Is This Guy A Racist? You Decide…


So: Let the debate begin. Is this clown a racist? Or someone who judges people on their individual actions, as opposed to the actions of those who look like them?










172 thoughts on “Is This Guy A Racist? You Decide…

  1. Isn’t it funny that all of this is just my response.
    With nothing mentioned about what I was replying to.

    Well done. You managed to do what you set out to do.
    You have got me on camel genocide. Killing unwanted kittens, as a lot of your parents or grand parents would be guilty of. You see, Farm folk do that sort of shit. They kill what is not needed to save on food.
    Who has not told a joke about someone or a different culture, religion, colour or creed.???

    • You’ve achieved exactly what you set out to do. You’ve got no-one to blame but yourself for your short comings and now that your back is against the wall. Do you think that someone should put you out of my misery? Get yourself a clue and get over your insecurities man, they’re holding you back from being a decent human being. x

  2. Dan says – “Isnā€™t it funny that all of this is just my response.
    With nothing mentioned about what I was replying to.”

    The old “taken out of context” argument. Please enlighten us Dan. In what context are the “abo” jokes, the raghead reference, great news from Christmas Island or raping, camel sucking etc a reasonable and non-racist response. Jokes? In what context are any of these comments possibly funny?

  3. This guy is a racist wankfest in denial if ever I saw one.
    And he’s smashed up kittens and proudly pronounces it.

    So ashamed to know he’s an Aussie.

  4. I am constantly disappointed by not just racism but a complete lack of humanity. Children died as a result of the boat accident. His comment about that, as well as the others show a complete lack of empathy, compassion or humanity.

    My country has all those..and more. So, you are correct on one side. Find the ideal of ‘a fair go’…in other words – fit in or fuck off loser.

  5. oh, look.
    It is you again.
    Yeah, take one reply, without the rest of the threads.
    Um, does that make sense for you?
    your so straight, you never made fun of anyone, at all??
    Naw, i will bet you were the biggest bitch in school.
    A joke is a joke.
    If everything you ever said was collected and held against you, how well will you all fair????

    • Your jokes aren’t funny. They are lame, thoughtless and racist. There is no context that changes that. So putting yourself as the joker to me being ‘straight’ is, well, laughable. It relies on your jokes being funny. They are not.

  6. ‘where is the racism morons??’

    Suck shit you filthy stinking piece of arab shit.’

    Do you even think about what you do and say?
    Are you just trying to troll, or are you actually retarded?

  7. where is the racism???
    Just because you soft cocks don’t like killing animals, does not make me bad.
    You lot need to harden the fuck up.

    • Where is the racism? Are you fucking retarded?

      Mother nature took good care of the asylum seekers? Aboriginal children deserve beer cans thrown at the back of their heads? All Arabs are Muslims and are filthy rag-heads that should be blown up? Let me know when I imply some racism, Dan…

    • How does drowning a defenceless baby animal make you a strong person? You are seriously troubled and if that makes me a “soft cock” then so be it.

        • He didn’t say for no reason. He said because feral cats kill wildlife. feral cats are a massive problem for native animals and farmers and people in the bush generally care about that. I hate killing, and have two cats, but there IS a reason for it, and that reason is usually protection of the native land. Cats are cute, but they do kill.

          This whole page is full of hate, and that makes it terribly hypocritical. Despite the position I can’t respect anyone here who justifies ‘but a bullet in his head’ or any other extreme viewpoint simply because he stated his opinions with which you disagree. I think a lot of the points made in his defence have been reasonable, and while I don’t agree with him, I think the need to lynch him in public has taken away any credibility away from those here doing the lynching. It’s like many people here don’t even have any clue what ‘racism’ truly is, and are too busy with a moral crusade to truly understand ‘real’ hate.

        • There are several authors here at our blog, and a few thousand subscribers. Let me assure you – we all harbour a deep hatred for racism and discrimination and will not be bashful about exposing and denouncing it at every possible opportunity.

  8. So we are un-Australian becasue we don’t abuse based on colour or creed, or kill kittens ? far out man. I was born here, I’m Australian as anyone, A racist Ostrayan Bogan I am not. Im truly interested to see what “context” these coments that you made were in becasue try as I might I cant think of a scenario where any decent human could have an excuse to cough up such garbage. Im also interested to know, that if you don’t think these comments are racist, what you think a racist actually is ?

  9. Ugh, people like you make me sick Dan. Make me ashamed to have been brought up in this country. Australia has so much potential to be such a beautiful place, but anyone, ANYONE who makes a racist remark does not deserve the freedom and incredibly lucky way of life we have here. Let alone people making racist remarks about Aboriginals. They are the first people of this country, they have experienced genocide, murder, rape, almost complete obliteration of their land and culture. With the knowledge of all of this, I still can’t comprehend how anyone can make such disgusting remarks.
    You don’t deserve to live here.

  10. “I’m not racist, I have mates who are Aboriginal, Italian, Greek, Vietnamese and Chinese”

    The fact that someone is willing to classify those people as a certain race and not just a human being, puts them in the racist column of my book.

    “Sad to see no Australians are here on this page”

    If being Australian means being prepared to laugh at children who have died on their family’s way from escaping horrid treatment in their home countries then put me on the next ship now.

    This guy seems to think that being born in a country immediately makes him ten times better than everyone else in the world. This would be funny if our world wasn’t filled with people just like him. These people are causing all the insanity in the world.

  11. Yes he’s racist. Racism has changed from old-style crap that tried to use biology and science. That failed so they now tend to talk about “culture” and stuff like that. We can all agree that some beliefs and practices in parts of the world are not things we would want to do in our own society – but to heap a whole pile of blanket shit on a group of people from a particular part of the world or well established religion does not indicate someone who has much common respect for their fellow human being. Laughing at the serious misfortune of people dying trying arrive here as asylum seekers is completely wrong.

    Telling us to “fit in or FUCK off” is monoculturalist bullshit. This person’s a bigoted, bogan fuckhead. Fuck you shitty dickface. Grow a fucking brain turd head.

  12. Urgh. What a feral. I grew up ‘out bush’ and I have never
    ever heard of anyone there being proud to kill animals in such a
    cruel way. If A feral cat was around it would be caught and taken
    to the vet be put down. People that bought cats got them desexed.
    They were respected animals useful in that they got rid of snakes
    around the houses. I would very thank you for not sporting your
    opinion by speaking for those who live on farms assuming they are
    cruel like you. You are just adding to the stereotype that people
    from rural ares are stupid, racist outdated ferals which for the
    most part they are not. You being the exception to the rule.
    Australia has built an image of being Multicultral. Thats the image
    we put out to the rest of the world, so being of a differentnt
    ‘race’ if anything adds to the icnoic look of Australia as a whole.
    How can you not see that you are a Racist Pig? I mean really? You
    admit to thinking about beating someone of a different culture in
    one of your posts. Just because he is of a different culture/race.
    Thats pretty much the definition of racism. I dont think anything
    anyone of us says to you will go into your thick skull. If you
    could only understand how LUCKY you are to live in our country and
    how LUCKY you are to have laws that allow you to project your
    filthy opinions on the public and protect you from people like
    myself who would really like to do the same thing to you that you
    do to cats. People like you are only adding to Australias current
    unfavouarble views in the media at large. Shut up, keep your
    worthless opinions to yourself and lets both hope you realise how
    pathetic you are and die, full of shame and alone

  13. I ask you again Dan – please do explain the context in which your comments would be seen as anything other than racist. Show us the whole thread if you think it will help your case. You won’t because it won’t help you. And re your question above I don’t think any screenshot of anything I have ever typed is going to make me look like someone who hates Indigenous Australians and thinks its funny to joke about harming Aboriginal babies or thinks its funny that asylum seekers drowned.

  14. And Dan if it helps you further in your quest to prove you are not racist, racism is defined as
    the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    ā€¢ prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief”

  15. 1. Really? Going that far to post indigenious Australian jokes? You must really hate this country since they forfeited most their land to us. They were the original people here and you still make fun of them.
    2.Lives are at stake here. Children lives. 7 children (including 4 infants) died. 7 people who didn’t have the chance to have the joys of life.
    3.Who the hell made up the idea of beastiality and islamicism? Speaking of beastiality, there are actual websites of people doing it for money. (hint. porn)
    4. Camels werent brought here by ‘rag heads’ to help build this country. They were hardy and of course the most sutiable choice for helping to build the railway. I wonder why it was called ‘The Ghan’? Because the handlers were referred to as them.
    5. No comment.
    6. Neuter your kittens! How sad of you to let them have babies just for the fun of drowning it! Kill life! Or why not wring puppies as well while your at it! I hate cats too, but this is just too far.
    (1) A person must not be cruel to an animal.
    Maximum penalty–1000 penalty units or 2 years imprisonment.
    (2) Without limiting subsection (1), a person is taken to be cruel to an animal if the person does any of the following to the animal–
    (g) kills it in a way that–
    (i) is inhumane; or
    (ii) causes it not to die quickly; or
    (iii) causes it to die in unreasonable pain;
    You just broke the law! I hope you go to jail for that! Multiple offenses for multiple kittens! You do know that this information can be fowarded on to the AFP or the RSPCA? Or your local council?
    7. People try their best to assimilate.
    8.Let people choose what they eat? Who are you to influence what they eat or do? Just ignore.

  16. Dan, did you know that killing animals have been linked to Psychopathy – I’d know, I’m a Psychologist.

    Secondly, yes I have made inappropriate jokes pertaining to culture etc. and you know what……..once I got an education, I stopped. I am ashamed of having done this before and no longer engage in that kind of behaviour. That joke regarding aboriginal babies was not cool dude – we do not do this in civilised society.

    Thirdly, having friends who are of a different ethnicity than you does not automatically absolve you of racism. A friend’s father was a great fan of Hitler (even had a framed pic of him above his bed) but married and anglo-indian woman.

    Fourthly, let’s put this in perspective, somewhere along the line all our ancestors were migrants.

    Lastly, none of these replies were taken out of context. If you could perhaps show everyone where and how these were taken out of context, I’m sure some of us would retract our statements.

    Dan you need to get out more and get yourself educated. If you’re not happy with the way this Country is progressing, then perhaps it’s time for you to leave. What was that statement that those of you ilk love professing – “Love it or leave”?

    And oh – I’m a migrant and Asian just incase you were wondering.

  17. Yep that’s pretty much everything I wanted to say. Congratulations Dan. You’re a moron. Now about we put you in a hessian bag and drown you on a dam?

  18. @Dan, if you’re going to tell jokes like that, and if they are actually intended as jokes, public forums are not the place for them. You surely understand that everyone will take them to be offensive, cynical, unintelligent peices of racist slander.

    @TheAntiBogan – I hope your doing more to combat inequality than just putting ordinary people on show for having archaic beliefs, a quick browse at your website shows a complete lack of action. I don’t consider a name and shame page to be a constructive way to combat this problem. You have people tried and convicted, before a jury of similarly trite peers who are only making themselves feel better, by pointing their fingers and scoffing at a person they’ve never met. Your elitist view that only the intelliget and progressive people of this world are able to enjoy the liberty of free speech denounces you as narrow and uncompassionate. You made the point to someone that posted a news clip of an incident in Britain that they knew nothing of the background or circumstance of the people in the press release. Well I put it to you, that you know nothing of the people you shame on this website. I also put it to you that not one of them has changed their view afterward. Inequality can only be defeated by education. Multicultural harmony will only be acheived through empathy for one another. Words don’t hurt people, institutionalised bias hurts people.

    • You will find that these racists have had plenty of “education”. There is a heap of info posted here on diversity education – TAB posted almost a page of links a while back.

      Plus if they are under 40 or thereabouts they would have had mandatory multicultural perspectives incorporated into their school curricula. I know that ignorant racists are probably likely to be school dropouts but this stuff starts at kindergarten – I know, I went to a NSW school and we had it right through to Year 12.

      If “ordinary people” don’t want to be on show they can stop posting their defamatory and illegal bilge on Facebook and other sites.

      Well I put it to you, that you know nothing of the people you shame on this website.

      We know plenty about the backgrounds and circumstances of many of the racists featured here. They are very lucky that TAB does not post all the info it has.

      Your elitist view that only the intelliget (sic) and progressive people of this world are able to enjoy the liberty of free speech…

      So you agree racists are dumb then?

      TAB doesn’t stop anyone from posting. If the dumb posts belong to racists that’s not TAB’s fault.

      I also put it to you that not one of them has changed their view afterward.

      But a lot of people who are being defamed and vilified by these racists you are so keen to protect and who have no voice to fight back with are cheering. We are only interested in their welfare.

      The racists on the other hand have made their beds, so I hope they enjoy the nails while lying on them.

      Multicultural harmony will only be acheived(sic) through empathy for one another.

      TAB will continue to show solidarity with asylum seekers, refugees, immigrants, Indigenous people, LGBT people, women and people with disabilities, and appreciation for all those who post here in support of its mission. That’s how it does the empathy bit.

      There are many people whose personal circumstances have been appalling but who do not consequently become hate-filled racists and bigots.

      • @Josh – well said!

        @Anthony – noble sentiments indeed and with a modicum of truth to them; however the reliance on some rudimentary social engineering techniques (i.e. “Inequality can only be defeated by education”) is overly-simplistic and belies the multi-faceted complexity of the problem at hand. I’m sure there were a number decent liberal-minded Germans in the 1930s who thought that “if we only educate them to see the error of their ways then these Nazi’s will definitely understand the sheer inhumanity of their position…”

        Furthermore you have completely failed to understand that the sanctions of the general public are fantastic tools in altering the behaviour of others. Laws are created as a reflection of society rather than societies being created by laws. Social sanction works – to be shunned by your society often has far more significant impact to an individual than any percieved threat of legal sanction. To be publically named and shamed on the basis of information that these scum have themselves placed in the public forum, not only disempowers them but serves to alert them that there are a plethora of people in their society who find their attitudes and behaviour abhorrent.

        I can also tell you quite cheerfully that if one of the myriad of morons who feature so prominently on this blog attempts ever to seek employment from me or my friends then they will realise just how much their bigotry is not welcome in at least my part of this country.

  19. I would be unsurprised for people to hold these opinions, but to whack them out there on facebook? That takes a new level of pride in your own ignorance and hatred. How does he have a job with shit like this on the internet? Because I sure as hell wouldn’t want him in my organisation!

  20. (I’m not the racist Dan)
    I can’t believe this cumfart thinks he isn’t racist.
    And he is of the school of thought that “if everyone (that he knows, all racist cunts) are saying racist jokes, then it is alright?

    Fuck off you racist, dumb, inbred cunt….

  21. This guy drowned some kittens? Wow. What a sterling example of Aussie manhood. And yes, he is a racist. This fact is made clearly evident by his poor spelling and also abysmal use of punctuation. So, racist, yes. Master of the English language, no. Such two attributes seem to go hand in hand.

  22. can someone explain to me the joke about bathing the baby? i don’t get it :(.

    also hahaha oh wow, this guy has some serious masculinity issues.

    • @HURRDURR – if you are referring to the first “joke” that Dan made – then apparently the water is scalding hot, ergo the use of a spatula – if there is a subtext to this I’m not certain although I recall hearing (but immediately chose to forget) a “joke” about the bleaching of babies to make them white – so perhaps there is some connotations to this within this “joke” – alternatively it could simply be a case of neaderthalic schadenfreude – i.e. the perceived “humour” is in the malicious treatment of the baby insomuch as that is all that it is worthy of…

      Either way there is no humour here in any context that I can see – just a reflection of an extremely bigotted midly sociopathic, and distinctly psychopathic individual who probably would have been incarcerated in a mental institution by now if he were born 50-60 years ago…

  23. Actually, the more I think about this guy, the more disgusted I become. How can anybody harbour such attitudes towards animals. Does cruelty towards defenceless creatures compensate for a complete lack of self-esteem or possibly all-round underachievement? Maybe he has a very small penis or possibly none at all. Urrrgggghhhh… creep.

  24. Is This Guy A Racist? You Decide

    1. disliking Islam = racist
    2. telling jokes = racist
    3. hating terrorists = racist
    4. drowning kittens = racist
    5. disliking PETA = racist
    6. disliking camels = racist

    I wonder if:
    7. disliking chocolate cake = racist
    8. drinking sarsparilla = racist
    9. standing in the middle of the road = racist
    10. eating pickles = racist
    11. wearing underpants = racist

    Reahan ā€œIā€™m not racist, I have mates who are Aboriginal, Italian, Greek, Vietnamese and Chineseā€
    The fact that someone is willing to classify those people as a certain race [those are ethnicities, not races] and not just a human being, puts them in the racist column of my book.”

    I guess my dictionary is racist then. I found all those words in it.
    People classify *themselves* using these terms.
    Would “I have mates who are human beings” tell you anything about them?

    Ordem e Progresso: “We can all agree that some beliefs and practices in parts of the world are not things we would want to do in our own society”

    But that’s not “racist”. At least, not when *you* say it.

    “in our own society”

    Whose society? Aren’t we “multicultural”?
    Who decides what the limits are, when every culture is “equal” and its illegal to “discriminate”?

    Jack: “If A feral cat was around it would be caught and taken
    to the vet”

    Oh yeah, right. We’ll pay money for the vet to kill the feral cat.

