378 thoughts on “Stickers

  1. Hey man
    I subscribed to your thing, When can you send me some of these stickers?
    I’ll take about 5 of each design.
    email me with details.

  2. A girl I know got a Southern Cross tattoo on her ankle. When I found out she was getting it, I was like, ‘Awesome! Now you’re going to have a bogan tramp stamp forever and can proudly show your children…’

  3. I have been proudly displaying my ‘True Blue is not a skin colour’ sticker for yonks, would love a couple of others!

    • We have some ‘Racism Is UnAustralian’ T-Shirts. Please subscribe to the blog first though. Click ‘Home’, and then you will see the subscribe button at the top right of the page.

  4. would love a few of these stickers to put around the place. Especially like “If you fear those you dont know… sticker.

  5. You should make one that says “Drinking to get drunk is like eating to get fat… except you might get laid”

    Getting drunk is fun. Racism’s a bit shit. But they’re pretty unrelated.

    Having said that I could definitely do with an anti-racism sticker or two. Thanks for doing them for free guys!

  6. Hi!!! Great stickers!
    May I please have a “Racist aussies have less culture than yoghurt” and “racism is unaustralian”?

  7. Hi, nice stickers. If you have any of these four left I would love some stickers for my friends and family:
    True Blue is not a skin colour
    I am, you are
    Racism is unAustralian

    And especially
    If you fear those you don’t know..

  8. Can I please have a t shirt designed in honour of moi. ‘Civil Libertarians Should be Shot with a ball of their own shit.’ What a great logo. Thanks Anti Bogan

  9. Heya A, I have been offline for a few months, we have joked about these stickers before…I’d love to put one on my car. – Subscription done. ty.

  10. would love to see a “fuck off we’re full of racists” sticker too although i dont know if too many racists would get it, look forward to getting the email and the free stickers for my work truck, to fight the hijacking of the southern cross and aussie pride crap

  11. Pingback: Tweets that mention Free Stuff « Fuck Off We're Full Of Racists -- Topsy.com

  12. Hey!
    Just wanted to say that stickers arrived today!! WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!
    Thanks so much! Can’t wait to stick ’em on!

    • Yep no problems. We will send them to Perth, free of charge. Just head to our ‘Home’ page, and click ‘subscribe’ at the top right of the page. As soon as you are a subscriber, you will be contacted via email.

  13. Awesome guys. I love my True Blue is not a skin colour sticker and living in NQ it gets quite a bit of notice and has caused raised blood pressure on occasion. I would love to ramp it up with a Racists have less culture than yoghurt or stop inbreeding support cultural diversity, that one would go down a treat 🙂

  14. These stickers are going to look great on my car. Can’t wait to pull up next to a bogan-bucket with the southern cross plastered all over it, lol. I pity them for their ignorance. Tolerating them for their ignorance is harder, but I try.

  15. I would like please –
    Racism is Unaustralian
    Advance Australia Fair (for those who’ve come….)
    Like fuck we’re full
    Thank you

  16. Brilliant I love these.. need some so badly!! fuck off we’re full is an untasteful epidemic where I live in the perth hills it makes me sick people are allowed to drive with them on thier cars

  17. What a refreshing change from the racist rants often found on Facebook etc. Great work, and will find ways to share your stickers around.

  18. Awesome blog! 🙂

    I’d appreciate bumper stickers please! Especially these two:
    True Blue is not a SkinColour
    I am you are.

    I want to put them on my govt work car. 😉

  19. Hi there. Just signed up – love the blog! Would really like the ‘Sorry’ and ‘Racism is UnAustralian’ if they’re still available.

    Keep up the good work, guys!

  20. Would you believe that someone ripped mine off the back of my car? It was the awesome “Racism is UnAUstralian: Ignore Bogans with Slogans” sticker. I was flabbergasted!

    So, I need some more!

  21. Pingback: Stickers! Need I say more? « blue milk

  22. I just moved to a rural area a year ago & I’m surrounded by bogans driving utes with “Australia: love it or leave it” stickers. Overheard some folks at the corner shop talking about her boyfriend getting into a fight with “darkies” the night before. Please, if you have any more to spare, I need help! It’s like living in a Monty Python skit gone wrong.

  23. Subscribed! i live around sydney, and my school’s having a “Show Your Support” civi day so i’m thinking of wearing one on my forehead 😉

  24. I’ve seen these for awhile, they’re fabulous and brilliant and beautiful. Thanks for making them, and even more thanks for giving them 🙂

  25. Can we specify which stickers we’d like or do you send a nice smorgasbord?? I love them all actually 😉 thank you, you rock!

