Nutzis feel the warm tumescent surge of an oncoming election

Local Government elections will be held in NSW on the 8th September 2012. All sorts of strange and wondrous creatures have crawled out of the woodwork to put their hands up, including a motley collection of middle aged neo-Nazis attached to Jim Saleam’s Australia First playgroup. These dodgy characters will be flying the flag for a monocultural white Strayan Reich in the heavily multicultural and multi-ethnic Western and South Western Sydney regions. Way to go Jimmy!

Sadly the good burghers of Marrickville and Leichhardt wanting a Fascist tinge to their local Councils must content themselves with beige shirt boulevardiers Nick Folkes and Sergio Redegalli, well-known already to TAB regulars.

Nicky1Nicky 2

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We thought that inner West electors might like to revisit some of the greatest moments of their very own far right fearless kultural warriors. So here’s our very own tribute to Niqab n’ Serg…

Nick Folkes – winning hearts and minds

Nicky supports women – as long as they don’t wear much


Nicky’s immigration policy where he references disgraced academic Andrew Fraser


Nicky giving advice to the Brits on successful and hard-working Filipino-Australians

Nick on Filipinos

Nicky supports women’s rights

Nicky bra

Nicky on African immigrants

Nicky on Africans

Nicky supports teachers and education

Nicky supports education

Sergio Redegalli – formerly a respected glass artist, now Dean Martin to Nicky Folkes’s Jerry Lewis – (except not at all funny).

Sergio Redegalli

Here’s Sergio and Niqab playing dress-ups with a motley collection of women. Must have been a bit of a stoush at the make-up mirror.

The human centipede burqa-style

Sergio looks divine with the kohl around his eyes. Bet the lads from Channel 7 were excited.

Sergio stripped bare – “But Officer, it’s to protect my eyes against the desert sands blowing down Livingstone Road”

Sergio also takes a great interest in local public toilets and is likely to be encountered visiting the ladies’ loo clad modestly in his abbaya and niqab. And the kohl of course.


Refugee Week: The Highs and the Lowly Lows

Anti-Racism Memes

Six Bogans Wear Burqas to,um…prove a point”

Sergio Redegalli’s Chamber(pot) of Secrets

91 thoughts on “Nutzis feel the warm tumescent surge of an oncoming election

    • Not at all supporting BDS in any way shape or form.

      But apparently being on the same side of politics as a bunch of BDS protesters, as well as around 50% of the population, means to Grant that we’re all in this together!

      But belonging to the same party as people who call for them urder of children-that’s no tarnish to his reputation whatsoever.

      Grant, this is what you failed to answer the last time you were here:

      1. Campbell Newman is’nt going in to fundamentally change the public schools in Queensland, which is what you are slightly suggestign you think should happen, to rid the schools of “leftie propoganda and indoctrination”-he’s just cutting funding in favour of Catholic and private schools.

      So….it’s not the left wing indoctrination you have a problem with, it’s poor kids getting education? You’re supporting children going to schools that can’t afford enough teachers, buildings, or textbooks to properly educate the children?

      2. Is the APP going to officially state their plan to cut funding to public schools, and making the poor children suffer as a result?

      3. do you use Medicare? If you do-then you’re a hypocrite, hating Socialism except when it does good stuff for you. If you don’t, then why haven’t you answered this question despite being asked repeatedly.

      4. The government uses your tax dollars for anything-it’s socialist (Unless it’s the hospitals you use, or the schools you approve of).

      The Church use your donations for whatever they want-it’s not socialist (Even if they use it for the unemployed, migrants, or other people you have stated are bludgers demanding a hand out)?

      Is that right?

      5. Hey Grant, tell us about all your great Christian values you have developed with out ever going to Church. Please, I want to hear how the word of our Lord Jesus Christ has influenced your beliefs, ideals, and thoughts.

      I mean, in particular, tell me how you practise “Love one another as I have loved you”
      Also, tell me what the line “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than a rich man to enter heaven” means to you?

      6. “You disagree with people voting with their feet pal?”

      No. Do you? You seem to have a problem accepting many thinks supported by the majority of Australians (Gay marriage, free speech, the last election, multiculturalism, etc).

      7. Compared to someone whose parents never worked-now no matter what you think of about the parents, do you think the child should be condemned to a life of poverty? Do you honestly think that a child born in poverty, whose parents have no history of working have the exact some opportunity as one of Murdoch’s children?

