Andrew Laming’s Generalisations

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I wonder how the police feel about Andrew Laming’s attempt to further inflame this situation. He may be gagged and asked to retract this statement by Tony Abbott at some stage, but as things go here, it is now immortalised.

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11 thoughts on “Andrew Laming’s Generalisations

  1. Sorry Andy Pandy, ranting is not doing a day paid for by The Community including those in The Logan area that you put down. And Belinda looking at yourself in the mirror is not “many of us” especially when your kind especially your Leader Andy Pandy have proven you don’t know what thinking is.

  2. this is very strange. Tony Abbott has called for all conservative politicians to be silent in the lead up to the federal elections – unless there is something feel good to say – like Alfred E Neuman, the Mad Qld Premiers statement police and public servants will not be sacked this year. Laming might be a lemming when it comes to the next election and miss out on pre-selection

  3. Previous form (Alan Jones’ diatribe about Gillard’s father) suggests Abbott won’t take any action for 24 hours. He’ll need to see which way the winds of public opinion are blowing before his mind is made up for him. Meaning Laming and his lemmings will continue to apply petrol to the flames.

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