  26. Great stickers. Have subbed.

    If possible:
    Racism is UnAustralian
    Racist Aussies have less culture than youghurt

    You sure you don’t want some monies for this?

  27. hi, i really like the stickers, they are funny but not too ‘in your face’! we got two cars, can we please get two of each? thanks
    ps just subscribed and set up forum settings

  28. Free sticker please! I love the one saying that displaying the southern cross doesn’t make you any more australian. Same goes for idiots with SC tattoos..

  29. Holy hell these slogans are tacky and poorly thought out. No wonder they’re free. You’d be dreaming to hope you could ever sell them. You’d expect people with the intelligence to see past bigotry to also value intelligent comments. These are not. They aren’t insightful, they’re just the antithesis to offensive and stupid racist bumper stickers.

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  31. Can I please have the following (in priority order):
    1. True Blue is Not a Skin Colour
    2. Racist Aussie has less culture then youghurt
    3. Racism is unAustralian.

    Thank you, and well done for the website!!

  32. Hi, I’d love the “Racism is Unaustralian”, “True blue is not a skin colour” and “sorry” stickers if possible!

  33. I’ve subscribed so can I please have some too?

    I’d love to have the whole set, or even extra ones to distribute at work… If I have to choose though, I’d go for:

    Open Minds Are Colour Blind

    True Blue Is Not A Skin Colour

    Like Fuck We’re Full

    Nationalism: Solidarity or Division

    Hope to hear from you by e-mail for my address details (don’t fancy posting them here).


  34. These are fantastic! It’s great to get the word out there.
    I especially love the “True Blue is not a skin colour”, “If you fear those you don’t know…”, “You and Me, members of the human race” and “Respect is a 2 way street”.
    Thanks so much!

  35. Hey would love the bumper stickers that say… displaying the southern cross will not make you more australian. and I dont do drugs, i already have a personality. My friend would also lovce this sticker, if i can get 2. that be awesome. ta

  36. Would love to get one of each of your stickers.

    Appreciate your efforts mate, you’re a legend, wish all Aussies were like you, hate racism.


  37. Hiya – have subscribed via the home page!

    If you’ve got any of the ‘racist aussies have less culture than yoghurt’ ones left, and the ‘if you fear those you don’t know…’ and also the ‘racism is unaustralian…’ ones, I’d love them.

    Thanks for the public service.

  38. Hi there! Great stickers!

    Can I have the “the southern cross: displaying it won’t make u more australian”, “Today tonight” and also “Racist Aussies have less culture than yoghurt” THANKS!

  39. hey, mad blog i subscribed. i hope you still have stickers! i think they’re all pretty cool… i like the yogurt one and the nationalism, solidarity or division? one.. awesome. 🙂

  40. Hi, Just subscribed.

    Please tell me how can I get
    10/15 “Racism is UnAustralian” and
    10/15 “Racism Divides” stickers?

    I am in Sydney and looking to get some stickers for all my friends.


  41. Best web idea I’ve seen in ages. ’bout time the bogans had some opposition
    True Blue, Today Tonight and If you respect me for me please. Thanks

  42. Hey!!! What a great idea!! I live in Bogan central on the Central Coast and would love to be able to drive the message around and cause mass confusion amongst the bogans! Oh the joy!!

  43. I love this site and its ideals.I thought I was the only antibogun around thank God there are others I was beginning to doubt humanity as a whole.

  44. Hi, Just subscribed today.

    Please send me following stickers.

    1. Racism is Unaustralian
    2. Racism divides…
    3. Respect me…
    4. True Blue…

    Great stuff. Thanks in advance.

  45. These stickers are a fantastic idea – good on you guys! I’d love to get some if I could, and I know my little sister will definitely want some for herself and her friends.

    Keep up the good work!

  46. Hi – I don’t want stickers, but well done on this site. PS. There’s plenty of good Aussie bogans that aren’t racist!

  47. I just subscribed to the blog, mainly because OMG I agree with so many of these.
    Where are the stickers sent to? as there was nowhere on the subscription page to put in an address.

  48. hi!
    i’d love some stickers – i’m in the US, but I do research on Australian asylum and smuggler policy. pretty please consider sending some to me?

  49. How cool, Love them all. Can I have a couple of each to hand around to all my socially conscious friends and family. Make people think even if they don’t agree.

  50. Sad that we need these, really. WOuld love to be in a world where the idea of racism is laughable to the majority. Or maybe it is, but it’s the minority that are the problem.
    Looking forward to the stickers.

