Cassandra Mayers humbly petitions a couple of television stations

Cassandra Mayers is keen to let her fellow bogots know about “teh_evils_of_mooslems”. Here’s last week’s effort courtesy of a beat-up from UK fishwrapper the Daily Mail.


Accuracy? Very dubious. Relevance to Australia? Nil

The week before she was incensed that commercial stations were going to show some informational ads prepared by Muslim organisations and directed specifically at ignorant people like her. So she took herself over to petition site and started a petition


And it’s a very shoddy effort indeed. Lots of cut-and-paste from hate sites, lots of cut-and-paste supposed Qur’an verses and lots of apocryphal myths. Plus some of the usual suspects who have signed it and added their own ill-informed comments.

Now there are a couple of things to note about these petitions. Firstly, they are really designed for citizens alert organisations to make some positive social change or to right a wrong. They are not designed for the ill-informed to rant about their pet hatreds.

Cassandra has targeted Julie Flynn from the Free TV organisation – the peak body for free-to-air television networks. Obviously she erroneously believes a media executive like Julie Flynn is going to read her misinformed rant and believe it.

Like other social media has Terms of Service (TOS) and these are extracts from some of the relevant TOS from that organisation.

In addition, you agree not to use the Service or the Site to:

…upload, post, transmit, share, store or otherwise make available any content that we deem to be harmful, threatening, unlawful, defamatory, infringing, abusive, inflammatory, harassing, vulgar, obscene, fraudulent, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;

…upload, post, transmit, share, store or otherwise make available content that would constitute, encourage or provide instructions for a criminal offense, violate the rights of any party, or that would otherwise create liability or violate any local, state, national or international law;

And,’s Community Guidelines state:

…hate speech (which includes, but is not limited to, speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity) is not allowed.

If people wish to complain about the content of this petition you may do so here though we cannot vouch for the speed at which the complaint will be resolved.

28 thoughts on “Cassandra Mayers humbly petitions a couple of television stations

  1. The link provided here is the help center for people with petitions and they are not moderators. If you want to report the petition you will need to log into your account on, which then highlights a flag as inappropriate icon at the bottom of the petition.

  2. this “woman” is just a waste of oxygen…

    i gotta comment on tht actual “news story” tho… the whole thing is a load of crock shit… 28C wow tht must’ve been a scorchering heat wave (not)… it’s obvious tht the teacher wasn’t a muslim coz if they were they would’ve known tht those tht dont fast are fine to drink water in front of someone who is… they just should be considerate… also the teacher would’ve known tht there is a trick to keep children hydrated during fast…. even adults do it… wht is permitted is rinsing ur mouth with water… coz signs of dehydration is tht ur gums get dry so swishing water around in ur mouth keeps it moist and keeps u hydrated…

  3. Unfortunately these people i.e. Anti – Islam bigots have been cultivated over many centuries starting off with the first call for Crusades against the Turks, if you check Pope Urban’s speech not directly against Islam initially. From that day forth many have jumped on the band wagon to attack Islam, I am grateful to this site and it’s admin for all the hard work they do against bogans. Bogans are like mushrooms kept in the dark and fed bullshit which they thrive upon. Much like mushrooms they also pop up everywhere I understand and appreciate the continual hard work it takes to cut these mushrooms down. My congratulations to all on this site fighting for truth and justice for all. Without mutual understanding and respect peace will always be out of reach.

    I salute you.

  4. Lots of cut-and-paste from hate sites, lots of cut-and-paste supposed Qur’an verses and lots of apocryphal myths.

    “Supposed Qur’an verses”. If you bothered to look for yourself, you will see they are in fact accurate. Don’t let the truth get in the way of a good rant though. You call sites that expose the truth about islam “hate sites”, meanwhile the entire purpose of your blog is to attack individuals whose views you don’t agree with.

      • Well, it’s odd that she’s calling for people to challenge the comments made on her petition, when her petition no longer exists on (Or at least, the link the admin provided doesn’t go anywhere).

        • Um, why do you think it no longer exists? Because you people reported it and had it taken down. So the fact that you can’t refer to it in order to debate the points I made is your fault. Having said that, you all must have seen the petition when you clicked on the link to report it didn’t you? Yet none of you bothered to refute anything I said.

        • “Because you people reported it and had it taken down. ”

          And why did you think had it taken down? They don’t take down every petition that someone complains about. If I started a petition saying “Pie is delicious”-you can complain all you like, but unless your complaint is relevant to their guidelines, it will continue to exist.

