am commenting on the fact that you use the same tactics of the people that you are seeking to denigrate. How is this helpfull to anyone it just makes the fight go round and round without anything being accomplished. Hate hate hate hate. Get over it, it is part of the human condition, though very negative it feeds of itself and soon peters out if left alone.

    If you actually read anything that I written you will notice that I am sitting on the fence watching both sides taking potshots at each other. If you take the time to come up onto the fence with me you might be able to see what I see.

    It is very hard to describe the view at the top of the mountain for those that could not be bothered to climb it themselves.

  59. @ terror Australis.

    Nice one my friend.

    I will fight fire with fire if I am attacked with it first. I will defend myself my family my communtity with out second thought if I have to. I do not care who lives in it or what they believe. I will not standby and watch suffering that I can stop. But I will never draw the first blood.

    That is the example that I set. However if I have to do this I will not stop until I say the fight is over and I will do whatever it takes to complete this.

    If I have learned anything about this world is that everything is a microcosm with in the macrocosm the same thing goes on in small circles as it does in large circles. This life that we lead is not the be all of our existence, merely a block of our experience in this universe. I am very esoteric I know its power to change things when done in a positive way. I feel its power working through me as I walk my road but then I am open to it.

    Listening to people creates empathy which enables them to raise ther viewpoint without risk of creating an air of intolerance. Everybody is basically the same not in the physical state because culture plays its part on shaping their outlook. But go back to the metaphysical level and everyone wants the same thing. To feel that they are a part of the whole, in reality thats what we all are.

    I dont do politics and I dont do religion I am just what I am. I lead by example I teach my kids about the diversity of life on this planet and how important it is to their existance. I teach them that every thing travels in waves. Light, Sound, Thought, Life. Only a handfull of people who actually drag theselves out of the mainstream of humanity will experience this. There are thousands of Artists but only 1 Monet 1 Van Gogh.

  60. Sitting on top of mountains is something which may be appropriate if you are a Nepalese Sherpa but for the rest of us it is pointless and puzzling.

    I prefer to just spare a thought about the thousands of new arrivals who just wish to settle into their new country, find jobs and educate their kids – just like the rest of us normal stiffs. You see unlike our opponents, we here at the TAB are not continually obsessed with the skin colour or culture of the people around us unless we are lucky enough to perhaps share in a cultural festival. We don’t come home from the supermarket or the doctor’s surgery grumbling about the Indian receptionist or the Chinese checkout operator. When we read about crime we don’t automatically assume that the criminal is a different ethnicity to us. We merely assume he/she is a criminal.

    Not so our opponents. And while most of their bigotry is for the moment confined to mouthing off on sites like Facebook which any idiot can use, knowing that the sites they frequent are moderated by those of like mind and knowing that Facebook is criminally negligent in enforcing its own TOS, it is not drawing a long bow to realise that the feeding frenzy can turn to violence.

    Then you get the public remarks, the bashings, the bullying, the intimidation, the destruction of property. And its victims are supposed to remain silent and cowed.

    We are only interested in standing up for and protecting the victims. The law can and should deal with the perpetrators.

  61. Josh

    Don’t they become victims by chioce? What makes you think that they want your help? If they are choosing not to help themselves. Why then do they have to have self righteous people like yourself do it?. All good questions dont you think..

    Yes only pointless and puzzling for those who do not see. but you dont see much with your face against a brick wall of ignorance either. I choose to take the effort to see all so I may understand better.

    But thats just me

    Have a great day

    • What makes you think that they want your help?

      er…its always nice to feel accepted for who you are without constantly hearing “Fuck off you slimy greasy cunt”. “Oi, your wearing my fucking tea towel”. “Hey camel fucker”.

      Don’t they become victims by chioce?

      No people do not become victims by their own choice. They become victims by being victimised. “Fuck off you slimy greasy cunt”. “Oi, your wearing my fucking tea towel”. “Hey camel fucker”.

      If they are choosing not to help themselves. Why then do they have to have self righteous people like yourself do it?

      Because people like you don’t listen to things they have fears about.

      And to use your closing arguement. Yes only pointless and puzzling for those who do not see. but you dont see much with your face against a brick wall of ignorance either.

  62. This is just a pile of shit!
    I want to declare that not only do I want to get rid of the burqa but I fucking hate Islam, Muslims and halal! Post that on your fucking Pro Islam site fuckers!!