    Kenny Tran: “Lives are at stake here. Children lives… who didnā€™t have the chance to have the joys of life.”

    Because their cowardly and/or greedy parents put them in a leaky dinghy and crossed a major ocean, with huge waves, storms and man-eating sharks.
    Want your children safe and alive? Stay on dry land.

    “People try their best to assimilate.”

    Do they?
    When the government is doing everything it can to help them *not* assimilate, like providing interpreters and translators, and funding for ethnic “councils” and festivals?

    Joe: “letā€™s put this in perspective, somewhere along the line all our ancestors were migrants.”

    Even the Aborigines.

    Let’s put this in perspective: most of us are born here.
    Surely those *born* here have a greater right to object to immigration, than immigrants do objecting to objectors.

    Anthony “@TheAntiBogan ā€“ I hope your doing more to combat inequality than just putting ordinary people on show for having archaic beliefs”

    No, that’s it.

    Josh: “Plus if they are under 40 or thereabouts they would have had mandatory multicultural perspectives incorporated into their school curricula.”

    I love Big Brother.

    Terror AUSTRALIS!!! brings up Nazis in 1930s Germany.

    Of course.

    “who probably would have been incarcerated in a mental institution by now if he were born 50-60 years ago”

    As you guys like to say: Times have changed. Get over it.

    • Kenny Tran: ā€œLives are at stake here. Children livesā€¦ who didnā€™t have the chance to have the joys of life.ā€

      Because their cowardly and/or greedy parents put them in a leaky dinghy and crossed a major ocean, with huge waves, storms and man-eating sharks.
      Want your children safe and alive? Stay on dry land.

      Want your child to have a better chance of life? Want your child not to die from bombs? I mean if I had children of course I would escape! What would they do if I die? No one is going to take care of them are they? The journey from Indonesia to here is quite fast and takes a week or two. Its not greedy if they want a better chance of survival, like they say ‘survival of the fittest’.

      ā€œPeople try their best to assimilate.ā€

      Do they?
      When the government is doing everything it can to help them *not* assimilate, like providing interpreters and translators, and funding for ethnic ā€œcouncilsā€ and festivals

      Of course you need interpreters and translators! A lot of people know English (or broken english as some people say) but they prefer their mother tongue language because they understand it more and have been speaking it their whole life! Its like ESL. Or take learning Japanese at school for example. You may know some of the rules but when your in Japan, its more easier to understand English then Japanese, hence the translators that are skilled in two languages.
      So what about ethnic festivals? People are willing to learn about cultures and take in the festivals. On the 9th will be the Vietnamese New Year and will be celebrated in St. Albans. There is a huge amount of culture, happiness and so on. There are stalls for charities and delicious food! And most importantly, many people coming together to celebrate something else for a change! Oh but of course you cant accept anything except Christmas or New Year. Everyone celebrates those two the same way as everything else from Hannukah to Kwanzaa and so on.

    • Yes Shockadelic…it is not racist to not want to adopt all practices from all parts of the world.

      It’s just that I wouldn’t frame my thoughts in terms of what’s “superior” and “inferior”, unlike you. Also unlike you, I am not afraid of people from other countries or family is from both another country and culture..Also unlike you, I don’t believe in some Nazi-kind of racism where one skin colour is better than an’re screwed up.

      One can adhere to multiculturalism and not succumb to some kind of racist monoculturalism. Multiculturalism means we accept and regard as Australian those who’s religious faith is, for example, Islam, whilst concurrently legalising and perhaps even strengthen the rights for women…unless you don’t agree women should be legally equal to men?

      Australians might perceive, in some cases perhaps rightly so, that many women in the middle east and Islamic parts of the world are subjected to sexism (one cannot really argue sexism doesn’t exist in the Western world either..not at all). But there is no reason why here in Australia people should not be expected to respect democratic ideals of equality, fraternity, democracy and choice. If that means women of the Islamic faith, or any religious belief, are provided with a choice to live under strict religion or the “freedom” of western democracy then so be it…As long as we all understand that no religion or creed will ever seek to dominate the other (this is one of the main tenents of democracy). It is my firm belief that all people in Australia would benefit from adhering to a sense of choice and democracy. Respect for this would be strengthened by promoting it as an “Australian value”, unlike beer and Koalas (whose habitat we’re destroying anyway) to our primary school and beyond children…much better than promoting your crap of a return to a White Australia..

      Rather than your types who promote division, I’d rather people promote Australia as a place of diversity and peace..where people from all around the world can live in harmony despite turmoil elsewhere. This country has the potential to live by the highest standards of humanity…

  25. Shocky always brings up Anglo-Saxon settlement from the 1880s to 1980s.

    Of course.

    Time are changing. Get over it.

  26. “racist” – discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion

    1. abos
    2. arab shit
    3. filthy camel raping, scum sacking sacks of shite
    4. filthy rag heads
    5. filthy stinking piece of arab shit

    “Kenny Tran: ā€œLives are at stake here. Children livesā€¦ who didnā€™t have the chance to have the joys of life.ā€

    Because their cowardly and/or greedy parents put them in a leaky dinghy and crossed a major ocean, with huge waves, storms and man-eating sharks.
    Want your children safe and alive? Stay on dry land.”

    Yes – cowardly and/or greedy – this is exactly what they were – most people make deliberate and conscious decisions to put their children in harms way because because they are cowardly or greedy. This is a common human instinct.

    I like the scene in the movie “The Fugitive” where Harrison Ford’s character is too cowardly and greedy to stay in the tunnel where Tommy Lee Jone’s character has just shown up and deliberately puts his own life at risk by jumping into the dam. What a cowardly and greedy fellow he was – he should have just stayed on dry land.

    I also like revisiting the news footage of people jumping out of windows of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. What cowardly and/or greedy people they were. They should have just stayed on dry ground.

    I particularly love the footage of parents trying to push their children into trees or buildings when tsunami struck. What cowardly and/or greedy people they were. They should have just stayed on dry ground.

    “Letā€™s put this in perspective: most of us are born here.
    Surely those *born* here have a greater right to object to immigration, than immigrants do objecting to objectors.”

    Yes and surely those born here have the right to object to objectors of those objecting to those who object to immigration than those who object to being born here?

    Am I emulating your farcicle statement well enough at this point?

    Is there an inherent right to objecting that comes only from being in your birth country? Am I not allowed to object to the U.S. policy on Iraq then? Or the Burmese suppression of political dissent? Or should we take it to the next step? I wasn’t born in the state of Tasmania so I should have no objections to anyting that occurs in that state… is this correct? What about suburbs then? I wasn’t born in St Kilda so I should have no objection to anything happening there…

    How far shall we go with this petty tribalism Shocky? Your call.

  27. This kind of individualistic bigoted racism is bad, but what’s worst is the systemic kind.

    That’s what I’m more angry about, systemic racism.

    • props to you. this is the kind of racism that people should be made more aware of and which is much more pervasive, widespread and dangerous. (also lol it’s not just white people who are racist to any degree)

      nonetheless, this blog can be pretty amusing at times.

  28. This tool is a racist but he is too fucking stupid to understand the concept of racism.Telling racist jokes is just part of his bigotry. I propose we catch this piece of shit and swirl him around in boiling hot water with a stick, then cool him down with some cold beer, still in the bottle.Fuck you Daniel Moore, you will be hunted down and punished with a nulla nulla stick!

  29. Kenny Tran: ā€œWant your child to have a better chance of life?ā€

    Then latch onto someone else’s civilisation like a parasite and suck, suck, suck it dry!

    ā€œNo one is going to take care of them are they?ā€

    As you say, survival of the fittest.
    You’d be surprised how resilient kids can be.
    They could always be raised by wild animals. That’d be more fun than praying five times a day.

    ā€œThe journey from Indonesia to here is quite fastā€

    Most of these people are not coming *from* Indonesia.
    That’s just their *last* departure point.

    ā€œlike they say ā€˜survival of the fittestā€™.ā€

    And these didn’t survive.
    Gene pool saved from additional stupidity.

    ā€œOf course you need interpreters and translators!ā€

    Not if you select immigrants who can speak English already.

    ā€œOn the 9th will be the Vietnamese New Year and will be celebrated in St. Albans.ā€

    And this is encouraging assimilation, how?

    ā€œAnd most importantly, many people coming together to celebrate something else for a change!ā€

    We already have a New Year, thanks.
    Or didn’t you notice the fireworks the other night?

    We celebrate Christmas and New Year because they’re *our* traditions.

    Terror AUSTRALIS!!! said ā€œYes ā€“ cowardly and/or greedy ā€“ this is exactly what they wereā€

    And this is why I’m supposed the ā€œcareā€ and ā€œshed a tearā€?
    Oh, those poor greedy cowards! Won’t someone help the poor greedy cowards?

    ā€œAm I emulating your farcicle statement well enough at this point?ā€

    I’m not sure.
    It depends what ā€œfarcicleā€ means.

    ā€œIs there an inherent right to objecting that comes only from being in your birth country?ā€

    Objecting to the introduction of aliens and their cultures, yes.

    ā€œAm I not allowed to object to the U.S. policy on Iraq then? Or the Burmese suppression of political dissent?ā€

    You can object to anything you like.

    ā€œI wasnā€™t born in the state of Tasmania so I should have no objections to anyting that occurs in that stateā€¦ is this correct?ā€

    ā€œanytingā€ you like.

    But Tasmanians would have a *greater* right to object than non-Tasmanians.

    You’re not clever.
    Stop thinking you’re clever, please.
    It’s tiring.

    • Then latch onto someone elseā€™s civilisation like a parasite and suck, suck, suck it dry!

      They will give back eventually through work.

      Not if you select immigrants who can speak English already.

      First off you need a base immigration. Once they have resettled then they find marriage and then they have offspring. Those offspring will grow up, live and learn English in school whilst retaining their parent’s language. Its called language school. The parents will die off eventually as well.

      Most of these people are not coming *from* Indonesia.

      Thatā€™s just their *last* departure point.

      I never said that they were coming from indonesia, I just said that the risk of coming here would be taken because it is a relatively short time to get to Christmas Island. The people in Indonesia felt sorry for the victims but still, they don’t care because they still want to come here in the first place.

      And this is encouraging assimilation, how?
      ā€œAnd most importantly, many people coming together to celebrate something else for a change!ā€
      We already have a New Year, thanks.
      Or didnā€™t you notice the fireworks the other night?
      We celebrate Christmas and New Year because theyā€™re *our* traditions

      Not exclusively your tradition. Everyone in Australia celebrates! V New Year is open for anyone to celebrate! It doesnt matter if it is ‘our’ tradition.
      Your inability to celebrate anything else really saddens me.

      • @Kenny Tran

        No this country does not belong to white Australians. This country was built by people of all cultures. So please don’t go down (con cac) Shockadelic’s argument of ‘civilisation’.

        This so-called ‘civilisation’ was not possible without colonisation worldwide.

        Australia wasn’t possible without blackbirding/slave trade of Polynesians, without the genocide/slave (prison labour) of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the ‘slave trade’ (indentured servitude) of Chinese immigrants and the even the ‘slave trade’ of white British convicts.

        And if you look at it from another perspective, the whole Western world wouldn’t be as it is without the Transatlantic slave trade and the slave trade (indentured servitude) of Indian people. That’s why Indians live everywhere in the world.

        This is a country of immigrants. It always has been, it always will be.
        (and that’s just one article online)

  30. Kenny Tran “They will give back eventually through work.”

    So would White immigrants that speak English.

    “First off you need a base immigration.”

    And why can’t that base be English-speaking Whites?
    The same “base” as our general society?

    “The parents will die off eventually as well.”

    Everyone does!

    “I just said that the risk of coming here would be taken because it is a relatively short time to get to Christmas Island.”

    It’s not a short trip from the Middle East to Christmas Island though, is it?

    “We celebrate Christmas and New Year because theyā€™re *our* traditions”

    “Not exclusively your tradition.”

    Did I say ‘exclusive’?
    We are part of wider civilisation (not yours, ours).

    Everyone doesn’t celebrate Christmas down at Lakemba.

    “Your inability to celebrate anything else really saddens me.”


  31. Shockadelic: “And why canā€™t that base be English-speaking Whites?
    The same ā€œbaseā€ as our general society?”
    Yeah, why can’t it? We’re a democracy – so instead of bitching, bitching, bitching on someone else’s blog, why don’t you try forming a political party and taking your English-speaking Whites Only immigration policies to the Australian public and see how well you do? šŸ˜‰ Talk to the APP. I believe they’ve been rather successful in this area *smirk*

    Ann: “@Kenny Tran No this country does not belong to white Australians. This country was built by people of all cultures. So please donā€™t go down (con cac) Shockadelicā€™s argument of ā€˜civilisationā€™.
    Kenny was quoting Shockadelic, not agreeing with him. Only Shockadelic agrees with Shockadelic. Scott liked his presence until he found out Shocky was gay. Scott’s funny that way.

    • @Why Why: Thanks for clearing that up šŸ™‚
      So Shockadelic is a person currently discriminated against. Who suffers under the systemic discrimination of LGBTI, and yet fails to see that he needs to join hands with other people who currently suffer under systemic racism. Funny how that is. Intersectionality can elude some people.

      Ha! Scotty, yes theantibogan gave me the heads up about that – Xenophobes – why are they always so scared?. Must be some kind of childhood trauma.

      • Ann: …and yet fails to see that he needs to join hands with other people who currently suffer under systemic racism.
        Yep. He couldn’t care less about racism. Racism is perfectly okay with Shockadelic. He thinks racists are the ones discriminated against and that they’re just joking.

        Shockadelic: “Do you think these people are being 100% serious?
        Theyā€™re Australians remember?
        Theyā€™re half-joking, exaggerating, letting off steam.”

        Why Do They Call Us Racist?? Waaaaah!

  32. Shockadelic

    The saddest thing about you is that you are a psuedo-wannabe-intellectual. You think you are intelligent. You think you have well crafted arguments. You think you sound like you know what you are saying to other people.

    In reality you are a small-minded, pathetic, snide little weasel of a human being whose postings are nothing more than the mental jerk-off of a pathetic isolated little man who likes to seize on the specific comments of others and then run off on the most wild and abstract tangents I have ever seen. You obviously lack the mental wherewithall to actually follow things in more than 20 second bites. You certainly do not have the grey matter to be able to see anything resembling the big picture.

    Time and again you bore me with your attempts to sound reasoned and well-versed, like a little toddler whose mastered their first ‘Mr Men’ book and now thinks they can teach the world how to read.

    You really, truly and fundamentally are a complete waste of time to humanity. I for one am glad that you will be unlikely to ever procreate so that the toxic genes you carry will cease with you. Australia will be ever so slightly blessed when you die – not that anyone will really notice this or even care.

  33. Ordem e Progresso said “it is not racist to not want to adopt all practices from all parts of the world.”

    Tell that to antibogan.
    He/she/they/it thinks “opposition to Islam [a religion] or burqas [clothing]” = “racism”.

    “Itā€™s just that I wouldnā€™t frame my thoughts in terms of whatā€™s ā€œsuperiorā€ and ā€œinferiorā€, unlike you.”

    I frame my cultural analysis on what’s ‘related’ and ‘unrelated’.

    “Also unlike you, I am not afraid of people from other countries or cultures”

    I’m not “afraid” of them either, unless they’re a machete-wielding Vietnamese gang member or a Muslim with TNT under her burqa.

    “Also unlike you, I donā€™t believe in some Nazi-kind of racism where one skin colour is better than an other”

    Neither do I.
    All people are beautiful in their own way.

    But if you mix them altogether, you’ll probably get as much “beauty” as mixing the pieces of a hundred different jigsaw puzzles together.

    Each ethnic group has “bettered” itself genetically and culturally over time, *within* the context of their *own* history.

    No such “pruning” has taken place, or probably could, with “multicultural” societies.

    Look at Brazil. hundreds of years of multiracial, multicultural influences.
    What do we have?
    Utopia? World leading progress?

    No, we have 300 words for skin colour.
    People living in tin shacks next to skyscrapers.
    A history of political turmoil.
    And average, average, average everything else (except soccer, which won’t save the world any day soon).

    “One can adhere to multiculturalism and not succumb to some kind of racist monoculturalism.”

    And you can adhere to ethnic particularity without “hating” or “fearing” others, who would live elsewhere (as they have done since time immemorial) and therefore be no bother to you.

    “Multiculturalism means we accept and regard as Australian those whoā€™s religious faith is, for example, Islam, whilst concurrently legalising and perhaps even strengthen the rights for women”

    i.e. being a ridiculous hypocrite.
    (P.S. Women aren’t a “culture”)

    “ā€¦unless you donā€™t agree women should be legally equal to men?”

    Oh, god this is tedious!
    Oh look, here’s a presumption, let’s just add that to another presumption, and then another, and WHAMMO!: Nazi.

    Legal equality, yes.
    The feminist expectation of ā€œequal-representation-in-everythingā€, however, is unrealistic and dishonest.
    As is the misrepresentation of ā€œwimmins herstoryā€.

    Women who really wanted to, have always found a way to get what they wanted (Joan of Arc dressing as a man to lead an army, the Bronte sisters publishing under pseudonyms, Amelia Earhart just *doing it* for God’s sake!)

    “As long as we all understand that no religion or creed will ever seek to dominate the other (this is one of the main tenents of democracy).”

