A Fag’s Right to Get Married?

(click image to enlarge)

Who would have thought? Overt Aussie patriotism coupled with homophobia. And outsmarted by an 8 year old:

“It’s not our choice who we fall in love with. It’s who we are.”

– Eve, 8.

But despite Eve’s wise words, and support of love over politics, Aiden heartily believes that she is somehow ‘burdened’ by ‘social dilemmas’ such as a ‘fag’s right to get married’. There are two people here, an eight year old girl, and a homophobe. One speaks about the power of love and equality, and one speaks about ‘fags’, ‘sick thoughts’ and ‘mental health’. So who is really burdened by social dilemmas? Hmm.

Aiden joins an exclusive club of homophobes who believe that homosexuality is a choice, and not instinctive. Yet fails to see how his love for females and not males was instinctive.

To quote a wise little girl: “If they love each other, they should be allowed to have a party to celebrate.”

Late Mail:

Well, it seems that once again, homophobia and racism/religious intolerance go hand in hand. Here’s Aiden again on the public blog ‘Slackbastard‘ being completely owned by @ndy:

83 thoughts on “A Fag’s Right to Get Married?

  1. Having gay parents has nothing to do with mental illness… Some people are screwed

    Thank-god the younger generation (Mine) are proudly learning the right way when they are young, so sick of old fashioned views.

  2. The choice between hating and accepting people for things they can’t control is not a “social dilemma”. Bigotry is not a “social dilemma”. Equality of rights is NOT a “social dilemma”.

    It is a choice. The choice between being a bigot and being a compassionate human. Eve made her choice early on and the bigots don’t like it.
    Too bad for them.

    This kind of acceptance and compassion…that is what Australia should be proud of. True Aussie pride!
    Let’s cheer for it.

  3. Speaking of Mental Heatlh, imagine how messed up a kid being raised by Aiden would be? I mean, here’s someone that’s willing to belittle an 8 year old and abuse them for not agreeing with what they believe, and do so in public. Then this vile child abuser has the gall to berate that child’s parents.

    Aiden is sick, just sick.

    8 year old may be a little naive to the ways of the world, but Aiden is clearly naive to the rights of this child. I hope other parents keep Aiden away from their children.

  4. I don’t think “love” of females would be a wise word to use with this dick. He would do other things with them, but “love” I think is way down the list.

  5. Yeah, what’s up with people showing tolerance towards each other – how sick! HEAVY SARCASM.

    Congrats Aiden, you fail at life.

  6. Pretty obvious who the adult is in that exchange. Pretty obvious who will probably eke out a sad and lonely existence while the rest of the world gets on with life.

    Oh and this maggot has form.

  7. who know how badly their mental health would be?

    irony overload, situation critical, prepare for cranial explosion……

  8. Eve is going to grow up to be a very mature and successful young lady in everything that she does and life wont get her down.
    While Aiden is probably a brickies labourer, not by choice, spending all his money on alcohol and cigarettes while still living with his mother. Yet he knows all about society and what is best for Australia.

  9. Agreed with everything so far, still, can you imagine how most Aussie conservatives would react to this image?

    Just suppose it was put up by Andrew Bolt or something, the paranoid rants about how our schools were now filled with PC brainwashing would flood in, and this picture would be taken as evidence schools don’t teach reading and writing anymore, and we’re social engineers, blah blah.

  10. Just more evidence that the schools are hotbeds of socialists & leftists & gov. funding to private schools needs to increase.

    The fact that an 8yr old is talking about gays, means she has been indoctrinated.

    Another reason why parents are now deserting the public system in droves.

    • She has been taught that it’s completely okay to love someone, regardless of their gender. At what age do you begin to indoctrinate YOUR children that it’s not okay?

    • Whoops… There we go. Let’s talk about those parents throwing their kids into the right-wing nonthink tanks. Bravo.

      Droves you say? Droves.

