Asylum Seekers: “Robert Bretton” liar and fraud

An alert poster drew our attention to this picture posted on their friend’s Facebook page.

Robert Bretton lies

What is “disgusting” is firstly that someone would be circulating the lies contained in that shot and secondly that people would be silly enough to believe the lies. Almost 1500 silly people by the looks of things.

So we tracked back the origins of that spurious document and found that someone calling itself   “Robert Bretton” had spammed it to Gumtree, the free Australian Internet classified ad site.

Gumtree ad

To their great credit Gumtree recognised a scam and removed the ads promptly.

However unfortunately the damage had already been done, as can be illustrated by the following comments:

"Robert Bretton" liar and fraud

Ignorant and racist comments for sure, but ignorance fed by the likes of the fraud “Robert Bretton” who is spamming this rubbish in the first place.

This stuff is in the same league as Nigerian finance scams, malicious spyware, fake charities and all of the other Internet rubbish. Governments everywhere treat these scams as criminal offences.

So “Robert Bretton” you are a liar and a fraud and we challenge you to come out and provide evidence for the lies you are peddling on the Internet.


Just in: Lies from the bogot’s favourite fish wrapper

Asylum Seekers – the Myths are getting Bigger

TT’s false facts fuel fear

Public Poll Shows Majority of Australians Support Asylum Seekers

221 thoughts on “Asylum Seekers: “Robert Bretton” liar and fraud

    • I wonder if the bogots realise that

      1. Millions of hard-working immigrants who originally came here as refugees or migrants work, often in low-paid and nasty jobs, and contribute to the Centrelink payments that fund the bogots’ chosen lifestyle of indolence and ignorance.

      2. Nursing homes are staffed by recent arrivals who do the jobs the bogots won’t do in aged care.

      3. Asylum seekers and refugees drive a lot of the economy at the big end of town. I guess they’d have been telling Frank Lowy to go back to where he came from.

      • I wonder if they also realise that
        1, immigrants aren’t entitled to anything from centrelink for 2 years.
        2, Illegal immigrants are never entitled to anything because they’re illegal but refugees/asylum seekers are not illegal
        3, the few lucky refugees/asylum seekers who are not held in prison, sorry “detention” are not allowed to work while their claims are being processed so if they didn’t receive centrelink payments they would be forced to turn to crime.

        • Paddy-I like what you’re saying, but refugees are entitled to centrelink once they’ve been confirmed as refugees (Past all security checks, etc), and received a protection visa. Most migrants, including family, aged parent, or skilled migrant are not entitled to anything for two years-that’s correct.

          Also, many asylum seekers do have work rights, depending on their visa. If they are on a Bridging Visa A or B they have work rights, C they can apply for work rights, and E they don’t have a chance. However, any asylum seeker who is rejected twice while in the community would go onto a Bridging Visa E, and have to rely on charity.

        • Your grandparents may not be eligible for full pensions. People with a certain amount of retirement savings or investments or certain other assets apart from the family home are only eligible for a part pension.

        • Then your complaint is with Centrelink. Perhaps you should take them to the Centrelink office and ask why their payment has been reduced. They have staff and social worker’s whose job it is to explain payment rates to you, and depending on your grandparent’s financial state, you might even get to have an increase.

          Or, you could blame migrants for everything. Which will definitely not result in your grandparent’s payment being increased, nor being understood, but can lead you to losing job opportunities, friends, and your health, due to stress.

          Let me know which one works out for you.

  1. how about clearing this up,.tell us EVERYTHING they get and when they get it.all i see is pensioners struggling,polys getting HUGE pay rises.we are,no polys are selling this country short.i would like to put you all in a boat.

    • To the people who incessantly whinge about how much those asylum seekers are being given – would you swap places with them? Apparently they’ve got the easy life – given everything they want and they never have to work.

      Fire when ready, bogots.

    • If pensioners are “struggling” then they don’t own their own homes (most pensioners do) and they are single pensioners paying rent. The answer is more public housing. This takes the pressure off private rental markets as well and allows people renting and saving for a home to have more in the bank. Speak to your state government as to why they have dropped the ball on this instead of blaming the handful of asylum seekers who reach Australia.

      Do you know once refugees and asylum seekers gain residency and can then seek work that they have a higher rate of employment than do locals? Their taxes then contribute to the country.

      • i agree with you on more public housing,the cost to us australian tax payers does cost us a lot of money and i feel it would be better spent for urgent matters here like hospitals and education.also i believe if you want to come to this wonderful country,do it the right way,why have people here that break the law,people who cause trouble or burn or protest should be sent back immedialtly,this is just big trouble for the for our pensioners the money they get is disgraceful its just not housing.if you own your home you still have to pay rates utility bills food etc,so get real,you have no idea just like the polys.

        • I think we are pretty much up to speed on the costs of living, none of it having anything to do with the relatively small amount of money spent on asylum seekers and refugees.

          Remember that medium to long-term those newcomers who stay in Australia are not a drain on the economy. Far from it. Once they gain residency and citizenship they contribute to the economy and to national productivity.They purchase goods and services.

          We are wondering what “the right way” of coming to Australia is. Most asylum seekers actually arrive by plane. For the small number who arrive by boat, they have fled their own countries in immediate fear of their lives with no documentation. You don’t stop off at the passport office when you are about to be murdered.

          And there are many people who are born in this country who do very little to contribute – such as the racists and bigots who spend hours on social media complaining about people from other cultures.

        • whatever,i could say a lot more but its just not worth it,you are not looking at the big picture and you wont listen anyway.excuses excuses excuses

        • the legal way,i have no problem with people making aust their home,as long as its done right,i have a huge problem whenthey do come over they try to change us,eg,law,religion.we are a christian country and when christmas carols etc are frowned at or stopped i find that offensive its just so wrong on many levels.respect us and we will do the same.i done a little test for a few weeks,i smiled at all of them from overseas, mostly muslims and sorry they just dont acknowledge me.the way they think and look at us is just not nice,so why come here. i can see that big trouble will happen in years to come.we are to multiculture. i also believe while waiting to be assessed if anyone destroys, riots, protests,should be seent home immedialtly,we dont want or need this behavior in this country

        • whenthey do come over they try to change us,eg,law,religion

          Please outline and show evidence where any immigrant group has sought to “change us”.

          we are a christian country

          No we are not. We are a secular democracy. No one here at TAB goes to church, temple or mosque that we know of (except for weddings or funerals).

          when christmas carols etc are frowned at or stopped i find that offensive

          Name one instance when Christmas carols have been stopped. And provide evidence.

          i smiled at all of them from overseas, mostly muslims and sorry they just dont acknowledge me

          Maybe they are shy, or they might believe their response would be misinterpreted. They might be pre-occupied with their own business.

        • its clear you dont listen to news and tv
          ,i dont have to show evidence cause its out there every where even in our schools.u r a very ignorant person and this country IS christian,why would you and others want to come here if you dont like the way we the way i luv god and i luv having a flutter and going to pokies,i luv sport to and even have a bet on the footy as well,god and my family and friends dont condem me for this, they respect me and that is all we expect from everyone who decides to make aust their home.

        • Fourth generation and of British descent here. What’s your point?

          We watch and listen to ABC and SBS every single day, and we read quality newspapers and blogs.

          Now what is it you need to know?

          Pokies are stupid.

        • “the legal way,i have no problem with people making aust their home,as long as its done right,”

          I repeat, how exactly does an asylum seeker come from Afghanistan come to Australia in the “right way” or “legal way”? Now you and I both know that seeking asylum by whatever means is legal under Australian law, but I want to hear your view. How exactly does an asylum seeker from Afghanistan come to Australia in the right way.

          “i smiled at all of them from overseas, mostly muslims and sorry they just dont acknowledge me.”

          Lovely little test there. Did you smile at all cultures equally? Did you compare results of Muslims and non-muslims to see if there was a statistical difference.
          Did you think maybe a complete stranger smiling at them may not be the most comforting thing? A smile is great…when it’s from someone you know. When it’s from someone you don’t, a complete stranger, a common reaction, for everyone, would be “Why is that person smiling at me?”

          “i can see that big trouble will happen in years to come.”

          Based on what? What is saying there’s going to be “huge problems” in the years to come. Because, as I’ve said many many times before, the exact same thing was said about the Vietnamese migrants, greeks, italians, catholics in general, Jews, Irish…..every single new group. And they were ALL wrong.

          “i dont have to show evidence cause its out there every where even in our schools.”

          So, let me get this straight. There’s SOOOO much evidence out there that yuo don’t need to convince anyone by showing it……yet the evidence is unable to be demonstrated in anyway.
          Is this really what you think the case is? That ther’es lot’s of evidence, but only you can see it? Have you read the emperor’s new clothes recently-or do you miss the entire point of that story?

          “No one here at TAB goes to church, temple or mosque that we know of (except for weddings or funerals).”

          Oh, MMU-before you shut out all religious people-I’m a proud Christian also, attending church for all major celebrations. You can be a Christian and support the TAB-they’re not contradictory.

