The Adam Goodes Saga Continues to Bring Out the Racist Morons

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#auspol #ausmedia #adamgoodes #racism

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“There are no brakes on the rape train.”

Lucy Walsh finds this funny enough to publish.

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90 thoughts on “The Adam Goodes Saga Continues to Bring Out the Racist Morons

    • What a piece of fucking shit. “Illegal crimes” this is what happens when the “dumb idiot” tries to use her big girl words. Needs to be killed with fire immediately.

  1. Did anyone notice how much this unpleasant blemish on society looks like Pauline Hanson, especially in her last pic? Sure hope Arnotts are proud to have one of their employees spouting such vile views on Facebook. Promoting both racism & rape, that should go down well with them, I don’t think.

    Imagine what she will teach her children. Can’t bear to think about that.

    Christian, don’t think her brain cells get much of a workout. She hasn’t realised that views expressed in FB can be seen by others even her employers. She’s an airhead of the lowest kind.

  2. She is around the same age as my daughter. I would be so ashamed of her if she was my daughter, but what I fear is that not only will she teach her children this same ignorant hatred, but that she also learned it from her mother.

    Educate yourself Lucy and break the cycle. This is a human being you are talking about. One with feelings and who has every right to exist in this world as you do. Perhaps after reading your comments, more so.

      • Good grief. The girl has restored her facebook account AND left the comment in public view. Pro-rape image is still there as a public post. The racist comment that she (obviously) refuses to apologise for is still there as a public post.
        Some people learn from their stupidity. Some don’t.
        Lucy Walsh… you’re a fool.

        • For real? Now that is just plain stupid, her getting stood down (if true) obviously didn’t cut the mustard. nasty piece of work all round, so is the brother…

  3. Its amazing how some people feel like there actually achieving anything by posting this tripe.

    “”Yeah I showed that professional athlete my races superiority by calling him names!”” *Smug face*

    • My goodness that was an effort to wade through the bile and corrupted thinking. What an absolute reject of a discussion. I seriously would love to see here friends posts if she has been stood down pending a review of the comments lol

  4. Queensland. We just seem to dip and dive from ridiculous to vindictive regarding this stuff. These views were the majority view where I grew up and don’t seem to have altered one bit in the ensuing decades. Ignorant is probably the most generous description I could apply.

  5. “Orr yeer, me bruthers half aboriginal so i can say what i fucken want” -this is the attitude, has anyone else ever encountered this? Like her brother who, more than likely, just says that shit so him and the rest of his inbred family think they have some kind of impunity. Considering aboriginals make up barely any of the population how is it possible that most ‘illegal crimes’ are commited by them? I really hate facebook and twitter (i don’t use either) because for all of the great things these types of technologies can achieve, you still end up with shit like this, seriously, they have the internet which is basically the worlds largest library at their fingertips (if you look in the right places, obviously) and yet what do they do? “Nah i might spend six hours on facies puttin aussie flags on me background join sum anti citizens day group complain about refugees and anyone else different in anyway whatsoever to me and if that aint enuff i’ll put it on me wall for the world to see along with pictures of me sixteen kids i had by the age of 17 too”, sorry, ranting.

    My point is; thanks to facebook and the morons mind we have this situation we see here today. I just wish people use the internet to learn about things rather than using facebook to be dumber than they clearly already are.

  6. What an ugly person, I’m not talking about her physical appearance either. She’s a classic bully, all the topics she aspouses her vile views on are the exact things that she would worry about being criticised for. I’d imagine she wouldn’t do anything kind for a down in the mouth person as it appears to be a sign of weakness in her social schema and an invitation to being abused. I can only think that she was reared in a terribly disfunctional home.

  7. A very nice email I got from Arnotts after I reported this person and gave them this link…

    Dear Sir/Madam

    Thank you for alerting us to this issue.

    Campbell Arnott’s prides itself on fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion, where every employee feels valued for who they are, every day. To that end, we have a dedicated Diversity and Inclusion Officer who is responsible for developing and executing programs aimed at equipping our employees with the knowledge and tools they require to help build an inclusive workplace. As you would expect, we also have a company-wide policy that prohibits racial discrimination and vilification in the workplace.

    We share your contempt for the comments posted on the blog, linked to your email.

    For your information, this morning we stood down the person alleged to have made these comments while we undertake a thorough investigation.

    I hope you find this information helpful and thank you once again for bringing it to our attention

    Consumer Contact Centre Team Leader
    24 George Street | North Strathfield | NSW | 2137 | Australia

  8. As this person liked to brag about not being apologetic for her vile comments, I too am not apologetic in bringing it to the attention of Arnotts. I applaud them for acting swiftly against this person who unfortunately bought this company into the debate. I suggest we support Arnotts and but a packet or two of their biscuits next time your out shopping!

  9. The girl ain’t as bad as you make her out to be. Keep to yourselves instead of stalking people on the internet. With so much Foul shit happening on the internet you single out this pissy post on her own page? Pffffft where’s your head at? Get a fucken life you lot.