      Anyway Grant, considering this drawing shows greater literacy skills than most of the Bogans we host on here, I think the schools should be proud that this girl can both write well for her age, and not have her moral compass shoved up her arse.

      I mean, where else would a conservative twat hide that compass? The one place he’s most worried about.

  11. @Grant
    Why the bleeding hell do you right wingers have to assume that everyone who’s not a bigot has to be a socialist/left winger?

    Please list out the arguments you have against gay marriage. Why exactly should homosexuals not have precisely the same rights as others?

    • Huh? Obtaining rights?

      Please outline the reasons why straight people are allowed to get married (a right), and why homosexuals are not allowed.

      • High relationship failure rate.

        Decreased ( statistically- life expectancy).

        Will lead to the re writing of marriage act, creating leverage for other types of ‘relationships’ as has been seen in the Netherlands.

        Lead to the creation of children to enter families that lack female or alternatly a male parent.

        What about a childs rights?

        And of course Juliar will be slaughtered for embracing Bob Browns far left agendas 🙂

        • “High relationship failure rate.”

          Excuse me? Marriage in Australia currently operates at an approximately 50% failure rate.

          “Decreased ( statistically- life expectancy).”


          “Will lead to the re writing of marriage act, creating leverage for other types of ‘relationships’ as has been seen in the Netherlands.”

          Really? Examples?

          “Lead to the creation of children to enter families that lack female or alternatly a male parent.”

          Got evidence to suggest that this negatively affects a child’s development? What about children who are raised in single-parent families? Children of widows? Children of straight parents who are terrible role models anyway?

          “What about a childs rights?”

          A child’s rights are not impinged when brought up by same-sex parents. Citation needed from you on this one too.

          “And of course Juliar will be slaughtered for embracing Bob Browns far left agendas”

          Oh good – a parting crack at your least favourite politicians like anyone here gives a shit.

  12. She ‘s been taught about adult relationships that no child should be taught about.

    Too young. Totally inappropriate. You’re way out of line.

    You’ve gone too far with this one pal.

    You’re out of control.

    • Adult relationships? I remember crushing on a guy when I was in Year 3. That’s about 8 or 9 years old. Did I have any control over it? Nope.

  13. “Eve is going to grow up to be a very mature and successful young lady in everything that she does and life wont get her down.
    While Aiden is probably a brickies labourer, not by choice, spending all his money on alcohol and cigarettes while still living with his mother. Yet he knows all about society and what is best for Australia”

    Indulging in a little smug superiority stereotyping are we?

  14. It’s not a “preference”. Partners are chosen. Sexual positions are chosen. Sexuality is not chosen. You don’t just sit up one fine day and decide to become gay.

    No child is taught about marriage? Really? The girl was taught nothing about actual sexual relations. She was taught that two people in love ought to have a right to marry regardless of gender. She was taught that gays have the same rights as everyone else.

    What’s so “inappropriate” about that, pray? It’s not inappropriate unless you’re a Bible thumping idiot.

  15. That they should have equal rights is an opinion & I have a differing one.

    As Derryn said: that’s life.

    Anyone that opposes you is an idiot?

    • They’re Australian citizens. Therefore they have equal rights. That’s your constitution’s opinion. Your opinion doesn’t count if it goes against your constitution.
      Yes, you’re an idiot.

    • If you don’t like same sex marriage it is simple. Don’t have one.

      Hard to imagine anyone of either gender who’d want to hook up with you anyway. Women I know tell me that one HUGE turnoff for them is to find out a guy is a racist. You see women are smart – they know that anyone who hates people because of their skin colour or ethnic origin is likely to be an arsehole in all other aspects of their lives.

  16. Kids can’t be possibly be burdened with social dilemmas. They don’t know how to hate and discriminate. Older people teach kids about hate and bigotry.

  17. Granty that 8 year old had a more coherent argument than you.
    You cited the Netherlands for some reason where they have same-sex marriage, but lack the social implosion you think it would cause for some reason you fail utterly to elaborate on.

