Racist T-Shirt Fail


The genius behind ‘Barbara and Betty Burqa’ are Michelle Alexander and Barbara Ausburn, aka Diane True Blue from the Australian Protectionist Party.

167 thoughts on “Racist T-Shirt Fail

  1. Speak English?

    I mean, did these guys not even pass primary school? No wonder they’re so angry, as god clearly made them life’s idiots.

  2. I recall Michelle Alexander being a burqa fetishist. Confused individual.

    My new T-Shirt: “Xenophobes don’t have anything to hide: say yes to illiteracy!”

  3. These guys can’t even properly spell their message on a t shirt :D… “Australian’s” ??!!??!? “Havent” !!??!?!?!??!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I’ve always wondered why these xenophobe types seem to be so wedded to foreign cowboy culture — fringed leather vest, bolo tie, cowboy shirt etc. Clearly she’s not bothered by the jangling inconsistency.

  5. Are you sure they created that image guys? I’m pretty sure it was a Newtown resident ( Sergio Redegalli ) who went on his own little anti-burqa campaign for a few years, and that these women have taken his concept (which he had not only painted on the side of his property as a “mural” [as he called it, equating it with the “I Have a Dream” mural] but also on every side of his car, in posters and local advertisment). The by-line of his “campaign” was “Australia has nothing to hide… Ban the Burqa”. I had a little facebook group going called “Say No to Sergio” that was trying to monitor the defeacment of the painting on his wall, how quickly he repainted it and spreading photoshopped posters to counter his message. He is also suspected of being the “Mad Midnight Mullah”, a name some locals have given to the person that vandalises legal and illegal grafitti walls with “Get a real Job”, “Get off the Dole” and “This is not Art” with oil and enamel based paints. There was a bit of a “street war” going on between Sergio and several graffers and locals until he changed his “mural” to a picture of a KKK member (yes, he equates the burqa and nijab with the KKK hood, believing no single person should be allowed to cover their face apparently, but has yet to develop an issue with full facial beards, go figure.)

    • You people are such fools.
      Yes I created the SAY NOT TO BURQA Mural is Newtown,
      Yes I have Australians have nothing to hide on my 4X4.
      Yes I stand against stupid people that damage other peoples art.
      Good to see that the Say No To The KKK made you think for 3 seconds(did it hurt?)

      You people love making up stories and better still love joining dots that are not real.
      I have no idea who the mad midnight mullah is, try asking some of your friends,

      You people have no idea WHY I created the mural, try asking one day,!

      • We know the dregs you hang around with. That tells us heaps.

        You should be ashamed of yourself – a man with talent and a position in the community prostituting yourself to the lowest of the low.

        Don’t blame us when the commissions stop flowing in.

        • All your friends would never be able to stop me from expressing myself or my art, Artists will never be stopped by the mad left or the mad Islamists or the world.
          The more you people keep being violent and damage other peoples art, and you keep stopping all forms of freedom of expression (apart from the ironic Nazi-style of veiws you have)

          The anti bogan site is fun to read, it shows how you people don’t try to think or ask questions, you just follow a well and tried Communist format.
          The day I painted the Mural was the day my good friend (who happens to be Gay) was threaten by Muslims to have his shop burnt down if he used Burqas in a fashion parade at the Enmore, he censored himself out of fear. You probibly think that is O.K. ……..
          For Artist it is not O.K. so if stupid dumb tribal males (it seems you would like to be one) would like to make the Artistic community stop, THINK AGAIN.
          P.S the silly line about work stopping. Get real.
          Leftards can not aford my work, and Muslims don’t buy nudes. Plus /what you may make in two years of work, I would make in one month. So try again.

          The person who runs this site is a school teacher that works in Strathfield, I think I will pay him a visit. wink wink. better to talk over a coffee.

        • “Plus /what you may make in two years of work, I would make in one month” but can you prove it, as just claiming it, is not evidence now is it Serigo?

        • Sorry to disappoint you Sergio but I am not a school teacher who works in Strathfield, nor is anyone else around here.

          Communism to all intents and purposes died in 1989. No Communists here either.

          And I have a Lempicka nude print in my bedroom. No religious fanatics here.

          Nessuno ti incontrarsi per un caffè. Detestiamo i tuoi amici fascisti.

        • It has been fun people, however I need to finish my art work now that is now dry, thanks for keeping me awake.
          Try reading Oriana Fallaci / THE RAGE & THE PRIDE,

        • An email sent to Sergio this morning had the following questions in it:

          Hi Sergio,

          A few questions.

          1. You say you created the burqa mural to ‘start a conversation’. However, that conversation had already been started. Agree or disagree?

          2. You say your inspiration for the piece was because an arty friend of yours was told not to criticise the burqa in his Mardi Gras float. Do you believe that since you painted your mural your friend has more chance of being allowed to criticise the burqa in his Mardi Gras float this year?

          3. Do you believe that the burqa should be banned and that those ever caught wearing it should be charged?

          4. Do you believe that burqas are used for the purposes of crime? If so, are you able to provide more than one or two instances of use in Australia?

          5. Do you believe that a ban on burqas would stop criminals utilising the garment if they planned on committing crime?

          6. It has been said that strip bars, fashion magazines and pornography objectify women. Do you believe that these forms of objectification deserve the same scrutiny as the burqa and niqab seeing as though all the women involved all have the choice to wear and not to wear?