      8. So let me get this straight, if you have one grandparent with the ancestry-that’s the only grandparent you have, that’s the oen who raised you, who taught you about life-you’re meant to deny that entire culture because Grant said so?

      Would you be accepting that with your children? Like, if they marry a Swede and move to Sweden, are you happy for the child of that union, to denty your existence, and never acknowledge your culture? Let me know, I’m eager to find out.

      9- So, the fact that Bolt’s articles was filled was mistakes, did not contain any additional reseach outside of a Google search-that’s okay with you?

      10. And most of all, how can you be for free speech when you want new organisations that disagree with you to be shut down as “leftie propoganda”, and support a party whose senior members support the murder of children who oppose them? How can free speech be free, if differing views are banned or punishable by death?

      11. Also, may I ask just when you last when to church? I only do so because I bet that you also like to go on about “Christian” values and all that

      12- So when Alan Jones recommended bikies go beat about Lebanese people-that’s not a crime-it’s the crime of Lebanese people to be there in the firstp lace?

      13-You have never ever ever taken responsibility for your own actions, have you Grant? You do whatever you like, and when it hurts oyu, you blame someone else. You are a child, screaming at the world that you broke all your toys, right?

      14-“there aren’t right wing unions? ”

      Name them. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

      15- So just to be clear-hacking into the phones of dead girls is okay with you, as long as you’re not a lefty?

      16- You really don’t have any other values, do you Grant? You can rape, murder, and steal to your heart’s content, but as long as you think they’re sufficiently conservative, you will always think they’re a top guy! More and more the APP is the party of “Do what you want, as long as you support us and hate brown people!”

      17- Incidentally, how exactly are churches organising schools right wing at all? After all, the kids at the school are receiving filty handouts-shouldn’t you be complaining that these schools reject all government supports, and make the kids pay full fee, like they should be earning?

      18 And the question can be repeated-if you object to all socialism, shouldn’t you be objecting to the entire notion of public schools, and government funding of schools? That, my dear Grant, is all coming in the form of handouts-somethign you object to absolutely.

      19- “All schools shouls be fully parent controlled.”

      Cool-so if a parent rapes his child, you think that should be taught as a good behaviour?

      20- Grant, think about what you’re saying. Suppose a parent believes that people called Grant are subhuman and should be exterminated-do you think that belief should be allowed in schools if the parents want it?

      21- “Sick leave LOL whats that?? I run a business”

      So….you don’t care abotu sick leave because, by owning your own business, you can have that whenever you want? So, for the majority of people who don’t have their own business, they shouldn’t be allowed to have the dirty socialist sick leave, and have to work even if they’ve had their arm cut off?

      22- Is this a policy the APP will take to the next election: “No sick leave, no free speech, we’ll probably kill your kid at soem point, and the only belief system allowed in schools will be our beliefs”

      23-So, let em get this straight, you oppose a government inquiry into a media source, as government intervention and limiting of free speech. But you do believe in shutting down news sources you object to. That seems to be a contradiction.

      24- Is it a case, Grant, that you only support free speech when it’s speech you agree with? So-in other words, you are agaisnt democracy and free speech-more a facist sort of sensibility? How exactly can free speech exist if all views that oppose yours shoulsd be shut down?

    • Do you show your face at rallies, Grant? Or are you being a bit of a hypocrite there…again?

      Nick does turn up in public, but don’t you notice it’s interesting he tones done his rhetoric when a microphone or a camera is on him? No more “Get rid of all non-whites-deport them!” instead it’s “Well, Australian culture must be primary” No more “All Muslims must be gotten rid of” instead its “We suport moderate Islam”. Why do you think he has to hide his true feelings? Is it because even he is afraid to actually support himself properly?

      • There wouldn’t be a politician that doesn’t tone down their rhetoric. LOL. ( In public).

        Lest the namby pamby media got hold of it.

        • Again, I repeat:
          Do you show your face at rallies, Grant? Or are you being a bit of a hypocrite there…again?

          “There wouldn’t be a politician that doesn’t tone down their rhetoric. LOL. ( In public).”

          True, but there’s a difference between saying “We are okay with people from other cultures” and “Deport all non-whites”-it’s a bit too faced isn’t it?

          And suppose he does get elected (HA!)-which face will he show as a council worker. The one you like, or the one that got him elected? Face it Grant, you and your beleifs are electoral poison!