    • 1. Read the comments from others. Some of them work in the social policy area and deal with these stats every day

      2. Follow the links at the end of the post. They lead to Government information on various entitlements.

  2. To the irony of Janine Howell saying “u r a very ignorant person”… Cheers, you made us all laugh. Could you be any dumber if you tried?

    • im glad you had a laugh its good for you,most people dont believe a thing the govt tells us.what ever the truth is on how much they get is anyones guess.but our taxes are funding these people,security,living,food etc,all i would like to see is that they come here legally and embrase our country.i like most people are so sick of it all .i could go on and on.but you are so rude and insulting,i sugest you not worry about what i say and concentrate on changing your attitude

      • Hey Janine,

        I’m not laughing, I’m actually very sorry for you.

        See, somewhere along the line you appear to have been fed a whole heap of bullshit and now you think it’s the truth. The irony is then that you seem to consider that the government is the one spinning lies.

        Here’s the truth of the matter for you from someone with first-hand experience. I actually give the money to the people (asylum seekers on Bridging Visas) that you are so worried about.

        1. Only the most severely financially disadvantaged are assisted – anyone with money (even a tidgy bit) and those with the ability to work are told by the government to spend that money and/or earn some more. They are not spending any of your tax money I can assure you – they are actually contributing to things like schools, hospitals, roads etc…

        Now for the destitute, we try to stop them sleeping on trains or in parks or doorways. So you can look at it in two ways depending on whether you are (a) selfish or (b) caring:

        (a) If they are not sleeping on the streets and without food then they are less likely to mug or rob you, your friends or your family; or

        (b) no human being deserves to be homeless or hungry and we try to do our best for those immediately in front of us simply as human beings. We don’t question them on politics or religion – we simply feed them and give them shelter because it is the dignified and honourable thing to do and we’d hope someone would do that for us if we were in the same situation.

        2. Those who do get paid, receive exactly 89% of what people on Centrelink get per week. That is all. No more, no less. Now Janine, if you’ve been on a Centrelink then you know it’s a very, very small amount compared to the cost of living these days. Now reduce that amount by a little over 10% and you understand how very little support these people get.

        3. Do you have friends who struggle with things because they have a bad past? Do you know people who were raped who have trouble with men? Do you know people that were bashed up and carry the mental and physical scars from that? Do you know people that were put into prison and have a lot of trouble getting back into society?

        What if you found out that someone, just because of where they were born was raped, tortured, watched their family slaughtered in front of them and then when they escaped to ‘safe’ Australia, they were imprisoned for at least two years (not months) for being an ‘illegal’ immigrant. Would you be willing to cut them a little slack if they didn’t smile back at you?

        You don’t know these people so don’t judge them on whether or not they smile like you do.

        4. No-one is trying to take this country for a ride… except perhaps Alan Bond, Christopher Skace, Rupert Murdoch, James Packer, Gina Rinehart, Andrew Forrest, Frank Lowy… you know people who have actually been convicted of fraud; or those with enough money to pay less tax as a percentage of their wealth than you do because they have enough clever accountants and off-shore accounts that they get out of it.

        5. Everyone hopefully is trying to change this country. It’s a democracy. That’s how it works. When you say your concerns about asylum seekers you are also trying to change the country.

        Now here’s the deal: the VAST majority of this country are: (a) of European origin, and (b) not muslim.

        In a democracy, the majority rules. This means – no Sharia law, no ending of Christmas Carols, no banning of pork, no banning of alcohol, no stopping singing the national anthem… etc… etc…etc…

        Basically TAB (MMU) has asked time and time again if anyone out there can actually point us to when and where any of these ‘terrible’ things happened. And the result? No-one. – not one single person who has claimed that this country is ‘under attack’ can actually point to a single incident where something terrible happened.

        So Janine, where is the bullshit coming from? The people trying to scare you about the evil monsters coming? Or the government giving you dry data that puts you to sleep?

        I don’t know how old you are but you may remember a time when we were all scared that the evil communists were not only going to invade us but actually destroy the entire planet with nuclear weapons. It didn’t happen did it?

        Fear is a great way to control people. You are in fear. You are being controlled. Time to break free – research – find out the truth for yourself but for god’s sake stop being scared about something that is less of an issue to your health, well-being and cost of living than Coles and Woolworths controlling the vast majority of food production in this country – now that’s really scary.

      • Third time I’ve asked this Janine:

        How exactly does an asylum seeker from Afghanistan come to Australia in a “legal” way by your definition?
        Now, we both know that seeking asylum is not illegal at all, but I want to know how an Afghani can seek asylum in Australia in a way that will make you satisfied.

        • They are fleeing countries torn by wars and/or ruled by oppressive dictatorships.

          Why do you see a handful of asylum seekers and refugees as a “problem”?

        • Just in case you have been living in your closet Janine, I will remind you that those people are fleeing from wars that Australia has supported and as is the case with Afghanistan, currently participating in. You don’t believe we have a moral obligation to help people who have been displaced by those wars? Why is it our problem? Because we have contributed to the problem therefore we should be part of the solution.

        • we went there to support america for terrorism and have got some very bad people in the process,its there countrys problem the same as its our countrys problem with our own issues i dont know the legal way but there has to be a process,i know i would not cause crap and try to get here why do they have to flee,i know the living there would be devastating but do it the right way,we have problems here,what happens in years to come they start fighting here cause thats all they know

        • we went there to support america for terrorism and have got some very bad people in the process

          I assume you mean Iraq? We went to Iraq because the Howard Government followed the Bush Administration unquestioningly into a stupid war. Iraq had nothing to do with 911 or with al-Qaeda.

          …have got some very bad people in the process

          Such as?

          they start fighting here cause thats all they know

          Like the young Australian men who bash each other in pubs every Saturday night perhaps? That’s a bloke problem, not an immigrant problem. Some men need to grow up.

        • Don’t kid yourself Janine, we went there so that we could secure a free trade agreement with the USA.

        • Janine, where does an Afghani asylum seeker apply for asylum? In Afghanistan, where they are under constant threat from the Taliban? Maybe they could escape to Pakistan….also under constant threat from the Taliban? Indonesia or Malaysia, where they won’t ever be allowed to work and make money, and live under constant threats of being deported back into the Taliban’s range of power?

          “why are they fleeing for their lives”

          Because their government, or a strong body more powerful than their government is trying to kill them. That is why.

          ” why is it our problem,why dont there country help them.”

          Their government is either powerless, or assisting in their persecution. That is why.
          Why is out problem? Because they’ve come asking for help. Janine, are you honestly telling me that you absolutely refuse to help anyone in need unless it’s directly your own problem? If someone on your street’s home catches on fire, would you be telling them “Not my problem” or would you be letting them stay with you while the fire engines arrive?

          Let’s put the shoe on the other foot here, Janine. Suppose the government or a militia was trying to kill you, trying to wipe you out and your entire family. You have the opportunity to escape to another country, free from the influence of that militia, freeing yourself and your children from persecution. Would you take that opportunity? If not, what would you do?

          “its there countrys problem the same as its our countrys problem”

          If you fled from your country to another, and this was the response you get, would you be satisfied? Would you think it’s understandable? Would you say “Fair enough, send me back to get killed-I’m fine with it”? Or would you give a completely different response?

          “i dont know the legal way but there has to be a process,”

          Seeking asylum is the legal way. Anyone is allowed to flee to any country who has signed the refugee convention if they are being persecuted due to their religion, culture, ethnicity, sexuality or political belief.

          Quick question, in the 1930’s and 1940’s, Janine, if you were living in England, and some Jews arrived fleeing Nazi Germany, would you be welcoming them in, or saying “Not my problem, why doesn’t Germany help you?” Would your response then be different to your response now, and why?

          “i know i would not cause crap and try to get here”

          Then what would you do? Quick-the government or a powerful militia is trying to kill you and your family. What do you do?

          ” why do they have to flee,i know the living there would be devastating but do it the right way,”

          They are fleein because they are going to be killed by their own government, or an organisation to which their government is powerless to stop. That’s why.

          Have you ever met an asylum seeker, Janine, or a refugee? Ever met a single one? Please, try to do so (There’s many groups I know that organise social linkups with asylum seekers, in and out of detention)-hear their story, then tell me why they should ask their own government for hel.p.

      • I’m continually amazed by people, such as yourself Janine, who complain vehemently about the cost of helping asylum seekers but then don’t raise so much as a puff of breath about the cost of detaining them. If the government was serious about saving our tax dollars they would do the humane thing, help to settle and rehabilitate these people within the community. It would save a fortune. Instead they use them as political tools, demonising them so that you will be afraid.
        Personally, I would like to see the government stop the hysteria, take the humane option by helping asylum seekers and as a process save our tax dollars, which could then be better used on things like hospitals, aged care and disabilty support services. It would be a win, win situation for everyone.

        • GAMA – we have disagreed on some things in the past but I always respect your opinion and the way in which you formulate your argument; and in this instance, I totally agree with you. 🙂

          The illogic of the current situation is peverse beyond a joke.