      • I don’t understand what thrill you can possibly get out of someone losing their job? It seems a little sick to be honest. All for putting it out there, but when you start celebrating the fact that you’ve made this woman’s life miserable…humans make me sick sometimes, doesn’t mean I’m going to email their employer.

        • It stands to reason that employing racists and bigots is a sure way your business will be negatively affected. Racists and bigots make for poor customer service, poor workplace harmony and a loss of productivity. Large companies like Campbells (the owner of the Arnotts brand) have EEO and OH&S policies in place which are supposed to ensure a harmonious and healthy workplace.

          Also the iconic brand reputation of Arnotts would be seriously affected by having it associated with racism.

    • Here we go, excuse spotto.
      ” you don’t know her” 1 point.
      ” that was taken outof context (sheik Hilaly defense) 5 pts.
      “I/she was under stress/pregnant/Intoxicated” 10 pts
      ” I/she had a past incident with a person of (insert origin/ethnicity) therefore I can’t be held accountable for my actions” 20 pts.
      ” I/she was Hacked” 50 pts
      ” it was faked” 100 PTS

  10. I cant believe you’re all cheering just cause you got a reply from her employer you lot are the biggest attention/internet trolls out. She didn’t hurt anyone you lot are the ones hurting lives here. Who’s the fucken real troll here huh? Fuck sake you lot give me the shits.

    • Yeah Jason. That’d be you that is Jason del toro Someshit on her friend list hey. The bogan that “liked” all of the comments her racist brother posted about accusing someone’s dead father being a child molester. Yeah like your opinion is worth more than a wet shit.

  11. You people are no better. Her initial post is in no way racist. Shes stating a fact. Goodes does look like an ape.
    You are all crucifying her, calling her names, LOL, one even called her a bully. And what you are all doing on here, running her down is perfectly OK is it?
    You are all pathetic

    • How is it a fact when it’s perception based?, I personally think that what has happened to this lady is hilarious and decent comeuppance. If you side with her I honestly doubt anyone on here who’ve ruled in favour of her punishment will worry about you calling them “pathetic”, remember you could star on here too one day!!!

    • Increasing? I don’t think so. I’d put it down to:

      “”Virtually everyone now can take photos or take video of these things actually happening, means that you can take these things further as we’ve seen in news clips of a certain instance actually occurring”

  12. My view is it is about respect for one another. Verbal abuse is never ok, however where does an incident stop?
    With a variety of social media, people will state their views on incidents and there will be a variety of views. Do we move on from the incident or do we draw it out and let the jokes start rolling in and keep it going?
    What about whites that are called “ya dog” or “give us a smoke” don’t smoke “ya white dog” “got any drugs?” no ” ya dumb pom cunt”

    This is real things that are said by aboriginals, but the difference is the public outrage or reaction. This is just walking down the street whereas the incident was on an AFL field. Where is the point of sensitivity? Is it different for different races? I think that is a really important question.
    Compare this incident to that of the young Asian man being verbally abused on the bus, we make more of a fuss out of this incident, but yet I hadn’t even heard of the bus incident.

  13. “My view is it is about respect for one another. Verbal abuse is never ok, however where does an incident stop?”

    When there is a proper resolution? Like an apology and acceptance that this behaviour and attitude is not acceptable?

    “With a variety of social media, people will state their views on incidents and there will be a variety of views.”

    Yes, then you break the law…

    “”Do we move on from the incident or do we draw it out and let the jokes start rolling in and keep it going?””

    They can keep all the racist jokes going all they want, just don’t act shocked if it is recorded and posted on here. The real lesson is not to do it.

    “”What about whites that are called “ya dog” or “give us a smoke” don’t smoke “ya white dog” “got any drugs?” no ” ya dumb pom cunt”””

    So you have evidence this happens on social media which this site can put up? Because I always see its brought up, yet never see it. Its not recorded or linked if at all.

    “”This is real things that are said by aboriginals, but the difference is the public outrage or reaction. This is just walking down the street whereas the incident was on an AFL field. Where is the point of sensitivity?””

    The point of sensitivity? How about the point of actually presenting evidence? If this happens record it! I don’t denie it does happen but always this talk of “”oh its happens, but I can’t prove it”” gets tiring.

    “”Is it different for different races? I think that is a really important question.””

    Here’s your answer, no it isn’t. The law applies to all of us.

    “”Compare this incident to that of the young Asian man being verbally abused on the bus, we make more of a fuss out of this incident, but yet I hadn’t even heard of the bus incident.””

    What does this have to do with that incident at all? We are talking about a young woman who goes on Facebook and posts racial comments, even admitting to it as well as refusing to even apologise for it!

    Face it, she made a very dumb decision.