          7. You say that your mural has the overwhelming support of the community in which you live. What evidence do you have to support this statement?

          8. You’ve coined the phrase ‘Australians have nothing to hide’. Can you think of any other examples of Australians hiding from society for a number of other reasons that are not culturally or religiously influenced?

          9. You’ve many times indicated that Muslims are not to be trusted and that they are dangerous. Do you think that your mural assists or inflames the situation? In other words, do you think your mural provokes more nutcase fundamentalist Islamists to despise our country and people? Or does it ease tensions and assist Muslims in coming to recognise that integration into Australian society is in their best interests?

          10. Prior to painting your mural, you were not well known in the art community. Do you foresee any opportunities for national recognition in the future?

          11. Your mural is your most well-known piece of art. Yet it is not representational of your other work. Does this mean that in order to gain a foothold into the art community you will need to continue to do more shocking, offensive art pieces?

          12. Some of the groups who have shown support for your mural have strong anti-immigration beliefs. Being a non-white migrant yourself, do you support the values that some of your followers have?

          13. Some of the groups who have shown support for your mural have strong Nazi and white supremacist beliefs. Same question above applies to this one.

          14. A quick glance at the tagwords ‘Muslim’, ‘Burqa’ and ‘Islam’ at our website reveals shocking racism and discrimination that you claim you are trying to rise above in your attempts to ‘start a conversation’. How do you distance yourself from these other views, and would you call yourself discriminatory?

          These questions will also be posted at our blog. It would be wonderful if you could address them.

        • But Serigo if you need help on choosing a paint brush for your art work, since you still haven’t answer my question because you don’t know about paint brushes such as different size paint brush, brand, the material was the brush made of, type such as round or flat.

          Try Art Supplies for brush information like Parkers Sydney fine art supplies or Oxford Art Supplies Pty Ltd

          Good luck and have fun looking!!!

      • Serigo try facing reality, if you can stand the pain.

        As racist rants that are against The Laws especially Hatred Laws are real, not made up.

        And just reading your own rants, telling us why you create the mural would be clearly based on BS.

        • Mate, if you think that what I say BS, thats your problem not mine. You may lie alot, but i have no reason to.
          You people use the word Racist to the point that it has become a joke. Hatred Law are very real, I am one of the people that helped create and supported the Gay movement of the 80’s, lived with my Aboriginal Friends in the N.T, so stop your bs! Cry babies like you make me ill, try thinking for yourself, not just follow the “in” thing of the 2010’s.
          The day you have lived in South Africa and China, travelled the World more than 4 times get back to me. (Will probably never happen.)
          I don’t need to prove myself to little boys, however if you would like to look at my passports please come over the the Studio. Don’t forget to bring your one as well so I can see how well travelled you are.
          Again i do not need to prove anything to you, but try opening your eyes and see that my studio is bigger than yours ( sorry you probably only rent).
          If you would like to talk, then talk, if you are only interested in your own penis size then go find someone that would give a damn.

        • Serigo don’t have to prove anything? Why is your many claims BS?

          But hey if you want to claim without proof, that is your problems not ours.

          If you want to claim something about someone without knowing the truth about that person, that is your problem not ours.


        • Yes I like to know why too he is interested in my penis size?

          And why is he interested in telling us where he claimed he travelled?

          Yes I got an education in travelling many many countries in different areas.

          But I feel the best education is life itself and how you act in it.

        • Best wishes in getting Serigo to answer the many questions put to him in a email.

          Because if he cannot answer my questions about brushes, even those he claim he knows the different a between a spray can and a paint brush.

          Then he would be hopeless at answering your many questions.

          Also I only found one link to him as a artist which was but many links against him for painting the graffiti.

          So does this say a lot about him as a artist?

        • Sorry Serigo, you are not my mate as you don’t do it for me.

          So find someone who is interested and would give a damn since you claim you have many friends.


        • I’d like to compare nipple sizes if that’s okay Sergio?

          Then we can compare electoral sizes.

          Then studio sizes.

          Then income sizes.

          Then passport sizes.

          Then we can look for paintbrushes.

          Methinks the ‘artiste’ doth focus on sizes too much… except when it comes to intellect. In this area he goes by the nom de plume ‘El Failo’ the astounding Fail Artist with the world’s largest collection of FAIL.

      • In claiming but not proven Serigo “have the support of the Marrickville community “10 to one” for doing the mural, is he saying he have no support from The Network Community for the “mural” painted on the side of his studio in Newtown?

        As Marrickville and Newtown are two different suburbs in Inner Sydney.

        • You will need to wait till the end of the year for the next Local council elections.
          Any time you would like to visit the studio so you and I can walk the streets and see who has more friends in the Newtown Marrickville area let me know. I am always very happen to prove a point and help educate people like you.

        • Serigo you claimed you “have the support of the Marrickville community “10 to one” for doing the mural” .

          Do you have support of The Newtown Community YES OR NO?

          So yes I always happy to prove a point and education to someone like you, you need evidence to your claims, which you haven’t provided.

          And what has travelling the world and comparing penis size got to do with a mural in a Sydney Inner Suburb with its nice coffee shops, cafes, theatres etc etc

        • Yes Serigo should prove a point, by proving how many “friends” would vote for him at the next Local Election in September?