  51. Love it guys well done- I would love to have a bunch in my hand bag and stick them over the bogan slogans that I see on bumpers.
    Stand up for our rights, and speak for those who don’t have a voice in Australia!!!1

  52. luv all these stickers cant choose just one. awesome site cant wait to drive around with these in u r face truths.great work guys & girls..thanks and please reply soon.

  53. Am not keen on the amount of mail I get to my email, and no sticker, free or not, and no matter how great a cause I think this is, is worth the barage of mail from this blog, so have unsubscribed. Not worth it.

    • Yet you have time enough to pop by and post your whinging diatribe. How horrible your life must be, to have to click delete a few times on a computer screen. Good riddance you big sook.

        • Self proposed? What kind a pompous fuckwit are you? Do you find the authors of theantibogan to be racist?
          Anti means against. Against means intolerant. We do not tolerate racism. And when racism tends to come from idiots who highlight examples of ethnic crime and label it black and white racism, then we do not tolerate idiots either.

  54. I so agree with matthew. So its a problem when people try to express an opinion
    You just showed me and many other people how immature and agressive you are. I’m actually shocked. I thought an anti-racism site would be tolerant, not aggressive

    • You turned up with nothing to say other than criticism. Criticism is promptly rejected. If you don’t like being subscribed, unsubscribe. If you publicly criticise the blog, we will publicly criticise you. Quit your whinging, or continue to justify our criticism of you.

    • I thought you were leaving. Anti racists are, by their very definition, intolerant. We do not tolerate racism. Furthermore, and on a more personal note, I am intolerant of dopey whingers who contribute nothing other than a parting criticism when the world of email becomes too much for them. Had you been an intelligent contributor to the forums and discussions regarding racism, you would have been sorely missed. But you were nowhere to be seen until your whimpering departure – which we’re still waiting to be finalised.

  55. LOL you just bury yourself deeper. I did contribute, yesterday, and it was all PLUR, but now looking at your rambling, I’m so glad to have seen the real side of you, as someone who cannot tolerate difference of opinion, can in no way be an anti-racist. Tell me really, who is it you really hate that has made you such an angry bitter person.

    • You made no comments, you asked for a free sticker. And by your own admission, you’ve been here for one day. And this is how long it has taken for you to get fed up with your subscription because of the weight of all the emails. There are 300+ people who find the amount of emails tolerable – and if any of them have left, they haven’t left with a parting criticism of something minor and petty.

      Mate, if you’re going to rock up and try to take advantage of free stuff, and then publicly criticise us because we can’t control how your inbox filters – who is the angry moron? You or me?

      I’m only angry and bitter in here. And you only need to take a walk through the archives to figure out why. But when freeloaders rock up and then open fire because of *sob* too many emails, then cry me a river, have a cup of concrete and harden the fuck up. Disappear, before you are coerced.

  56. haha swearing at anyone who doesn’t think your way, you really have shown yourself. all it took was a few rebuttles and you gradually became more aggressive. All in the public for everyone to see.

    • I never denied being an angry young man! I swear all the time. I generally save my energy for real fuckwits, not confused people like yourself, who mean well but just can’t articulate their thoughts that well.

  57. I’m sorry. I’ll go now. I can see the error of my ways. Oops! I’ll filter my inbox too so I can avoid any more silly outbursts! How embarrassing..


    • Hi Alex, we removed your address from the public forum. 😉

      As soon as you’ve subscribed via the ‘Home’ page, we will get around to sending you a personal email. You reply to that email with your address. As yet, you haven’t subscribed to the ‘Home’ page.

  58. like the stickers, would sure like a few if i could and how do i go about getting some? they are all great. keep up the good work

  59. awesome ! nothing better than riping on racist bogans… and with a bumper sticker you know there going to read 😀 love the designs.

  60. I am interested in as many of these stickers that are available. These are a great idea. I will distribute them to my family members

  61. Love the concept. I would be happy with any of these:

    I am you are
    Racism divides, together we are stronger
    Advance Australia Fair
    Ignorance: We can’t ignore it
    Celebration not assimilation

    Thank you!

  62. Hi ~ I would like three of the “Respect is a 2 way street” free stickers, please. I would really love to get them all, as they are all very good!!
    Thank you.

  63. Awesome. We are so not full it’s not funny. Plus the population debate is just stupid when you consider it from a global perspective. We have the money, the resources the EVERYTHING so much more than other countries to cope with all that’s coming. We just don’t want to share. PS Can I have some stickers??

      • It’s a regular meeting of long-time friends (often, past colleagues & partners) interested in a range of topics from renewable energy to electric cars & convergent technologies of all descriptions).