    And precisely why Islam and democracy have such a rocky relationship.

    “It is my firm belief that all people in Australia would benefit from adhering to a sense of choice and democracy.”

    *In* Australia.

    Liberty *within* a society, does not mean one must extend such notions to those outside the society itself.

    The original ideas of ‘liberty. equality, *fraternity*’ were invented by *Europeans* in the context of their own civilisation.

    I doubt those Dead White Males ever intended such notions to apply in some decontextualised globalism.

    “much better than promoting your crap of a return to a White Australia..”

    It’s already White.

    “Rather than your types who promote division, Iā€™d rather people promote Australia as a place of diversity and peace”

    Diversity and peace.
    This is the most ludicrous contradiction of all.

    As if artificially multiplying the means of *differentiation* in a community will lead to “peace”.

    Conflict is always the result of *difference*.
    The more “differences” there are, the more potential conflicts.

    Especially when many of those “differences” are not even *organic* to the society in question, but artificially introduced and imposed elements, that weren’t there before.

    “..where people from all around the world can live in harmony despite turmoil elsewhere.”

    The turmoil being caused *by* “diversity”.

    “This country has the potential to live by the highest standards of humanity”

    It already was one of the best countries in the world, on every conceivable analysis.
    And you threw it away for a fantasy.

    • Shockadelic says:

      ā€œTell that to antibogan. He/she/they/it thinks ā€œopposition to Islam [a religion] or burqas [clothing]ā€ = ā€œracismā€ā€.

      – I doubt it fool. Often people who go on about Islam and the burqa have underlying issues with people of that particular faith and they express themselves in a way which is disrespectful, intolerant and indeed, racist. Itā€™s OK to have a an opinion about the burqa or a religion. But itā€™s quite another to slag off what is about 1 billionā€™s worth of the globeā€™s population. You either want people to get along and you work towards it or you donā€™t, choosing instead to inflame and cause friction. You do the later.

      ā€œIā€™m not ā€œafraidā€ of them either, unless theyā€™re a machete-wielding Vietnamese gang member or a Muslim with TNT under her burqa.ā€

      – What fascinates me about wankers like you is that you never seem to want to talk about dangerous people who arenā€™t immigrants or descendants ofā€¦Ever considered being afraid of simply dangerous people? You selecting Vietnamese illustrates my point about people like you being racist. Is your issue with violent human beings or simply Vietnamese violent people?

      ā€œBut if you mix them altogether, youā€™ll probably get as much ā€œbeautyā€ as mixing the pieces of a hundred different jigsaw puzzles together.ā€

      – Again further proof youā€™re a racist cock faceā€¦This stuff about inter-racial breeding is utter bullshit. Only a severe wanker, turd brain believes this shitā€¦Youā€™re a prize idiot.

      ā€œEach ethnic group has ā€œbetteredā€ itself genetically and culturally over time, *within* the context of their *own* historyā€.

      – Have they now? There is no historical or scientific reason why PEOPLE canā€™t or shouldnā€™t breed with other PEOPLE because they come from different continents, linguistic groups or skin colour or whateverā€¦youā€™re a fucking imbecile..

      ā€œLook at Brazil. hundreds of years of multiracial, multicultural influences.
      What do we have? Utopia? World leading progress?
      No, we have 300 words for skin colour. People living in tin shacks next to skyscrapers. A history of political turmoil. And average, average, average everything else (except soccer, which wonā€™t save the world any day soon).ā€

      – Brazil has a bad racist history which continues to this day. The killing of the natives of Brazil and the Africans taken there as slaves was done by a racist European power. The subsequent economic inequalities are due to there being a ruling class, who are mostly white. They controlled trade, land and the state. Brazil was never a well planned society. Its colonial history is replete with people going there and making bucketloads of cash and screwing the rest. This has nothing to do with race or multiculturalismā€¦it has everything to do with European colonialism and exploitation. So get a grip fuck head.

      ā€œAnd you can adhere to ethnic particularity without ā€œhatingā€ or ā€œfearingā€ others, who would live elsewhere (as they have done since time immemorial) and therefore be no bother to you.ā€

      – You have a problem with people mixing with other people. You think white people should mix only with other white people. Youā€™re a dickhead. One canā€™t argue with fools like you.

      ā€œLegal equality, yes. The feminist expectation of ā€œequal-representation-in-everythingā€, however, is unrealistic and dishonest. As is the misrepresentation of ā€œwimmins herstoryā€.

      – Whereā€™d you get that ā€˜feminist expectationā€™ from? If you believe in legal equality of women how do you imagine that to work in practice? I suspect youā€™d have a few sub clauses, exceptions to the ruleā€¦You canā€™t really engage in a rational argument here can you? ā€˜Cause you then go on to dribble this bullshitā€¦

      ā€œWomen who really wanted to, have always found a way to get what they wanted (Joan of Arc dressing as a man to lead an army, the Bronte sisters publishing under pseudonyms, Amelia Earhart just *doing it* for Godā€™s sake!)ā€

      – These women were operating in a society far more patricianly organised than ours today…thereā€™s no real comparison. Are you saying that in order for women to get what they want, they need to impersonate men? Yet you believe in legal equality between men and women?

      ā€œAnd precisely why Islam and democracy have such a rocky relationshipā€.

      – Indonesiaā€™s doing quite well as budding democracy. In any case, itā€™s not necessary to insist every country is governed by Australian standardsā€¦I donā€™t even think the USA is.

      ā€œThe original ideas of ā€˜liberty. equality, *fraternity*ā€™ were invented by *Europeans* in the context of their own civilisation.ā€

      – Who cares where it came from dickhead? Itā€™s a good idea and it works here. Thereā€™s no reason why Australia canā€™t keep it. Itā€™s what makes an open, friendly, multicultural society work.

      ā€œDiversity and peace. This is the most ludicrous contradiction of all. As if artificially multiplying the means of *differentiation* in a community will lead to ā€œpeaceā€. Conflict is always the result of *difference*. The more ā€œdifferencesā€ there are, the more potential conflicts. Especially when many of those ā€œdifferencesā€ are not even *organic* to the society in question, but artificially introduced and imposed elements, that werenā€™t there before.ā€

      – Thereā€™s ā€˜conflictā€™ in monocultural societiesā€¦what level of conflict are you talking about here? If youā€™re trying to suggest thereā€™s major or significant cultural conflict happening here in Australia Iā€™d have to ask you whereā€™s the proof? Most open conflict in politics is resolved with argument and electionsā€¦otherwise we have shitheads getting pissed on Friday and Saturday nights and getting into moronic punch ups with whoever over whateverā€¦Besides, Iā€™m not saying diversity = peace bonehead. Iā€™m saying that we can have a diverse and peaceful society (like we already do) by promoting Australian values such as caring for our fellow human beings (mateship), treating each other with respect, rejecting discrimination and promoting openness and good governance. Itā€™s only shit heads like you who think this is not possible with a few Asian faces chucked in the mix.

      ā€œThe turmoil being caused *by* ā€œdiversityā€.ā€

      – Proof? Iā€™d argue turmoil of the sort youā€™re talking about is caused by racism.

      ā€œIt already was one of the best countries in the world, on every conceivable analysis. And you threw it away for a fantasy.ā€

      – Read your Australian history dickwackerā€¦The most ardent supporters of White Australia realised that the country needed to growā€¦recall ā€˜populate or perishā€™? Funnily enough, not many British wanted to come hereā€¦Funnily enough they found many Australians to be unwelcoming. Hence the focus gradually changed to allowing Eastern Europeans, Greeks, Italians etcā€¦In the end the high ideals of post WWII Europe fed their way to Australia. There was a realisation that governments toying with racism were potential horrible and monumental disasters that should be completely avoided. Australian politicians came to accept we can no longer discriminate on the basis of raceā€¦itā€™s simply inhumane and undemocratic. Thus, it stood to reason that Australian could no longer persist in promoting a single, monocultural society, not when we now have people from all over the globeā€¦Instead we now have a multicultural society whose glue is the belief in democratic and humanistic values.

  34. Ann said “Who suffers under the systemic discrimination of LGBTI”

    Oh no! Not the intrinsic, institutionalised oppression!

    Of LGBTI, no less!
    (I tried LGBTI once, but I just couldn’t understand the instruction manual).

    “and yet fails to see that he needs to join hands with other people who currently suffer under systemic racism.”

    Yes, other Whites.
    A hated and vilified race.

    “Intersectionality can elude some people.”

    I have no problem with dissecting frogs.
    (that was “a joke”, Josh).

    “Xenophobes ā€“ why are they always so scared?. Must be some kind of childhood trauma.”

    Anti-Whites. Why are they so hysterical?
    Maybe they own self-hatred is the result of some childhood trauma.

  35. Ann said “This so-called ā€˜civilisationā€™ was not possible without colonisation worldwide.”

    I believe it fits the dictionary definition. That’s what words are for.

    And what of the colonisation by Persians, Arabs, Mongols, Chinese, Japanese, Indians?

    These are just forgiven and forgotten?
    Because they happened so long ago, you take their civilisations (“so-called”)for granted, as the ‘rightful’ rulers of their lands.

    But European colonisation happened recently (historically speaking).
    So its history hasn’t dissipated into a blurry background yet, so let’s get out the whip and slash, slash, slash.
    Bad White Man!

    “This is a country of immigrants. It always has been, it always will be.”

    Almost all of them White.

    But that’s Evil.

    The Indic displacement of Dravidians. Oh, that’s okay. That’s “history”.

    The Japanese displacement of the Ainu. Oh, that’s okay. That’s “history”.

    The Arab invasion of Northern Africa. Oh, that’s okay. That’s “history”.

    The Mongol invasions of Eastern Europe. Oh, that’s okay. That’s “history”.

    Forgiven and forgotten.

    But those evil White people.
    Oooh, they just make me so mad!!

      That’s the key difference between you and between them.
      There’s a difference between the system that you benefit from.
      You don’t live in those countries.
      You live here.

      That is the key difference.
      If I’m not mistaken neither you nor I can speak about those places because we don’t live in the LEGACY of that past ‘history’.
      Unlike here.

      That’s why this is in English, a website made by an Australian, and the reason why we’re speaking in an Australian context.

      (I’m sure you’re not reading a Japanese website, where their ‘liberals’ are talking about displacement of the Ainu. Remember just because THIS ENGLISH CONTEXT is your REALITY doesn’t mean it’s everyone’s or the world.)

      There’s a difference between guilt and anger.
      NO ONE feels guilt about what has happened in the past – they don’t hate the white man or themselves.
      We feel ANGRY about what has happened and the legacy of that.
      That’s why we’re taking a responsibility for that legacy.

  36. Ann: “NO ONE feels guilt about what has happened in the past ā€“ they donā€™t hate the white man or themselves.”
    Shockadelic believes every single non-white person hates white people. When theantibogan pointed out the complete lack of intellect in such a position, he responded with words to the effect of “but they do hate us, unconsciously!”… Just letting you know the depths of paranoid lunacy you’re dealing with šŸ˜€

    • @Why Why: LOL šŸ™‚ We continually waste our time with these folks. The thing is, we have that much faith in people, that we’re hoping something will click.

  37. Ordem e Progresso said:

    ā€œYou canā€™t really engage in a rational argument here can you?ā€

    And it’s so obvious you’re a sincere, educated, mature, intelligent person seriously willing to debate issues.

    ā€œFool. wankers like you. racist cock face. severe wanker, turd brain believes this shit. prize idiot. fucking imbecile. get a grip fuck head. dickhead. fools like you. dribble this bullshit. bonehead. dickhead. shit heads like you. dickwacker.ā€


    ā€œItā€™s OK to have a an opinion about the burqa or a religion.ā€

    No, apparently, it’s not.
    Not if your opinion is critical.
    Then you’re a ā€œracistā€ and they call HREOC.

    ā€œyou never seem to want to talk about dangerous people who arenā€™t immigrants or descendants ofā€¦Ever considered being afraid of simply dangerous people?ā€

    Is that the issue we’re discussing?
    General crime statistics?
    Why *can’t* we discuss the criminal element within ethnic groups?

    ā€œYou selecting Vietnamese illustrates my point about people like you being racist.ā€

    It illustrates the point that there *are* Vietnamese gangs.
    Who weren’t here in 1791.
    Or 1837.
    Or 1879.
    Or 1926.
    Or 1964.
    And never would have been here *at all*, if immigration policies hadn’t changed.

    ā€œThis stuff about inter-racial breeding is utter bullshit.ā€

    No, its evolutionary genetics.
    Two strains of ancestry that have diverged for tens of thousands of years are a gamble.

    When you mix strains that been mixing for centuries, you pretty much know what you’re going to get.
    Mixing ā€œremoteā€ strains is Lucky Dip Time!
    You might get a genius (Prince) or you might get a ugly mutant freak that scares the hell out of the delivery room nurse.

    ā€œEach ethnic group has ā€œbetteredā€ itself genetically and culturally over time, *within* the context of their *own* historyā€.

    ā€œHave they now?ā€

    Yes, it’s called evolution.
    It didn’t stop a million years ago.

    And it happens culturally as well as physically (and cultural change happens a *lot quicker*, which is why even people with similar genetics can have extremely divergent cultures).
    This is why there’s such an ethnicity as “Australian”, even though such a group is only 2 centuries old.

    ā€œThere is no historical or scientific reason why PEOPLE canā€™t or shouldnā€™t breed with other PEOPLEā€

    There *is* a reason though Mr Humane: It would ultimately lead to the disappearance of the *existing* groups.

    For people who claim to have such love and sympathy for diverse peoples, you seem completely oblivious and uncaring about the inevitable *consequence* of mixing them all together: the demise of that very diversity.

    ā€œBrazil has a bad racist history which continues to this day.ā€

    I wonder why?

    ā€œa racist European power.ā€

    Who hasn’t ruled them for two centuries.
    When is it going to be the fault of *Brazilians* that their society is the way it is?

    ā€œBrazil was never a well planned society.ā€

    Where *is* there?

    ā€œWhereā€™d you get that ā€˜feminist expectationā€™ from?ā€

    Oh, by hearing it a million times.

    ā€œWhy aren’t there an *equal* number of female this?ā€
    ā€œWhy aren’t there an *equal* number of female that? Let’s create compulsory quotas!)ā€
    Blah blah blah.

    ā€œIf you believe in legal equality of women how do you imagine that to work in practice?ā€

    It merely means there is no differentiation in the application of law.

    It doesn’t mean women will be equally *represented* in all fields of human activity.

    ā€œThese women were operating in a society far more patricianly organised than ours todayā€

    That was *my* point.
    They didn’t need ā€œfeminismā€ to get what they wanted.

    ā€œAre you saying that in order for women to get what they want, they need to impersonate men?ā€

    Isn’t that exactly what feminism is encouraging them to do?
    Women are now expected to be faux-men.

    ā€œIndonesiaā€™s doing quite well as budding democracy.ā€

    Fantastic history of freedom and equality there.
    I didn’t say impossibility, I said ā€œrocky relationshipā€.

    ā€œIn any case, itā€™s not necessary to insist every country is governed by Australian standardsā€

    Your original statement was ā€œThis country has the potential to live by the highest standards of humanityā€

    Standards of humanity.
    Universal standards.

    Now you’re talking relative, subjective ā€œAustralianā€ standards.
    So which is it?

    Can we have our own standards or must we live up to some idealised, unattainable universality (that apparently doesn’t apply to Indonesia).

    ā€œWho cares where it came from dickhead?ā€

    Who cares where the ideals you believe in came from?!

    The reason it matters is that these are *not* universal standards/values as you like to claim.
    They are the standards/values of *Western Civilisation*.

    They are not the standards/values of everyone.
    And that has a bearing on who we should choose as immigrants.

    ā€œā€¦what level of conflict are you talking about here?ā€

    Look up ā€œconflictā€ in the dictionary.

    There are all kinds of levels to conflict.
    The point I made was that all conflict is caused by *differences*.
    The more differences, the more *potential* conflicts, whether mild or severe.

    Let’s say you have 2 groups in a society.

    That means only *one* possible conflict.

    Add another third group.
    How many potential conflicts now?


    1. Group 1 against 2 (3 neutral)
    2. Group 1 against 3 (2 neutral)
    3. Group 2 against 3 (1 neutral)
    4. Group 1 and 2 against 3
    5. Group 1 and 3 against 2
    6. Group 2 and 3 against 1
    7. All 3 groups against each other

    Care to add a fourth group?
    I would, but I don’t feel like giving myself a headache.

    We now have *thousands* of possible conflicts, many of which didn’t even exist a few deacdes ago.

    Things may appear fine for now, but that’s because we still have a dominant ethnic group holding everything together.
    What happens when that group is outnumbered by the hundreds of other groups?

    ā€œBesides, Iā€™m not saying diversity = peace bonehead.ā€

    No, you just put them in the same sentence with ā€œandā€ between them.
    But don’t read too much into that.
    No correlation implied.

    ā€œIā€™m saying that we can have a diverse and peaceful societyā€

    You did it again!

    ā€œItā€™s only shit heads like you who think this is not possible with a few Asian faces chucked in the mix.ā€

    It might be possible with a *few* Asians.
    But is that the future?

    When around 57% of our yearly immigration now comes from Asia?
    Is 57% ā€œa fewā€ Asian faces?