        • All this talk of how cool, talented and well-travelled you are, not to mention how many friends you have and your political aspirations make you seem very pathetic. Guess what? I have a flying purple spaceship in the shape of a giraffe and i fly around helping people carry their shopping home.

          Don’t you love the crap people make up on the internet?

          Not to mention that right-wing, fascist views pretty much peg you as intolerant and prejudiced, no matter how many Indigenous or Gay people suffer through your presence.

      • Your are correct, I have used a paint brush not a spray can, do you know the difference?
        Why would anyone create a good quality Art work, knowing that the Far Left would come and vandalise it.
        Try thinking before you make a statement.

        • Serigo now no Googling thanks 🙂

          You used the paint brush, you should know straight away:

          What size paint brush, what brand, what was the material was the brush made of, what type round, flat?

        • Serigo if you really know the different you would know you would tell me the size of paint brush, what brand, what was the material was the brush made of and what type such as round and flat etc etc.

          But you haven’t, proving one thing your nonsense about knowing and doing things is false.

        • if Serigo did in fact know the different and have in fact used a paint brush he would tell us straight away without using Google.

          The size of paint brush, what brand, what was the material was the brush made of, what type such as round or flat.

          But he didn’t.

          Oh well!!!!

        • My “burqa nonsense”?

          Nah I was asking YOU Serigo.

          If you know the different and used a paint brush, you should know straight away:

          What size paint brush, what brand, what was the material was the brush made of, what type round or flat.

          But if you don’t know I understand, in that artists who work in different areas of art wouldn’t know what and how to use equipment or material other artists uses, unless they are educated and trained in different art areas be drawing, painting,Sculpture etc etc

        • Sorry Mindmadeup in asking “My “burqa nonsense”? I thought Serigo wrote it.

          See Serigo I was man enough to say sorry.

          Are you man enough to say S O R R Y for your false claims especially regarding the paint brush??? 😉

        • Why would anyone create a good quality Art work especially in glass and waste his life doing a mural like this Newtown?

        • Sorry Serigo I cannot show you photos of the different between a spray can and a paint brush.

          As with paint brushes there are different sizes and types.

    • Claimed to have support of his “mural” in another suburb to where he painted his “mural”.

      What scare of the response, he would get if he asked The Newtown Community where he actually painted the “mural” what they think of it?

  6. On Another Note, my Mum sells “Fuck Off Racists” t-shirts on redbubble, so atleast some anti-bogan versions are filtering into the public sphere…


      • No it’s not racist to be against Islam. It is prejudiced, ignorant and bigoted, but nto racist. The racist comes when the same organisations who hate Muslims, also hate anyone else who isn’t white (APP, ADL, EDL, AFP-you name ’em, they got racists, Nazis, and other lowlifes working with and running ’em).

        Margaret, have you ever met a real life Muslim? Also tell us whether you accept moderate muslims, or do you consider all “radicals” without actually knowing them?

        And naturally, if you’re against people “hiding under cloth” you’ll join me in objecting to APP and anti-burqa protesters going into women’s toilets, hiding under cloth to do so. Right?

        Also, please tell me exact how Islam, a diverse religion of millions is a cult, rather than a religon?

      • We are against radical fuckwits too Grandma. Radical fuckwits include Islamic fundamentalists and it also includes far-right racist neanderthals like yourself.

        What a disgrace you are.

  7. The t-shirt in question doesn’t mention race so it is immature and childish to label the t-shirt “racist”. Bankrupt socialists can’t debate or win an argument so they resort to cyber bullying and intimidation.

    If you are a real man why don’t you publicly debate APP members in a public forum? I would be more than happy to organise a public debate on matters of race, culture and politics.

    Do you have the balls to take the challenge?

    • The t-shirt in question doesn’t mention race so it is immature and childish to label the t-shirt “racist”.

      It is bigoted. And it exhibits poor grammar. Like so many of your followers.

      If you are a real man why don’t you publicly debate APP members in a public forum?

      Sorry Nicky I know you prefer blokes, but I’m a woman. And we don’t debate Fascists. Our parents and grandparents shot them.

      Do you have the balls to take the challenge?

      You’re the second APP fan we have had on tonight obsessed with people’s genitalia. What is it with you lot?

      • Nick how long has The APP been going in Sydney and in that time, have you organise a public debate on matters of race, culture and politics? Or is this the first time you want the APP to setup for The APP a public debate?

        But have you seen how many turned up at other APP events like a rally?

    • Nick, I have tried to debate with you on many public online forums. Your response is usually”

      1) Ignore anyone who disagrees with you
      2) Insult anyone who disagrees with you
      3) Come up with completely weird insults in the hope that someone will stop questioning you and run off in fear
      4) Delete comments and questions that you oppose
      5) Try and block the opposing view.

      If you are happy for a public debate, why do you do the above actions whenever anyone tries to debate you online?

    • Nick this a public forum, if you would be more than happy to organise a public debate on matters of race, culture and politics.

      Then why won’t you answer mine and other people questions in here, a public forum?

    • If someone was man enough and have balls, then I guess they would debate others in here, a public forum, but why are they keeping quiet?

    • Nick aren’t you and APP against those who disrespect The Australian Flag?

      So why are you keeping quiet on one of your own members, disrespecting the Australian Flag by wearing it as a hat (photo above) and other people with similar way of thinking wearing it as undies,using it as beach towels, beer holder etc etc?