  63. Megan put half a teaspoon of concrete in your tea and harden the fuck up. Even Charles Darwin believes in natural selection. If you cant handle the heat then get the hell out of the kitchen. Oh no you called me a name n the form of a word with letters in it and everything. Sheesh my world is crushed and now I feel totaly discriminated against. The world is a hard deadly place pepole die here all the time its part of life. Having to worry about other peoples fears aint in my job criteria. Go and give them a tissue for their issue and let them have a little cry.

  64. Oh Megan you used a swear word at me. I might have to start a website and put comments on it trying to have people like you put down for the use of totaly inappropriate language. Which causes distress to those of us who have to read them. Maybe I will Have to get 1 of those full length black woolen body condoms with the window in the front to hide away from the world and people like you, because I feel threatened by your total lack of understanding of my culture. You are the bogan oh yes you are.

    Now I am really pissing myself laughing

    • Oh please, please buy yourself a burqa Andrew. The Domestic Goddess saw your picture and was immediately reminded of the posters in the police station.

  65. Its not illegal to use swear words fuck stick. It is illegal to discriminate based on race. Also treating me like a child will not offend. Just prove you really are the racist, sexist prick that I feel nothing but disdain for.

  66. @the anti bogan
    And you would know this how? Or are you just living in the black hole you call your intelligence. You crack me up mr anteverything go and have a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and then give yourself a swift uppercut. I live in a town that is inhabited with all cultures and all of them are my friends…..Because I dont discriminate against anyone even bogans. Get a life Ha hahahahaha

    • Blah blah blah.

      The town you’re from has migrants from white countries, everybody else is Australian born. That means that even if they have slopey eyes or dark skin, they’re still Australian, and so were their parents.

      I wouldn’t grant you custody either, fuckhole…

      • Mr anti bogan. I take great pleasure in knowing that a hundred years ago With all the offensive crap you say you would be dead right now and we would all be backing turds up on to your grave. You dont even have the courage to use your own name. You truly are a waste of space.

        • I take great pleasure in that we don’t act like cavemen in this day and age, and that backing shit up onto someone’s grave, no matter how much of an arsehole they were, is completely disgraceful.
          How is using your whole name on a blog courageous? It’s stupid if you think about it.

          Speaking of wasting space, had a look at your eyebrows lately? 🙂

  67. Rory, how did we even get to the 21st century?
    It’s really staggering how often liberals use such a notion as an excuse for something. It changes every now and then too, and now it’s the “it’s the 21st century so…” and you can add whatever offense or degradation of society they promulgate as now being ‘okay’ seeing as how the calendar flipped over.

    From foundation Australia was one of the most advanced nations on earth, part of the British empire, and White…there’s NO reason why any of that should not be valid right now, in the 21st century, and for ever more.
    It was entirely valid until unjustly taken away in 1973…and it’s not like things changed overnight, throughout the entirety of the 1970’s, 80’s, and 90’s, Australia remained White.
    Into the first years of this 21st centuru Australia was still, obviously, very White.

    Why do people feel the need to destroy that? To change that?
    I know the answer, but it would be good if multicultists began to actually question their own influences, motivations, and plans for once.
    We don’t hear any calls for China to not be Asian anymore, seeing as how it’s the “21st century”! We don’t hear people calling for Saudi Arabia to nor be populated by Semites anymore, seeing as how it’s the “21st century”, and on and on.

    Why should it be relevant that Australia remain White in the 21st century? Because that’s what we were on foundation, that’s who and what we were for 200 years.
    That’s, truly, who and what we are now.
    Australia being White is what made Australia…and the protectionist policy ensured that.
    Ensured the entire society that you’ve milked every day of your life here, and that you now paradoxically think shouldn’t be White anymore.
    You want Australia to be less White, or not White at all….well that there, Rory, is a call on your part for total social destruction, and genocide!
    Whether you are aware of it, or not, and whether it fits into your slim liberal definition of what genocide amounts to.

    You’re actually going along with calling for massive social division, and total population replacement.

    Why should Australia remain White? Because there’s precious few truly White countries left, and White people have been reduced to only around 8% of the worlds population.

    If you want Australia to not be White, then you should also get out of your nice modern home or apartment, disconnect form all electricity and other power sources, get out of and throw away every single element of civlised, advanced, first world, Western, British, White society that you obnoxiously take for granted…whilst simultaneously calling for the elimination of the people who made that all possible.

    Whites, literally, made Australia…and, as has been said by exemplary Australian politicians before…the White Australia Policy saved Australia!

    Why should it be valid and relevant that Australia be White in the 21st century? Because that’s who we ARE! That’s what we ARE!

    We should, and have every right to, remain so now…and into the future!