          I’ve taken to reading Catch-22 over and over again to retain some sanity when witnessing this stupidity… 😉

        • none that i know off but that does not mean there has not been any.but that is why we have to process them and get it right

        • look they have to be processed and that does take time particulary when they destroy their papers,we do not want unsavory people here and lets face it terrorism is alive and well and no amount of money is worth it.i wish they could help everyone,we have homeless people to and people who are unable to put a roof over their heads and food on there tables,we need to help them

        • we do not want unsavory people here

          That is why in the last few years we have deported criminals back to their country of origin at the end of their sentences. The criminals were all from Britain.

          we have homeless people to and people who are unable to put a roof over their heads and food on there tables,we need to help them

          So how about campaigning to have some of our wealthiest people pay their fair share of tax?

        • ha as if they would,yes they should pay more tax but at the same time dont begrudge people who have worked hard to become rich.i believe we help our own first

        • We are not talking about hard-working tradies and small business owners. We are talking about those who have inherited their wealth or mined the crap out of the country and given nothing back in comparison.

          i believe we help our own first

          Not interested in helping Gina, Twiggy and Clive thanks – let alone the Packers and Murdochs.

        • get over your jealousy of there wealth,goodluck to them,i wish i had some of it,you are wrong again

        • “none that i know off but that does not mean there has not been any”
          If you haven’t heard of any Janine, that’s exactly what it means! There has been zero, nil, nahda, zilch, NONE!

        • Janine don’t lie, you don’t really believe “we help our own first” I reckon your venom would flow towards anyone that you decided where underserving, Australian born or otherwise. You just can’t stand anyone whose ‘other’ then what you know. I actually feel sorry for you, it must be shit to feel like your surrounded by weird strangeness all the time.

        • @Terror, I really think you are someone that I would enjoy sitting and having a beer with. The catch 22 is so apt in this post. The hypocrisy of remarks about the cost of helping refugees that become part of our communities compared to the cost of locking them away in the most remote parts of our country, is mind numbingly stupid.
          Mind you, the racist fools that you see on here believe that refugees are kept in the lap of luxury behind the razor wire and then given everything when they are released. If there was the slightest bit of truth to those claims then I would be the first one with my hand up asking where do I sign up!

        • “terrorism is far from stupid its real and we have to be on top of these murderers”

          On what basis, Janine, do you state asylum seekers are terrorists and murderers? How are they any more likely to kill and commit terror than the visa overstayers you seem to have no problem with (Even though, by any definition, they are in Australia illegally)?

          “what ever your wrong”

          On what basis do you say anyone is wrong? you’ve already admitted you have no proof of ANY terrorist acts committed by asylum seekers, not a single one. Yet you say they must exist, so we have to believe you.

          Janine, if you don’t have any proof of any such action happening, and neither does anyone else, surely you must accept that it’s possible the action never occurred?

          Also, Janine, do you really care about the homeless? Do you want to help them? If so, state the name of your state-I don’t need to know anything more personal than that, just the state. I can provide the name of at least one organisation which assists the homeless who would love your support through your time or money.

  3. Ah yes, the old “I dont need to show you evidence it’s all around us” argument. That’s a logical fallacy, Janine. Thus your whole argument fails.

        • Err…no. Professor Kevin Dunn from UWS concludes in his latest research:

          “Australians are largely tolerant people who are accepting and welcoming of other cultures.
          The survey data indicate that a large majority of Australians are positive about living in a
          multicultural country.

          Most Australians feel secure and comfortable with cultural difference.

          The data also indicate that most Australians recognise that racism is a problem in society.
          Too many Australians (41%) have a narrow view of who belongs in Australia.
          About one-in-ten Australians have very problematic views on diversity and on ethnic difference.
          They believe that some races are naturally inferior or superior, and they believe in the need to keep
          groups separated. These separatists and supremacists are a destructive minority.”

          So only 41% have a problem. Of this 41%, about 10% are hard-core racists and bigots.

          A further breakdown would show that these people tend to be older people who live in areas with an overwhelmingly white English-speaking population (like parts of Queensland, WA and regional Australia)

          Click to access NationalLevelFindingsV1.pdf

      • It’s really weird following this ‘debate’ with Janine. I too held some of Janine’s views, or rather prejiduces, but some gut instinct told me that their had to be more to the story, The only option is to make a conscious effort to inform yourself and that means exsposing yourself to lots of views and balancing them against verifiable facts. So here I am after quite a journey, started somewhere close to Janine and finishing a million miles away.
        The difference I think between Janine and myself is that first you have to care about the facts, the truth as weighed in evidence. Then you have to have a little humility (your culture and lifestyle, religion, whatever, is not some sort of gold standard that you measure all else against). You have to care how Australia interacts with with the rest of the world, and most importantly you have to give a shit about others, not just yourself, family or whatever. So all that being said I conclude three things. Asylum seekers get a shitty deal. We can and must do better. Janine is an ignorant, confused, hopless hater, and no manner of reasoning will change that.

      • On what basis would you say 70% of Australians support your view, Janine? Actually, it seems that you’re saying that 70% of Australians don’t need proof to believe something-that’s a racist insult to all Australians. We aren’t stupid, and I don’t like your implication that we are!

        Then you go around saying “Oh, you’re wrong, your research is wrong, everything you say is wrong”…
        Janine, name us one reliable source which has backed up anything you’ve said on this post. Any comment. The comment that 70% of Australians agree with you, or the comment that asylum seekers are murderers and terrorists, or anything else. One source to back up one claim, all I ask for.

  4. Janine, you spew your opinions like facts, and never attempt to verify your claims. Please give us specific examples, statistics, news stories, something that supports what you are saying. At one point you were asked to identify any terrorist attacks committed by refugees to back up your incredibly offensive claims, and could not do so. You seem so determined to attack these people yet cannot explain why they are wrecking this country.

    Where are you sourcing your information? Mainstream media?

    • if you could read properly i said they have to be processed correctly,or we could be letting any one in including terriorist,we dont want people who cause trouble like riots burning down buildings

      • “If I could read properly”

        Implying you can challenge my language skills.

        You still haven’t answered my questions. And when have we ever let a terrorist refugee in? It hasn’t happened. We detain them in mandatory detention for an indefinite period of time; security checks seem to be thorough enough.

        And no, we don’t want people like the ones you describe. We should deport all the rioters at Cronulla that day, Or we could not treat innocent people like criminals and piss them off. Besides, most refugees are not keen to riot and burn down buildings.

  5. Oh and just to put my comments in some sort of perspective for Janine I am a white, self-employed male 47 years old with five kids, living and working in a rural area. I work hard, pay my taxes and have never been particularly political about much. However some of the shit I have read from people like Janine means I’m going to be a lot more attentive from now on and a lot less likely to ignore it. I have no problem with people holding whatever opinion they want just so long as they have no problem with being held to account for it. .

  6. Janine you are seriously making shit up now:

    “most of australians at a guess 70%”…

    As for your statements:

    “we do not want unsavory people here”

    Just what exactly are you going to do with the existing Aussie prison population? Penal colony for them?… Oh wait… that’s been tried already.

    Also – what do you classify as unsavoury? Are we going to deport people because they have a speeding ticket in your world? Shall we ship the entire Schoolies Week population to New Zealand because they’re a pretty bloody unsavoury mob at times? How about all the bogans in Thailand and Bali? Going to scream about how Aussies are being mistreated if the Thai and Indonesian governments start arresting them and deporting them for being unsavoury?

    You have a clear failure to think beyond rudimentary thoughts. It’s really quite sad.

    Oh and then you weigh in with this little gem: “i believe we help our own first”

    You want to put some conditions on that for us? Just what exactly is “our own”?

    If I’m from Brisbane does that mean that people from Mackay are not welcome until we’ve solved our homeless problem here? Or does that mean that we help Queenslanders before New South Welshmen?

    Basic tribalism bullshit Janine. How about a little humanity (i.e. to ‘humans’, not just people from Ipswich)? Too much for you?

    Oh and on that note Ms “We help our own” – just what exactly are you doing to help the local homeless? Hard at work fixing the problems are you?

    Or are you just a lovely computer jockey who likes to make grandious sweeping statements but when push comes to the shove you have absolutely zero backbone.

      • Just comparing your reply to his post basically sums up the quality of your arguments, Janine. I can’t believe you are telling him to grow up when you can’t even muster a better label than ‘moron’ and seem to have never learned how to use a capital or full-stop.

        You made no attempt whatsoever to argue with any of his points. You are ridiculous; hence the ridicule.

  7. Janine, we are not a christian country – go to the Constitution, s116…

    “The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth.”

    We have never been a christian nation, our national founders didn’t intend us to be a christian nation and it is illegal for all governments to enforce christianity as a state religion.

    • no one is enforceing it but marjority of us are,morjority celebrate christmas,easter and we object to other religions telling us not to,eg christmas carols in kindergardens schools,leave our beliefs alone and we will leave yours alone,stop thinking our teenagers are whores because of the way they dress.i am so over this

      • You are confusing christian with commercialism. Predominantly, most people celebrate Christmas and Easter because it has been drummed into them by Retailers who gain from it financially. I, as a catholic, find that offensive. I have a hell of a lot more respect for people of other religions who celebrate their holy festivals because of their beliefs than I do for you and your like minded idiots who celebrate because “that’s what we do in Australia”. It is offensive that ignorant racists try hijack the birth and death of Christ as some kind of call to arms against anyone who doesn’t share the same beliefs.
        The only thing you have done with your posts is show how simple minded and ignorant you are. My suggestion to you is to get our of your bubble of hate and bigotry and open your eyes.