    • Nick why do you, The APP and Robert Hunt shamed themselves in public by coming up with claims without proof?

      The latest Robert (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSMnQAMGwXY) doesn’t know how many violent crimes are committed by man wearing Burqa, but yet he claims it does happened.

      Hey don’t make claims, if you cannot provided proof.

  8. In not knowing straight away, what size paint brush, what brand, what was the material was the brush made of, what type round, flat.

    I guess this proves Serigo HAVE NOT USED a paint brush ever.

  9. Some say they want to Ban The Burqa as they claim without evidence women are forced to wear it.

    But wanting to ban women from wearing it, aren’t you forcing them not to wear it?

    In other words, forcing someone not to wear something, you claim without evidence they are forced to wear.


    Hey about we banned the wearing of sun glasses and flags used as hats?

  10. Serigo wanted others to ask why he done the mural.

    But since he LOVES to duck and weave, when others ask him questions, others ask him to back up his claims with evidence etc

    I guess the reason Serigo done the mural (or someone else it, as he doesn’t know about brushes) is he think it well be publicity for his struggling glass artist business.

    But I guess from what I see, the publicity well come back and bite him HARD!!!! LOL

  11. If Serigo thinks “Australians have nothing to hide” then I guess him, Nick, Robert and others who are against The Burqa especially other APP members.

    Should take off their clothing as we don’t know what they are hiding under their clothing?

  12. Hahahaha! @ Nicholas Folkes wanting to debate. As JM stated, all the prick does is delete, insult, block or ban anyone who disagrees with him and seems to have a hard time answering simple questions, like how many mongrels turned up at their recent fail rally.

    @ Sergio. Why is it that you drive a 90something Nissan shitbox when you claim you’re a millionaire?

    Also, this sounds like a threat from Sergio: (The person who runs this site is a school teacher that works in Strathfield, I think I will pay him a visit. wink wink. better to talk over a coffee)

    Hey Sergio! Who was that classy fellow with the blond mullet driving the electric blue piece of shit at your last failed rally?

  13. Woah, I did not expect Sergio himself to come out swinging the mighty warhammer that is more commonly known as the humble keyboard. Your “mural” has absolutely no artistic integrity what-so-ever, it looks to be the efforts of a paid sign-writer, honestly, working from a hasty scribble. The conversation you started in the Newtown community had almost nothing to do with burqas, and was almost exclusively about whether or not such bigoted displays should be allowed in the public domain. Equating it with the ‘I Have a Dream’ mural was quite frankly not only offensive but indicative of how long you seriously thought about the subject matter. I’d guess less than the aforementioned 3 seconds that you seem to think were so taxing for me. Oh noes!!! My mental fortitude is so under-supported I might literally lose my grip on what little sense I can make of this confusing world at being presented with another amateur effort from a self-appointed “spokesperson” on a personal “crusade”!!!

    • Are you people for real? I have never met a bigger group of silly thinkers in all my life.

      Firstly people do have jobs so being connected to this site is low on the list of must do’s.

      I will be very happy to talk and debate the issues of Full Face Coverings with you, however alot of your comments are just coming out rude, long winded and plain silly.

      The list you sent a few days ago looks interesting, the set-up questions are a bit stupid, do you normally get people to fall into such basic traps? I am still trying to work out what type of people you are or even how educated and well read any of you are. Nevertheless, some of you are, but some of the other people are just not constructive.

      Lets all work from the reality that as Australians, we have more in common than not.
      – I personally support your right to have this blog and have your views, I do not support the concept of violence or intimidation that numerous people from the far left community are so quick to fall back to when someone has a differing opinion to them.
      -shaming individuals is very un Australian.
      -It is far more interesting to keep on topic and the bigger picture that affects the greater Australian community than not being able to get past the concept of “paint brush size”.
      -Being rude just for the fun of it gains nothing in our communication.
      -The debate will take time because I will be limited to how much time I can give the Anti Bogan, and some replies may not be straight away.
      -The Mural was never painted as a great art work, so stop trying to read anything in it other than it being a basic image that communicates an idea.
      You people know nothing about me, as some of the comments show and proving myself to you is not going to be part of this discussion.
      Basic words like Bigot, racist and Nazi are over used by your group as well as groups like the APP and others.
      Hopefully your site is not made up of the small vandalistic members of the Far Left in Newtown/ Marrickville, because they have proven themselves by their actions as fools.
      It would be great to aim for a public debate sometime in the next 6 months.



      • Why wait 6 months Serigo, why not now?

        Because why should others WAIT for you, because oh dear how much time you can give from your “job”.

        But you have proven in this public forum, when facing the truth especially that your claims are BS, bias or one sided and are “rude, long winded and plain silly”,you are not worthy of debate.

        So run away back to your “job” even those I considered being an artist, a calling which you should be proud of.

        PS I wouldn’t keep going on about brushes if you come out and prove you know something about brushes by answering my brush questions, but you didn’t proving you know nothing about brushes.

      • “You people know nothing about me” so is there is another Serigo who works as a artist in Glass and has a Studio in Newtown, where on the wall the “mural” is painted and you were involved in a debate that was Channel 7 News?

        • O’k I am dealing with children, you have my address,(nothing to hide) when you grow up come over for a coffee or a glass of milk,
          If there is someone @ this site that would like to debate the topic call me, you have my phone number.

        • No one from here will be meeting up with someone who associates with the people you do.