  68. Scott post….

    “Burble burble burble burble rant rant CAPITAL LETTERS burble rant burble…burble burble burble rant rant CAPITAL LETTERS burble rant burble…burble burble burble rant rant CAPITAL LETTERS burble rant burble…burble burble burble rant rant CAPITAL LETTERS burble rant burble”

  69. Go back, and it shouldn’t be too difficult, for it’s right above what you’ve glibly posted there, and read what I have written.
    For it’s nothing like how you dismiss it.
    That goes for anyone else. Read my words, they’re not “burble rant burble”, they’re the truth.
    Obviously, liberals and multicultists will never have the truth openl expressed. It does not suit their ends.
    Handy hint, anytime that a liberal/multicultist tries to deflect people’s attention from something, you can rest assured it’s more than likely something worth reading, and something that will shatter their lies and expose their aims.

    For all their blaring demands for “tolerance”, the multicult movement cannot and will not tolerate open and informed discussion about any of these issues. For they know…they know…that it will annihilate their grim plans!

    • Scotty, you’ve referred to this so-called “plan” ad nauseum, and you say you hang around because you want to spread the word about this “plan”. But DUDE, you know for the life of me, I still have no fucking clue what you’re on about or what the plan is.

      I am a concerned Australian certainly and would like to know if I’d been brainwashed and soon to meet my imminent DBC (death-by-coloureds). So can you please clarify the following:

      1. WHAT is the plan exactly?

      2. WHO is carrying out the orders?

      4. WHAT are they getting out of it?

      5. HOW did you catch wind of the plan (and why haven’t the powers that be tried to take you out yet?)

      6. If this plan is so sinister and if you do feel so strongly about it, how the fuck do you have time to spend your entire day on Facebook posting up how you “loved that last episode of Ugly Betty and Gossp Girl” or doing quizzes on which Glee character you’re most like? Surely you’d be getting into the public service, or at least going to the media with your findings?

  70. And completley disgraceful is all you deserve mr antibogan. The only question you need to concern yourself with is. Would I have done it quick and painless or would I have done it slowly and painfully. At the moment I am leaning towards the latter. The muslim religion in its extreme version is worse than any ‘Caveman” . I dont think they killed family members for not wearing their idea of appropriate clothing. Funny thing is they are doing it in countries they have gone to to escape the extremism yet brought it with them. I am all for multiculturalsim. Especially if they bring the best bits of the culture and help us move foward. I will not except the negative parts and having to be called a racist because of this. I did not spend time in 2 of our armed forces for this crap. If they dont like the freedoms we have then they can all go back to where they came from. and you can carry their bags

    • At the moment we have an influential group of fundamentalist Christians who want to actively suppress the rights of women and gays and to impose repressive censorship on what adults see, hear and read.

      How about addressing these planks in the eyes of mainstream Australia before you worry about the specks in the eyes of tiny minorities (to paraphrase a Biblical quote)?

      Our daily lives are more hampered by the Fred Niles of this world than they are by any passing fundamentalist thoughts of some isolated Imam or other.

  71. Ban the Beard.

    When a man shaves his beard, he looks like a completely different person. How can we track our people to ensure there is no terrorism when there are beardy men on the loose?

    The worst thing: men with white beards all look like Santa Claus. What a farce. Making us all think they are sweet, innocent, present-giving father figures. It is time, ladies and beardless gents, to take matters into our own hands.

  72. Liberal: People should be free to wear what they want, whenever they want. There should be no discrimination of the basis of sex.

    Muslim: We want a men-excluded swimming pool session with restrictive dress code.

    Liberal: Sure, go ahead. Anything else?

    • Homosexual: we want a men-excluded swimming pool session with foam.

      Scott: Abominations!

      Shockaholic: Oh that sounds quite fun!

      Japanese: このShockaholicが言おうとしている点は何ですか?彼は非常に奇妙な男だ。

      Korean: 난 그냥 즐겁게 Shockaholic 항상 다른 사람의 입이에 단어를 넣고 좋아하는 것을 찾아라!

  73. I don’t have a problem with T-shirted Muslims or enfoamed homosexuals having the pool all to themselves for a night.
    I have a ‘problem’ with the hypocrisy of our so-called ‘enlightened’ contemporary society.

    We have ‘anti discrimination’ laws precisely to stop ‘X-excluded’ situations, but the ‘non-X minority group’ can always get an ‘exemption’.

    If we’re going to keep making ‘exemptions’ we should just get rid of the laws.
    The swimming pool can then have whatever ‘exclusive’ sessions it wants.
    Muslim women’s night. Gay Foam Night.
    Left-handed Lithuanian Midget Night!

