Stop the Penrith mosque sez the nutzis? Too late losers.

Back in September last year the Online Hate Prevention Institute was successful in getting this particular hate page removed.

You can read more about this unlamented hate group here

Despite supposedly being removed, this page has returned to an apparently oblivious Facebook in the form of a Facebook event designed to attract bigots, phobes and other peculiarities to the latest fashion in hate targets – Muslims.


Note how the event creator who goes by the name of Tyler Winchester (or Mark Winchester – obviously cannot decide which) has co-opted a newspaper photograph for a Timeline pic showing hostages from the recent tragic Martin Place siege. Real classy these nutzi extremists.

And it’s not often you see a bunch of Nazis nutzis (or neo-Nazis – no significant difference, all stupid) getting together with “concerned citizens” (i.e. the ones who’d be saying “I’m not racist/bigoted but…”) for a xenophobic love-in. The nutzis as always are desperately seek some sort of normalisation and legitimacy: the CCs are too dumb to realise this.

Now the nutzis like to show their chests to girls… or each other. At least their self-proclaimed leader (too embarrassed to show his face) does.

Even though these aren’t his six-packs.


And they aren’t even white men!




Let’s journey back to the beginning of this saga of bigotry, to a bunch of flyers distributed around the Penrith area and the role of one Councillor Marcus Cornish.

Cornish, a Liberal Party member, stood for Penrith Council in 2012 as an independent when the Libs decided not to endorse candidates. Heath Aston has more here in the SMH including Cornish’s friendship with disendorsed anti-Muslim Liberal candidate David Barker.


This is how the Daily Telegraph saw it on 28th October

On the 4th November the Tele revisited the story and noted that Cornish now had an ally, one Councillor Maurice Girotto. Girotto, it may be noted, is a former member of Australia First.

Ultimately Penrith Council approved the proposed community centre with some restrictions related to noise, hours of opening and traffic, despite a handful of noisy bigots turning up to protest and five letters mainly relating to noise and traffic.

“Anonymous” has an outline on slackbastard’s blog

And good work Penrith Council standing up to bullies, batshit crazies and bigots.