          You may be free for now of the taint of potential domestic terrorism but let us assure you some of your new associates are not.

        • Serigo yes there are those who like to debate the topic in here.

          But why are you not so keen to debate in public and to have people to come to your studio or to phone you Serigo?

          Want to SHOW OFF some of your art, you considered as a “job”?

        • Sergio you failed to answer any of the questions put to you via keyboard, why the hell would you be able to answer any questions in person? I personally couldn’t bear the thought of sitting anywhere near you and your unwashed ponytail, nor would I like to give up any of my social weekend activities.

          So answer at least SOME of the questions or you’ve proven that you’re nothing but a giant fail.

  14. When you are not man enough and don’t have the balls to publicly debate others in a public forum and cannot face the facts, keep quiet.

  15. Does Serigo not understand reality?

    There are people at this site that would like to debate the topic with him and Nick.

    But it is his problem if he want to debate with others that is not in the public arena, but at his studio and what he wants when he wants in 6 months time.

  16. Nic, Sergio, you seem to have missed the point of this post.

    Basically, if you’re going to be a white supremacist then for the sake of your own credibility do so with even a basic grasp of your native tongue. Otherwise, you’ll just make yourself (and everyone else who supports your cause) look like an inbred hick.

    • Once again you people are so off the truth, I personally have more different races in my family than I can keep up with.
      I just don’t understand all the bullshit and stories you people come up with,
      Even Nick has mixed children, so just stop being stupid and start talking without every second word being rude.
      Just reading some of the above comments, I never said to have a debate at the studio, I said come over for a coffee and a talk at the studio, From day one i have always said my door is open to anyone wanting to talk.
      The debtae needs to be in a well set up public space, with a ref that we both respect to chair.
      Then we get to talk things out like real Australians,”with nothing to hide”


      • And with many people reading comments and watching I can see why you don’t want to debate in a public forum Serigo?

        Also if you never said you wanted to debate at the “studio” then who wrote “debate the issues of Full Face Coverings with you” as I saw the word the debate in your own comments, pity you didn’t.

        And why should the debate be what you want, when you want?

        So I guess based on reading your own comments, you can see you are way off the truth and talking shit?

      • You talk about being open to discussion yet cannot answer questions put to you in a public forum, as you claim they are ‘traps’. But then you cannot explain how they are traps.

        What makes you think you’re going to be taken up on your offer of a cup of coffee when you can’t even stick to topic in an online forum?

        • WarriorTom, Newtown is a great place to live, it has been my home and Studio location for 30 years, The second hand book store is called Goulds, the old man has sadly passed over.

          To every one on this site, I will make it very simple, it takes time to discuss these very important issues with people, one line comments don’t fix anything, rudness does not fix anything,
          I just don’t have the time to be on every site every day, my studio has deadlines every day.

          As I said before, I find the question your(site) sent interesting, Someone made up the line that I would take 6 months, I never said that, I said it will take time.

        • sergio says:
          February 13, 2012 at 7:49 pm

          “It would be great to aim for a public debate sometime in the next 6 months”

          So now Serigo are you saying in the sometime in the next take 6 months means “well take time”?

      • So Sergio, you seem to be approaching this issue from a more rational angle than others so I’d like to put two questions to you.

        1. Do you believe that the production of t-shirts like these advances your cause or marginalises it?

        2. Do you believe that Michelle and Barbara’s presence gives your position more or less credibility?

        To get the ball rolling I’ll suggest to you that these t-shirts, Michelle and Barbara’s association with them and their poor grasp of the English language have a significant negative impact on your message and create a negative stereotype of people who oppose the Burqa.

        I’ll welcome your comments.


        • Hi Greg,
          Firstly I would like to say that I would not tell you what to do on the Anti Bogan site, I don’t tell other people what to do either in how they express themselves.
          The T-shirts, your site, my mural are all part of a very important topic and process, one problem that we all face is ‘how to communicate’ together, without people getting out of hand.
          The truth is that your site and the T-shirts are part of a very small group of people, The APP should not have an issue with you people expressing the ideas you have and the same goes for you.
          I am my own person, over the last 16 months I have met lots of great Australian, from both sides of the fence. I always try and find the common strength in all of us.
          -1st we all support freedom of expression.
          -2nd we all see Australia in a positive way, and understand how lucky we are.
          -3rd, Australians just live life in a happy way, and don’t go looking for trouble.

          This debate is very much like making art, you start with nothing, and you find all the different elements / materials, the idea starts coming out via the process. All of us are part of this process / you on the Centre Left, the APP on the centre Right and me in the centre.
          What people do is just part of the system we work under.
          The idea that the T-shirt is anything major is silly. My next art show that is name “Disrespect” is exploring the importance of freedom of expression over political censorship under the name of human rights and political correctness. A robust society is one that can self-critique its self, push all the button.

        • Hi Sergio,

          Thanks for your reply. I’d like to point out the my only involvement with this site is as a casual observer and occasional contributor to the comments section. In saying this I feel inclined to agree with you that the angst exhibited on this page can detract from the message, however, it is what it is.

          Having said this, I don’t feel like you’ve even attempted to address the questions put to you regarding whether t-shirts like the one above contribute positively or negatively to your side of the debate.

          Thanks again.

        • Hi Greg, The T-shirts are just not that important, they are poorly designed, they are political only.
          They are just part of the truth that there is a problem(both sides) that need to be talked about.