          If you think your petition does not contradict their guidelines, then you have a complaint to be made to Why aren’t you complaining to them?

          Alternatively, if you do think your petition went against their guidelines, then you broke the rules, and should ask yourself why those rules exist. The only fault in this case is you.

          It’s typical of the far right. When they get into trouble, or break rules, it’s never “I blame those who are punsihing me unfairly” or “I made a mistake and will learn from it” It’s always “I’m going to blame the person who mentioned I broke the rules, not the person who enforced the rules, nor me who committe the rule break”

          I guess it’s because it’s easier to target individuals with comparatively no power, than to complain to corporations or try to improve yourself.

          “Having said that, you all must have seen the petition when you clicked on the link to report it didn’t you?”

          Nope. I can’t speak for the admin, but a couple of days ago was the first time I clicked the link to your petition. You really are expecting a lot when you expect anonymous blog commenters to all read a petition, and remember it when you come back to comment one year later.

          And did you actually know your petition was down wen you made your comments? Because the way you write, it’s like you were encouraging people to read and challenge what your petition said, which is impossible at the petition doesn’t exist. It’s odd you don’t mention that at all.

          It’s also odd that you don’t mention any keys points of your petition, even though it’s been gone (Presumably for a while), and yet you’re still defending it, by demanding a challenge to points which you can’t name and no one can see. It does suggest that if you really are Cassandra, which is unlikely, you’re only allowed access to a computer once a year.

  5. You did not actually address any of the information I included in my petition. You just labelled me a bogan and asked people to report the petition.

    You claim what I wrote in the petition was mythical, so please refute my statements with evidence.

    Prove that the Qur’an verses I quoted were fake as you implied. Prove that the mosque involved in the ad campaign hasn’t been associated with terrorists.

    You can’t. That’s why your post is very vague and contains nothing of substance. YOUR site is a hate site – the people here hate the truth. Worst of all, you are cowards. You take screenshots of conversations, unbeknownst to the people in them, and you upload it on your hateful site so others can demean them. It must feel nice and safe to hide behind a computer screen and attack people who aren’t even here to defend themselves. You’re nothing but bullies and cowards. If you don’t agree with someone, fine, have a debate with them. What you’re doing is childish and gutless.

    • “If you don’t agree with someone, fine, have a debate with them. ”

      And how has your debate been going with the Muslim community? when did you last have a debate with a Muslim beyond the protection of your computer?

      • Muslims don’t know how to debate. Some try but they contradict themselves and look like idiots, or they just abuse or threaten people with murder & rape. I have had many, many discussions with Muslims, I have not found one who didn’t behave this way.

        • So your rule is “If you disagreee with someone, have a debate with them…..and if I disagree with someone, come up with a rule to justify not debating them, and start a petition online to stigmatise them!,”

          Not a clear cut rule, now, is it?

          “but they contradict themselves and look like idiots, ”

          How do they contradict themselves? How is it different from the way you have just contradicted yourself?

          “or they just abuse or threaten people with murder & rape. ”

          You mean, exactly like anti-Muslim groups do as well?

          “I have had many, many discussions with Muslims, ”

          Really? In what contexts? Face to face? With an open mind, where free discussion and politeness were encouraged? Or did you start by saying “Ban Islam, and ban all Muslims, and they’re all evil!” and then expect a polite response afterwards?

          “I have not found one who didn’t behave this way.”

          And yet I’ve found most Muslims I’ve met, from all aorund the world, to be friendly, and even those who were not, were rude to the point of being jerks, not to the point of threatening murder and rape.

          Meanwhile, I have not found one ADL member who doesn’t contradict themselves and make themselves look like idiots, or started verbal abuse and threatening behavior when their beliefs were challenged. Why do you suppose that is?

  6. Haha Cassandra you have just proven what JM was saying. First you demand a “debate” then when JM quite reasonably suggests you go and debate with a Muslim you snarl back that “Muslims don’t know how to debate”.

    Game, set and match to us 😀

    • What are you talking about? I HAVE debated many Muslims. That’s why I said they don’t know how to debate. Duh! They just abuse, threaten, and play the race card. Just like the losers on this pathetic blog.

      • “They just abuse, threaten, and play the race card. Just like the losers on this pathetic blog.”

        Where exactly have you been abused, or threatened on this blog? Please provide specific examples.
        I don’t recall ever threatening or abusing anyone, much less yourself, but I do see clearly you call people here “losers”-or does abuse only occur if it is someone else doing it, and doesn’t exist when you do it?