      • You didn’t read these articles, did you Grant? I mean, if you did, you’d know that:

        1)-The first article only refers to Islamic divorces. It’s not a replacement for Australian divorce, and a marriage is still consistent by Australian law with an Islamic divorce. Anyone in Australia would still need a divorce through the Family Court to be recognised as divorced. Total effect to Australia as a whole= 0.

        2)- The second only requests sharia law. You can request anything you want, Grant. And again, only ofcuses on divorces, which do not replace Australian divorces, and inheritance discussions. That’s right, the terrible sharia is trying to get people talking about inheritance disputes. Shocking! Total effect to Australia as a whole = 0.

        3-Last article-also talking about only divorce. Even says this: “He hastens to add that no one is suggesting the draconian hudud punishment laws be added to the raft of sharia regulations used in Australia.”

        So….what’s this big bad boogeyman going to do next, Grant? Where’s the scary spectre that’s going to destroy all Australians, yet so far never effects any Australian outside of Muslim communities?

        In the examples you’ve given, there are NO laws being broken, replaced or ignored. There is no law stating that a divorced couple is forbidden about discussing the divorce with a religious leader. Nor is there a law against a family disputing a will talking to a religious leader. Do you want there to be one? How does that bode for your beliefs in free speech?

        Now we’ve answered all of your questions-answer some of mine-see on this page, of just answer this question:
        Did you actually read these articles before oyu posted them?

        • I am merely pointing out to Warrior Tom my friend that their are Muslims practising sharia law.

          And of course given half the chance they will seek further concessions.

          Your assertion that it does not affect other Australians is false. the below examples are sharia in action:

          1. There have already been honour killings here in Australia- committed by muslims. ( this costs the Aust. taxpayer)

          2. Just recently we have had a Muslim gaoled for producing a terror manual. plus numerous other gaolings for terrorist offences by other muslims.. costing hundreds of millions $ for police investigations, court time, then the cost of keeping them in prison.

          3. Halal compliance on foodstuffs. (sharia law.)

          4. Muslim non-integration – as mandated by the koran ( sharia law)

          5. Security arrangements at airports – the effect of sharia mandated jihad. Costing this country squillions.

          “In the examples you’ve given, there are NO laws being broken, replaced or ignored. There is no law stating that a divorced couple is forbidden about discussing the divorce with a religious leader. Nor is there a law against a family disputing a will talking to a religious leader. Do you want there to be one? How does that bode for your beliefs in free speech?”

          Evidently your quite happy for muslim women to be treated as second class citizens and also have legal apartheid & non integration are you? & of course none of these women were put under duress were they? This backs up my claim of Muslim non- integration.

          i state quite clearly, sharia in any of it’s forms has no place here.

        • Show us evidence that Muslim women as a whole are treated badly in Australia.

          Show us evidence that no non-Muslim women are treated badly in Australia.

          The problem is with certain men not with Islam.

        • I repeat Grant, did you actually read the articles before you posted them? It seems obvious that you didn’t. Do you read at all?

          “my friend that their are Muslims practising sharia law.

          And of course given half the chance they will seek further concessions.”

          I ask-where in the articles are Muslims breaking Australian law? I’m quite happy to have any religious law-as long as it does not replace or contravene Australian law. If you have a problem with that, will you be banning Rabbis from interpreting the Torah to make a decision for a family (Essentially what the articles you stated are doing, except with Muslims interpreting the Quran)? Will Catholic law similarly be banned?

          And of course, with Grant, it’s always “It’s not what they’re doing now (which is nothing), but what they will do in the future!)”
          Tell me Grant, is there any situation in which you will accept that your beliefs about Muslims are false? I mean, if I found all Muslims united to destroy the West, from the smallest child to the eldest senior, I would admit I am wrong. But it seems that to you, as well as most of the far right, that even every Muslim is born, lives, and dies without harming you in anyway, you’d be going to your death bed stating “They’ll hurt me any second now-just wait and see!” Is that right?

          “Your assertion that it does not affect other Australians is false. the below examples are sharia in action:”

          Just for the record, NONE of the actions that “effect” Australians, actually turn up in your articles of examples of Sharia law. None, not a single one. So, your articles do not actually support your own argument.

          “1. There have already been honour killings here in Australia- committed by muslims. ( this costs the Aust. taxpayer)”

          Pt 1-How is the honour killings part of Sharia law? Explain in your answer the exact Quranic quotes which support the honour killings?