    Around 8% of the population is already non-White, non-Aboriginal and they congregate in the same cities, exacerbating any potential problems.

    A chaotic environment cannot reach a new equilibrium if you keep adding more and more chaos into the system.
    As immigration never stops: Equilibrium impossible.

    ā€œProof? Iā€™d argue turmoil of the sort youā€™re talking about is caused by racism.ā€

    And where does ā€œracismā€ come from?
    From the clashes of ā€œdifferentā€ peoples forced to live with or near each other, due to past invasions and colonisation.

    If each group lived in their own territory and minded their own business, it wouldn’t matter how ā€œracistā€ people were, because they would never meet.

    ā€œrecall ā€˜populate or perishā€™?ā€

    Recall *why*?

    The Yellow Peril!
    Fear of potential invasion from Asia (oh, the irony!)

    ā€œHence the focus gradually changed to allowing Eastern Europeans, Greeks, Italians etcā€

    i.e. other Whites.
    Who share a civilisation.
    A history.

    ā€œThere was a realisation that governments toying with racism were potential horrible and monumental disastersā€

    So let’s swing the pendulum to the other extreme: Deny race/ethnicity any place at all in political decisions.
    Yes, *that* won’t lead to any problems whatsoever!

    ā€œAustralian politicians came to accept we can no longer discriminate on the basis of raceā€¦itā€™s simply inhumane and undemocratic.ā€

    You can’t hurt people who aren’t here.

    ā€œAustralia could no longer persist in promoting a single, monocultural society, not when we now have people from all over the globeā€

    Chicken. Egg.
    That argument eats its own tail.

    ā€œā€¦Instead we now have a multicultural society whose glue is the belief in democratic and humanistic values.ā€

    No, we already *had* those values when we were White Australia.

    Because they are the values of Western Civilization, of which we are a part.

    We are *not* part of Japanese Civilisation, Chinese Civilisation, Islamic/Arab Civilisations (there’s an overlap there), Indian Civilisation, Persian Civilisation, Turkic Civilization, Malayo-Polynesian Civilisation, African ā€œCivilisationā€ (so-called).

    • Shockadelic said:

      ā€œAnd itā€™s so obvious youā€™re a sincere, educated, mature, intelligent person seriously willing to debate issues.ā€

      – Why thank you! It just so happens youā€™re quite the fool. Abusing you seems appropriate.

      ā€œNo, apparently, itā€™s not. Not if your opinion is critical. Then youā€™re a ā€œracistā€ and they call HREOC.ā€

      – Like Iā€™ve told you, racists like you canā€™t disguise your hatred or whatever you want to call it for Muslims behind a ā€œthereā€™s not enough room for parking for their Mosqueā€ kind of argument. Same goes for the idiot thatā€™s the topic for this thread.

      ā€œIs that the issue weā€™re discussing? General crime statistics?
      Why *canā€™t* we discuss the criminal element within ethnic groups?ā€

      – Well yes we are now. You talk about violence and mention
      Vietnamese. For you the point is more to do with violent peopleā€™s background rather than their violence. This makes you racist, especially since you donā€™t seem to have an opinion on violence committed by ā€˜whiteā€™ Australians. Youā€™re not going to argue that violence committed by this group is somehow better are you? So why then is it an issue if we have a non-white person who commits act of violence?

      ā€It illustrates the point that there *are* Vietnamese gangsā€.

      – And what of gangs of ā€˜whiteā€™ people? Or gangs of Aboriginal people who were here before you?

      ā€œNo, its evolutionary genetics. Two strains of ancestry that have diverged for tens of thousands of years are a gamble. When you mix strains that been mixing for centuries, you pretty much know what youā€™re going to get. Mixing ā€œremoteā€ strains is Lucky Dip Time! You might get a genius (Prince) or you might get a ugly mutant freak that scares the hell out of the delivery room nurse.ā€

      – This Bobby-Joe is where you completely fall down. You clearly have no decent education in biology do you? A sub-Saharan African is not so different from an indigenous Japanese person; thereā€™s nothing in their biology which would render a mixing of the two a ā€˜freakā€™ as you put it. Itā€™s funny cause you seem to be arguing that closing off the gene pool for 10s of 1000s of years is good…whereas all biologists will tell you genetic diversity is essential for the health and longevity of any specie of animal or plant…In fact should a genetic problem arise, keeping the gene pool closed can be disastrous (witness what happened to early white settlers in South Africa or some Jewish sects who carry a form of genetically inherited cancer)

      ā€œYes, itā€™s called evolution. It didnā€™t stop a million years ago.ā€

      – You clearly know next to nothing about evolution….We know this not least because you seem to make the most extraordinary claim that thereā€™s an Australian race:

      ā€œThis is why thereā€™s such an ethnicity as ā€œAustralianā€, even though such a group is only 2 centuries old.ā€

      – Youā€™re completely bonkers!!! Youā€™ve not given me any proof for the things Iā€™d asked for before…Iā€™ll let that go but not this…You must provide evidence thereā€™s an ā€˜Australian ethnicityā€™….please !!!

      ā€œIsnā€™t that exactly what feminism is encouraging them to do? Women are now expected to be faux-menā€.

      – No it doesnā€™t. Youā€™ve clearly not read very much about it have you ā€“ and that doesnā€™t include the opinion pieces of those tossers from the Daily Telegraph?

      ā€œThe reason it matters is that these are *not* universal standards/values as you like to claim. They are the standards/values of *Western Civilisation*. They are not the standards/values of everyone. And that has a bearing on who we should choose as immigrants.ā€

      – They are values which apply here. They apply in Australia if youā€™re originally from Scotland or the Philippines. They apply if youā€™re an atheist or a Muslim. They include such values as not discriminating on the basis of race or religion, sex etc…I agree that itā€™s important for all migrants to understand and accept these values. Itā€™s how weā€™d handle people who donā€™t accept them which differentiates you from me..Whilst a hard-core Muslim may not accept some tenets of democracy, nor does it appear you do either, being racist and all..

      ā€œAnd where does ā€œracismā€ come from? From the clashes of ā€œdifferentā€ peoples forced to live with or near each other, due to past invasions and colonisation. If each group lived in their own territory and minded their own business, it wouldnā€™t matter how ā€œracistā€ people were, because they would never meet.ā€

      – Racism comes from people like you. People like you who are resentful, bigoted and have the wrong idea about how human beings should breed…Youā€™re a nutjob.

      ā€œThe Yellow Peril! Fear of potential invasion from Asia (oh, the irony!)ā€

      – And how things have changed for the better.

      ā€œi.e. other Whites. Who share a civilisation. A history.ā€

      – This sounds so Scotty…Actually Australia also harboured fears for the ā€˜Olive Perilā€™ ā€“ Italians etc..Truth seems buddy if it were up to you, Australia wouldā€™ve remained a paranoid, ultra-racist backwater in the arse of nowhere…Itā€™s changed and thereā€™s nothing you can do to reverse it…get used to it dickhead.

      • Bahahahaha Shocky’s a glutton for punishment. He’s not content with having one person point out how epically stupid and paranoid he is.

        Shockadelic: And where does ā€œracismā€ come from?

        Are you that dumb? It comes from hysterical morons who think races shouldn’t mix or that mixed race children will causes nurses to scream in fright. Are you for real, Shocky? What century do you think this is? Never mind. Just keep jerking off to your Aryan utopian wet dreams. Hey Shocky. How does it feel knowing you’re the extreme minority? Your kind – the batshit mental racist bogan white supremacist trash kind – will die out. This country has changed and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it except get four people to an anti-mosque protest and bitch on someone else’s blog. Suffer, suffer, suffer. Watch your beloved white Australia change, knowing that most Australians white or not find your views repugnant, and you’ll never do or say anything to get in a position where the majority of people in this country agree with you.

    • Oh yeah and I thought you’d might also appreciate this neat video too Shocka (I posted it to Scotty before and he thought she was ‘cute’):

  38. Ann said “RESPONSIBILITY.”

    “They” are responsible for their own lives.
    “We” are not responsible for them.

    “You donā€™t live in those countries.
    You live here.”

    Ah, duh!
    And they don’t live here.
    And have no right to demand we let them in.

    “If Iā€™m not mistaken neither you nor I can speak about those places because we donā€™t live in the LEGACY of that past ā€˜historyā€™.”

    You can speak about anything you want.
    You are not *entitled* to their legacy, and they aren’t entitled to ours.

    “Thatā€™s why this is in English, a website made by an Australian, and the reason why weā€™re speaking in an Australian context.”

    Yes, but we can make analogous comparisons with other contexts, which is why I brought up the Japanese/Ainu and others.

    People are always going on about how evil White people were for invading and colonising other peoples’ lands, conveniently ignoring that every other “people” has done the same thing at one time or another.

    But they are forgiven.
    It was so long ago.

    “Remember just because THIS ENGLISH CONTEXT is your REALITY doesnā€™t mean itā€™s everyoneā€™s or the world.”

    Are you on my side now?

    Yes, our context is specific, because of our particular history.
    Which is why it is ludicrous to encourage the immigration of peoples *irrespective* of their relationship with that history.

    “they donā€™t hate the white man or themselves.”


    “We feel ANGRY about what has happened and the legacy of that.
    Thatā€™s why weā€™re taking a responsibility for that legacy.”

    And what of the anger of those Australians who don’t like the “legacy” you’re leaving now and for future Australians?
    Does their anger count?

    No, they have no right to be angry about the *EXACT SAME THING*:
    the displacement and disparagement off their people.

    • @Shockadelic: Errr I don’t want to insult you, so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you do not have the educational background. You obviously did not understand a thing I wrote.

      Means the responsibility of colonisation, abuse and globalisation and the negative effect that it has had on other countries and people.
      That is the responsibility/legacy I’m talking about and why it’s ours. We started the system of inequality, living in the system, benefit from the system at the detriment of others, so we need to fix it.

      No you’re not using them as comparisons, you are complaining that we don’t talk about them and have forgotten that history.
      I’m saying this is in English and an Aussie website, that’s why we talk about OUR OWN DOINGS, and the responsibility we need to take.

      “English context” – which means YOU probably don’t read in another language, so therefore you CAN’T SAY that OTHER NATIONS have forgotten their own history, and aren’t discussing it themselves on their websites.

      What if you found out that this ‘great’ Western civilisation was largely built by non-whites?
      How much of the ‘civilisation’ i.e. clothes, furniture, building equipment, electronic goods etc do you own that are NOT made in China or another country?
      What would happen if we closed our borders to export and importation?
      Why don’t you just buy Australian made? Have you checked out the demographics in labour/factory jobs in Australia – are they predominately white or non-white?

      Why do you think we imported non-whites into this country during the 1860s as indentured servants/slaves?
      What was the reason? What is the reason now for immigration?

  39. I agree that Dan is racist, but to some extent his comments are out of context. I doubt that any of you actually know the bloke, so why even waste your time ‘judging’ him?

    It seems that many of you simply want to vent your frustrations. Some of the things people have said on here are horrific….talking about murdering this man, shooting him etc etc…..come on, thats just fucked up. Dan’s original fb comments are vicious and racist and he will suffer from his own stupidity for the rest of his life, but there is nothing to be gained from publicly flaying him.

    If you are all so ‘Australian’, neutral and caring, then why attack him to the extent you have?

  40. Ann, for a minute there I held out the hope you might actually be an intelligent person who sincerely wanted to debate issues.

    And then you go and do what all the others do:
    Twist my words, pretending i said things I never said.

    Oh well.

    “Iā€™ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you do not have the educational background.’

    What a shock.

    “Means the responsibility of colonisation, abuse and globalisation”

    And when did Australia colonise Pakistan?
    When did Australia enslave Black Africans?
    When did Australia execute Jews en masse?
    When did Australia drop bombs on Hiroshima?

    If you’re going to talk about “responsibility” for past events, then blame the *right people*.

    “We started the system of inequality, living in the system, benefit from the system at the detriment of others, so we need to fix it.”

    And “they” now have independence, some for 200 years.
    “They” also colonised, enslaved and abused others throughout “their” history.
    There are no “innocent” peoples on this planet.

    “No youā€™re not using them as comparisons”

    No, that’s *exactly* what I’m doing.

    I’m not complaining we don’t talk about the Ainu.
    I’m complaining that the past atrocities of non-Whites are not held over “them” today, in the same way you want to hold past White crimes over the heads of today’s Whites (who weren’t even alive when these things happened).

    I *am* making a comparison, to point out the hypocrisy of the “White guilters”.
    Where is the Eternal Black Guilt/Responsibility (Shaka Zulu killed a million other Blacks to create his empire and Blacks themselves were the ones who entrapped other Blacks to trade as slaves).
    Where is the Eternal Arab Guilt/Responsibility, the Eternal Turkic Guilt/Responsibility, the Eternal Indic Guilt/Responsibility?

    ………Chirp, chirp (sound of crickets).

    “you CANā€™T SAY that OTHER NATIONS have forgotten their own history”

    I didn’t (Twist, Twist, SeƱora)

    “What if you found out that this ā€˜greatā€™ Western civilisation was largely built by non-whites?”

    Please explain.
    The Romans were Black?
    The Greeks were Mongoloid?

    “How much of the ā€˜civilisationā€™ i.e. clothes, furniture, building equipment, electronic goods etc do you own that are NOT made in China or another country?”

    Our “civilisation” isn’t electric toasters.

    “What would happen if we closed our borders to export and importation?”

    Did I suggest this? (Twist, Twist, SeƱora)

    “Why donā€™t you just buy Australian made?”

    I can only do that *when* something is made here.

    “Have you checked out the demographics in labour/factory jobs in Australia ā€“ are they predominately white or non-white?”

    Are you implying they’re mostly non-White?
    And this means non-White people “created” Western Civilisation?

    So this is the “better life” we’re offering immigrants?:
    Stand on your feet all day, doing the same repetitive function over and over and over til you want to scream, for $5 an hour. Yippee!!

    “Why do you think we imported non-whites into this country during the 1860s as indentured servants/slaves?”

    Because we were part of the British Empire and *they* did that everywhere.
    Blame Britain.

    “What is the reason now for immigration?”

    I’m dying to know.
    But nobody will tell me.

    • @Shockadelic: Again you’ve misunderstood and misinterpreted what I’ve written. Has it ever occurred to you that the questions I asked of you were legit questions to see how your rational works? Debating with you is a waste of time.

      You: “I can only do that *when* something is made here.”
      I thought Western civilisation according to you was without reliance on other ‘civilisations’. Obviously it isn’t.

      You: “If youā€™re going to talk about ā€œresponsibilityā€ for past events, then blame the *right people*”
      I thought you considered Australia to be a part of the wider ‘Western civilisation’ – doesn’t that include your – You: “Blame Britain”.

      You: “I’m dying to know. But nobody will tell me.”
      Since you don’t know, and have not studied it, I think you should research and study it. Seems a bit silly to me for you to not understand something but be completely against it. You need to find out the answer to “What is the reason now for immigration?”

      You need to find out “WHY we imported non-whites into this country during the 1860s as indentured servants/slaves” I didn’t ask you under what circumstances and HOW it came about. I’m asking WHY.
      If this is your beloved Australia – how come you don’t know much about its history? If you did, you would know the answer to this question.

  41. Ordem e Progresso : “I thought youā€™d might also appreciate this neat video too”

    I didn’t.

    “I posted it to Scotty before and he thought she was ā€˜cuteā€™”

    He would.
    He’s a pervert.

  42. Ordem e Progresso said “Abusing you seems appropriate.”

    It does?
    Exactly what did I say to warrant such a tirade of abuse?
    From someone who thinks they’re a mature adult, no less.

    No, *I* don’t deserve that abuse.
    You, like all the others here, are reacting to the imagined bogeyman in your head, the person you *presume* me to be.

    “Like Iā€™ve told you, racists like you canā€™t disguise your hatred or whatever you want to call it for Muslims behind a ā€œthereā€™s not enough room for parking for their Mosqueā€ kind of argument.”

    No, I’m not disguising anything.
    I couldn’t care less about parking.
    I think you should be able to refuse the construction of a mosque *because* it’s a mosque.

    “This makes you racist, especially since you donā€™t seem to have an opinion on violence committed by ā€˜whiteā€™ Australians.”

    I can’t do anything about people born here being criminals, except punish them.
    If we know certain ethnic groups have criminality problems, is this not relevant to the choice of immigrants?

    If (note the word ‘if’ everyone) Turks had a 23% higher crime rate than any other ethnic group (proportional to their population size), wouldn’t that be something to make us reconsider the ‘benefits’ of Turkish immigration?

    You can’t just ‘blame Whitey’ for this, as that doesn’t explain *why* Turks, and not Samoans, why Turks and not Kazakhs, why Turks and not Berbers?

    I think serious violent crimes (by anyone) deserve execution.
    Is that “opinion”‘ enough for ya?

    “Youā€™re not going to argue that violence committed by this group is somehow better are you?”

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora.

    “So why then is it an issue if we have a non-white person who commits act of violence?”

    Because it may indicate a phenomenon that goes beyond that one person.

    “And what of gangs of ā€˜whiteā€™ people? Or gangs of Aboriginal people”

    Born here.
    Been here for generations.
    White Australians and Aborigines have a long, legitimate history in this land.
    They are the only two peoples who can claim this land as their homeland.