        In past, we campaigned (behind the scenes) for changes like wheelchair-friendly buses (in Adelaide), humane treatment of asylum seekers (eg, let ’em live & work in the Community, as NZ did for theirs, from the start), etc.

        Oh, since my first post, we had a meeting & it looks like 3 – 5 of each would be welcomed by people, some of whom have actually had some (other) stickers spray-painted, in past… :-/

        Please post an eMail address, so we can send our postal address, more privately, thanks. 🙂

      • ‘ever thought of making a spin-off to a sticker that we see around SA – with an Aussie flag waving to one side:

        “AU – Love it
        or LEAVE IT!”


        “AU – Love it
        or IMPROVE it!”

        You can send us -heaps- of those! 🙂


  64. I would love some of these stickers if available, but especially the first one:
    racism is unAustralian: ignore bogans with slogans
    advance Australia fair: for those…
    ignorance: we can’t ignore it
    stop inbreeding
    if you fear those you don’t know…
    racist Aussies have less culture…

    thank you very much. M

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  66. These are great ,,,waiting to hear from you on how to get some ,,,,will be letting my friends know about your site cheers S

  67. Hey

    Just wondering If I can poach one of these sticker designs and use it as the profile photo for a facebook group I started called “I am Australian and I would rather Immigrants living here then racists” (see website link).


  68. You do realise that many immigrants and immigrating cultures are inherently racist, right?

    You don’t honestly believe that its only boguns that are racist?

  69. The last sticker “Stop Inbreeding – Support Cultural Diversity” is rather unfortunate given the high rate of inbreeding amongst certain recent immigrant groups.

  70. I’d also love to buy some stickers – would you be kind enough as to send me an email telling me how I can do so? There’s a real need for them in the northern suburbs of Perth! Thank you!

  71. I dislike the sticker that says you’re not anymore Australian if you show off the Southern Cross. I think it’s a little bias. My cousin has it on his arm and to be honest I have half a mind to get it done aswell.

    It’s not like I’m saying that yes it does infact make you more Australian, it’s just that I’d hate to have a website as influential as this stereotype anyone with an Aussie Flag or Southern Cross Tattoo/Sticker/Whatever as a Bogan or too much of a try-hard…

    • ‘You’re not ANY MORE Australian.’

      Not ‘You’re not Australian anymore.’

      Jeez… Seriously?

      If you wear a Southern Cross tattoo – it means you DON’T have more Australianness in you. It DOESN’T mean you are NO LONGER Australian.

      *smacks forehead*

      • Love the site but do know people with the southern cross who are not racist or sexist or homophobic but just ignorant.
        The anti bogan is a great idea esp revealing racism that is all over social networking sites. I can see why you don’t want to go down the education path – keyboard warriors will try to wind you up either way. I wouldn’t bother having a post board up though – they are just winding you up and wasting your time. Your choice though. I like the idea of ‘myth busters’ as well – in terms of showing why we are not ‘full’ – so people may come here to pick a fight and learn something instead. Wikileaks for example doesn’t have ‘comment sections’ – don’t bother wasting your time.

  72. heya,
    love the stickers guys !
    i’ve just come back into the country after 3 years in africa, i’m appaled at the social opinions within australia regarding multiculturalism, and i’m stoked to see you guys are making a stand !
    where can i get copies of these stickers?

  73. You know this page is really quite ironic. For all the claims of open mindedness, this page stinks of double standards and prejudiced comments. Ignoring the childish insults branded, it really just seems to be the polar opposite of the examples given, with the same vitriolic hatred and ignorance applied.

      • Nothing against the anti racism/anti homophobia side of the argument at all, but the implication that anyone who is ‘bogan’ is automatically a zenophobic/homophobic asshole is pretty weak. Not to mention that the author/s of this page go out of their way to imply anyone with an opposing point of view (and let’s not pretend the views of this page are anything but extremely liberal) is either uneducated/stupid or has some kind of mental deficit. But hey, bravo for taking the moral high ground and bullying anyone who you disagree with…

        • Lately we generally use the word coined by one of our supporters – “bogot” = bogan bigot

          Which encompasses anyone who is deliberately ignorant and intolerant.

          …anyone with an opposing point of view (and let’s not pretend the views of this page are anything but extremely liberal) is either uneducated/stupid or has some kind of mental deficit.

          How true!


        • Not what I asked. How exactly would you suggest a person react to racism?

          And it’s not “They’re a bogan therefore we assume they are racist/homophobic”-if anything it’s the other way around.

          Go through this site, look far and wide, and tell me where you think a person has featured here not for racist/sexist/homophobic language, but because instead they were a little bit classless.

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