  18. I think that a place that the likes of Grant & Aiden need to visit is FCKH8.com
    I feel that what is said on the FCKH8 site will make their heads explode!

    Also I don’t understand how the equity between people to enjoy life, whether it be marriage or other ‘rights’ actually impacts on you individually (Grant/Aiden). When you can specifically offer me a justified and objective statement of impact, then I may actually listen to you seriously. Other than that, you can continue to sprout the ‘copy/paste’ rhetoric that has been sprouted by the ignorant, bigoted and uneducated. As this has been said so many times by bigger and better people than you, it’s now faded out beyond belief.

    I do believe that people should take 7.56 minutes and watch the following…
    “What’s morally wrong with Homosexuality?”


  19. Hello.

    As my blog is referenced above, I thought I’d add a few thoughts of my own.

    First, Eve sounds like a very sensible young girl, one obviously capable of writing a very sweet and charming letter.

    Secondly, if there’s any illness present in the above exchange, the pathology in this case almost certainly resides with Aiden. The fact that men and women love one another and choose to celebrate this love in marriage is not a social dilemma but a fact of life, one which Eve acknowledges but which Aiden, despite his apparent maturity, strenuously objects to.

    I pity the fool.

    Thirdly, Aiden does indeed have form, his homophobia and religious bigotry elsewhere being joined by an expressed commitment to White racial supremacy, anti-Semitism and elitist contempt for social equality. He is, in a word, a neo-Nazi, one whose political views find their fullest expression in the student fascism of ‘Nationalist Alternative’.


    • youd think they could have chosen a better name for their neo nazi group…’nationalist alternative’….was that really the best they could come up with?

    • Yeah well um, thanks for proving the point: you don’t choose to be a sexuality – you just are. You’re naturally inclined to be straight, and couldn’t possibly choose to be gay. Gay people are the opposite.

      • so why the fuck dont their choose to be strait? i meen rootin a bloke cant be fun not with all that good pussy around. let em anywezy. MEENZ THE MORE PUSSY 4 ME!!!

    • Brocky…

      How did you know you were straight? Was it just an instinct, just a carnal understanding that you were attracted to women? Or was it a conscious choice of preference? If it was a preference, wouldn’t it have been better to choose a male? You could watch footy, drink beer, laugh, burp, fart and generally do the blocky things. I am sure you have mates where you have a ‘bromance’ (A non-sexual relationship between two men) happening… I have a straight mate where we do all that and we have a ‘bromance’.

      That is how it is for GLBT individuals. It’s that instinct within. It’s not a choice or preference. The preference is with the partner you pursue. Like for heterosexuals it could be a preference for big breasts, long hair, blondes, brunettes, strong arms, muscular legs, etc…

      If you had taken the time and watched the video I posted in an earlier comment of mine you would understand where this non-aggressive reply is coming from. I would prefer not to argue or throw barbs at people that do not understand or question the sexuality of another, but to enlighten and educate them from a perspective of someone that has a different sexuality and life to their own.

      The only barrier to enlightenment and understanding is the unwillingness to listen to another perspective… And that is called ignorance.

      • It’s very simple Brocky… It’s not a choice… So you don’t get to choose to be straight or gay… it’s hard-wired into your system… Like you are straight and know it instinctively, I am gay.

        But I could say the same to you… why would you be straight when there are so many hot guys around that like guys… better bodies… more open… strong and muscular… smell great… look after their skin… and manage their personal grooming… and most of all… they have 24/7 access to the same equipment as you… so they know exactly how to work it to maximise the pleasure for their partner.

      • it always astounds me when people make the ‘why didnt they choose to be straight’ line. Not one gay friend has ever spoken of having a choice, some lament that it wasnt, not because they want to be straight but because if they had a choice they would never have chosen being gay in this society.. who chooses to be picked on? who chooses to be bashed? who chooses to be discriminated against? .. and over something as inane as a sexual preference?