    “Itā€™s funny cause you seem to be arguing that closing off the gene pool for 10s of 1000s of years is good”

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora.

    No, I’m simply stated that for thousands of years these genetic populations *already were* separate.
    If you know anything about genetic evolution, you’d know that any relatively isolated population can change significantly, even though they may not change enough to create a new species.

    That’s exactly what we had between the African, European and Asian populations, relatively separate populations for thousands of years.

    You don’t know what the genetic consequences might be in combining them.
    You *don’t know*.

    “whereas all biologists will tell you genetic diversity is essential for the health and longevity of any specie of animal or plant”

    Is there no genetic diversity among Whites?

    Homozygosity is only a problem if the allele itself is a problem.

    “it is sometimes believed that all crossbred plants or animals are genetically superior to their parents; this is true only in *certain circumstances*: when a hybrid is seen to be superior to its parents, this is known as hybrid vigor. When the *opposite* happens, and a hybrid inherits traits from its parents that makes it unfit for survival, the result is referred to as outbreeding depression.”

    outbreeding depression = mutant freak

    So you can get good or bad results from mixing strains.
    And since allele selection is *random*, you have no idea which until Prince/Mutant pops out.

    “keeping the gene pool closed can be disastrous”

    Closed to a small population.
    There are *millions* of Whites in Australia.
    And hundreds more millions overseas, who would always be accessible if we needed them.

    “witness what happened to early white settlers in South Africa”

    What happened? Do tell.

    “or some Jewish sects who carry a form of genetically inherited cancer”

    By marrying their cousins. Ew!

    “You clearly know next to nothing about evolution”

    I know it didn’t stop a million years ago.

    “you seem to make the most extraordinary claim that thereā€™s an Australian race.”

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora.

    I actually said “ethnicity”.
    Do you understand the difference between “race” and “ethnicity”, Mr Educated?

    “You must provide evidence thereā€™s an ā€˜Australian ethnicityā€™ā€¦.please !!!”

    Give me a FUCKING BREAK!!
    Now that *proves* you don’t know what “ethnicity” means. Go away.

    “They apply in Australia if youā€™re originally from Scotland or the Philippines. They apply if youā€™re an atheist or a Muslim.””

    They apply because they’re Western values and we’re part of Western Civilisation.

    “Whilst a hard-core Muslim may not accept some tenets of democracy”

    But let’s let them into the country anyway.

    “nor does it appear you do either, being racist and all”

    What does “racism” have to do with democracy?
    (Twist, Twist, SeƱora)

    “Actually Australia also harboured fears for the ā€˜Olive Perilā€™ ā€“ Italians etc..”

    Were Australians not entitled to question this either?

    Italians and Greeks are of different branches of the Indo-European legacy (Italic, Hellenic), and different Christian traditions (Catholic, Orthodox, most Australians were and are Protestant).

    People had every right to question or object to this.

    However, the fact that these were Indo-European Christian cultures meant we also shared a broader history.

    No such “broader history” applies to other civilisations.

    You could “educate” an Australian to see connections between Catholic Italic people, Orthodox Hellenic people and Celto-Germanic Protestant people.

    But where’s the connection to Thai? Vietnamese? Turks?
    There isn’t one.

    • Shockadelic said:

      ā€œExactly what did I say to warrant such a tirade of abuse? From someone who thinks theyā€™re a mature adult, no less.ā€

      – Your racist nonsenseā€¦.But no youā€™re right. One shouldnā€™t speak to another in such a way. Sorry.

      ā€œNo, Iā€™m not disguising anything. I couldnā€™t care less about parking. I think you should be able to refuse the construction of a mosque *because* itā€™s a mosque.ā€

      – But thatā€™s not fair. People have a right to observe their religion. Muslims have been here for generations. To deny them a place of worship is sad. This is why I dislike your points of view.

      ā€œIf (note the word ā€˜ifā€™ everyone) Turks had a 23% higher crime rate than any other ethnic group (proportional to their population size), wouldnā€™t that be something to make us reconsider the ā€˜benefitsā€™ of Turkish immigration?ā€

      – Thatā€™s a big IF Shockyā€¦you canā€™t bandy a statistic around that doesnā€™t actually exist. No wonder one of Australiaā€™s leading experts on immigration describes rants like yours a ā€˜moral panicā€™ ( Criminologists and law enforcement officials are aware of there being a partial ethnic element to some forms of crime. But thatā€™s not to say the majority of an ethnic community are engaged in crime. One of the most serious forms of organised crime in Australia are biker gangs ā€“ and theyā€™re a mix of whites, Pacific Islanders, Lebanese, Malteseā€¦it doesnā€™t matter where youā€™re from !

      ā€œI think serious violent crimes (by anyone) deserve execution.
      Is that ā€œopinionā€ā€˜ enough for ya?ā€

      – Yeah it is. But I donā€™t agree with execution.

      ā€œTwist, Twist, SeƱora.ā€

      – Iā€™m not twisting anythingā€¦Iā€™m merely pointing out that youā€™ve no complaint about crimes committed by whites. As you go on to say:

      ā€œBecause it may indicate a phenomenon that goes beyond that one person.ā€

      – Wouldnā€™t that also mean that it may indicate a phenomenon that goes beyond a single white person? Again, Iā€™m not twisting anything. You seem to have a higher tolerance for crimes committed by whites than non-whites:

      ā€œBorn here. Been here for generations. White Australians and Aborigines have a long, legitimate history in this land. They are the only two peoples who can claim this land as their homeland.ā€

      – Does that mean they can legitimately commit acts of violent crime? Thatā€™s what you seem to be saying! Though you couldnā€™t cause surely you canā€™t be that stupid? What if youā€™re simply born here to immigrant parents, join a biker gang whose Presidentā€™s ancestors came out on the First Fleet and you partake with him in a murder of a rival gang member? Is your crime worse because your family came here later? How does oneā€™s background change the meaning or dimension of the crime? Youā€™re adding another layer to the concept of crime which doesnā€™t exist.

      ā€œNo, Iā€™m simply stated that for thousands of years these genetic populations *already were* separate. If you know anything about genetic evolution, youā€™d know that any relatively isolated population can change significantly, even though they may not change enough to create a new species.ā€

      – Yeah but different populations were never so different from another so as create a new specie or sub-specie (as you seem to indicate). Weā€™re all people! Why donā€™t you understand that??? This is not an assertion of a hippyā€¦itā€™s a biological fact. The physical, genetic, differences between people are extremely minor.

      ā€œThatā€™s exactly what we had between the African, European and Asian populations, relatively separate populations for thousands of years.ā€

      – Not exactly trueā€¦Australian Aborigines, whoā€™ve been ā€˜isolatedā€™ for thousands of years, were suspected to have breed with visiting Indonesians and perhaps even Dutch. Besides, like people from PNG, theyā€™d organise inter-tribal marriages. In any case, humanity emerged from Africa and spread across the Middle East, the Americas and Asia. Weā€™re all the bloody same. Skin colour and eye shape are minor differences. They donā€™t prevent people from successfully breeding with one another, unlike a dolphins and sharks.

      ā€œYou donā€™t know what the genetic consequences might be in combining them. You *donā€™t know*.ā€

      – The consequences are the production of children!! What do you think happens when people breed?? Youā€™re on very shaky ground here..

      ā€œIs there no genetic diversity among Whites?ā€

      – There certainly is. So thereā€™s no point in you trying to tell us they should protect their genes ..! Youā€™re suggesting whites should close their gene pool to non-whites. I donā€™t even know why Iā€™m engaging you in this argument itā€™s so stupid !

      ā€œoutbreeding depression = mutant freakā€¦.So you can get good or bad results from mixing strains.ā€

      – Thatā€™s ludicrous. I challenge you to provide proper evidence of how a breeding couple from different backgrounds results in ā€˜freaksā€™ for offspring! Besides, if you knew anything youā€™d know not all mutations = disorder, freak or whatever. The word does not necessarily mean that. It simply means change. Thereā€™s absolutely no proof whatsoever that breeding people from different parts of the world produces ā€˜freaksā€™ ā€“ thatā€™s a truly outstandingly bad racist suggestion. You simply come across as an old-school Nazi of racist here. A Eugenicist. And thatā€™s not a cheap shot ā€“ itā€™s what they actually believed!

      ā€œWhat happened? Do tell.ā€

      – Huntingtonā€™s Disease

      ā€œTwist, Twist, SeƱora. I actually said ā€œethnicityā€. Do you understand the difference between ā€œraceā€ and ā€œethnicityā€, Mr Educated?ā€

      – Yes you said ā€˜ethnicityā€™, an Australian ā€˜ethnicityā€™ which developed over the space over a couple hundred of yearsā€¦ you indicated the growth of a distinct group, ā€˜culturally and physicallyā€™:

      ā€œAnd it happens culturally as well as physically (and cultural change happens a *lot quicker*, which is why even people with similar genetics can have extremely divergent cultures). This is why thereā€™s such an ethnicity as ā€œAustralianā€, even though such a group is only 2 centuries old.ā€

      – Just how different are present white Australians from their white forebearers?? Iā€™m particularly interested in the ā€˜physicalā€™.

      ā€œGive me a FUCKING BREAK!!ā€

      – No! You still need to prove it sonny Jim.

      ā€œThey apply because theyā€™re Western values and weā€™re part of Western Civilisation.ā€

      – True. Western civilisation is now, especially post WWII, opposed to racism.

      ā€œWhat does ā€œracismā€ have to do with democracy? (Twist, Twist, SeƱora)ā€

      – Racism is undemocratic.

      ā€œSo? Were Australians not entitled to question this either?ā€

      – They did question it. They didnā€™t want ā€˜Olive skinnedā€™ people here. No one questions it anymore.

      ā€œItalians and Greeks are of different branches of the Indo-European legacy (Italic, Hellenic), and different Christian traditions (Catholic, Orthodox, most Australians were and are Protestant).ā€

      – Most of the Lebanese here are actually Christians too. So are many of the Egyptians, Jordanians etc..Besides, who cares? As long as they adhere to the law! The point Iā€™m making is that adherence to white Australia was so extreme it didnā€™t matter that Italians were Europeans or even Christianā€¦they simply werenā€™t white enoughā€¦they eventually realised the silliness of the idea of strict whitenessā€¦and eventually saw reason and abandoned all together the notion of ā€˜white Australiaā€™. Itā€™s pure nonsense with no defensible political argument or indeed scientific reasoning! Yet itā€™s something you pursueā€¦Dear Lordā€¦.

      ā€œPeople had every right to question or object to this.ā€

      – Yes people have every right to question immigration and multiculturalism as long as itā€™s done sensibly without racist overtones, which is something you donā€™t do. I guess the reason why Iā€™m abusive to you is because people can implore you to see reason but you wonā€™t. At this point I simply want you to provide me with two things: 1) Proof of the ā€˜physicalā€™ aspect of the ā€˜ethnic (white) Australian)ā€™ and, 2) evidence which shows how two people from different backgrounds can produce ā€˜mutant freaksā€™; that is, how the simple act of interbreeding can produce a ā€˜mutant freakā€™. Good luck.

  43. Ann said “Has it ever occurred to you that the questions I asked of you were legit questions”

    Don’t you mean petty flippant attempts to be clever?

    “Debating with you is a waste of time.”

    You haven’t even tried.

    “I thought Western civilisation according to you was without reliance on other ā€˜civilisationsā€™. Obviously it isnā€™t.”

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora.

    Western Cvilisation didn’t start with the invention of the electric toaster.
    Nor the outsourcing of its manufacture to China.

    Are our aesthetics made in China?
    Is our philosophy made in China?
    Is our humour made in China?
    Is our religious history made in China?
    Is our language made in China?
    Was our ancestral genetics made in China?

    “I thought you considered Australia to be a part of the wider ā€˜Western civilisationā€™ ā€“ doesnā€™t that include your ā€“ You: ā€œBlame Britainā€.”‘

    That doesn’t mean you blame one group for that actions of another.

    Australia (Western), America (Western) and Britain (Western) went to war with Italy (Western) and Germany (Western).
    Now who do we blame for what here?

    Our civilisation is composed of ethnic/national components, who each have there own histories too.

    “Since you donā€™t know, and have not studied it, I think you should research and study it.”

    No, I think you should tell me, smarty pants.
    If you want to act all Ms Know-It-All, then *show* you know it all, and give it pathtic cop-outs like “do some research”.
    Put up or shut up.

    “Seems a bit silly to me for you to not understand something but be completely against it.”

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora.

    I’m not opposed to “immigration per se”.
    I question certain elements of it.
    And I know exactly why I question those elements.

    I want *you* to explain why I’m wrong.

    “You need to find out the answer to ā€œWhat is the reason now for immigration?ā€”

    No, *you* need to tell me.
    You need a reason *for* immigration.
    You don’t need a reason for not having it.

    Not having immigration = things the way they already are = no explanation required for things being what they already are.

    “You need to find out ā€œWHY we imported non-whites into this country during the 1860s as indentured servants/slavesā€

    No, *you* need to tell me.
    And stop using the word “slave”.

    “I didnā€™t ask you under what circumstances and HOW it came about. Iā€™m asking WHY.”

    I don’t *care* why.

    “We continually waste our time with these folks. The thing is, we have that much faith in people, that weā€™re hoping something will click.”

    I have no such hope for you.
    You’re beyond help.

    • You: “Are our aesthetics made in China?
      Is our philosophy made in China….”
      – It wouldn’t have been possible without the rest of the world. Nothing is invented/created in isolation. Philosophy? Pfft, I’ve got a major in Western Philosophy you would be surprised how much of it is influenced by other world philosophies. Take Schopenhauer.
      Another e.g. Would Britain have colonised countries without guns? Would your ‘Australians’ of the past even been able to live here without guns and genocide of Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders?

      You: “actions of another”
      Err… what?! Australia was colonised, and the present situation in Australia is in direct relation to that history. So yes the responsibility is yours.

      You: “stop using the word “slave””
      They were slaves you idiot. Many of them were not paid. Shows how little you know of the history. Shows how little you know of current world history and the definition of slaves.

      You: “I don’t *care* why”
      Just admit you DON’T KNOW why. Or do you know and it’s too embarrassing to admit?

      You: “No, *you* need to tell me.”
      – LOL, this is an internet forum, I’m not going to write a whole essay up for you. It’s a f-in waste of time. Either you get educated because you’re just embarrassing yourself.

      You: ā€œBorn here. Been here for generations. White Australians and Aborigines have a long, legitimate history in this land. They are the only two peoples who can claim this land as their homeland.ā€

      – Since people of all different ethnicities have been here as well, what’s the cut-off date according to you? Did Chinese Australians have to be here since 1788? Did the Afghani Australians, etc etc have to be here since the 1800s? Because LMAO they were.

      This is my last comment. I’m not wasting my time anymore.

      • Ann,
        You might wanna acquaint ya self with Shocky here.
        He went on about how similar UK & AUS ‘currently’ are with regard to economic/immigration/space issues.
        He thought everything applied to UK applied the same way to Aus “because Australia was founded by the Brits.”
        and he had to admit to TA I think it was that he has never been out side Australia, at which point I figured I was wasting time with a moron. šŸ™‚

  44. @M-Dawg: Thank you! šŸ™‚ That’s funny, he did a flip and said that Australians can’t be held responsible for colonisation of Australia, the import of indentured labour etc., because we’re not British (him: “Blame Britain”).
    He fails to see how that legacy has worked in favour of his ‘great white Australians’ and goes on to say it’s ‘the great western civilisation’ as though it was made in a vacuum not affected at all by that history and also by the transatlantic slave trade, various wars, world economics etc.

    What’s with it with these people?
    I want to say: “White Australians were immigrants to this space, now you’re saying other people can’t come here?! And for god sake other non-white groups have lived here from the beginning as well!”
    Just because the majority of Australia’s history text books and media image, are skewed towards white Australians doesn’t mean there isn’t another face.

    So he’s never been outside of Australia… where the hell does he get the idea that everyone wants to live in Australia – and that ‘white Australians are under threat’. They love their countries.

    Seems like he argues anything just to sound as though his arguments are correct. You’re right, moron indeed.

    • Ann: Seems like he argues anything just to sound as though his arguments are correct.
      Correct. A wannabe pseudo-intellectual who can’t see why he’s the only one who understands whatever “point” he’s trying to make.

    • Nope! he hasn’t ever been out side of Australia.
      Some one of his ilk had posted a link to a news paper article that was written by a BNP guy in the UK & I pointed out the futility of comparing UK & AU on that instance because of the vast differences.
      He argued that there are no vast differences, why? wait for it.. šŸ™‚ because AU was founded by the British.
      And when asked if he had been to the UK, he said he didn’t have to because he lived in a country founded by the British.
      Need I say anything more? šŸ™‚
      It’s all in his head, just like all white supremacists, it’s all in their heads, nowhere else.
      Look at how freaking long his posts are??? the sight of it bores me, not to mention the contents to be drivel.
      He is a nit picking wikipedia key board warrior, I doubt he has a formal education beyond year 10. šŸ™‚
      Certainly not worth 10 seconds of my life. šŸ™‚

  45. Shockadlic: ā€œTwist, Twist, SeƱora.ā€
    Ooooh, twisting things – something Shockadelic never does, right?

    Shockadelic: I assume you include the Chinese who arrived here during the gold rush [who were despised and whose presence caused riots] the Afghans who drove camels in the desert [all five of them]
    Wikpedia: ā€œAlthough the number of Afghans coming to Australia was small (no more than 3000) compared with other ethnic groups, their contribution to this country has been much greater than most people realise. Afghans have made a substantial contribution to South Australia and Australia but history has almost ignored them, and the role they played opening up inland Australia.ā€

    Me: Oh, surprise, surprise, Shockadelic is quoting Wikipedia selectively. Havenā€™t you got it into your thick skull yet Shocky ā€“ this makes you look dishonest AND stupid? Hmmm, I wonder why you didnā€™t quote the following from your beloved Wikipedia. “The term ā€˜jihadā€™ has accrued both violent and non-violent meanings. It can simply mean striving to live a moral and virtuous life, spreading and defending Islam as well as fighting injustice and oppression, among other things.”