        • GAMA I don’t always see eye to eye with you but on this point you are spot on.

          On a vagually related note I think that as a secular country we shouldn’t co-opt religious holidays A) because a mainly secular nation shouldn’t favour any one religion in its culture or politics and B) because its pribably offensive to people who are religious and find their days of significance used to sell chocolate. Just my 2cents on that topic

      • Janine, when have you ever been told to not celebrate Christmas or Easter? Tell us of a kindergarten which banned christmas carols-which one was it? And have you or your daughters ever been called whores because of the way they dress?

        (By the way, you’d be joining me to complain about that LNP politician from Queensland, a very anglo-politician, who stated that women who dress in certain ways deserve to be raped, wouldn’t you? Or is it only a terrible thing to state when it’s a brown skinned person who does it?)

      • We do see A Current Affair and Today Tonight or the Herald Sun reporting these stories but when you look deeply into things, the people who try to ban celebrations from schools etc turn out to be white and Christian and are doing so out of some mistaken belief that non-Christians would be offended by Christian traditions. Of course ACA etc ignore this and instead report that “Muslims are destroying our way of life!!!” Which is all that the Janines of this world see as they don’t look too deeply into things.

    • Janine, I wonder which Christian community you supposedly live within in Australia? Here are the opinions of 3 of the largest Christian churches in Australia regarding refugees.

      Church concern over Australian refugee policy: The Church of England Newspaper, June 11, 2010 p 6.

      If you actually look at them you we see that the Catholic, Anglican and Uniting churches in Australia all condemn the detention of refugees. So tell me, oh so Christian lady, in your Christian Australia where do you get off condemning refugees and going against Australia’s Christian views? Show one article from any church in Australia supporting mandatory detention of refugees. Here’s your chance Janine, put up or shut up!
      My guess is you will do no such thing because the truth is you’re just a racist, uneducated, ignorant simpleton who does not have the brain capacity to believe anything other than the crap that is spewed from shows like ACA and Today Tonight.

      • i was just reading through the crap you wrote to me,i would like to say

        you nare nothing but a rude insulting pig

        • Janine – are you EVER going to back up your shit with some evidence? Or just take pot shots? Our members are right to criticise you. You’re worthless.

        • From you, I’ll take that as a compliment. You’re definitely not the kind of person I would want approval from.
          Funny thing is you had a chance to put something more substantial on this site but again nothing! Massive fail Janine.

        • i dont have to prove anything,i know i speak for many people and dickhead i like everyone does not have to prove anything,i do watch and read papers and news i said you are all rude pigs

          im australian and so proud of it

  8. Janine do you even know how debate and argument works? You haven’t made any points that are logic or rationale. That is the conclusion does not logically follow from the premise. And you have no evidence and when evidence is shown you can form no conter argument. “whatever” is not a counter argument and is at best a denial that you have lost. Making wild grandiose claims isn’t argument nor is it debate. To make argument and debate you need verifiable evidence of which you have nine and of which we have shown several.

    You have lost and lost badly. I suggest you go reconsider your position and your beliefs before you humiliate yourself much more.

  9. Janine: “moron dont like us go home and grow up”

    Do you mean:

    a) “morons don’t like us to go home and grow up.” or

    b) morons like us need to go home and grow up.” ???


    “no one is enforceing it but marjority of us are,morjority celebrate christmas,easter and we object to other religions telling us not to,eg christmas carols in kindergardens schools,leave our beliefs alone and we will leave yours alone,stop thinking our teenagers are whores because of the way they dress.i am so over this”

    So who’s telling you not to egg christmas carols in kindergardens schools then? Why would you even want to egg kindy students singing religious christian songs? When did this happen to you? Were the police called when you showed up with the eggs there? Who tipped them off? So many, many questions.

    While we’re at it, do you actually believe as well that people are trying to stop christmas carols in kindergarten? When did this happen? Can you give me some evidence please?

    Oh wait… I forgot who I was talking to for a second there. Don’t worry, I’ll respond for you:

    “everyone noes that this is happening everywhere, all the time and constantly, and i dont need evedence. you just need to go to your local kindergarden and talk to the teachers and if you even mention the word ‘christmas’ another person will suddenly come into the room like a ninja and smack you down. moron its everywhere. theres your evdence, i am so very all over it all.”

    Now that’s basically what you’re going to say isn’t it?

    As for people who think “our teenagers are whores because of the way they dress” – you’d be referring to the Reverend Fred Nile then wouldn’t you?

    See you didn’t specify so I assumed based on media releases by his reverendednessess that you meant Freddy in this context.

    I await your response with eager anticipation – from this reply I shall then determine if you are indeed the peanut you appear to be or perhaps even a nematode. Either way I am looking forward to it.

  10. Is Janine the new ‘Village Idiot”?

    I still miss Scott though, From mostly tl;dr ing the post, I think Janine has potential but not even close to Scott 😐

  11. Janine is what happens when people are fed a diet of talk back radio, right wing rhetoric and ridiculous spam emails/facebook posts as “facts”.
    I suspect (hope) Janine is young and has a “I grew here, you flew here” or “Fuck off, we’re full” sticker on the back of her barina. 😦

    BTW Janine, my daughter goes to a kinder that’s full of children of indian, chinese, vietnamese and arabic descent. They sang Christmas carols, had a Christmas party (with Santa) and made Christmas cards for their parents. Her best friend is a little Chinese-Australian girl, I’m so proud that my irish-Australian child is already more tolerant and accepting than you.

    Oh and even though I’m now an atheist, I was raised catholic and my mother in law has often said that her mother, my husbands grandmother would be horrified that he had married a catholic…you see it’s not that long ago that irish catholics were the demonised “other” that ignorant people like you were against. Apparently we were all poor, uneducated terrorists who wanted to blow everything up.
    It’s sad that the only thnig that’s changed is the religion people love to hate.

    • I have family members who remember the same stuff in Australia, when Protestants and Catholics didn’t often mix, and were considered odd if they did. I have an older family member whose mother said if any of her children married a Catholic she wouldn’t go to the wedding. My grandparents had to elope because one was Catholic and the other Protestant.

      Australia, unfortunately, tends to have a pattern of waves of hatred… same shit, different target. At one point it was Catholics, at other times it has been the Chinese or Japanese (or just Asians in general, eh Pauline Hanson?), at other times Italians/Greeks… pretty much the whole time, Aboriginals… and now Muslims.

      It’s just a shame that we never seem to quite shake off the truly dumb people in our society. The people like Janine who base their opinions on wanting to hate someone to make their own inadequacies seem less, and they will not let any facts get in the way of it.

  12. This is fairly tagental to the thread thus far (and how riveting a “debate” it has been) but I’d like to touch on the subject of religious hoidays / celebrations. I was raised an aetheist by a pair of aetheists who’s parents were barely religious at the best of times. Over the years of my childhood and all the way to the present I have enjoyed the social elements of these (for lack of a more inclusive term) community activities. Wether it be carols in the domain, an egg hunt with the local kids down at the park, or recently, seeing some Whirling Dervishes perform I have been inspired by those, of such a varied backround, who come and enjoy these community activities for what they are to most of us, a chance to connect, and not an oppurtunity to exclude those we feel are “too different” to understand or appreciate these expressions.

    Even as a stauch aetheist I’d actually like to see more “faith-based” holidays brought into our collective celebration of identity, not to indoctrinate, but to liberalise the expierence and expression.

    Now… back to the thread at hand, I’d like to give all those regular posters that have managed to maintain a healthy tone of humour a big thanks, this thread could have descended into out-right abuse after the 4-5th time Janine said “goodby” and then reappeared for another barrage of witticisms.

    -Resist Intolerance-

  13. Just found out this “blog” existed. It’s a school project, right ? It has to be. The posters couldn’t possibly really be as ignorant as they make out to be here.

  14. ” Janine do you even know how debate and argument works? You haven’t made any points that are logic or rationale. That is the conclusion does not logically follow from the premise.”

    Fucking School Children. Trying to view real life as a humanities class.

  15. You quoted the false stats, which are meaningless anyway. But go ahead, practice what you preach and validate your 60%. Include location, method and size of survey.

  16. Dear Cara,

    Allow me to answer your concerns by quoting Janine:


    there is no talking to you and i wont again,your attitude and beliefs are so wrong
    dont you fool yourself
    none that i know off but that does not mean there has not been any and look at yourself.goodbye
    i believe we help our own first
    you are wrong again
    what ever your wrong
    i dont lie or feel shit do you


    survey hey,what crap get over it,it sound like you are racist lol goodbye
    most of australians at a guess 70%
    hahaha wrong goodbye
    moron dont like us go home and grow up
    your comments are not my beliefs moron
    what ever
    including YOU
    depends,just differance of opinion

    There you are Cara, I think that sums it up nicely.

    Intrinsically, your argument and concerns have just been DESTROYED by the unassailable logic of Janine.