        It breaks my heart to hear young people still struggling to explain that there is no choice to people that seem not to care enough to listen.

        The only way i can understand it is to consider my choice of height, clearly i had none.

  20. It is an inappropriate generalisation to assume Aiden is a labourer. He could be anyone, including- future leader of the Liberal Party.

    I remember the first week of primary school I was informed by fellow kids exactly what my mums poof mates did with each other.
    Formal acknowledgement of gay relationships will not change the base psychological make-up of children at all.
    Anyone that is slightly different such as minorities, nerds or that smelly kid, will be mocked & picked on.
    Outcasts are given a baptism of fire & face challenges that will define who they become, while the ‘popular’ crew peak in school & are destined for an average life fraught with disappointment.
    This is the way of the school yard.
    Grant, it is sad to see ‘adults’ with various forms of arrested development, still hanging onto school yard sensibilities.

  21. Grant,

    I’m one of those evil subversives you and Aiden seem to think are busy indoctrinating the masses. Would you rather I married your sister?

  22. Speaking of the ADL, I had a little run in with them this week. I found their Facebook pages (Tasmanian and Victorian ‘branches’) and joined. I then clicked on a link to make myself an administrator. Then, as administrator, deleted all the members and blocked them from rejoining. So if you ever read this, my dear ADL friends, sucked in.

  23. G’day Anti Bogan,
    How are ya my very red mate? Just wanted to sincerely thank you for taking the time and effort to do a full search of me and post some of the comments i have made on peoples blogs ( such as Slackbastards) and on Facebook. I appreciate the fact that you see me as a thorn in your side and now i am brimming with pride. I wish you all the success in your future endeavors as a keyboard commando.

    Sincerely yours

    Aiden Venedith

    • No problems. The thanks goes to you for being a complete fuck-up racist/homophobic/sexist douchebag. If it weren’t for embarrassments like you, we wouldn’t have this blog.

      So long you unAustralian fuck-bag.

  24. Oh Aiden…
    The blasé comment that you have made just goes to show that you are oblivious to the impact your statements can have on your life.

    Are you not aware that a certain person lost his job and several potential employment opportunities from sprouting such ignorant rhetoric on a public forum (check out older posts to discover the person and the impact in his own words)? In this day and age it’s a dangerous position to place yourself in when your potential employer or current employer could have a multi-cultural extended family, have a homosexual sibling/child or be homosexual themselves.

    To play so fast and loose with your life is a choice that you make… Unlike homosexuality which isn’t a choice!

    Enjoy the fallout from your choices in life.

  25. It just blows my mind when i hear stuff like this….

    I’m not talking about the idiot how posted the flame, i’m talking about the little girl!

    How awesome is she!

    We trying to raise our children to be as open minded, caring and compassionate as this little girl.

    Hopefully in a generation or two people like Aiden will not exist.

    • agree 100%

      I just wish it was sooner
      (not wishing death on anyone, just that they were able to open their minds and hearts and grow the hell up)

  26. “A child’s rights are not impinged when brought up by same-sex parents”

    I dispute this entirely.

    No? What? ; so a child has no right to both a Mum & a Dad?

    So you cite a few examples of single parent families,widows, bad hetero parents etc etc etc. Heard the saying two wrongs don’t make a right?

    And creating children to forfill gays needs for children overides a child’s rights?

    I don’t think so pal.

    Children’s rights overide yours.

    And there will be no gay marriage.

    “Excuse me? Marriage in Australia currently operates at an approximately 50% failure rate.”

    So why pray tell, if this is the case do you want gay marriage then?

    • Why does a child need to have a Mum and Dad? What about children with single parents? They have plenty of male and female role models in their lives.

      “And creating children to forfill gays needs for children overides a child’s rights?”

      Forfill? Did you mean ‘fulfill’? Having children is an instinctive need, not exclusively a ‘gay need’.