    Shockadelic: And then you go and do what all the others do:
    Twist my words, pretending i said things I never said.

    Boo hoo hoo. Cry me a river, hypocrite bogan white trash liar.

  46. Ann said You: ā€œAre our aesthetics made in China?
    Is our philosophy made in Chinaā€¦.ā€

    It wouldnā€™t have been possible without the rest of the world

    It was possible without China.
    We didn’t even know they *existed* till a few centuries ago.

    ā€œTake Schopenhauer.ā€
    i.e. *after* Europeans ā€œdiscoveredā€ Asia.

    ā€œYou: ā€œactions of anotherā€
    Errā€¦ what?! Australia was colonised, and the present situation in Australia is in direct relation to that history. So yes the responsibility is yours.ā€

    The responsibility for colonisation is Britain’s.
    ā€œAustraliaā€ wasn’t even a political reality until *afterwards*.

    You: ā€œstop using the word ā€œslaveā€”
    They were slaves you idiot. Many of them were not paid.ā€

    Indentured servants are ā€œnot paidā€.
    That doesn’t make them a ā€œslaveā€.

    Slaves are *property*!!
    They are owned for life or until sold to another owner.

    Indentured servants are *contracted* employees.
    There is a time limit on that contract.
    They are not paid wages, because they are provided with everything they need for FREE.

    ā€œIā€™m not going to write a whole essay up for you. Itā€™s a f-in waste of timeā€

    I thought so.
    You don’t have an answer.
    You just like to pretend you’re oh-so-clever and superior.

    You need a whole-page essay to describe ā€œwhyā€ we had indentured servants?
    You are the one embarrassing yourself by refusing to answer a simple question, which you asked, which you claim to already know the answer to. Fail Ms Smartypants.

    ā€œThis is my last comment. Iā€™m not wasting my time anymore.ā€


    ā€œThatā€™s funny, he did a flip and said that Australians canā€™t be held responsible for colonisation of Australia, ….and goes on to say itā€™s ā€˜the great western civilisationā€™ as though it was made in a vacuum not affected at all by that history and also by the transatlantic slave trade, various wars, world economics etc.ā€

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora.

    There are layers to our existence you know.
    We are ā€œAustralianā€.
    We are also part of ā€œWestern Civilisationā€.
    The latter is composed of many peoples.

    You can’t just blame everyone for the actions of *some* Western peoples.
    Is Sweden somehow responsible for black slavery? They’re “Western”?
    What about Iceland? Austria?

    Each is responsible for what *they* did, not for what all of them did.
    The things that can be shared (a symphony, a novel) can be said to belong to all of Western civiliation, but not things that were not and cannot be shared (enslaving blacks, colonising a *particular* land).
    Got it?

    ā€œWhite Australians were immigrants to this space, now youā€™re saying other people canā€™t come here?!ā€

    Why not?
    Do Japanese have the right to say ā€œNo Thanksā€ to Zulus?
    Do Turks have the right to say ā€œNo thanksā€ to Samoans?
    Of course they do, because those people have no connection whatsoever to their history.

    ā€œAnd for god sake other non-white groups have lived here from the beginning as well!ā€

    A tiny, tiny, tiny number.

    Yet you people like to exaggerate just how much influence they actually had.

    If you filled a football stadium with a *representative* cross-section of all the people that have migrated here since 1788, the non-White people would fill a handful of seats.

    Never mind that virtually the whole stadium would be White, White, White.
    Let’s pretend that the few coloured people in the back row are somehow of equal or even greater significance.
    So we can diminish any claims to predominance by White Australians and dishonestly magnify the influence of non-Whites, to match up with our trendy multiculti revisionist bullshit.

    ā€œwhere the hell does he get the idea that everyone wants to live in Australiaā€

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora.

    ā€œThey love their countries.ā€

    Then why are they leaving them?

  47. Ordem e Progresso said ā€œPeople have a right to observe their religion. To deny them a place of worship is sad.ā€

    I’ve already argued about this on this blog before. I’m not going to bother again.

    Yet Another Epic Fail: “It’s A Cowardly Racist Who Hides Behind Cars.”

    Buildings are not required in order to believe in something.
    And even if you want a building, this does not mean you must *construct* one, particularly one with architectural features totally incongruous with our architectural heritage.

    ā€œIf (note the word ā€˜ifā€™ everyone) Turks had a 23% higher crime rate than any other ethnic group

    ā€œ- Thatā€™s a big IF Shockyā€¦ā€

    Yes, its an *hypothetical* example. Hence the emphasis I placed on ā€œifā€ (how much more emphasis did you need?!).
    This was not a claim of fact. (Twist, Twist, SeƱora)

    ā€œyou canā€™t bandy a statistic around that doesnā€™t actually exist.ā€

    You can if you a trying to make a point with a *hypothesis*, which is clearly described as such, and the people reading it are intelligent adults who can tell the difference between a statement of fact (“is”) and a hypothesis (“if”).

    Of course, you completely ignore the point I was trying to make, and Twist, Twist, SeƱora.

    ā€œBut thatā€™s not to say the majority of an ethnic community are engaged in crime.ā€

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora.

    I said it may indicate a serious problem within that ethnic group, perhaps indicative of an inherent difficulty in integration.
    Something a sensible person might consider *relevant* in the selection of immigrants.

    ā€œIā€™m not twisting anythingā€¦Iā€™m merely pointing out that youā€™ve no complaint about crimes committed by whites.ā€

    No complaint?
    Twist, Twist, SeƱora (again).
    I already said seriously violent criminals should be *executed*!!
    That’s ā€œno complaintā€?

    ā€œWouldnā€™t that also mean that it may indicate a phenomenon that goes beyond a single white person?ā€

    Then the problem would be spread far and wide across our *entire society*.
    If this were the case, no ā€œethnic-basedā€ approach would deal with the problem, as its a society-as-a-whole problem, not a minority-problem that can be diagnosed and dealt with on *that* level.

    ā€œAgain, Iā€™m not twisting anything. You seem to have a higher tolerance for crimes committed by whites than non-whitesā€

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora (again)

    ā€œDoes that mean they can legitimately commit acts of violent crime?ā€

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora.
    Legitimate crime? Facepalm.

    No, the fact they’ve been a significant part of our history for generations means they have ā€œas a groupā€ an unchallengeable right to live here.
    It doesn’t excuse criminal behaviour.

    ā€œIs your crime worse because your family came here later?ā€

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora.
    The crime is the same.

    However, if (note ā€œifā€. If, if, if, if, if, if!!!!!!) Turks have a 23% greater chance of joining biker gangs than Berbers, surely it would be sensible to limit Turkish immigration, but not Berbers?

    ā€œYouā€™re adding another layer to the concept of crime which doesnā€™t exist.ā€

    No, some crimes are being committed by ethnic people against other Australians *because* of their ethnic affiliations. This should not be ignored.

    ā€œYeah but different populations were never so different from another so as create a new specie or sub-specie (as you seem to indicate).ā€

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora.
    I specifically said the *opposite*!

    ā€œIn any case, humanity emerged from Africa [60,000 years ago!] and spread across the Middle East, the Americas and Asia. Weā€™re all the bloody same.ā€

    No, we’re not, or we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

    ā€œSkin colour and eye shape are minor differences.ā€

    But biological morphology is part of the defining characteristics of ā€œethnicityā€.
    You can’t be ā€œTibetanā€ if you’re Black.
    You can’t be ā€œZuluā€ if you’re White.
    Maybe *you* think these things are trivial, but the ethnic groups themselves think otherwise.

    ā€œThey donā€™t prevent people from successfully breeding with one another. The consequences are the production of children!! What do you think happens when people breed??ā€

    Congratulations. It’s a homo sapiens.
    But will it have hybrid vigour (Prince) or outbreeding depression (mutant freak)?

    ā€œThere certainly is [genetic diversity among Whites]. So thereā€™s no point in you trying to tell us they should protect their genes ..!ā€

    Why not? Are our genes not as ā€œselfishā€ as others?
    We have every right to protect our *ethnicities*, of which genetics is one component.

    ā€œYouā€™re suggesting whites should close their gene pool to non-whites.ā€

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora.
    I’m ā€œsuggestingā€ there’s no reason to *expand* out gene pool, and we don’t know what the consequences will be if we do (random allele selection).

    You also might want to think for two seconds about the consequence for the *children* so created (and all their subsequent descendants).

    Who are they? What identity can they have? Which culture is ā€œtheirsā€?
    Nobody ever stops to think of the identity confusion so created by these ā€œnoble principlesā€.

    ā€œoutbreeding depression = mutant freakā€¦.So you can get good or bad results from mixing strains.ā€

    Thatā€™s ludicrous.ā€

    No, that’s science. If you’re typical of the people here, Science is your God.
    Except when science doesn’t match up to your utopian ideological fantasies, then to hell with Science!

    ā€œBesides, if you knew anything youā€™d know not all mutations = disorder, freak or whatever.ā€

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora.
    Did I say even say the word ā€œmutationā€?

    No, I said allele selection, which happens with *every* fertilization.
    Mutations are rare, random allele selection happens *every* time.

    ā€œYou simply come across as an old-school Nazi of racist here. A Eugenicistā€

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora.
    Stating the obvious truth of random allele selection is hardly ā€œeugenicsā€.
    People perpetuating the genes they already have is hardly ā€œeugenicsā€.

    Eugenics was about supposedly *improving*, not statically perpetuating, genetics artificially, by promoting or restricting certain people breeding through *official policies*.

    I propose no such thing. I am totally opposed to eugenics.
    I’m simply stating that people should be *aware* of the potential consequences of what they do.
    I’m not going to stop them doing it.

    I also oppose the propagation of the propaganda that race mixing is somehow going to create some sort of superhuman or somehow eliminate racism. Both claims are false.

    ā€œHuntingtonā€™s Diseaseā€

    The founder effect only occurs in the initial settling group, and would hardly matter in today’s Australian population of millions.

    Odd that you openly acknowledge the risks of inheriting detrimental genes from closely related people, yet fail to see there could be an equivalent danger in breeding populations that are *extremely unrelated*, with the gamble of random allele selection potentially producing genetic hybrids of *unknown character*.

    In populations that have been breeding for centuries, detrimental alleles tend to die out, but with populations that haven’t been interbreeding no such ā€œpruningā€ has taken place.

    The allele combinations are totally novel.

    They could produce all kinds of unexpected nasty combinations that wouldn’t occur otherwise.

    Let’s say Africans have ā€œpotentially bad allele AGXā€ (this is another “if”).

    The potentially bad consequences of allele AGX have been pruned out over the centuries, perhaps by the actions of other beneficial anti-AGX suppressor alleles that *only* Africans have.

    But White people have neither the bad allele, nor the beneficial suppressor alleles.

    White people may have their own alleles that make the suppressor allele ineffective,
    or alleles that make the disease more aggressive.

    This has never been a problem before, because AGX didn’t exist in the European population.

    Will a mixed baby express both alleles, only the bad one, only the suppressor, or neither?
    You *don’t know*, because the selection is random.

    You have now introduced alleles into the White population which will be passed down *forever*.
    Thank you very much Mr Principles.

    The same could happen in reverse in introducing detrimental alleles into the African population from Europeans.

    ā€œYes you said ā€˜ethnicityā€™, an Australian ā€˜ethnicityā€™ which developed over the space over a couple hundred of yearsā€¦ you indicated the growth of a distinct group, ā€˜culturally and physicallyā€™ā€

    And this hasn’t happened?

    ā€œJust how different are present white Australians from their white forebearers?? Iā€™m particularly interested in the ā€˜physicalā€™.ā€

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora.
    Didn’t I just state that physical change happens much,much slower?
    That people with virtually identical genetics can have different cultures because cultures evolve a lot quicker than biology?

    Just how different are Black Americans from their African ancestors?
    Could you tell the difference?
    Does are lack of obvious physical differences mean there’s no such ethnicity as “African American/Black American” (“race” is only one half of “ethnicity”).
    Does it mean their culture is indistinguishable from African culture (culture is the other half of “ethnicity”)?

    ā€œNo! You still need to prove it sonny Jim.ā€

    You need ā€œproofā€ that ā€œAustraliansā€ are a people distinguishable from other peoples?

    So, we’re no different to the British?
    You see no differentiation in our people?
    We are indistinguishable from our ā€œforebearersā€?

    I don’t have to *prove* what you see every day.
    I’ve already done this straw man before. (New blog format can’t link directly to individual comments, see 26 Dec 2010)

    ā€œRacism is undemocratic.ā€

    Democracy is the *political* system, not personal opinions.

    How is someone who isn’t a citizen of this country (because they live in Pakistan) entitled to vote in our elections?

    That person is not being deprived of the right to vote in Australia.
    They *never had* that right.

    Not migrating here would simply mean things stay the way they already are: no right to vote.

    ā€œThey didnā€™t want ā€˜Olive skinnedā€™ people here. No one questions it anymore.ā€

    *Some* Australians didn’t want olive-skinned people here.
    And if you were alive then, would you have had any sympathy for their concerns, or just called them a Nazi?

    No-one questions it because they’re Caucasoid Christian Indo-Europeans.
    Some people will *always* question non-Caucasoid non-Christian non-Indo-European immigration. Get over it.

    ā€œMost of the Lebanese here are actually Christians too. So are many of the Egyptians, Jordanians etc..

    Chrisitanity is only one element of our civilisation’s history.
    Ethnicity is a *combination* of factors, religion being one of many.

    ā€œBesides, who cares? As long as they adhere to the law!ā€

    So ethnicity is irrelevant to human society?
    All that matters is law.

    Okay, so why do we have the laws we do?
    Doesn’t this have something to do with *our* cultural history?
    Change the people, and you’ll change the law.
    Will those new laws adhere to the principles you love? How do you know this?
    Why should we take the risk?

    ā€œThe point Iā€™m making is that adherence to white Australia was so extreme it didnā€™t matter that Italians were Europeans or even Christianā€¦they simply werenā€™t white enoughā€

    The immigration restrictions were never intended to restrict continental Europeans.
    There simply weren’t that many coming here, due to the obvious reason of language.

    Other Europeans had their own empires and colonies to go to at the time.

    Only the world wars prompted significant numbers of continental Europeans to take the gamble on coming here.
    All the incremental reforms of immigration policy related to *non*-Europeans.
    There was never any restriction, or intention of restriction, of ‘olive’ Europeans, only *non*-Europeans.

    ā€œItā€™s pure nonsense with no defensible political argument or indeed scientific reasoning!ā€

    Ethnicity is pure nonsense?
    Then why are you guys celebrating ā€œmulticulturalismā€?

    ā€œYes people have every right to question immigration and multiculturalism as long as itā€™s done sensibly without racist overtonesā€

    *Any* mention of ā€œraceā€ is interpreted by you as ā€œrac-istā€.
    You can’t discuss ethnicity or the distinctiveness of different civilizations *without* race coming into the discussion.

    ā€œIā€™m abusive to you is because people can implore you to see reason but you wonā€™t.ā€

    What is *reasonable* about 57% Asian immigration in a country with a European history?
    How is that ‘logical’ or ‘scientific’?

    When the topic is ethnicity/civilization, you are not dealing with ‘logic’, you are dealing with human beings, their instincts, desires, fears, beliefs, customs, attractions, repulsions, language, music, art…
    ā€œLogicā€ and ā€œreasonā€ are not the appropriate measuring stick.

    An honest awareness of social sciences would make our current policy questionable though.

    History, archeology, anthropology, evolutionary psychology, religion/mythology studies clearly indicate we are not all “one people”,
    we have divergent histories going back thousands of years,
    making the idea that peoples from these hundreds of different traditions could all live together on the same street just ludicrous!

    ā€œAt this point I simply want you to provide me with two things: 1) Proof of the ā€˜physicalā€™ aspect of the ā€˜ethnic (white) Australian)ā€™

    They are provably not Mongoloid.
    They are provably not Negroid.
    They are provably not Semitic Caucasoids.
    They are provably not Indic/Iranian Caucasoids.

    I’ve already said physical evolution doesn’t explain the emergence of *ethnic* differences, as these are largely cultural.
    However the ethnic group in question is definitely ā€œWhiteā€ and cannot be otherwise.

    ā€œand, 2) evidence which shows how two people from different backgrounds can produce ā€˜mutant freaksā€™; that is, how the simple act of interbreeding can produce a ā€˜mutant freakā€™.ā€

    I already did this too.
    It’s called outbreeding depression.