    Basically: you have no argument.


    • by the way its australia

      everything i have said you have twisted it around to your reasoning,you are pathethic,small minded ……………….

      no wonder us white aussies have a problem with you lot

      • Janine, what makes you think that you belong to the “white Aussies” group and none of us do?

        I’m a white Aussie and I have no problem with this blog. I do have a problem with dimwits like you.

        Your little racist, xenophobic hate groups aren’t how they are because the people in them are white… people like you, Janine, are how you are because you’re thick and you like to make yourself feel better about how pathetic and dumb you are by trying to adopt a superiority over others based on something as insignificant as skin colour.

      • You are right Janine By-the-way-its-australia,

        I may have twisted everything around to my reasoning in my pathetic, small minded way because I really, really don’t understand you.

        Do you recall this post where I asked for your help in clarifying things:

        Janine: “moron dont like us go home and grow up”

        Do you mean:

        a) “morons don’t like us to go home and grow up.” or

        b) morons like us need to go home and grow up.”

        Please, please, please explain this for me.

        Otherwise I will think you are a peanut.

        No wonder white aussies LIKE ME have a problem with you lot.

  17. You cunts are fucking pathetic. You’re always slagging off the Herald-Sun, it’s been described here as a “fish wrapper” and now you reach for it to validate your lies. There’s no point debating you cretins. That’s how you cunts operate. Only post that which tows the party line, and disallow the multitude of posts that fuck your lying, student views over.

    To be continued on a level playing field. This is NOT one of them.

    • You cunts are fucking pathetic.

      Does this pass for a discussion point in your world Craig or should we say “Craig”?

      You’re always slagging off the Herald-Sun, it’s been described here as a “fish wrapper”

      It is

      you reach for it to validate your lies.

      We don’t lie. We leave that to your kind.

      …disallow the multitude of posts that fuck your lying, student views over.

      What, the four or five of yours we trashed because they were defamatory? Expect the same treatment any time you cannot behave.

      And we are not students.

      To be continued on a level playing field.

      And this is from someone hiding behind a fake identity via a proxy server.

    • You’re right Craig,

      I am fucking pathetic vagina, principally because I’m always slagging off the Herald-Sun because I hate fish and chips, but when I need to validate my lies I tend to wave it in peoples faces and point to the particularly oily bits with the slightly soggy beer batter attached. It always works.

      Ergo, there is no point in debating a cretin like me because that is how my vagina operates.

      You are only allowed to post that which tows the party line, like Janine, or Sergio, or Scotty. The servers are now full with the posts of the multitudes that have been disallowed that would otherwise have sexual intercourse with my slightly reclined, student views.

      To be continued only if you decide to provide substance to your slander. I will make a special exception for you and instruct my vagina to stop operating so you can actually debate my cretinous self.

      Feel free to direct me to your over-whelming pool of evidence to back any claim you wish to impart.

    • You tell them Lloydy! Pack of educated, informed and compassionate bloody Uni students. I didn’t go to university (except for a couple of toga parties when I was younger but you won’t hold that against me) and I can’t believe they want us white Australians (my father’s Italian but wogs are ok, the foods great) to show a bit of respect and understanding to people less fortunate than we are! They even want us to provide them with a safe place to live and raise their children. Unbelievable. Can’t they see that Australia is being invaded, there are millions arriving on boats everyday. It will be WW3 in the suburbs. They’re even trying to steal Christmas (sounds a bit like a Dr Seuss book but let’s go with it anyway), make everything Halal (even the water), and bring in Sharia Law! Our government needs to act now, break out the Swatzikas, arm the pure bred masses and defend our nation (sounds a bit familiar). This is a Christian nation and there is no room in Chrisianity to help those people less fortunate than we are!

      Now back to reality. You are an ignorant fool. Why are you so paranoid? Weren’t you allowed to play with the other kids at school? Did they think you were a looser? I can’t see why. Are you afraid that it we let more people into Australia they will drink all the beer? Let me reassure you, it won’t happen, they’re will plenty of beer for everyone! If anyone is going to destroy our great country it’s racists like you and Janine who spread your hateful, bigoted views!

    • Why do morons always view being a student or academic like it’s a bad thing? Is education and gaining knowledge such a terrible thing in BoganLand?
      For the record, I’m neither a student nor an academic and haven’t been for quite a while. I’m mid-30’s, tertiary educated but not to degree level, married and have 1.5 children so very much a part of the Real World.

      • I haven’t studied any of this stuff for class. All of my opinions have been formed upon copious reading of news articles, government statistics etc. I’m a student, but I don’t see the relevance.

        • Janine, do you actually have a point here, or are you just here to say “Everything you say is wrong, because I said so”

          I’ll repeat myself, Janine, give us any evidence, any single piece of evidence that back up anything you’ve said. The name of a school or kindergarten that’s banned christmas to appease a religious group, evidence that 70+% of Australians back you, anything at all that supports anything you have ever said in this forum.

          If you can’t find any support, let me ask you this, what evidence did you base your belief on? Because if there’s not any evidence to even begin supporting your arguments to us, then there’s definately not enough for you to be convinced by.

        • I literally cannot understand what you are trying to say Janine. You really need to learn how to write. I’m not being nasty, just frank and honest. It is a real barrier to communication.

  18. Maybe things wouldnt be so bad IF the asylum seekers came to OUR shores with full intention of assimilating & intergrating with Australian people & OUR way of life. Instead of accumulating in a particular suburb to make their own little Afghanistan, dressing in a manner strange to us in hiding their identity & building THEIR religous places of worship. Note the countries who have taken in the larger percentages of muslim ‘asylum seekers’ have banned them from building anymore minuettes/mosques. & those countries are predicted to become muslim stses within years simply because to susqtain a culture for 25 years a couple must have 2.6 children. All of these countries are below that rate except the muslims who live there who are having around 8 children per couple & @ the end of the day, majority rule. I finish of by saying ” Come to Australia to assimilate & respect & learn our way of living. If not, Dont come here. The only country in the world is currently not threatened being overun by muslims is America, simply because of their latino immigration policy because latinos are predominately christian. I repeat: “DONT COME HERE INLESS YOU WISH TO ASSIMILATE

    • * What evidence do you have to suggest that refugees don’t assimilate? Have you ever met one?

      * Enclaves will happen regardless of whether we allow asylum seekers or not. It’s important that new arrivals interact and find support within their community – that’s a large part of the ‘assimilation’ process.

      * Who are you to criticise the way people dress? How does the way a person dresses affect you at all?

      * Australia Muslims make up less than 3% of our population. None of our top 10 migration source countries have dominant Muslim populations. Where is your evidence to suggest that Muslims outbreed non-Muslims?

      * Please describe what ‘assimilation’ means, and then give evidence to suggest that migrants are refusing to assimilate. Good luck.

        • Oh dear god Janine – it really, really, really, really, really, really, really pains me how much you butcher the English language.

          If you wish to have some impact with what you are saying, then you will find that simple rules of grammar including sentence structure and punctuation is actually pertinent.

          Please tell me that English is your fifth or sixth language. It would really help me to be sympathetic to you if it was.

        • Ouch! she made another typo 😦

          The big bad Internet must be her new found post-retirement activity & she clearly is not good at it 😦

          May I suggest knitting???? 😐

        • Yes M-Dawg she no spely right, for us morans or me all need a life. but knitting dangerous for the stupid, who get all stabbed by, the needls. ouch.

    • good on you,i hope you are prepared for the rude insultes and the twisting of your words,i look forward to it goodluck

      • Janine – no-one could possibly twist words more than you.

        It’s like you take a perfectly reasonable English sentence and crochet the shit out of it into some macabre trippy pseudo-English.

        Do you have dementia or are you demented – either way it’s really begining to annoy the hell out of me?

        Remember how I said I work with Asylum seekers?

        At least 50% of them speak English better than you and it is usually their third, fourth or fifth language.

        They are predominantly tertiary-educated and are generally better human beings than you on just about every level. They are friendly, they are compassionate, and they have a genuine interest in learning about the world around them. They are not bigotted by misinformation like you.

        They are ALL trying to fit in because who in their right fucking mind wants to live in a country and feel isolated?

        I’m fairly assured that the nay-saying fucktards including the king douche Phillip Moritz have never tried to live in a foreign country for any length of time so they don’t have a fucking clue how intrisically self-defeating it is to remain isolated in a small community. Trust me you dickheads – I spent three four years in Europe and 3 years in Asia and in every single country there was no way I could survive with only a handful of Aussies as my social contacts. You’re fucking dreaming if you think anyone intentionally keeps apart from a society once they are resident there. Ergo it’s actually up to how welcoming people are from that society that determines how quickly new people fit in.

        So it’s fuckheads like you that are acting like these poor people are the enemy – when they are clearly not.

        YOU are behaving towards them like they are guilty until proven innoccent, and then wondering why they aren’t fitting in. It’s because YOU ARE CAUSING IT FROM THE ONSET.

        The rest of us who actually take the time to appreciate people without instantly classifying them as the ‘enemy’ are actually getting on well with one-another in life; without fear or animosity or hate.