          Pt 2-Are you saying that if an Australian non Muslim man kills his wife because he thinks she’s cheating on him (The non-Muslim “honour” killing) that isn’t going to cost Australia as much? Or is it a case that you don’t have a problem with men killing their partners, as long as they’re not Muslims? That woman who was kidnapped by her ex-partner in the NT-that’s an example of an attempted honour killing you support?

          What makes Muslim “honour killings” so much worse than Australian non Muslim “Honour killings”? Are they hapening anymore than any other type of murder in Australia? Is it a case that you think all men should be deported from Australia-that’s one surefire to reduce rapes and murders of women.

          Pt 3-Just to be clear-if a woman is murdered, and she’s a Muslims, you only care about the cost to the tax payer? You don’t care about murder at all if the victim is a Muslim?

          Pt 4-Where in any of the articles you presented that demonstrate “Sharia law” in practise, is honour killings mentioned?

          “2. Just recently we have had a Muslim gaoled for producing a terror manual. plus numerous other gaolings for terrorist offences by other muslims..”

          And where in the above articles is mentioned the use of sharia law to justify terrorist actions?
          Also, if you object to to Muslims costing you money through going to prison for threatening behaviours, do you also object to funding the prison stay of Non-muslims who send threats? Or is it, again, a case that you don’t mind someone sending death threats to whoever they want, as long as they’re not a Muslim while doing it?

          ” 3. Halal compliance on foodstuffs. (sharia law.)”

          How exactly is Halal food effecting you? Please, be exact, because I’ve yet to figure out how, unless perhaps if you’re a cow, this is something that directly effects you in anyway.

          Are you a cow?”

          “4. Muslim non-integration – as mandated by the koran ( sharia law)”

          Not mentioned in the articles either. In fact, the articles make it clear that they support Australian law and are not attempting to replace.

          Also Grant, when have you ever WANTED Muslims to integrate? You do realise that you are just as much a cause for Muslim non-integration, as anything the Quran says. It’s so much easier for a Muslims to believe “We should not integrate, we will never fit in” when we’ve got idiots like you saying “Muslims will never fit in, they will never belong”

          Let’s not complain about things we all know quite well you are happy about, okay?

          “5. Security arrangements at airports – the effect of sharia mandated jihad. Costing this country squillions.”

          But we’d have to have that anyway, whether or not we ever had Muslims in Australia, right? I mean, if there were never any Muslims in Australia, are you telling me Grant, that we’d not have any security in our airports at all, and you could just walk onto a plane like you would a bus?

          Also, where in the articles you mentioned is sharia approved terrorism mentioned?

          “Evidently your quite happy for muslim women to be treated as second class citizens and also have legal apartheid & non integration are you?”

          No. I’m not. I’m also not happy about women being seen as second class citizens in Catholocism, Judaism, Hinduism or Sikhism. I’m also objecting to the religious law in the Evangelical church, calling for those who leave the church to be treated as pariahs, and how the Church of Scientology orders no communication to be made between members and those who leave the Church.

          Thankfully, in each of these cases, all religious adherents have the Australian law, which treats them as equal. If a woman gets a divorce through the family court, but not the sharia courts, she may not be divorced in Islamic countries, but she is divorced in Australia. It is up to her whether she wishes to chase up a sharia divorce-she can chose to ignore the sharia court, and plan to never go to these countries that would consider her married.

          Now, I’m sure in some cases that she may feel a bit alienated if she chooses that option. But so have women been alienated in the Catholic church, Juewish faith, Hinduism, and the Church of Scientology. And I don’t see you complaining about any of them? Why not, Grant? Why is being subject to a religious law, secondary and subservient to Australian law, okay when it’s any other religion apart from Islam?

          And since when did you care about Muslim women? you’re the guy who was celebrating when Muslims, including women and children, died at sea, and just in the above post stated your only concern about Muslim women being killed is that the court process would cost you money through tax?

          ” & of course none of these women were put under duress were they?”

          I’m sure some were. And that’s terrible. However, duress is present in many religions in Australia, particularly Hillsong Church, the Church of Scientology, and Catholocism. Why aren’t you saying that we should have no more Hillsong, or Catholocism in Australia? Why does only Islam get the special treatment?

          Is it a case, again, that you don’t object to women being treated as a second class citizen, or being placed under duress, you only care when it somehow involves Islam?

          “This backs up my claim of Muslim non- integration.”

          Well, under the above justifications, it would also back up a claim of Jewish non-integration, Catholic non-integration, Evengalical Christian non-integration, Hindu non-integration, Scientology non-integration, etc.