    Okay Mr Smartypants, can you prove there’s *isn’t* such an ethnicity as ā€œAustralianā€,
    despite the unique elements of our culture, our majority White genetics, language (we do not speak English as others do, and language is one of *the* principal defining factors of ethnicity) and the stark difference in many of our social attitudes to our prim British ā€œforebearersā€?

    ā€œGood luck.ā€

    • Shockadelic said:

      ā€œBuildings are not required in order to believe in something. And even if you want a building, this does not mean you must *construct* one, particularly one with architectural features totally incongruous with our architectural heritage.ā€

      – What rubbish…this really is another type of ā€˜thereā€™s not enough carparking for a Mosqueā€™ argument. Youā€™re just cruel and nasty.

      ā€œYes, its an *hypothetical* example. Hence the emphasis I placed on ā€œifā€ (how much more emphasis did you need?!). This was not a claim of fact. (Twist, Twist, SeƱora)ā€

      – But itā€™s a ā€˜hypotheticalā€™ based on a completely imagined figure, a false number… How can you create an argument based on such rubbish?

      ā€œYou can if you a trying to make a point with a *hypothesis*, which is clearly described as such, and the people reading it are intelligent adults who can tell the difference between a statement of fact (ā€œisā€) and a hypothesis (ā€œifā€).ā€

      – No you do this because itā€™s convenient for you to make a point, a point which in this case turns out is based on nothing but utter bullshit.

      ā€œMajority? Twist, Twist, SeƱora. I said it may indicate a serious problem within that ethnic group, perhaps indicative of an inherent difficulty in integration. Something a sensible person might consider *relevant* in the selection of immigrants.ā€

      – Twist? You want to partially devise your immigration policy based on crime trends and stats…Which presumably means youā€™d bar or limit Turks from migrating to Australia. In any case, you create your argument on figures which YOU KNOW DONā€™T ACTUALLY EXIST! You say that ā€˜ifā€™ they actually did exist youā€™d have cause for concern. Trouble is you already think you have cause for concern (because you’re a racist shite). But as youā€™ve just demonstrated, your view is based on ā€˜ifsā€™ and bogus ā€˜hypothesisā€™ and statistics you pulled out of thin air.

      ā€œNo complaint? Twist, Twist, SeƱora (again). I already said seriously violent criminals should be *executed*!! Thatā€™s ā€œno complaintā€?ā€

      – I had to drag it out of you you fool. I pointed out how you singled out non-whites and crime and neglected to voice an opinion about crimes committed by whites.

      ā€œThen the problem would be spread far and wide across our *entire society*. If this were the case, no ā€œethnic-basedā€ approach would deal with the problem, as its a society-as-a-whole problem, not a minority-problem that can be diagnosed and dealt with on *that* level.ā€

      – You argue there are crimes committed by specific ethnic groups. You provide a figure of that group involved in crime which you know to be false and imagined (created by you). You also argue white Australians are an ā€˜ethnicā€™ group (a most absurd claim if there ever was one)…So, my question is: if there are numerous whites involved in crime, as there are, then your problem is quite serious indeed isnā€™t it? Especially considering theyā€™re not confined to one, single geographic area. What course of action would you propose? But you donā€™t see it that way. The fact is, youā€™d more readily accept the general incidence of crime committed by whites than non-whites.

      ā€œHowever, if (note ā€œifā€. If, if, if, if, if, if!!!!!!) Turks have a 23% greater chance of joining biker gangs than Berbers, surely it would be sensible to limit Turkish immigration, but not Berbers?ā€

      – But thatā€™s not the case is it you fool?! Australia doesnā€™t allow known criminals to migrate into Australia you idiot.

      ā€œNo, some crimes are being committed by ethnic people against other Australians *because* of their ethnic affiliations. This should not be ignored.ā€

      – Oh really? And whereā€™s the proof? Could the reverse be also true? And what about crimes committed by your claimed ā€˜ethnic (white) Australiansā€™ against other ā€˜ethnic (white) Australiansā€™?

      ā€œNo, weā€™re not, or we wouldnā€™t be having this discussion.ā€

      – There are no major significant biological differences between ā€˜racesā€™ of people. Unlike a white and black cockatoo, an Asian and a Native American can produce offspring.

      ā€œSkin colour and eye shape are minor differences. But biological morphology is part of the defining characteristics of ā€œethnicityā€. You canā€™t be ā€œTibetanā€ if youā€™re Black. You canā€™t be ā€œZuluā€ if youā€™re White. Maybe *you* think these things are trivial, but the ethnic groups themselves think otherwise.ā€

      – Itā€™s you that trivialises these things. You want people divided into races, biological beings which cannot or should not be tampered with. But thereā€™s nothing in nature which prevents people from intermarrying and breeding. We have ā€˜racesā€™ because of the development of humans in different geographical locations. Despite this, people remain largely the same genetically ā€“ otherwise weā€™d have separate species or sub-species, like the famed white and black cockatoos. This is why some scientists question the weight we place on notions of ā€˜raceā€™. Besides, we have this thing called ā€˜Citizenshipā€™ which means a person whose original background was African can actually be Australian. This means one can be proud and their ā€˜nationā€™ rather than race. But you have great difficulty in accepting that because youā€™re racist and believe in some kind of ā€˜race prideā€™.

      ā€œWhy not? Are our genes not as ā€œselfishā€ as others? We have every right to protect our *ethnicities*, of which genetics is one component.ā€

      – Mate youā€™re free to marry and mate with almost whomever you like. If you want, go find yourself a white female (if you can). If being white is the basis of your choice of mating partner then youā€™re a sad git.

      ā€œYou also might want to think for two seconds about the consequence for the *children* so created (and all their subsequent descendants). Who are they? What identity can they have? Which culture is ā€œtheirsā€? Nobody ever stops to think of the identity confusion so created by these ā€œnoble principlesā€.ā€

      – Consequences? You really are a monumental idiot..Oh my God…Listen here dickhead, Iā€™m of a mixed ā€˜raceā€™ and my own children even more so. The only thing which bothers me in this country are governments which rip us off and racist shits like you. What, you think thereā€™s millions of people around the world grieving because their father was Chinese and their mother a Dutch American? Dear Lord!

      ā€œNo, thatā€™s science. If youā€™re typical of the people here, Science is your God. Except when science doesnā€™t match up to your utopian ideological fantasies, then to hell with Science!ā€

      – There you go again with this ā€˜mixing strainsā€™ bullshit…You sound like a 4th rate amateur dog breeder or a redneck wheat farmer or something. What a dick!

      ā€œTwist, Twist, SeƱora. Did I say even say the word ā€œmutationā€?ā€

      – Right here you go moron:

      ā€œMixing ā€œremoteā€ strains is Lucky Dip Time! You might get a genius (Prince) or you might get a ugly mutant freak that scares the hell out of the delivery room nurse.ā€

      – And again in your last post to me:

      ā€œBut will it have hybrid vigour (Prince) or outbreeding depression (mutant freak)?ā€

      – Donā€™t you even recall your own arguments? And you have the audacity to repeat over and over again ā€˜twist, twist, twist Missā€™?…..ā€˜Ugly mutant freakā€™ eh? What sort of sad case are you? Your whole point is white people shouldnā€™t breed with non-whites because thereā€™s a risk of introducing genes which are not wanted or even dangerous because it might produce ā€˜ugly mutant freak(s)ā€™…You really are a thick, shit head arenā€™t you?

      ā€œI also oppose the propagation of the propaganda that race mixing is somehow going to create some sort of superhuman or somehow eliminate racism. Both claims are false.ā€

      – Who the fuck argues that? Any quotes available? Or is this one of your ā€˜hypotheticalsā€™?

      ā€œ…you…fail to see there could be an equivalent danger in breeding populations that are *extremely unrelated*, with the gamble of random allele selection potentially producing genetic hybrids of *unknown character*…They could produce all kinds of unexpected nasty combinations that wouldnā€™t occur otherwise. ā€

      – You clearly think thereā€™s some danger in mix ā€˜raceā€™ breeding. Itā€™s unbelievable that someone in this day can actually believe this shit. Why am I arguing with a fool? This is why I insult you, you dickhead!

      ā€œTwist, Twist, SeƱora. Didnā€™t I just state that physical change happens much,much slower? people with virtually identical genetics can have different cultures because cultures evolve a lot quicker than biology?ā€

      – It read to me like you were insinuating that though it may take a longer for there to be more physical features to distinguish them, after a couple hundred years there was a distinctive ā€˜ethnicā€™ Australian…Leaving aside your stupid assertion thereā€™s such a thing as an ā€˜ethnic (white) Australianā€™, your use of the term ā€˜ethnicā€™ is a little bit wrong in this case, absurd though it is. ā€˜Ethnicā€™ refers more to a population of people who share a common language or religion or history which reside in another country. Like Hitler went on about ā€˜ethnic Germansā€™ in Czechoslovakia…or like you shamefully go on about ā€˜ethnicā€™ Turks or Vietnamese or whatever…

      ā€œThe immigration restrictions were never intended to restrict continental Europeans. There simply werenā€™t that many coming here, due to the obvious reason of language. Only the world wars prompted significant numbers of continental Europeans to take the gamble on coming here. All the incremental reforms of immigration policy related to *non*-Europeans. There was never any restriction, or intention of restriction, of ā€˜oliveā€™ Europeans, only *non*-Europeans.ā€

      – Yes they were you fool! Australia not only wanted it to remain white but British…Read your own history idiot. Australia had a policy for ā€˜white aliensā€™ directed at Italians and Greeks etc..It all changed gradually…as I said to you, Australia saw reason and dumped this ludicrous racist ideal. Iā€™m not even originally from this country and I know more about it than you!

      – Everything else you say, much like the crap before it, is total..crap. You still canā€™t provide any proper proof of there being an ā€˜ethnicityā€™ known as Australian..and you still appear to argue that given time an ā€˜Australianā€™ with distinctive physical and cultural features will emerge. What, you reckon theyā€™ll look and behave like you? Oh God spare us the fucking agonising boredom! Neither have you provided any credible evidence of the so-called detriments of inter ā€˜racialā€™ breeding. You are a complete dim-witted crank. Have you nothing better to offer other than this bullshit? I suspect youā€™re a lonely git in search of attention and a sense of belonging. You need an identity but you seem to choose to want to find it in a white Australian ā€˜raceā€™…youā€™re a tosser. Why the fuck donā€™t you go over to the Stormfront forums and prattle your crass, racist, rubbish, bullshit over there? At least you might find some fellow, dense friends you loser !

      – My argument with you in this thread is over – for one cannot argue with morons like you…

  48. A few centuries ago, there were no Black Americans. They are descended from various African peoples, not native to America.

    A few centuries ago, there were no White Australians. They are descended from various European peoples, not native to Australia.

    The first Black Americans were brought there in chains. Many Black Americans don’t know their particular ethnic ancestry.

    The first White Australians were brought there in chains. Many White Australians don’t know their particular ethnic ancestry.

    Black Americans speak English, in their own accents and vernacular.

    White Australians speak English, in their own accents and vernacular.

    Most Black Americans are Protestant Christians.

    Most White Australians are Protestant Christians.

    Black Americans eat fried chicken and watermelon.

    White Australians eat fried chicken and watermelon.

    Black Americans have a significant literary and musical heritage, and wear their own styles of modern Western clothing.

    White Australians have a significant literary and musical heritage and wear their own styles of modern Western clothing.

    Black Americans recognise themselves as Black Americans.

    White Australians recognise themselves as White Australians.

    Black Americans have an ethnicity. Why would anyone deny this?

    White Australians have an ethnicity. Why would anyone deny this?

    • Shocky,

      The more I read (and then quickly skim because you are so insanely boring), the more it becomes apparent that you are simply someone who likes the sound of your own voice – or in this format – the sight of your own words.

      You are like the Monty Python sketch where the chap asks for an argument but simply gets a series of contradictions… (no he doesn’t… yes he does… no he doesn’t… yes he does… etc… ad infinitum).

      Let’s look at your most recent tirade for exampe:

      ” A few centuries ago, there were no Black Americans. They are descended from various African peoples, not native to America.”

      Prior to Caucasians settling in the Americas, Amerindians where the sole occupiers of the land as far as we know.

      ” A few centuries ago, there were no White Australians. They are descended from various European peoples, not native to Australia.”

      Prior to Caucasians settling in Australia, Aboriginals, Melanesians and likely some South-East Asians were the only inhabitants as far as we know.

      “The first Black Americans were brought there in chains. Many Black Americans donā€™t know their particular ethnic ancestry.”

      The majority of African Americans were transported to the New World to work as slaves. As a result of the capture and transportation process and the manner and mechanism to which they were subjugated, they were unable to keep records of their past. After generations and deliberate and manipulative social engineering; the majority were unable to maintain any records of their ancestry.

      ” The first White Australians were brought there in chains. Many White Australians donā€™t know their particular ethnic ancestry.”

      No – they kept records… They were NOT slaves – they were prisoners… As prisoners, not only were records kept but extremely detailed ones were kept at that.


      ” Black Americans speak English, in their own accents and vernacular.”

      African Americans have a variety of accents depending on their social, financial or cultural status. Depending on the region that they grow up in. Depending on who they are speaking to at the time. Depending on a whole number of aspects. These are not inherently African American which is why people like EMINEM speak in a similar manner. Stereotyping however allows people like you to see a specific linguistic dynamic as relating specifically to one demographic. This is false.

      ” White Australians speak English, in their own accents and vernacular.”

      Pretty much all Australians of more than one generation have their own particular and distiguishable accent. Those of less than one generation often do as well; however in some cases there are still strong remnants of their previous accent. For example, a person who was born in Shanghai but who has lived in Australia for 10 years is likely to speak Mandarin with an accent that sounds predominantly Shanghainese but actually has a distinctive edge to it that can only be attributed to Australia.

      Shockaholic – you clearly have no understanding of linguistics so stop making an idiot of yourself.

      “Most Black Americans are Protestant Christians.”

      If you mean they are not Catholic or Eastern Orthodox – then most African-Americans do not identify themselves with either of these churches or their affiliate subchurches according to the statistics that I have read.

      “Most White Australians are Protestant Christians.”

      If you mean not Catholic or Eastern Orthodox – then most Caucasian Australians have elected to record themselves in the most recent Census as not belonging to either of these churches or their affiliate subchurches.

      “Black Americans eat fried chicken and watermelon.”

      Amongst a myriad of other foods that African-Americans eat – you are alluding to a racial stereotype here that suggests that that is ALL that they eat.

      “White Australians eat fried chicken and watermelon.”

      One could also add that most people eat fried chicken and watermelon – some Caucasian Australians are vegetarian and do NOT eat fried chicken – you are wandering off into some strange tangent here… yet a-fucking-gain

      “Black Americans have a significant literary and musical heritage, and wear their own styles of modern Western clothing.”

      African-Americans have often attempted to create their own musical and literary heritage in the face of cultural sanction from the controlling Caucasian Americans. This has been so successful that in a number of instances Caucasian Americans now actively seek to emulate, alter and enhance, the literary and musical cultures that the in turn have inherited from African-Americans. This in turn creates its own culture. It is fluid and ever-changing.

      White Australians have a significant literary and musical heritage and wear their own styles of modern Western clothing.

      Comparitively speaking – Caucasian Australians have far less cultural development that African-Americans; primarily because our history is shorter and for a better part of that history, and in the face of continual change, those in power tried their hardest to maintain a specifically British culture in this country. This was doomed to and has failed as is the nature of cultural development in areas distanced from one another. This was inevitable.

      “Black Americans recognise themselves as Black Americans.”

      African-Americans recognise themselves as a number of things depending on how they wish to classify themselves. For example the majority recognise themselves as AMERICAN (with no additional classificationary terms required).

      Italian Americans are the same.
      German Americans are the same.
      Irish Americans are the same.
      Scottish Americans are the same.
      Jewish Americans are the same.
      Hispanic Americans are the same.

      “White Australians recognise themselves as White Australians.”

      Caucasian Australians recognise themselves as a number of things depending on how they wish to classify themselves. For example the majority recognise themselves as AUSTRALIAN (with no additional classificationary terms required).

      Italian Americans are the same.
      German Australians are the same.
      Irish Australians are the same.
      Scottish Australians are the same.
      Jewish Australians are the same.
      Hispanic Australians are the same.

      Black Americans have an ethnicity. Why would anyone deny this?

      No – you think they do – African-Americans vary so significantly whether they are from Detroit, New Orleans, Los Angeles, New York, Idaho, Hawaii that there is no ‘single’ enthicity here.

      Compare: Barack Obama, John Lee Hooker, Oprah Winfrey, Flavor Flav, Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Janet Jackson, Condeleeza Rice, BB King, Ru Paul…

      Same “ethnicity”? Hardly
      All non-Caucasian? Yes – that’s about it though…

      White Australians have an ethnicity. Why would anyone deny this?

      No – you are an idiot – there are many people here from many different backgrounds – each as unique and individual as the people themselves.

      Stop trying to pidgeon-hole and group people into the same dynamic. No-one is interested. You are as different from “Wayne” (a.k.a “Wazza”) from Kalgoorlie as you are from “Rupert” from the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney or Toorak.