  74. I really wish these bogans thought for themselves, rather than letting the villanous mainstream think for them. Real sad and lazy bastards they are. Plus, this planet was not made for the Western world to barge their beliefs on everyone else around them, especially Christianity!

  75. As usual the libtard describes themselves when supposedly describing their enemies,

    Ras, you’re the one who swallows the villanous mainstream. MSM has been indoctrinating you since birth with this utopian one-world-one-people agenda.

    You’re the ones ‘barging’ your beliefs on everyone. Just look what happens when someone disagrees with you. Hysteria! Outrage! Must pass more liberty-restricting legislation!

    Based on what’s listed on the ‘thingboganslike’ site, I’m not even a bogan! Or a Christian! Perhaps it is you who needs to stop being so ‘lazy’ by presuming you know who I am.

  76. The racists are disgusting- but I regularly swim on cold winter nights (and the admin may have “never seen australians swim on cold winter nights” – well come down to the pool then). I would not want to wear shorts in order to swim (t shirt is fine). I am not a racist. What you are capturing here are a collection of racist reponses and rightly so. I agree that their reaction is quite sick. But do disagree with this rule is not to be racist (I know you never said so but the opening lines implied that there should be no objection – which is not true). Those who don’t swim on cold nights couldn’t care less (why would they)- and I think that covers the admins and should cover everyone here – who of all these racists ever goes to the pool?. But from someone who is in the pool in the evening – no shorts thanks. Perhaps just book out the lanes of the pool. I guess this is a pretty pointless post because the point is to reveal the fucking crazy ass racist knee jerk reactions. But the issue is not so simple (I am sure you are aware).

      • Those posters railing against women-only swimming sessions in Melbourne would do well to remember that mixed bathing on public beaches and baths was not allowed in Australia until the beginning of the 20th Century.

        In fact there is still a public pool in Sydney reserved for women and children only. It is extensively used by older women, women with disabilities and nuns who find being stared at on public beaches and pools confronting.

        Maybe the frenetic Islamophobes would like to take on Waverley Council?

        Also, it is crucial that newcomers have the opportunity to learn to swim. Even older British migrants are often non-swimmers, and immigrants and tourists are disproportionately a large part of our adult drowning statistics.

        Any initiative which saves lives by teaching water safety is welcome.

  77. I am a proud Aussie (INFEDEL) who believes these filthy maggots must destroy their koran (weapon of mass destruction) and live life the Australian way or just fuck off out of this great land

  78. The time has come for a war on islam. They are trying to take over, They want to destroy our australian ideals. The Australian way is unfortunately dying, But it can be saved! Stop the boats! Stop the immigration from islamic countries and get rid of the ones that are here! They hate us and OUR way of life! if they don’t want to be AUSTRALIAN (who is not islamic in ANY way) get the fuck out! Being Australian is an attitude not a skin colour or race. Islam is absolutely NOT Australian in any way shape or form, its a cancer in this country and the world and the sooner we are rid of it the better. If all TRUE Australians, regardless of colour or race stand together we can defeat the most serious threat to our way of life to date.

    • “They are trying to take over, They want to destroy our australian ideals.”

      Let me guess – you watched 60 Minutes tonight and saw the interviews with the few Islamic nutjobs who hate democracy… right?

    • Wow they must be pretty good if 1.2% of the population can take over a country of 23 million with its modern defence forces and police.

      However phil and his cohorts have never let evidence get in the way of a good scare campaign so watch carefully now.

      1.2% of the population is about 300,000 people. Let’s for the sake of argument leave out the elderly and kids under 16. That brings it down considerably. To about 150,000.

      About half those remaining are women. Now I know there might be a tiny handful of Muslim women who embrace jihadi ideals – let’s say there are about four. OK now we have 70,000 men. Of these men, the majority are well-educated business and professional people because they are recent migrants who have come in under the skilled immigrant programme. The last thing they would want would be to hook up with movements which would disturb their comfortable and happy lives.

      I mean just look at your average jihadi group. A whole bunch of dull speeches in Arabic given by hairy dweebs, which many of the guys wouldn’t really understand anyway because they speak Turkish or Farsi or Punjabi as their first language and only hear Arabic in the mosque. Lots of blokey chest-beating, which educated people find boring (the same as I would find a far right group boring especially if Snott was running it) They’d rather be watching soccer or playing computer games or backgammon or heading for the beach.