        Ah fuck, I just used too many syllables for the likes of you didn’t I? My message is lost.

        You’re just too fucking stupid to get it.

  19. I don’t think we need for anyone to “assimilate” here. As long as people are productive and follow the law, then welcome! Considering that a lot of the bogots i know aren’t productive OR law-abiding… Maybe we can consider a swap? XD

    • So I gather you would be concerned with the large number of visa over-stayers – some 30,000 – who come to Australia each year by plane, mostly from Europe and the US?

        • its not just my way of life its australians way of life.your religion and beliefs dont mix with our free way of life,i dont want our schools to stop celabrating xmas,easter etc.musllims believe that their religion is superior and its not.and we reject our way of life and religion to change

        • i dont need proof,i hear what some schools are doing shopping centres and newspapers and hearing people talk,thats good enough for me.and dont put words in my mouth or twist them around i did not say muslims cancelled xmas/easter although thats what would make u happy.muslims are not superior to christians

        • You’re a fucking idiot. You’re operating on hearsay from fellow fuckwits DESPITE the fact that the proof tells a completely different story.

          You are what’s wrong with Australia. Bogan bitch.

        • it.s your proof and no its you and alike that is wrong with aust. you are a rude pig believe what you want

        • I know for a fact that you will not be able to name one single shopping centre that has banned Christmas decorations/songs/displays etc, and I know for a fact that you will not be able to name one single school either.

          What do you mean “…you even want your own law?” I’m not Muslim, if that’s what you’re implying.

        • I can’t believe that there are people like you who are just so content to believe utter unsubstantiated bullshit because it’s easier to hate than to understand.

        • i dont hate,iwould welcome anyone here to better their life,but i will not accept people comming here and trying to take over,it will one day cause a lot of trouble in this country,then watch people scream,we dont want the way they handle situations and hate here

        • When you say that, you imply that the majority are causing trouble, trying to take over, trying to change the ‘Australian way of life’.

          But you offer no evidence of that happening.

        • same old same old i have already i dont have to prove anything i hear and i see,thats good enough for me.why would muslims want to come here anyway,they have no respect for our women and men,its clear they dont like our way of life so why come here unless their arrigant enough to think they can change us and live in their own little communitys

        • See there you go again Grandma. Generalisations.

          Did you see the Muslim man who was run over this morning in NSW, trying to help a crash victim? Obviously he hated women and wanted to change our way of life.

          Fuck you old bitch. You are thick as bricks.

        • what ever you insulting pig grow know as i do they think our young women are sluts and why do their women walk 2 steps behind their god i am in the hospital often the men even go into testing rooms with them.there not allowed to be examined by the doctor on their own

        • ii disagree with any human being doing such a thing,white black yellow it does not matter and i didnt say all are the same but a hell of a lot of them do this,we think differantly to them thats why they dont mix

        • A hell of a lot of white Australian men rape/assault/murder as well.

          How come you don’t generalise about white Australian men?

          Answer: Because white Australian men don’t deserve to suffer the reputations created by the shit heads who have gone before them – nobody does. But you generalise about non-whites and Muslims like it’s going out of fashion. You’re what’s wrong with this country.

        • you are a fool and a anti aust .at lest aust men have equal respect for their women,unfortunatly the men tou are describing are in every country

        • You’re an idiot!

          “at lest [sic] aust [sic] men have equal respect for their women…”

          What about the Australian men who DON’T have equal respect for their women? Do you even know what generalisation means? You’re so old, yet so stupid.

        • Oh, if only you were a story. Unfortunately, you’re real life. And your blatant disregard for facts and hideous bigotry and stupidity needs to be immortalised.

        • You haven’t met too many Australian men then…specifically the ones in prison for sexual assault and domestic violence.

          Don’t generalise.

  20. Ah Janine Howell. How I missed your special pleading and inanity. Your style of argument reminds me of Carl Sagan’s ‘Dragon in my Garage’. Arguing with people like Janine Howell has no point.

    The Dragon In My Garage
    Carl Sagan

    “A fire-breathing dragon lives in my garage”
    Suppose (I’m following a group therapy approach by the psychologist Richard Franklin) I seriously make such an assertion to you. Surely you’d want to check it out, see for yourself. There have been innumerable stories of dragons over the centuries, but no real evidence. What an opportunity!

    “Show me,” you say. I lead you to my garage. You look inside and see a ladder, empty paint cans, an old tricycle–but no dragon.

    “Where’s the dragon?” you ask.

    “Oh, she’s right here,” I reply, waving vaguely. “I neglected to mention that she’s an invisible dragon.”

    You propose spreading flour on the floor of the garage to capture the dragon’s footprints.

    “Good idea,” I say, “but this dragon floates in the air.”

    Then you’ll use an infrared sensor to detect the invisible fire.

    “Good idea, but the invisible fire is also heatless.”

    You’ll spray-paint the dragon and make her visible.

    “Good idea, but she’s an incorporeal dragon and the paint won’t stick.”

    And so on. I counter every physical test you propose with a special explanation of why it won’t work.

    More at:

  21. Hi Everyone! What I find sad is that poor Janine gets picked on and judged for her opinion. I like what she has said above and agree with her 300%. Whatever happened to democracy? Whether it be over the internet or face-to-face conversations everyone is entitiled to their own beliefs & opinions. I think it is the lot of you who are immature, ill informed and stupid people.

    Don’t you all get it. A majority of the boat people are here to receive Centrelink payments. The only wayt to solve the boat people problems is to change the law – that is any “new Australian” will have to wait 10 years before receiving their first Centrelink payment. See how many of them will make the journey over. 😉

    Just because it hasn’t happened yet does not mean it will never happen. Like all things in life – there is always a first time. Wake up Australians before the asylum seekers bomb your country, kill your spouses, rape your women and cause much problems later on – eg look at USA.. they were a compassionate country that took in many refugees, look what happened on September 11th. The UK took in many also – London bombings.. Muslim religion is very evil and the members are some of the most evil people on this world.

    • Oh look people, yet another fake. Pretend Swedish female impersonator model from Brisvegas, the Alabama of the Southern Hemisphere.

      …poor Janine gets picked on and judged for her opinion

      Yeah? Racism isn’t an “opinion”. It is a criminal offence.

      A majority of the boat people are here to receive Centrelink payments.

      What’s the problem, frightened you won’t get yours?

      The London bombings were done by three British-born men.

      You are an idiot.

    • “Whatever happened to democracy? Whether it be over the internet or face-to-face conversations everyone is entitiled to their own beliefs & opinions. I think it is the lot of you who are immature, ill informed and stupid people. ”

      So, Jennie, Janine is entitled to have her view-that’s free speech, but I’m not allowed the right to challenge her views? So free speech only exists if it doesn’t include the right to challenge?

      In that case, you are violating my free speech by challenging my right to challenge.

      “A majority of the boat people are here to receive Centrelink payments.”

      Source for that please. Considering virtually every asylum seeker I have met has rejected applying for government payments because they’d prefer to find work (Though admittedly I work in a Melbourne only asylum seeker service) I look forward to your evidence that all they want is Centrelink payments.

      ” The only wayt to solve the boat people problems is to change the law – that is any “new Australian” will have to wait 10 years before receiving their first Centrelink payment. ”

      Except there’s plenty of asylum seekers that receive sweet bugger all. No centrelink payments, no red cross payments, no medicare payments-no financial support of any kind-and they’re still here.

      “Wake up Australians before the asylum seekers bomb your country, kill your spouses, rape your women and cause much problems later on – ”

      So they’re here to rape our women and bomb our country? I thought they were here to collect the dole?

      Incidentally-you know what happens to ANY migrant who comes her and rapes our women and bombs our country? THEY GET DEPORTED! Any person who has anything less than citizenship is eventually deported for crimes resulting in prison sentences of more than one year, and any criminal act of any sort can be held against a resident to prevent them from getting citizenship.

      So, Jennie, shouldn’t we be more worried about the non-Migrants in Australia, who commit the majority of murders and rapes, and will get to stay in Australia following these crimes? I mean, an asylum seeker who does tihs gets one chance before deportation-but an Australian can rape and murder many many times and still remain in Australia to rape and murder some more-which is the larger threat?

      “eg look at USA.. they were a compassionate country that took in many refugees, look what happened on September 11th.”

      Saudis bombed America-not asylum seekers. how is Spetember 11 related to Asylum seekers?

      ” The UK took in many also – London bombings..”

      English born Muslims bombed London-not asylum seekers.

      ” Muslim religion is very evil and the members are some of the most evil people on this world.”

      Cool-so just tell me, Jennie, how exactly have Muslims been evil to you? Becuase many of my friends and work colleagues are Muslims and I’ve not even got a whiff of evil off them.

  22. I call myself Jennie even though I am really a male wanker who cannot get a girlfriend because I am racist. What is right with being racist? It is a free world. Sad to see I am a brainless moron that needs to get a real life but instead is posting on here.

    Yeah, you should go ahead and support the “asylum seekers” – one day when I decide to bomb a city in Australia…sure hope I get blown up. That would really make my day. 😀

  23. @madmindup — I just think the whole asylum seeker thing sucks b/c as taxpayers we have to pay for them and support them if they do become Australian citizens as they will just go on the dole & not make anything out of their life even when given the golden opportunity. I have seen that happen far too many times.