      …Now you’re probably enough of an idiot to immediately see (in your mind’s eye) a freckled faced brown haired Caucasian with a ute and a southern cross sticker for “Wazza” from Kalgoorlie, and a skivvy-wearing, latte-sipping brunette Anglo-Saxon for “Rupert” from Toorak because you stereotype people. “Wazza” could equally be of Chinese background and “Rupert”, Aboriginal – it doesn’t fucking matter – either way – you are nothing like them except for the fact that you all have Australian citizenship.

      You have made no point here except to show that your brain cannot deal with the idea of individuals and desperately has to classify things into massively generic groups in order to deal with the world. On this basis I would suggest that you are likely to be autistic (to some degree) and may need psychiatric assistance to deal with the world.

  49. Ordem e Progresso said ā€œBut itā€™s a ā€˜hypotheticalā€™ based on a completely imagined figureā€

    Yes, that’s what hypotheses are: imaginary.

    If it were a real figure, it wouldn’t be a hypothesis.
    It would be a fact.
    And you guys claim you’re intelligent!

    ā€œNo you do this because itā€™s convenient for you to make a pointā€

    Yes, that’s what hypotheses are for.

    ā€œYou want to partially devise your immigration policy based on crime trends and statsā€¦Which presumably means youā€™d bar or limit Turks from migrating to Australia. In any case, you create your argument on figures which YOU KNOW DONā€™T ACTUALLY EXIST!ā€

    Yes, it’s hypothetical, including the banning Turks bit.
    It’s ALL hypothetical.

    ā€œif there are numerous whites involved in crime, as there are, then your problem is quite serious indeed isnā€™t it?ā€

    Are there crimes disproportionate to their *proportion* of the population?
    Of course, a lot of crimes would be committed by Whites, in a country that’s mostly White people.
    But is it out of proportion?
    If not, it doesn’t indicate an ā€œethnicā€ problem, but merely a general-society problem.

    ā€œAustralia doesnā€™t allow known criminals to migrate into Australia you idiot.ā€

    I’m talking about crimes within Australia, influencing immigration policy.

    ā€œOh really? And whereā€™s the proof?ā€

    Oh, read the news occasionally.
    People have been raped, murdered, robbed by ethnic criminals because their victims were not of the same group. They were targeted because of this.

    ā€œAnd what about crimes committed by your claimed ā€˜ethnic (white) Australiansā€™ against other ā€˜ethnic (white) Australiansā€™?ā€

    What’s your point?
    This wouldn’t be ethnically motivated would it?
    A White guy isn’t going to attack a White guy *because* he’s White, but for some other reason.

    ā€œThere are no major significant biological differences between ā€˜racesā€™ of people.ā€

    You said we were ā€œall the *same*ā€.
    Look up ā€œsameā€ in the dictionary.

    ā€œUnlike a white and black cockatoo, an Asian and a Native American can produce offspring.ā€

    Who will not look ā€œAsianā€ or ā€œNative Americanā€, but hybrid.
    Hence the difficulties mixed children have fitting into ā€œtheirā€ community.

    Half-breed, that’s all I ever heard.
    Half-breed, how I learned to hate the word
    Half-breed, she’s no good they warned
    Both sides were against me since the day I was born.

    But you don’t ever think of the lives these children have to live.
    You only think of your precious ideological principles.

    ā€œItā€™s you that trivialises these things. You want people divided into races, biological beings which cannot or should not be tampered with.ā€

    There’s no *need* to tamper with.

    ā€œBut thereā€™s nothing in nature which prevents people from intermarrying and breeding.ā€

    Nature, yes. Society, no.
    We do not live in ā€œnatureā€.
    We live in human created worlds of culture and ethnicity.

    ā€œWe have ā€˜racesā€™ because of the development of humans in different geographical locations.ā€

    What’s wrong with keeping the ones we have?

    ā€œBesides, we have this thing called ā€˜Citizenshipā€™ which means a person whose original background was African can actually be Australianā€

    They can be *citizens*, yes.
    But not the same ethnicity.

    ā€œIf being white is the basis of your choice of mating partner then youā€™re a sad git.ā€

    Being the same race, or more accurately, ethnicity, is the basis of *most* people’s mating choices, or there would be all these different types of people in the first place.

    There can’t *be* ā€œTibetansā€ unless ā€œTibetansā€ mate with ā€œTibetansā€ and make little baby ā€œTibetansā€.

    ā€œIā€™m of a mixed ā€˜raceā€™ and my own children even more so.ā€

    Well, that explains a lot.
    You have no idea who you and your family are.

    So you can’t stand anyone else actually having an identity.
    You want everyone to be as confused as you, so you won’t feel like such a square peg.

    ā€œWhat, you think thereā€™s millions of people around the world grieving because their father was Chinese and their mother a Dutch American?ā€

    A lot of people have had very problematic lives because of this.
    But you don’t care.
    Race must be destroyed, so you and your family won’t feel like strangers from another planet anymore.

    ā€œThere you go again with this ā€˜mixing strainsā€™ bullshitā€

    Didn’t you just say ā€œWe have ā€˜racesā€™ because of the development of humans in different geographical locationsā€
    That’s what strains are.
    Identifiably different types of the same species.

    ā€œYou sound like a 4th rate amateur dog breeder or a redneck wheat farmer.ā€

    So the same principles that apply to breeding in other organisms don’t apply to humans?

    ā€œDid I say even say the word ā€œmutationā€?ā€

    So you’re interpreting ā€œugly mutant freakā€ as a totally serious, technical scientific definition. Pur-lease!

    If someone said ā€œThat guy on the bus was such an ugly mutant freakā€, do you think he’s actually talking about ā€œmutationā€ in a scientific technical sense.

    ā€œYour whole point is white people shouldnā€™t breed with non-whites because thereā€™s a risk of introducing genes which are not wanted or even dangerousā€

    Yes, it called outbreeding depression.
    The Dark Side compliment of hybrid vigour.

    And yes, I hear comments from pro-miscegenationists all the time on the internet (is the internet new to you?) about how mixing will produce better people (hybrid vigour) and will eliminate racism.

    ā€œIt read to me like you were insinuating that though it may take a longer for there to be more physical features to distinguish them, after a couple hundred years there was a distinctive ā€˜ethnicā€™ Australianā€

    ā€œEthnicā€ is a combination of racial *and* cultural elements, obviously the cultural evolving a lot faster than the physical.

    ā€œā€˜Ethnicā€™ refers more to a population of people who share a common language or religion or history which reside in another country.ā€

    No, that reside anywhere.
    And people refer to *themselves* by ethnic labels.

    ā€œLike Hitler went on about ā€˜ethnic Germansā€™ in Czechoslovakiaā€

    Because there were ā€œethnic Germansā€ in Czechoslovakia.

    They weren’t ā€œCzechā€ or ā€œSlovakā€, they were ethnically ā€œGermanā€.

    Czechoslovakia was a country.
    Czech, Slovak and German are ethnicities (the first two Slavic, the last Germanic).

    You, like all the other idiots here, are confusing “citizenship of countries” with “membership of ethnicities”.
    These are two different things.

    There are ā€œcitizens of Germanyā€ (who may not be ethnically German) and there are ā€œethnic Germansā€ (who may not be citizens of Germany).

    You do the same with Australia: confusing ā€œcitizenship of Australiaā€ and ā€œmembership of the ethnicity Australianā€, (the latter only ever describing White Australians).

    ā€œor like you shamefully go on about ā€˜ethnicā€™ Turks or Vietnamese or whateverā€

    There’s nothing shameful about acknowledging people’s ethnicity.
    Should Turks be ashamed to be Turks?
    Would they be offended to be called Turks?

    I think you’re the only one taking offense, because you don’t like the idea of anyone actually having an ethnicity (probably because it’s impossible for *you* to have one).

    ā€œRead your own history idiot. Australia had a policy for ā€˜white aliensā€™ directed at Italians and Greeks etcā€

    So why were the Olive Europeans on the goldfields welcomed and participated in the Eureka Stockade, while the Chinese were shunned?

    As I said, it was mainly language differences that kept non-British Europeans away.
    You will recall the infamous language test was restricted to ā€œEuropean languagesā€, not restricted to English. The intent was to restrict non-Europeans.
    Would you be likely to migrate to a new British colony on the other side of the world (travel was a lot more difficult and expensive back then), if you belonged to a different European ethnicity?

    ā€œYou still canā€™t provide any proper proof of there being an ā€˜ethnicityā€™ known as Australianā€

    That’s because you don’t see it as ā€œAustralianā€.
    You see it as ā€œboganā€ or ā€œockerā€ or some other label that conveniently divorces it from ā€œAustralian-as-ethnicityā€.

    If Australians have not developed their own ethnicity, they would be *indistinguishable* from the British people they descended from.
    Can you tell them apart?

    If they are distinguishable, it’s because, like Americans, they have evolved their own ethnicity, distinct from the British original.

    ā€œand you still appear to argue that given time an ā€˜Australianā€™ with distinctive physical and cultural features will emerge.ā€

    They would. The same way all the other ethnicities in the world developed over time.
    They’ve had a bit of a headstart.

    ā€œMy argument with you in this thread is overā€

    Oh no, not another one who’ll ā€œignoreā€ me (but won’t)!

  50. Will S: “Hey stupid, a list of crimes committed by OH NO ~WHITE PEOPLE”

    In a country that’s 90% White.
    Do you actually think you’re clever?

    Search the Liberian news and you’ll find lots of Black criminals.
    Search the Japanese news and you’ll find lots of criminals of “Asian appearance”.


    Missing the point as usual.

    My concern is with any *disproportionate* criminal statistics
    (though I must add, since people here are so dumb and/or petty, that is not the *basis* of my opposition to immigration, it is only an auxiliary factor).

    “We now have valid grounds (according to your logic) to deport all whites.”

    Twist, Twist, SeƱora.

    I’ve never even mentioned *deporting* entire groups of people.
    Only restricting immigration (i.e. *arrivals*).


    “Lebanon was without a government [again] on Thursday”.

    Oh goody, more poor innocent “refugees” coming our way any day now.

    “Syria has said it can no longer mediate between Hezbollah and Hariri”


    “Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah ….. was halting his attempts to mediate between Hezbollah and Hariri.”


    “Qatar’s foreign minister said that this time they would not be able to resolve the crisis.”


    They could always do this:

    • Very interesting point Josh.
      Not just in Australia, I think it is more like all over the world.
      We all know (except for few) how that there are racists/bigots in every race, but I have never heard any other race of people other than the “whites” bang on about pride & superiority.
      I have never heard of for example ‘Asian racists’ go on about pride & what amazing stuff they’d discovered in history. šŸ™‚

  52. Ordem e Progresso: Donā€™t you even recall your own arguments? And you have the audacity to repeat over and over again ā€˜twist, twist, twist Missā€™?

    He repeats that mantra in the absence of any facts – it consoles him. He thinks it makes him look clever when in actual fact it makes him look retarded as all hell, given his own propensity to distort anything and everything as he tries to put together a point. No, he obviously can’t recall his own arguments – if he did he wouldn’t look so stupid contradicting himself over and over again.

    Shockadelic doesn’t realise at all how his hypocrisy ruins any credibility he may have had when attempting to paint himself as a victim of twisting the facts (something he does ad nauseam, and is called out on, on a regular basis). He has never addressed his hypocrisy – because to do so would be to acknowledge it, and ruin the image he has of himself as an intellectual.

    Believe it or not, he once took the time to do a word count on one of my posts – it came to six hundred and something – and then complained about how long it was and how it bored him to tears, completely without irony (see his own thousand word posts). He also accused theantibogan and other posters of “tirades” and comments that were too long! LMAO! But he’s too far gone up the stupid tree to realise his complete and utter hypocrisy and why people like him will never, ever amount to anything – easier just to blame anyone of a different race for his own sorry existence.

    Shockadelic: My concern is with any *disproportionate* criminal statistics
    Yet you haven’t shown a single atom of scientific proof that backs up that supposed concern (ninemsn, lol) – you’ve only shown yourself to be hypocrite and a stupid racist white trash bogan.

  53. Shockadelic: What a shock.Mr ā€œI-Know-What-An-Analogy-Isā€ completely misses the point and starts off a literalistic tirade of blather.
    What a surprise, Shockadelic can’t address any of TA’s points. Again.

    Ordem e Progresso: Nailed him..Shonky, youā€™re a wanker.

  54. Will S said ā€œMaybe if we made refugees wear yellow stars on all their clothesā€

    Ooh, another Nazi allusion.
    How clever.
    How yawn.

    Why Why: ā€œWhat a surprise, Shockadelic canā€™t address any of TAā€™s points. Again.ā€

    Terror Australis responded *literalistically* to an analogy, and I’m supposed to respond to this stupidity?
    As if I was claiming the circumstances of the two groups are identical.

    Terror Australis: ā€œWhat a nit picking little shit he is.ā€

    Repeated *nine* times!
    Who’s a troll?

    • Shonk, you’re a troll. Hanging around a page quite patently opposed to your politics, spamming your tired old racist rubbish, craving attention – any sort even if it’s negative. No original contributions whatsoever except rehashes of musty old ALOR or Adelaide Institute agitprop.

      Get over it old boy.

      Bet you get a hard-on every time M-Dawg or Terror or any others of us respond to your crap.

    • Shockadelic: Terror Australis responded *literalistically* to an analogy…

      It’s “literally” not “literastically”. Stop making up words, and stop getting TA confused with your own dumb self. Remember this?

      Terror AUSTRALIS!!! said
      ā€œSo you idiot ā€“ in this analogy I am Australia and you are Pakistan.
      You are poor and I am rich.ā€

      Shockadelic: The only way this analogy would be valid is if Australia and Pakistan were joined in an inextricable mutual union of some kind (a ā€œsocietyā€), both subservient to a greater authority (analogous to a ā€œgovernment that compulsorily collects taxes and pays welfareā€).

      A Crash Test In Law

      That response from you is what is called taking an analogy literally (not “literalistically”).

      Shockadelic: Repeated *nine* times! Whoā€™s a troll?

      Yes, you Shockadelic never repeat anything do you? Hypocrite. You have no credibility complaining about this.

  55. Josh: ā€œShonk, youā€™re a troll. Hanging around a page quite patently opposed to your politicsā€

    I know *you* can only stomach visiting sites that pat your back and kiss your arse, but I can, do and will actually debate issues.
    You can’t debate with people who already agree with you.

    ā€œcraving attention ā€“ any sort even if itā€™s negative.ā€

    There’s no such thing as bad publicity.

    ā€œNo original contributions whatsoeverā€

    Unlike yourself (cough!).
    I have submitted quite detailed comments on several issues, only to receive a “Burp” or a flippant “Can’t even be bothered reading it” response.

    ā€œrehashes of musty old ALOR or Adelaide Institute agitprop.ā€

    You’re the one rehashing other people’s musty old propaganda.
    I am thinking with my own mind and I am speaking with my own voice.

    If anything I happen to say corresponds with what someone else said, good.
    That doesn’t mean I agree with everything *they* said.

    ā€œBet you get a hard-on every time M-Dawg or Terror or any others of us respond to your crap.ā€

    I’m sorry but ā€œBurpā€ and ā€œWhat a nitpicking little shitā€ repeated a million times in hardly going to get my blood pumping.

    You don’t ā€œrespondā€.
    That’s the problem.

  56. You’re processing the arrivals at the airport.

    Two lines.
    English-speaking and non-English speaking.
    The two lines are approximately equal in number.

    Let’s take a closer look at the NESB line.
    There are 600 people.

    The first 136 speak Chinese.

    The next 70 speak Arabic.

    27 speak Vietnamese.

    22 Indonesian.

    15 Korean.

    15 Thai.

    That’s not so bad?

    Only 10 people speak Spanish.

    8 speak German.

    6 French.

    3 Portuguese.

    2 Italian.

    And 1 guy speaks Greek.
    1 out of 600.

    Hey, Greek guy!
    Say hello to your 136 Chinese neighbours!

  57. I have to say, I find a lot of Dan’s posts and additionally his replies to be rather insulting. That said, I also find some of the more derogatory comments towards him inappropriate as well. I don’t think it is morally correct to treat ANYONE that way.
    We are all guilty of racist comments and jokes sometimes, but that doesn’t make it okay. Racist jokes are a reflection of a person’s views and ignorances. There really isn’t room for it in today’s society.

  58. I don’t agree with Dan’s ‘I’m not racist but kill em
    all’ comments but they are the opinions of the majority in Australia. This kind of attitude has formed due to the sensationalism of western journalism, which in turn has allowed numb skulls like Tony Abbott to dine out on media generated fear.
    However, moderate Muslims who don’t share the views of hardline Islamists should speak up against those groups that are making their religion appear like a reactionary & backward religion. The moderate Muslims are the majority, so speak up !!
    Funny how most of the comments have concentrated on Muslims & immigration but what about the aboriginal stabs that we as Australians have never actually regarded as racism.
    While most of us personally didn’t have any to do the vilification of Aboriginal people, our government did.
    The pain & mistrust of the stolen gen will take many more gens to recover- for instance. We have to have patience to make up for the damage that was done.
    Killing animals needlessly is where rapists & serial killers start their quest for gratification through assertion of power. Freak !!

  59. Pingback: One Year Ago – TAB Under ‘Attack’ « anti-discrimination

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