  79. Well this takes me back, I hope you all are having a great time digging your hole down to hell, the whole world tensions are now growing at an alarming rate, this is getting beyond the burqa, more people are opening their eyes to see how messed up Islam is, this will be the final Crusades! All you muslims have been warned, Israel standing up for themselves is only the start, Nostradamus has so far predicted well. For 2 years now I have been watching, reading various news articles from around the world, I read the Quran, I say no more than to state that you are all committing ethnic suicide unless you leave your murderous pedophile prophet muhammad! What sense does it make when you make hell for yourselves just to be jealous of those who worked hard to make their own lives great and try to destroy their way of life? Instead of trying to kill us, instead of trying to rape our women, leave islam, join us, make your money and buy your dream like the rest of us, and pay a small sum in taxes to our government so they can make sure the roads are good, garbage trucks takes our rubbish away, and pay the doctors to look after you when you are sick. You only have one life, live it, don’t destroy it!

    • What makes you think any of us are Muslims?

      However we can see you are still a brainless paranoid bigot.

      Oh and they are NOT “your” women you misogynist toe-rag. Only dateless losers say that.

      • Probably because some of you may be refugee students in a University who has too much time on their hands to be able to make fake facebook profiles to troll the anti Islamic pages.

    • Nostradamus? Seriously, you’re being supported by Nostradamus?

      Tell you what, I got a prediction for ya: “A bright light will hsine in the eastern quarter”-and I guarantee you it will come true, becuase I’ll keep on reinterpreting it until it matches what actually happens. By your reational, I will be a soothsayer.

      Incidentally, have you ever met a Muslim in person?

      • Yes I have met muslims, and I find them in general not very friendly, since the Quran tells a Muslim not to make friends of unbelievers, when I meet a muslim, the reception that I get is like I am not welcome despite being polite to them, I used to be a little confused until I found out about Sikhs, since they seem to be very friendly people. Its not like I am going to bag a muslim the moment I see one, I take people as they present themselves, you are what you make yourself.

        I dont follow the Nostradamus like its my life but many people out there are which brings up some interesting assumptions, I have read it but its been a while, its like many taboo subjects like zodiac signs, all written vague so it can be interpreted into anything.

        I take more into what is happening in the now, in the news, rockets fired into Israel from the Gaza strip, Iran developing its nuclear facilities, Riots at embassies, things like that.

        More is being revealed as of late why Muslim terrorists have been successful in many years in the media making themselves look like the victims, because the men who do the dirty work are cowards using women and children as human shields. Another example I have been finding is the rockets are fired from the rooftops of hospitals, civilians purposely trapped in buildings that are used as launchpads, making it impossible to avoid killing the terrorists without collateral damage. Using civilians to a sob media advantage to poison the minds of the viewing public is nothing less of cunning cowardice to make the real victims look bad.

        • “Yes I have met muslims, and I find them in general not very friendly, since the Quran tells a Muslim not to make friends of unbelievers,”

          Really? How exactly were they not friendly to you? How exactly were you trying to be friendly to them? A person, who has said that Msulims cannot be friends with him finding Muslims not being his friends smacks a bit of predestined conclusion.

          If Muslims are absolutely required by law to hate all non Muslims, why do I have Muslim friends? Why do we have Msulims working and befriending other non-Muslims?

          “I dont follow the Nostradamus like its my life but many people out there are which brings up some interesting assumptions, ”

          But why mention it? A lot of people believe the world is secretly ruled by shape changing lizards, are you going to bring them up too?

          It sounds like you’re telling me “Proof of my belief that all Muslims are evil is the prophecy of a guy from the 14th century” but now you’re saying “But I don’t really believe him”

          “I take more into what is happening in the now, in the news, rockets fired into Israel from the Gaza strip, Iran developing its nuclear facilities, Riots at embassies, things like that.”

          So because bad things are happening in the Islamic world, all Muslims are terrible? Do you treat all religious, cultural and ethnic groups the same, or is it only Muslims who get that special treatment?

          For example-China is firing at other countries across disputed islands-are you going to say all Chiense are evil? They’ve already had nuclear weapons, and there have been riots at the Japanese embassy in China. Are the Chinese all evil then as well?

          “Using civilians to a sob media advantage to poison the minds of the viewing public is nothing less of cunning cowardice to make the real victims look bad.”

          So, because Hamas is a media manipulator, all Muslims in all countries are evil (Even babies), right? So, when an African war lord like Kony uses Child soldiers, are you saying all Christians are evil as well?

          Seems like you have one rule for Muslims and another for everyone else. Just like oyu have one rule for believing prophecy, but only when it agrees with what you want it to say.

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