        Cassandra, you keep on asking people to disprove your points but don’t actually make any points beyond “My petition speaks the truth”-a petition which, once again, was deleted a year ago, and yet you expect random people on the internet to recall perfectly.

        But since you’re here, let’s ask these questions:

        1. “And how has your debate been going with the Muslim community? when did you last have a debate with a Muslim beyond the protection of your computer?”

        2. In regards to Muslims not knowing how to debate because they contradict themselves
        “How do they contradict themselves? How is it different from the way you have just contradicted yourself? ”

        3. ““or they just abuse or threaten people with murder & rape. ”

        You mean, exactly like anti-Muslim groups do as well?”

        4. In regards to the many debates you have had with muslims.
        “Really? In what contexts? Face to face? With an open mind, where free discussion and politeness were encouraged? Or did you start by saying “Ban Islam, and ban all Muslims, and they’re all evil!” and then expect a polite response afterwards”

        5. “I’ve found most Muslims I’ve met, from all aorund the world, to be friendly, and even those who were not, were rude to the point of being jerks, not to the point of threatening murder and rape.

        Meanwhile, I have not found one ADL member who doesn’t contradict themselves and make themselves look like idiots, or started verbal abuse and threatening behaviour when their beliefs were challenged. Why do you suppose that is?”

        But seriously, your petition now has been dead for a year. The last comment you made was four months ago. What the hell is going on in your life that you are devoting so much time to a petition which has been dead for a year, and people who really, stopped caring about it when it died. I mean, usually we see people comment a lot on intial view of an article, then the conversation dies down and they leave, but you…you come after a year, then leave, then come back after a couple of months. To even do that you’d need to be checking your email fairly irregularly, or be willing to search through an entire years worth of articles in order to find the one that you’re mentioned in, and for what purpose? Do you think if you comment on long dead articles no one will notice so you can state your opinions uncriticised-it isn’t so Cass.

        It’s been a year. We’ve all moved on. Some have gotten married, gotten new jobs, moved into a new house, had new family members. We’ve had the Winter Olympics and the world cup and the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. A lot has happened.

        and you’re still here complaining about a petition that was rightfully banned by Has nothing happened in your life in the meantime that is as important as an online petition which was rightfully banned by (Which you agree with as you’ve never thought it worthwhile to complain to If this is such a big deal in your life, then you need to take a long hard look at your life.

  7. Seriously yous have nothing better to do then sit there and stir crap, she clearly states the truth and yous obviously can’t handle it. How does anything she say hurt you or have an affect on you? It doesn’t, now get the pole out of your ass and get a life.

    • “Seriously yous have nothing better to do then sit there and stir crap”

      What is the biggest waste of time? Reporting on online hatred, or going online to tell people they’re wasting time?

      “she clearly states the truth ”

      What truth? She’s not actually saying anything apart from “Everything on my deleted petition is true! Read it, which you can’t do, then challenge me on facts you can’t see!”

      “How does anything she say hurt you or have an affect on you? ”

      Well, some of us are Muslims, and all of us care for and befriend Muslims, as we do all people in Australia. Those spreading misinformation and hatred towards people we care about to cause us harm by harming those who are important to us.

      It’s a bit of white privilege where you get to pretend racism and hatred doesn’t effect anyone, because you don’t personally have to experience it as the norm. Sadly, most people do not have your privilege.

      • As I have said before, you people had my petition removed after the admin on this blog asked you to report it. The admin had an opportunity to disprove what I said in my petition before asking you all to report it and have it removed. They didn’t prove me wrong about ANYTHING I said. That is because they know very well nothing I said was untrue. My petition was not “hate speech” it was the truth. You just hate to hear it. [CUT-AND-PASTE INCOHERENT RANT REMOVED]

        • It’s always interesting when right-wing bigots show up after all this time to defend themselves instead of taking the much more intelligent option of simply shutting up.

        • We find they are intellectually limited. It has taken almost a year for the penny to drop. That takes slowness to a new level.

          Then again they might be trolls, in which case we can just block their posts.

        • So it’s not up to you to prove anything you’ve written, it’s up for everyone else to disprove you, is that right?

          Fair enough, well I promise I will disprove everything you’ve written, as soon as you prove to me that you had nothing to do with the September 11 attacks, child abduction, and how about we say the Black Friday bushfires as well. Prove to me that you had nothing to do with any of these actions, and I will disprove anything you like.

          Or you could realise it’s impossible to prove a negative, and realise you need to provide evidence to support your own statements. Just a thought.

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