    My father hired a lot of men from Iran/Iraq as he felt sorry for them for his businesses. They were lazy & f*cked up badly as they were not interested in doing any real work. They just wanted to live off Centrelink & send money back home. Yeah, very productive.

    If you (as well others on here) are so taken with asylum seekers – why don’t you invite them all over to your houses & they can live off you instead of other taxpayers/smart people like Janine & I who don’t wan’t to support these parasites.

    Australia has a too generous welfare system & too stupid/compassionate and trusting people like you & friends that they would believe it if told pigs could fly, cows have 6 penises & dogs could talk and sing. With stupid people like all of you — wouldn’t be surprised if Osama Bin Laden did not die but is living somewhere in Australia as a asylum seeker.

    Yes, the 3 men were British born but their roots go back to Islam. Their parents were refugees who moved to the UK. The British were very kind & trusting – open their doors to these asylum seekers…look what happens. It might not happen today, next year but the can of shit is alreaxdy open just like a time bomb waiting to tick off – with the muslim religion it is bound to happen.

    Also, what I want to know is why are those people fleeing their own country like a coward. Why not stay back – fight & try to make a better country.

    • So, just to be clear, if you flee for your life, to try and make a better life for yourself and your children, you’re a coward? I always think it;s funny how the people who throw around the word “coward” are also the ones who have never needed to be brave in their lives.

      But, Jennie, I’m sure you’re different, so you tell me now, what would you do? You’re a Pushto Pakistani, and the Taliban is moving into your region, taking control of all the businesses, and drafting all the young men and boys into theiry army, threatning kidnapping and execution to anyone who disagrees with them. You have very little access to weapons-nothing compared to what the Taliban can have, and honestly, trying to kill them guarantees you death for you and your family, albeit with a possibility of taking some of the Taliban with you.

      Now, what would you do in this situation?

      Other stuff you said:
      “I have seen that happen far too many times.

      My father hired a lot of men from Iran/Iraq as he felt sorry for them for his businesses. They were lazy & f*cked up badly as they were not interested in doing any real work.”

      So, they only wanted to stay on Centrelink, but took a job when it was offerred? Why did they do that? Surely if all they wanted was centrelink payments, they wouldn’t have accepted a job?

      Is it possible, maybe, that as the Iranian and Iraqi asylum seekers have mostly spent a large amount of time in detention, they may need some further support and training to do the work than was being provided? Or are you telling us that they only want to get welfare, and for some reason accepted a job in order to be fired from it?

      Also, in other comments you have said all Muslims are rapists, terrorists and murderers. Please tell me, when these IRaqi and Iranian men worked for your dad’s company, how many people did they rape and murder?

      And that’s one example. You have said you have seen it happen many many times. Please, provide further information on the other examples.

      “If you (as well others on here) are so taken with asylum seekers – why don’t you invite them all over to your houses & they can live off you instead of other taxpayers/smart people like Janine & I who don’t wan’t to support these parasites.”

      So, let’s be clear here, you believe that you should only have to pay tax on things you personally support? So….I’m allowed to earmark my tax to say “No politician payments, support for private schools, subisidisation of private health insurance, or overseas wars-thank you!”-right? Or is it only you who gets to say where your tax dollars go? Why do you get that right and I don’t?

      Incidentally-I have a tiny apartment that barely fits me and my wife, so I can’t donate my room. Though I do donate my time-working one full day a week with asylum seekers.

      Also, I wouldn’t be too quick to call yourself a smart person, considering you think September 11 was caused by asylum seekers.

      “With stupid people like all of you — wouldn’t be surprised if Osama Bin Laden did not die but is living somewhere in Australia as a asylum seeker.”

      Wait, you think that Osama Bin Ladne survived an attack by Seal Team 6, resulting in a bullet throguh the head, and being dumped in the ocean, somehow rose up from the ocean, got to Australia (Somehow), and despite having one of the most recognised faces in Australia, somehow managed to get through ASIO security and police checks, the same checks that have resulted in a single mother from Sri Lanka being detained in a detention centre for the rest of her life-and we’re the dumb ones?

      “with the muslim religion it is bound to happen. ”

      Jennie, have you actually talked and met with any Muslims (And incidentally not all asylum seekers are Muslim, y’know-quite a few Christians too!)? I mean, I know quite a few and they have never attacked me, or tried to prevent me from being Christian, so I’d love to know where you are getting this from.

  24. I’ve given up bringing any valid arguments as doesn’t matter what I post/argue it does not matter. The only way to prove any point is history when bad stuff happens in the future and people regret. In the mean time all is right on here -we should let more asylum seekers into Australia so that in 30 years time there will no longer be any pension, Australia will be bankrupt and we will end up a third world country. HOORAY!!!!

    After putting a lot of everyone’s comments into consideration – you’ve all really brainwashed me into the higest enlightenment. I’m a changed person. …I do think now that having more asylum seekers in Australia is a good thing. 😉

    I think we should all petition our government to stop watching the borders – open our gates and cut the processing methods and let them all in. Even if they don’t want to come should give them some incentives like free housing, free medical care, $50,000 each to start their new life in Australia. Invite them all into Australia – from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Iraq, Iran, afgahnistan and give tham talks to get them all to com over.

    Long live Asylum seekers as they have a very important job to do!!!!

    • “The only way to prove any point is history when bad stuff happens in the future and people regret.”

      Read through that sentence a few more times. Say it out loud. Tell us more about how history is when bad stuff happens in the future.

      “In the mean time all is right on here -we should let more asylum seekers into Australia so that in 30 years time there will no longer be any pension, Australia will be bankrupt and we will end up a third world country. HOORAY!!!!”

      Wait-which part of history told you that happening? Because, if you didn’t notice, Australia has one of the strongest economies out there at this time.

      “you’ve all really brainwashed me into the higest enlightenment.”

      Yep, this is the mind of Australia’s “smartest” person. Literally being asked questions or in being anyway challenged or corrected is an example of “brainwashing”

      Jennie, this are the things you ignored, and probably will continue to ignore, but I can live in hope of an answer at some point:

      1) So, Jennie, Janine is entitled to have her view-that’s free speech, but I’m not allowed the right to challenge her views? So free speech only exists if it doesn’t include the right to challenge?

      2) Source for the majority of Asylum seekers only coming to collect centrelink payments.

      3) So, Jennie, shouldn’t we be more worried about the non-Migrants in Australia, who commit the majority of murders and rapes, and will get to stay in Australia following these crimes?

      4) how is Spetember 11 related to Asylum seekers?

      5) Jennie, how exactly have Muslims been evil to you?

      6) what would you do? You’re a Pushto Pakistani, and the Taliban is moving into your region, taking control of all the businesses, and drafting all the young men and boys into theiry army, threatning kidnapping and execution to anyone who disagrees with them. You have very little access to weapons-nothing compared to what the Taliban can have, and honestly, trying to kill them guarantees you death for you and your family, albeit with a possibility of taking some of the Taliban with you.

      Now, what would you do in this situation?

      7) So, they only wanted to stay on Centrelink, but took a job when it was offerred? Why did they do that? Surely if all they wanted was centrelink payments, they wouldn’t have accepted a job?

      8) Please tell me, when these IRaqi and Iranian men worked for your dad’s company, how many people did they rape and murder?

  25. PS – Whoever signed in and pretended to be “Jennie” up there is AWESOME!! Thanks for writing what you wrote above them. I am a f*cking, stupid dumba$$ silly, nutcase moron.The reason I am is because i wasted everyone’s precious time posting on here. Good luck!

  26. I would like the opportunity to thank the admin and everyone who runs/ contributes to this blog. I found it after someone linked the original false document relating to welfare issues and ended up spending a good deal of time reading all the following comments. I found it fascinating getting to the very end and finding it all to be a “Muslim” bashing from the infamous Janine. I would like to point out that I am 30, “white Australian” and grew up in country towns. I have a child who is half Iraqi. her father grew up in conflict and fled to Australia “the right way” ie: sought asylum. I have to apologise for statements being a bit all over the place but the reason I’m posting here is to say that I am truly amazed at the way some people revert to swearing and insults when their opinions are rebuffed. My daughter can form a sentence better than Janine, which she learnt how to do in kindergarten between time singing Christmas Carols and decorating Easter Eggs, lucky her Muslim father didn’t succeed with the master plan of destroying our country with his evil Muslim ways.
    Janine for a self professed Christian you are amazingly judgemental and small minded and need to look at yourself before judging everyone else.

  27. I don’t know if what this guy wrote is true or not, but there are questions on how and why the illegal immigrants and refugees are living better and able to afford more than a pensioner.. I know there are hidden things within government departments that they don’t let the public know about and the waste of money that goes on… at least this person has got the attention of people and got people thinking… but there is something going on that is not adding up even it these figures are not right… maybe the immigrants and refugees are getting more than he has stated…

    • “I don’t know if what this guy wrote is true or not, ”
      It’s not true.