          So, again, why only objecting to Muslim perceived “non-integration” when under this justification many other religions would demonstrate non-integration?

          I’ve asked you this many times, and you’ve always failed to answer, but Grant, do you actually have anything you believe is right or wrong, that isn’t qualified by “Unless you’re a conservative white Australian non muslim”. I mean, you don’t like people supporting the murder of children, unless they’re an APP member. You don’t approve of women being treated as second class citizens, unless it’s done by a Non-muslim group. You don’t approve of women being kiled by men for a warped sense of honour, but only if someone does it for Muslim reasons. Other sins-child stalking is wrong for Muslims, okay for APP Greg Deane; threats are wrong for Muslims, okay for APP members.

          Is there anything you can say, Grant, that you think is right or wrong, irrespective of the religious or the political views of the perpetrator or victims?

          Because I worry more and more that if the APP got into power (HA!), we’d have a government like Burma, where those linked to the government could do whatever they want, and those not linked to the Government have to live in perpetual terror of them.

  1. God I’m starting to get mighty tired of Nick and Sergio’s xenophobic and supremely uneducated “political” drivel. They couldn’t possibly be more wrong about the Muslim religion in this day and age, he’s mixing up Islam now with Islam during 500AD. But then again, in 500AD, every bloody religion or society had primitive laws and societal values compared to today.

    I just can’t stand racists/xenophobes/homo-phobics. They’re one of the few “things” (hardly humans) that upset me so much 😦

    • They couldn’t be more wrong?

      Are you saying that there have not been up to 18,000 Muslim terrorist attacks since 9-11?

      There is no mix up.

      • Grant, I may have asked you this before, but have you ever actually met a Muslim in real life? I mean, in a fair way, not going after them calling them terrorists then shouting “PROOF!” when they get a bit mad at you?

        I mean, hypothetically, if I were to tell you all Muslims spread sunshine wherever they walk, would you have any first hand evidence to dispute this?

        • U did ask me before, but as we know, u like to repeat yourself over & over.

          I have met Muslims & I know Muslims. Indeed, the APP has experienced first hand plenty of aggressive & violent Muslims. ( from the middle east where tempers are short, brains are small, & weddings are celebrated with gunfire.)

          They have contributed nothing to this country whatsoever.

          Nothing more than an economic parasite.

        • from the middle east where tempers are short, brains are small, & weddings are celebrated with gunfire.

          As distinct from Bogotopia, where tempers are short, brains are small, & weddings are between siblings?

        • “U did ask me before, but as we know, u like to repeat yourself over & over.”

          Because you never answer the questions Grant. Why is that? Do you wet yourself each time you see a question mark, or are you terrified of actually having to think, even if it’s just for a little bit?

          “I have met Muslims & I know Muslims. ”

          And how many told you “I’m going to take over Australia”? Ever had an experience outside of an APP rally where you were carrying a sign saying “Islam is evil”?

          “Indeed, the APP has experienced first hand plenty of aggressive & violent Muslims.”

          Yes, because they walk around trying to antagonise Muslims. If I went to your house with a sign saying “Grant is a paedo” it wouldn’t really be fair to blame you for getting angry.

          “They have contributed nothing to this country whatsoever.”

          Yeah-to hell to the new industries they, like all migrants bring. They,re nothing compared to the industry created by Grant. And to hell with my work colleagues, also Muslims, who work hard at their job to make the whole organisation succeed. Grant thinks that even when they’re working, they’re still not contributing anything.

          Do you ever stop to think that maybe this belief system doesn’t help things at all? If a new Muslim in Australia is told all the time that they’re a parasite, even when they’re working and not taking any government money-what’s the incentive to keep on working if they’re going to be seen as a leech, anyway?

          “Nothing more than an economic parasite.”

          Considering you hate welfare payments so much, Grant, will you be pushing for the APP to expell all members who are receiving any form of Socialist government paymetns (Including pensions, centrelink allowances, etc)? If not, why not? Surely they are just leeches as well?

          And just to repeat, have you ever met Muslims in a fair way: I mean, not going after them calling them terrorists then shouting “PROOF!” when they get a bit mad at you?


    A SYDNEY sheik killed by regime loyalists in war-torn Syria was known to police and the intelligence services because of his “extremist” views.