      “Children’s rights overide yours.”

      Fuck you Grant. Children have a right to be raised in a safe, happy household. If the household is not safe and happy, the child needs to be removed from it. Assuming that gay households are not safe and happy is a fucking outrage. Generalising arsehole.

      ““Excuse me? Marriage in Australia currently operates at an approximately 50% failure rate.”

      So why pray tell, if this is the case do you want gay marriage then?”

      This is not a REASON as to why gay marriage should be legislated. It is merely an ARGUMENT against the idea that straight marriages are so ‘natural’ and ‘God-intended’ and ‘perfect’ and ‘moral’.

  27. This is not a REASON as to why gay marriage should be legislated. It is merely an ARGUMENT against the idea that straight marriages are so ‘natural’ and ‘God-intended’ and ‘perfect’ and ‘moral’

    Based on this logic then, polygamous relationships are OK with you?

    How about a three way trick, with two females married to one male, or alternatively, two males with one female. Why stop there?, How about we legalise marriage to pets etc. soon we’ll have pedaephiles jumping on the rights bandwagon claiming their rights as well. So where will it end?

    The ideal situation for a child is with two parents male & female.

    Evidently you feel it is perfectly ok to indoctrinate 8 years olds with leftist gay propaganda, & I’ll bet the gay lobby will be pushing to have this prop. put into the schools. We all know this gay marriage push will lead to more & more concessions to be demanded by a vocal minority that happens to extend to less than 1% of the population. & the propaganda won’t end if gay marriage is legalised.

    This is only the start of it for you lot, not the finish.

    • Based on this logic then, polygamous relationships are OK with you?

      Not so good with logic, are you? Polygamous relationships aren’t unfairly legislated for straights and legislated against for gays.

      How about a three way trick, with two females married to one male, or alternatively, two males with one female.

      Fail again. Such marriages aren’t legal for straights and illegal for gays.

      Why stop there?, How about we legalise marriage to pets etc. soon we’ll have pedaephiles jumping on the rights bandwagon claiming their rights as well. So where will it end?

      Pets? Bestiality and pedophilia are illegal so marriage will be out of the question. It’s not illegal to be gay.

      The ideal situation for a child is with two parents male & female.

      Says you, with absolutely no reasoning other than it’s your opinion…

      Evidently you feel it is perfectly ok to indoctrinate 8 years olds with leftist gay propaganda, & I’ll bet the gay lobby will be pushing to have this prop. put into the schools. We all know this gay marriage push will lead to more & more concessions to be demanded by a vocal minority that happens to extend to less than 1% of the population. & the propaganda won’t end if gay marriage is legalised.

      This is only the start of it for you lot, not the finish.

      You’re a deadset dropkick. Children are taught that it’s okay to love people regardless of where they come from or what their sexual preference is.

      You still haven’t told us why being gay is wrong, nor have you told us why gays shouldn’t marry other than it being your opinion.

      • one would assume that if Grant didnt want to gay marry anyone then not gay marrying is the solution…exactly the same logic if he feels he doesnt need to marry a lady just dont.

        but no Grant has to get all fired up about illogical and illegal extremes.

        I dont care what you do in your bedroom Grant as long as its with a consenting adult, hang from the chandeliers while wrapped in the flag as your partner throws cream and jelly at you… be ridden like a pony with a bridle and saddle etc.. who cares? seriously no one cares at all

        so why do people get so fired up about gay/lesbian marriages? no one is forcing you to convert to their sexual orientation

        straight marriages wont suddenly fail because now there is gay marriage to ‘tempt them astray’

        this ‘wont somebody think of the children’ nonsense is such a cynical attempt to take some kind of ‘moral high ground’ there have been studies (which i am too tired to hunt up now) that show children of same sex parents do better at school, further the ‘must have 2 parents of opposite sex to be raised right’ is an affront to every single parent out there that has done it tough and sacrificed so that their children have the best opportunities possible.

        keep up the good work TAB’ers

    • Grant even by your (low) standards that argument was seven different kinds of retarded.
      Not only do you not seem to understand that growing numbers of countries have legalized gay marriage (some since the early 90’s) with no I’ll repercussions you also seem to imagine a link between homosexuality, pedophilia and bestiality. Somehow.
      Fruedian much?