          People do what they can,it is better that people vent and scream than commit a stupid crime.
          While I like Black and White answer, we need to allow for the other colours in how people express themselves.
          I have gained more insight to our countries peoblems by reading the views from all these small sites.

        • Sergio, you’re right. There is a problem. How come you want to ‘start a conversation’ with an inflammatory mural, but won’t answer questions posed to you?

        • One other thing Sergio, you rightly make mention of “the importance of freedom of expression” yet your mural seeks to deny Muslim women the freedom to express themselves.

          Can you help me by explaining this apparent contradiction?


        • Hi Greg, sorry for taking so long getting back to you
          I understand your concept, however it is fundamentally wrong. Freedom of expression is one of our basic rights however as a society we work under the construct of social laws and legal laws.
          You and I follow these laws on a daily basis; one example is that we are not allowed to walk around ‘nude”. Some people may not like this law however it is one of our laws.
          I believe that our society needs to always be based on equality, giving any one group an exception will eat into our overall balance. Exception to some over others is a very dangerous game to play.
          Australia has one set of law for all Australian, not two.
          The rights of Australians not to be fearful of the unseen are real, and must be recognized, you personally may not see it as a problem but others do.
          This topic is far too complex to have on line, can I ask you, have you read the Koran and ,maybe parts of the Hadith?
          My phone number is 9557 5898.

        • MMU, now we have something in common, we both read real books.
          Yes I have read the Koran and most of the Hadiths, and you are correct not to read the on line ones.
          Do you believe in human law, and that people can rule over their own lives?

        • What, do you mean the law of the land? Of course, by and large, except that I believe where there is an unjust law it should be changed. That is the role of the courts and the Parliament in this country.

        • MMU, I will not play word games with o.k,
          Do you believe in man made laws, our system of law, our democratic system. Freedom of Expression, Gay rights, the right to create 3d art work, music?

        • Sergio, you’re right. There is a problem. How come you want to ‘start a conversation’ with an inflammatory mural, but won’t answer questions posed to you?

          If you want to communicate, address the questions. Then we can have discussions about your answers. Nobody needs to be threatened or sworn at really. But you started the conversation and we are joining it. Can’t you see that?

          Answer the questions.

        • “This debate is very much like making art, you start with nothing”

          Not much of a artist are you?

          As to get the material together, you need to start with something (not nothing) like a idea, like what art are you going to do and then for this you might get paint, clay, cloth, etc etc

  17. If Serigo doesn’t want to debate, but talk then who wrote “debate the issues of Full Face Coverings with you”?

    And if he wants to “talk” when he want? Is the public space, his Newtown Studio?

  18. What is so good about Serigo studio that he wants to “talk” there?

    Isn’t the cafe’s in Newtown where he lives and has his “studio” good enough for him?

    • I like Newtown. There’s that absolutely beaut secondhand bookshop on King Street… you know, that really huge one run by a really grumpy guy 🙂

    • Dear Realityahurts; Mate, when some invites you into there home, it is a sign of friendship, you seem to miss some very basic community ideas of living in Newtown,
      Nevertheless, most of the coffee shops are run by by friends, so supporting them is just fine.
      Let me know when you would like to have a coffee.

      • Serigo if you why are you so keen to invite me to invite to your studio now your home or maybe your home for a one on one?

        As you wanted a public debate so let me know when you are going to answer not only my but other people question in a public debate in a public forum?

        Hey you wanted a debate, you got it.

        • Serigo you wanted a public debate, you got it here.

          So if you cannot be bother debating here especially answering questions.

          Then don’t don’t bother replying at a time you decided.

          PS Why is Nick quiet?

      • So Serigo how many homes from people from different backgrounds have you invite to, to be able to claim inviting someone into your home is a sign of friendship, 1,2, many or none?

        (We still haven’t see you answer other people questions put to you especially mindmadeup, so well we see the other simple question answered?)

        PS Did I invite you to call me mate? No, I called you by your name and I like you to respect my wishes to call me realityhurts. Thanks

  19. “Forcing people to uncover their heads is as tyrannical as forcing them to cover, it should be the the citizens decision” – Mustafa Akyol journalist; faith vs tradition TED 2011

  20. Hi Sergio,

    A few questions.

    1. You say you created the burqa mural to ‘start a conversation’. However, that conversation had already been started. Agree or disagree?

    2. You say your inspiration for the piece was because an arty friend of yours was told not to criticise the burqa in his Mardi Gras float. Do you believe that since you painted your mural your friend has more chance of being allowed to criticise the burqa in his Mardi Gras float this year?

    3. Do you believe that the burqa should be banned and that those ever caught wearing it should be charged?

    4. Do you believe that burqas are used for the purposes of crime? If so, are you able to provide more than one or two instances of use in Australia?

    5. Do you believe that a ban on burqas would stop criminals utilising the garment if they planned on committing crime?

    6. It has been said that strip bars, fashion magazines and pornography objectify women. Do you believe that these forms of objectification deserve the same scrutiny as the burqa and niqab seeing as though all the women involved all have the choice to wear and not to wear?

    7. You say that your mural has the overwhelming support of the community in which you live. What evidence do you have to support this statement?

    8. You’ve coined the phrase ‘Australians have nothing to hide’. Can you think of any other examples of Australians hiding from society for a number of other reasons that are not culturally or religiously influenced?