      “but there are questions on how and why the illegal immigrants and refugees are living better and able to afford more than a pensioner.”
      There aren’t because asylum seekers aren’t living better than a pensioner.

      Seriously, do you believe every chain email you read, and only chain emails?

      ” I know there are hidden things within government departments that they don’t let the public know about ”

      How do you know about them then? Come on, if they are so secret, what’s your amazing source?

      “at least this person has got the attention of people and got people thinking…”

      So the fact that this is a total lie, never happening-that’s still okay with you: “It doesn’t matter if it’s true, it only matters if it gets people talking”

      Y’know what, by that logic I am allowed you to accuse you of any unsolved crime in the world. Anyone. Maybe you did do them all, maybe you didn’t, but by accusing you of these crimes, I at least get people talking.

      “maybe the immigrants and refugees are getting more than he has stated…”

      No, they really aren’t.

      So…source for any of your crap. After all, the above article shows this person is lying or spreading lies by presenting supporting documents disproving the email. You are saying not only is he probably telling the truth, but immigrants are getting even more than what he’s saying. So what are you basing this on? You’ve already stated the government is hiding this information, so what expose do you know of that reveals what you are saying is the truth?

      Now, if you can’t reveal any special evidence, that’s okay, but maybe you should ask yourself: “If I don’t have any evidence to support my beliefs-why do I support them myself?”

  28. Jennie, you are tight to a point.. let the ignorant go and believe what they want, there is no point in arguing with them, I have learnt that when you roll in the mud with a pig, the pig is the only one that enjoys it… a lot of what goes on is not in the papers etc, you have to go to these countries to experience it first hand.. if you have seen and gone through awful stuff, you get to see that other side that others no nothing about.. they can only go by what they see on T.V etc… (which isn’t always true or right) In England, they are now having trouble with the Muslims, my friend was lucky to escape with her life and return back home… but her friend was not.. they were followed by one man (muslim) to start off with, as they walked on more would join, they grabbed her and her friend, my friend had maize on her.. and was able to disappear very quickly into a near by shop, which she stayed for protection. Now back home, after living in England for 8 years, She struggles now being around people, and having anyone behind her.. She has lost her best friend, for no reason at all, well that is what people are wanting us to believe… they are not opening their minds and seeing what is really going on around the world… it has been known for a long time that the Muslims want to take over the world, but people want to stay in their little boxes and not see the signs… they are like ostriches, leaving their heads in the sand and hoping it will all go away when they pull their heads out… but reality tells you differently… So Jennie, just let those that want to believe that nothing is going to happen and that everything is going to be alright live that way, you just prepare yourself for what you know and believe is going to happen and then you will be able to have the last laugh… remember those that laugh last, laugh the longest…

    • “a lot of what goes on is not in the papers etc,”

      So…your super secret source that shows how immigrants are getting more money than pensioners is in no government document, or any newspaper….I can’t wait to find out what your source actually is.

      ” you have to go to these countries to experience it first hand.”

      Wait, so your belief that we are treating asylum seekers better than pensioners is only revealed if you go to other countries? I hate to tell you something, but we’re definately not treating Muslims in other countries better than we treat pensioners.

      “my friend was lucky to escape with her life and return back home… but her friend was not..”

      Your friend’s friend is dead? I have to ask becuase your story is so vague that it just seems they lost contact?

      ” they were followed by one man (muslim) to start off with, as they walked on more would join,”

      How did she know they were Muslims? Were they reciting prayers as they walked the street?

      ” they grabbed her and her friend, my friend had maize on her..”

      So your friend somehow defended herself with corn, but could only defend herself (I’m presuming you meant mace here) not the other friend, because, I don’t know, there’s only a limit to how much mace you can spray (Presumably a tax or something), then ran into the store, where she didn’t call the police to tell anyone…is that right?

      and was able to disappear very quickly into a near by shop, which she stayed for protection.”

      ” Now back home, after living in England for 8 years, She struggles now being around people, and having anyone behind her..”

      Okay, let’s just pretend I believe your story….how is it any different from the time I was beaten up by two white guys who wanted to steal from me? I’m not saying all white people are evil-but you’re allowed to base your belief of the entire Muslim population on something which “may” have happened in England almost 10 years ago.

      Any problems with Msulims in Australia? Hell, any direct contact with Muslims in Australia. Any at all.

      “it has been known for a long time that the Muslims want to take over the world, but people want to stay in their little boxes and not see the signs…”

      What signs are there that Muslims are trying to take over the world? Be specific. I’ve worked with Muslims for many years, and they’ve never given any impression of wanting to do anything apart from do their jobs, raise a family and relax.
      And I’ll repeat again-have you ever met an Australian Muslim?

      “So Jennie, just let those that want to believe that nothing is going to happen and that everything is going to be alright live that way, you just prepare yourself for what you know and believe is going to happen and then you will be able to have the last laugh… remember those that laugh last, laugh the longest…”

      SO, instead of getting on with her life, Jennie should live in constant panic that there’s going to be an invasion in any second, so that she spends the rest of her (admittedly shortened) life in constant terror, that will somehow make her happy. Congratulation on dooming her life.

      Quick question-if all Muslims rise up and state that are taking over Australia, I will be glad to admit I was wrong. But what would have to happen, Annie, for you to admit you’ve misjudged the Muslims? I mean, I see people like you all the time and they’ve pretty much presented a theory that can never be contradicted. If Muslims are nice, they’re just pretending to be nice. If Muslims are peaceful, they’re just pretending to be peaceful. You can live, grow old, and die without ever seeing a Muslim be nothing but friendly to you, but you’ll still be convinced that they’re going to rise up as soon as you shut your eyes, right?

      That’s fine, but you are dooming yourself to a life of fear and anxiety, of something that will never happen. Isn’t it better to enjoy the life you have, rather than expecting doom and living in fear forever?

  29. I find it interesting that you have not posted figures acctually showing what the age pension is. And what beniffits new immigrants get. As for your poles it us time wasting sicks that take these and is no reflection of the actual public view

    • I find it interesting that you have not posted figures acctually showing what the age pension is

      That’s because we don’t have to. Centrelink does that for us. It has a 1300 number and a website. Use it. We charge for our services, Centrelink comes for free.

      As for your poles it us time wasting sicks that take these and is no reflection of the actual public view

      Properly constructed academic research such as that found in Professor Kevin Dunn’s Challenging Racism study are valid and valuable. Professor Dunn tells us about 10% of the population are racist and bigoted. That’s 10% too many.

    • “I find it interesting that you have not posted figures acctually showing what the age pension is. ”

      No problem. Here it is:

      Here’s the relevent details:
      Single $712.00
      $536.70 each or
      $1073.40 combined

      Couple separated due to ill health $712.00 each

      ” And what beniffits new immigrants get.”

      New migrants are eligible for….Newstart allowance, or youth allowance, if they meet the criteria (Only humanitarian entrants refugees-family sponsored visas and working visas aren’t eligible, and asylum seekers receive only 85% of this, if they receive anything at all-many don’t). You’re eligible for these too as well, Joan, if you’re not working, or if you’re studying.

      And just so you don’t tire yourself by doing the slightest search for evidence to base your judgements on, here are the payment rates for the Newstart allowance:
      single, no children $492.60
      single, with a dependent child or children $533.00
      single, aged 60 or over, after nine continuous months on payment $533.00
      partnered (each) $444.70
      single principal carer granted exemption for foster caring / relative (non-parent) caring under a court order / home schooling / distance education / large family $663.70

      And for youth allowance
      If you are The maximum fortnightly payment is
      single, with no children, under 18 years, and living at home $223.00
      single, with no children, under 18 years, and required to live away from home $407.50
      single with no children, 18 years or more, and living at home $268.20
      single, with no children, 18 years or more, and required to live away from home $407.50
      single, with children $533.80
      partnered, with no children $407.50
      partnered, with children $447.40
      a single job seeker, principal carer of a dependent child (granted an exemption for foster caring / relative (non-parent) caring under a court order / home schooling / distance education / large family) $663.70


      Please note that only one payment is more than the lowest Pension payment. And that one has so many conditions that it’s rare for anyone to be eligible for it.

      Other benefits
      They’re eligible for Medicare. Just like you are.
      They are entitled to a basic household package of basic essential furniture (Fridge, etc). But if you don’t have these, Joan, I can find plenty of charities that will provide these for you.
      They are entitled to English language study for 450 hours. And if you can’t speak English, Joan, I can find you plenty of HECS funded courses where you can learn.

      If you have issues with any of these items, I encourage you to get to your local community health centre and ask to speak to the Social worker there.

      “As for your poles it us time wasting sicks that take these and is no reflection of the actual public view”

      Ah, so you’ve got better evidence that the majority of public has a view different than what’s put forward here. Just so we’re all sure-where do you get your idea of the public view from?

  30. Pingback: Barriers to acceptance:: the cultural diversity in Australia

  31. For goodness sake! Everyone take a step back. It’s a waste of time attempting to argue with or convince someone who refuses to listen to or acknowledge rational debate. Don’t give Jannine any oxygen. You’ll never change her mind so don’t respond to her rubbish.

What do YOU think about this?