(Tall) Tales of Hoffman

Otto Hoffman was an obscure American B picture film actor who died from lung cancer at the age of 65.

Otto Hoffman actor

His namesake is an obscure apparently Australian Islamophobic B grade bore who unfortunately is very much alive.

Otto Facebook

Note his lovingly assembled collection of fellow phobes such as the Muslim hater “Robert Spencer”, “Spencer”‘s paymaster David Horowitz, batshit crazy US blogging bimbo Pam Geller and dodgy far right Dutch politician Geert Wilders.

Normally Otto confines his inanities to a ragtag collection of anti-Muslim sites where he is welcome and comfortable with his own sort.

For instance if you are keen to follow Otto on Yahoo! here he is

Otto Yahoo

And just take a look here! Not content with being a Muslim-hater and Christian Talibani, our Otto is also a birther (*snigger) and is happy to admit it

For those who fortunately have not yet encountered the birther myth, it’s the one that casts doubt on the veracity US President Barack Obama’s birth certificate which states clearly he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and was therefore constitutionally eligible to be a candidate for the Presidency.

What the birther myth actually was about was racism – the horror amongst white exceptionalists that an African-American should dare run for the Presidency and actually win office.

Now watch Otto try and tell us he is not racist even as he approvingly quotes another racist poster on this topic despite his fellow poster “Peter” on the Andrew Bolt blog trying to put him right.

Otto birther

Guess what Otto, everybody’s birth certificate is now computer generated in this country and in the US, including ours.

And not content with infesting the print media blogs, Otto then heads over to Sydney radio station 2UE to let its audience know how much he hates and fears Muslims.

Otto 2UE post

Now since Muslim hating site Australian Islamist Monitor collapsed into irrelevancy Otto has been lonely and craving an audience so much he has been lately infesting this blog with his unwanted musings, despite it being largely a gathering place for the people Otto hates most – left wingers, socially conscious Christians and Muslims.

Otto has some education and a certain amount of literacy which distinguishes him from the usual mouth-breathing illiterate xenophobes. However we are not easily fooled and Otto’s arguments have all the authenticity of  the cacophony described in Corinthians 13:1.

Otto specialises in collecting fatwas the way other men collect stamps. No matter if the fatwa comes from a semi-literate desert Imam or from a descendant of the Prophet, Otto collects them assiduously and gives them all equal weight. Similarly with hadiths (Qur’anic commentaries), where he carefully cherry-picks those which best suit his self-image as a Hollywood movie crusader heading off to save “Western civilisation” from “teh_Mooslems.

How Hollywood and Otto see Crusaders

And how the late Professor Norman Cohn on US Public Radio sees the Crusades.

Otto argues the way Christian Taliban exceptionalists always argue

A: There is a God who looks just like mine does.
B: Prove it.
A: No.
B: Why not?
A: I don’t have to

Otto thinks his version of God should take precedence over everyone else’s

A: My God is the correct one
B: Prove it.
A: No.
B: Why not?
A: I don’t have to

Otto thinks he has the right to promote his god exclusively among vulnerable children

A: Only my God should be taught in schools
B: Why?
A: Because I said so
B: Why does your God have to be taught
A: Because he stops terrorism
B: How?
A: Because I say so.

Spiritual grooming going on here?

Otto argues in the same way most illogical defenders of religion would argue.

A: There’s a God.
B: Prove it.
A: No.
B: Why not?
A: I don’t have to.
B: Why not?
A: Prove there is NO God then.

To quote our admin:

By the way Otto has been provided with excerpts from the Qur’an and fatwas which state the Muslims can be friends with non-Muslims, visit churches, adopt new traditions in non-Muslim countries, give eulogies at non-Muslim funerals at non-Muslim places of worship, attend weddings and give wedding gifts to non-Muslims. He has been provided with Qur’an excerpts, hadiths and fatwas that state that Muslims may fight back but are unable to strike the first blow, and can make alliances with non-Muslims. Non-Muslims are not prevented from building places of worship in Muslim countries and Muslims are allowed to migrate to non-Muslim countries.

In fact Otto’s god looks very much like the one he admires in the mirror each morning – as is always the case with these obsessive exceptionalists

Otto is a staunch supporter of the Burqa Centipede. So if you have a strong stomach and are up to it you can read Otto’s rants at these links

More on Niqab Folkes and friends – ‎”it’s a front (sic) to a civilised country like Australia”

Six Bogans Wear Burqas to, um… Prove A Point