    • Still waiting for your reasoning, Grant.

      It’s not against the law to be gay in Australia. And being gay is not a choice. Who, in their right mind, would CHOOSE to go against instinctive straight feelings in order to be discriminated against, abused and ridiculed?

      Being gay is not a crime. And if gay people were allowed to get married, it would NOT open the door for pedophiles and bestiality-lovers to get married to children and animals. It would NOT decrease the birth rate. It would NOT encourage more people to BECOME gay. It would NOT make ‘God’ or ‘Allah’ angry. It would NOT destroy the social fabric of this country. It would NOT prevent children from having both male and female role models in their lives. It would NOT mean that children grew up in loveless surroundings.

      You’ve got NO argument. And your racism goes hand in hand with your homophobia. It is people like YOU, Grant, that hate and hate and hate and think that you’re somehow on the moral high ground.

      • & being a pedophile is also not a choice, some would argue.

        But they are discriminated against are they not?

        As for role models, this is no substitute for the absence of either a father or mother.

        With the failure rate of marriages being 50% ( your stats), defacto fail rates worse again, and same sex relationships worse still, why do you want marriage? How is this good for vunerable children?

        • Being a pedophile is a choice? Are you mad? It’s a mental illness. Why would somebody CHOOSE to be a pedophile? You’re either sexually attracted to children or you’re not. Fuck you’re dumb.

          Where are your statistics regarding the failure rate of same-sex marriages?

      • Grant you moron pedophilia and bestiality involve either non human beings unable to give consent or children under the age of consent and unable to give consent.
        They are not comparisons to homosexuality.

  28. Any one that disagrees with extreme leftists is a hater, good one.

    Or whats the other one? Oh yeah, its ‘divisive ‘to disagree with leftists as well.

    Bad luck buster.

    “You still haven’t told us why being gay is wrong, nor have you told us why gays shouldn’t marry other than it being your opinion”

    All I’ve heard is your opinion so far.

    • ““You still haven’t told us why being gay is wrong, nor have you told us why gays shouldn’t marry other than it being your opinion”

      All I’ve heard is your opinion so far.”

      You’ve got nothing baby. Not only are you completely unable to offer a reason as to why gay marriage is wrong (other than your opinion), but you try putting the question onto us. There are many reasons as to why gays should be allowed to marry – one of which is the fact that it is completely legal to be involved in a gay relationship. You aren’t allowed to be in a relationship with a child or an animal (re: your braindead comparisons), hence why adults shouldn’t be able to marry children and/or animals.

      Stop being a complete fuck-up. Offer your argument or fuck right off. Racist, homophobic genital wart.

      • There’s one reason why it won’t happen pal.

        Juliar is already history. Her alliance with the left wing racists & extremists the Greens has sealed her fate, & that of the ALP. This is the equivalent of the Liberals governing with the help of One Nation.

        Mainstream Australia does not support it.

        Except for the ‘polls’ that were taken down at Newtown that is.

        Where is your expose of the racism in the Australian Greens?

        Legalise gay marriage & the routing will be a complete annihilation.

        “Fail again. Such marriages aren’t legal for straights and illegal for gays.”

        Such marriages are illegal for both ‘straights’ & gays.

        Fail again. Another epic fail.

    • believing there is nothing wrong with gay marriage isnt a right or left issue, Bishop’s poll showed HUGE support for it and you almost couldnt find a more liberal seat anywhere

      “All I’ve heard is your opinion so far.” <– hilarious when asked for Grants explanation this is the best he can come up with, pretty poor.

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