    9. You’ve many times indicated that Muslims are not to be trusted and that they are dangerous. Do you think that your mural assists or inflames the situation? In other words, do you think your mural provokes more nutcase fundamentalist Islamists to despise our country and people? Or does it ease tensions and assist Muslims in coming to recognise that integration into Australian society is in their best interests?

    10. Prior to painting your mural, you were not well known in the art community. Do you foresee any opportunities for national recognition in the future?

    11. Your mural is your most well-known piece of art. Yet it is not representational of your other work. Does this mean that in order to gain a foothold into the art community you will need to continue to do more shocking, offensive art pieces?

    12. Some of the groups who have shown support for your mural have strong anti-immigration beliefs. Being a non-white migrant yourself, do you support the values that some of your followers have?

    13. Some of the groups who have shown support for your mural have strong Nazi and white supremacist beliefs. Same question above applies to this one.

    14. A quick glance at the tagwords ‘Muslim’, ‘Burqa’ and ‘Islam’ at our website reveals shocking racism and discrimination that you claim you are trying to rise above in your attempts to ‘start a conversation’. How do you distance yourself from these other views, and would you call yourself discriminatory?

    These questions will also be posted at our blog. It would be wonderful if you could address them.

  21. Serigo wanted a public debate, he got it in here.

    So why is he so keen to meet one on one in a place he wanted at a time he wanted?

    Is it because he doesn’t want others to see what he has to say or claim?

  22. So I guess there is another Serigo, who wanted to debate here in public, said it could take up to 6 months to meet up and they wanted to debate?

  23. Why is it Serigo cannot debate here with others that come up with more then one line comments, as he claim his studio has deadlines and where others doesn’t expect him to answer straight away.

    But he can take time out from his deadlines to “be great to aim for a public debate sometime in the next 6 months” to meet up?

    • In other words which is easier if you have deadlines?

      1) Debate in here when you can?


      2) Making a set time to meet up with someone?

      • Enough already Serigo.

        You don’t want to debate in here especially you refuses to answer questions and cannot face reality that you what you denied you said you actually did say, then reality it is a waste of time to meet up with sometime you.

        Good bye Serigo and enjoy your glass art that you get from something not nothing, an idea!!!

        • Reality Hurts, I think you are a coward, just stop talking and let the others on this site try and develope some level of communication.
          A person that is afraid to meet face to face and talk has no right to be called a citizen, maybe you should think about your fears and basic rudness that comes out of you in almost every comment.

        • I knew you would think I am a coward Serigo.

          But who was the one who was afraid to debate in here a public forum, was afraid to face reality and refuses to answer questions from others?

          Yes you Serigo.

          So you should think really hard does that make you a coward and have no right to be called a citizen?

          YES IT DOES!!!

        • “fears and basic rudness that comes out of you in almost every comment” I guess someone can time out from their deadlines to make false claims even those the truth is in the other person comments.

        • Serigo you think I am a coward?

          What ever you want to claim.

          As you, me and the others can see proof in both of our comments, of out both of us who refuses to debate in here a public forum, who refuses to answer questions and who denied they said something when their own comments proves they did in fact say it.

  24. “A person that is afraid to meet face to face and talk has no right to be called a citizen” so if this is what Serigo thinks and from where he dug it up from?

    Then does this means a person who is afraid to debate others in a public forum especially not answering that person question, has no right be called a citizen?

    • I wonder if he ever stops to think about how risky it would be to meet someone associated with people whom we know are capable of violence and harassment. These are the same people who want to shoot asylum seekers out of the water, deny benefits to newly arrived migrants or to people who are not white and who constantly vilify Aboriginal people.

      • Yes does he stop about how risky it would be to meet someone associated with people whom we know are capable of violence and harassment at a place he decides (His Studio and home) and a time he decides in the 6 months. TRAP?

        And I am wondering if he ever stops to thinks to realise reality, he wanted to debate in a public forum.

        So why does he want to meet up and not debate HERE?

        • Dear Mr Coward, if it makes you feel better we can meet and talk at the Newtown police station, they have drink machine or we could BYO.
          If you don’t think you could be safe there, I think you must be Bipolar.
          Have a good night sleep, please re think on the stupid comments you have made today.

        • Dear Mr Serigo.

          Unlike you I don’t need to call you a coward as your own rants, where you refuses to answer questions and refuses to debate in here, a public forum, is proof you are a coward.

          Now have a good night sleep and hope you can get help with your problems, which I think is Paranoid personality disorder.

          I am right?

          PS Stop thinking you know about something, when you have proven you know fuck all about it like Bipolar or brushes. LOL

        • Nice to see you now stooping to use mental illness a slur. So besides not having much time for muslims you also get off on denigrating those unfortunate enough to have been born with an illness such as bipolar affective disorder.

        • There is no stooping about his mental issue, I have said it clearly, His actions and the way he communicates is of a problem mind.
          I have been in the Art world a very long time, with many screwed up people, and even Anti Bogans can have problems. he just shows his better than others.
          How many people have you help in your life that have had mental problems?

        • If you really had any understanding of issues surrounding mental illness you would not be using it as a form of abuse. And as for how many have I helped? In my personal life I don’t walk away from friends and family with such. In a professional capacity? Hundreds. And I don’t use terms such as “bipolar” or “schizophrenic” or other such as terms of abuse.