    • Yes she may have made the wrong decision thinking that she could say whatever she wanted to say on her Facebook, how dare she, its not like lucy went on here and had a vent IT WAS HER OWN FACEBOOK page. no one has say a word about how it got on here, but come on we ain’t all prefect. And don’t crap to me that we haven’t done something that later we wish we didn’t do. Only difference is the non fun police didn’t catch u out. Yes she should have take it down when it got to the point of no return, I agree but come on is this going to hurt Adam Goodes football life NO, but you have ruined a very lovely girl’s life because she had a one dumb moment, should have just done what I did, read it and move on with life.

      • no one has say a word about how it got on here

        We get plenty of stuff sent to us by readers

        we ain’t all prefect

        You were probably booted out of school before you got to prefect.

        Only difference is the non fun police didn’t catch u out

        By the way we caught you out posting an insult under a different name. Comment was spammed and deleted.

        In any case being an anti-racist is to be admired. You don’t even have to be an activist. If you don’t make racist comments on public forums you will have nothing to worry about.

        The girl has ruined her own life.

        • Very true MMU & well said.

          It is strange that none of this woman’s supporters have said anything about the vile & vicious pro-rape “cartoon” she proudly posted on her PB page. There is absolutely no excuse for that & it cannot be excused by calling it a dumb momentary brain fart.

        • Sorry dude first time I have commented on here, sorry but u have the wrong person.

          now if you guys put all your hard work like u have with lucy, into world peace and third world countries, we may get somewhere and i will take my hat of to you all.

          But thanks for letting me have my say on here, cheers

        • We give you “your say” so wiser heads can pull you down.

          And just what are you doing for “world peace and Third World countries”? Supporting a racist?

      • That’s right, I am not responsible for my actions! People are being killed all over the world so it is alright for me to deal crystal meth, just like my hero, Walter White.

  14. How has this girls life been ruined? Her life has just started! She made some silly comments and it should be left at that. How dare you shoot her down like this.

    • Do you call promoting vicious rape & nasty racist comments only as just being silly? You sure have a strange mindset, one which is very suspect indeed.

  15. If I record abuse from an Aboriginal will this site publish it? There is plenty of films of aboriginals getting stuck into the abuse.

  16. I am hurt by your “redneck bogan apologist” comment. Thanks for that racist remark, I can’t help the colour of my neck.

  17. @Thomas -” I think that a lot of European Australians are traitors to their race, they should marry within their race, but the famous Ozzies marry out of their race which is a little upsetting.(To whom?)

    I think we need to tackle drinking and smoking and caffeine and sugar in the general community to give the people the health that they deserve.

    I don’t think that enough is done with enforcing the basics.”

    Just a few alterations to Thomas’s racist diatribe makes all the difference.

  18. I was right, Thomas is a known troll here. He’s using his mum’s computer to try and trick us. He has started his persevative rants so we have made him comfortable in our own version of Supermax.

    Now the grown-ups can continue their discussions.


  19. Well done to Arnotts for their response. And to those that complain that contacting employers is poor form, consider that when someone lists their employer their behaviour reflects on the brand. Imagine you owned a business and one of your employees made many hateful, abhorrent comments with your business name in the profile – How would that reflect on your brand and business image?

    Her profile is also completely open and public, so she certainly had no reasonable expectation of privacy.

    Does she deserve to be sacked? Yes. Her comments are entirely indefensible and just plain wrong.

  20. Oh this creature has friends going by it’s email

    Lucy Walsh

    Lol, you mean my employment that have me a three week paid vacation because of this? Don’t worry, I will be having the page removed. Ask the leader [xxxxx] about it. Gotta love having friends who can track IP addresses.

    • 1. She’s lying about Arnotts

      2. Yes we are pretty good at tracking IPs. For instance “Jason”

      IP Address:
      ISP: Vodafone Australia
      Region: Brisbane (AU)

      • The whole family are pretty big on this “I know your IP address” “I gave your email address to the police” “You better get a lawyer” “You’ll be getting served papers when you go to your ‘retail job’ on Tuesday” kinda bullshit.
        They don’t actually tell which laws have been broken but they’re certain that I’m going to gaol.

        • None of the admins of this site contact police about the scum we republish here. But we always say that our members are free to, especially if they feel threatened or discriminated against. If you are a Muslim and you read a comment from a jerk saying he’s planning on burning down your local mosque then you have every right to contact authorities.

          Can you tell me the problem with that?

  21. If you burn down a mosque there are a number of factors to consider. Firstly that is arson and against the law, secondly it could endanger anyone inside the building, there might be people staying at prayer late at night if such a time was chosen, thirdly there could be toxic fumes which could be dangerous to local residents and fourthly the probably have insurance and would just rebuild. Lastly it might ignite community tensions that would not have other wise boiled over.

  22. Hahaha, technology never fails does it! I can tell you that I am not in Sydney! Quite a few hours north actually!
    And even if I was, how does that change the fact that she didn’t get fired?

  23. Actually, google results in very little except a singer by the same name…unless of course you actually go past the first page…in which, there’s still nothing…until you hit page three.

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