  25. After being born in Italy and after more then 30 years in Australia, does Serigo had the right to call himself an Australian citizen?

    • As much right as any other post WW2 immigrant. I definitely don’t agree with Sergio’s beliefs but the waffle that Reality Hurts has put on this post defies logic. It gave me a headache!

        • Guess what Gama you and one other thinks my comments “are certainly not clear or concise and do seem a bit of a ramble!” and it is your problems if you think my comments based on facts on brushes are nothing but rants.

          Now you got anything useful to write on the subject like hear Sergio’s answers to mindmadeup’s questions without being distracted by brushes or are you going to brush what the subject is aside and rant on and on about something that was in the past and is finished?

  26. Yes Serigo when you don’t know anything about someone background, then yes you are stooping about what you claim about my Mental Issue.

    But your own comments has spoken clearly, that when you cannot face the truth that you haven’t provided evidence to your many claims or refuses to debate in here, a public forum.

    You are of a problem mind? And I wish you well to solve this problem.

  27. Serigo calling people with a Mental Health issue “screwed up people”, I guess he thinks one of the greatest artist Van Gough is screwed up? And how many of those in The Art World, stuck by Serigo with this rant?

  28. “There has been much debate over the years as to the source of van Gogh’s illness and its effect on his work. Over 150 psychiatrists have attempted to label its root, with some 30 different diagnoses.[145] Diagnoses include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, syphilis, poisoning from swallowed paints, temporal lobe epilepsy and acute intermittent porphyria. Any of these could have been the culprit and been aggravated by malnutrition, overwork, insomnia and consumption of alcohol, especially absinthe.”

      • All correct including “It is a form of disorder that makes the mind view a normal image in moving colour forms, ( mass colour full zones)”?

        And at least we agreed on thing, lead in the paint never helps either.


        So can we get to your “mural” and debate it in here, a public forum?

  29. So Serigo a Glass Artist from Newtown, if can work out what Van Gogh had, when over 150 psychiatrists have attempted to label its root.

    Then go for it. 🙂

    And you want to get personal and not DEBATE here a public forum, on The Burqa “mural” don’t bother replying.

    Thanks and best wishes on your Van Gogh Research.

  30. Oh Sergio, let me give you the 411:

    I have provided you with a set of questions – questions that to the person convinced of his ethical position should not be too difficult to address. And I don’t expect that once you answer them the conversation will have ended. In fact, by answering them, you will have continued the conversation that I started – in the same way that by me asking them I’ve continued a conversation that YOU started by painting a mural and making a T-shirt.

    In the time you’ve spent at this blog, you’ve literally written thousands of words, and spent a few hours. The ONE person you choose to engage with the most is a person you quite disrespectfully accuse of having a mental illness.

    And you think you’re clever because you put the responsibility of continuing this conversation on ME. You won’t answer questions here but you’ll provide your address and phone number as though we didn’t already have them. What a laugh! If I personally visit you or call you – I’ll just be asking you the same questions already posed to you here at the blog!

    Posters, commenters, authors and supporters of theantibogan take their anonymity very seriously. Why? Because while people on YOUR side bitch and moan about freedom of speech, they attack and stalk and defame and abuse people on OUR side who try and exercise that same idea of freedom of speech. I personally don’t feel safe enough to meet face to face or put a voice/phone number to my questions. I’m 5’4″ and you’ve got some very intimidating friends.

    So if you’re going to continue to hang around here, entertaining a person who you’re only going to disrespect because of an alleged mental illness – at least address the important questions that have respectfully been put forth to you by ME. I don’t care about brushes, I care about your position on the discrimination that you’ve been happy to push in the name of freedom.

  31. Thought you might like to take a quick look at the non-sense the Village Idiot of Newtown has made over the past few months:

    I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m pretty certain I could pick, at a reasonable distance, the difference between and male and female in burqa or niqab. To paraphrase Erin Brockovich “They’re called boobs Sergio”, and while you might be developing a nice set of man tits in your silver years, you haven’t the slightest hint of feminine curves (And yes, I’m sure you are going to make some half-thought out statement referring to women and men who, because of their thinness, may very well look quite similar in full-body coverings. But you are not one of these).

    And your intolerant, fear-mongering comments about people in full bodied garments being able to abduct children was truly sickening. Where is your self-righteous campaign to Ban the Van? Fucking Hypocrite. So tell me this Sergio, why exactly does an immigrant who has no wife, no sisters or daughters, feel he has the right to lecture women on what they can and can not do.

    Also, I have it on good authority that you paid for just about the entire “mural” to be painted, besides your obvious lack of technical and creative skill as a visual artist if what I’ve been told is correct then Fukt Stencil did the lettering and the rest is probably a piss poor effort by an amatuer sign writer.

    ‘Say No to Sergio – Resist Intolerance’

  32. Pingback: ‘Barbara and Betty Burqa’ condones arson on businesses and Mosques « My iCrusade Against Rightist Extremists

  33. Funk, these people have every thing they state so wrong they have become the NEW BOGANS of Sydney.
    They are just RUDE, pissed off Leftards, that need anger management.
    The truth and finding the truth is not this Bogan sites strength.

    [name redacted] and the other more talkative A.Bogans, it was good talking with you that night, hopefully you people are the real A.Bogans not like the fools above.

What do YOU think about this?