    “Mustapha Al Majzoub was killed in a rocket attack and reportedly buried in Syria on Monday after a service attended by his brother, Islamic scholar Fedaa Majzoub”

    Well Vince: Maybe you should inform your little mate. Moustafa. ( but God no, lets not talk about home grown extremists……….. ( that would be racist)

    ( Oh well, now he’ll get to see if the bullshit about the virgins is true. LOL

    • Grant, remeber the times you said you didn’t have time to answer questions? Well considering you have the time to pbulish random links on unrelated web sites, maybe you’ll have time to answer them now:

      Grant, this is what you failed to answer the last time you were here:

      1. Campbell Newman is’nt going in to fundamentally change the public schools in Queensland, which is what you are slightly suggestign you think should happen, to rid the schools of “leftie propoganda and indoctrination”-he’s just cutting funding in favour of Catholic and private schools.

      So….it’s not the left wing indoctrination you have a problem with, it’s poor kids getting education? You’re supporting children going to schools that can’t afford enough teachers, buildings, or textbooks to properly educate the children?

      2. Is the APP going to officially state their plan to cut funding to public schools, and making the poor children suffer as a result?

      3. do you use Medicare? If you do-then you’re a hypocrite, hating Socialism except when it does good stuff for you. If you don’t, then why haven’t you answered this question despite being asked repeatedly.

      4. The government uses your tax dollars for anything-it’s socialist (Unless it’s the hospitals you use, or the schools you approve of).

      The Church use your donations for whatever they want-it’s not socialist (Even if they use it for the unemployed, migrants, or other people you have stated are bludgers demanding a hand out)?

      Is that right?

      5. Hey Grant, tell us about all your great Christian values you have developed with out ever going to Church. Please, I want to hear how the word of our Lord Jesus Christ has influenced your beliefs, ideals, and thoughts.

      I mean, in particular, tell me how you practise “Love one another as I have loved you”
      Also, tell me what the line “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than a rich man to enter heaven” means to you?

      6. “You disagree with people voting with their feet pal?”

      No. Do you? You seem to have a problem accepting many thinks supported by the majority of Australians (Gay marriage, free speech, the last election, multiculturalism, etc).

      7. Compared to someone whose parents never worked-now no matter what you think of about the parents, do you think the child should be condemned to a life of poverty? Do you honestly think that a child born in poverty, whose parents have no history of working have the exact some opportunity as one of Murdoch’s children?

      8. So let me get this straight, if you have one grandparent with the ancestry-that’s the only grandparent you have, that’s the oen who raised you, who taught you about life-you’re meant to deny that entire culture because Grant said so?

      Would you be accepting that with your children? Like, if they marry a Swede and move to Sweden, are you happy for the child of that union, to denty your existence, and never acknowledge your culture? Let me know, I’m eager to find out.

      9- So, the fact that Bolt’s articles was filled was mistakes, did not contain any additional reseach outside of a Google search-that’s okay with you?

      10. And most of all, how can you be for free speech when you want new organisations that disagree with you to be shut down as “leftie propoganda”, and support a party whose senior members support the murder of children who oppose them? How can free speech be free, if differing views are banned or punishable by death?

      11. Also, may I ask just when you last when to church? I only do so because I bet that you also like to go on about “Christian” values and all that

      12- So when Alan Jones recommended bikies go beat about Lebanese people-that’s not a crime-it’s the crime of Lebanese people to be there in the firstp lace?

      13-You have never ever ever taken responsibility for your own actions, have you Grant? You do whatever you like, and when it hurts oyu, you blame someone else. You are a child, screaming at the world that you broke all your toys, right?

      14-“there aren’t right wing unions? ”

      Name them. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

      15- So just to be clear-hacking into the phones of dead girls is okay with you, as long as you’re not a lefty?

      16- You really don’t have any other values, do you Grant? You can rape, murder, and steal to your heart’s content, but as long as you think they’re sufficiently conservative, you will always think they’re a top guy! More and more the APP is the party of “Do what you want, as long as you support us and hate brown people!”

      17- Incidentally, how exactly are churches organising schools right wing at all? After all, the kids at the school are receiving filty handouts-shouldn’t you be complaining that these schools reject all government supports, and make the kids pay full fee, like they should be earning?

      18 And the question can be repeated-if you object to all socialism, shouldn’t you be objecting to the entire notion of public schools, and government funding of schools? That, my dear Grant, is all coming in the form of handouts-somethign you object to absolutely.

      19- “All schools shouls be fully parent controlled.”

      Cool-so if a parent rapes his child, you think that should be taught as a good behaviour?

      20- Grant, think about what you’re saying. Suppose a parent believes that people called Grant are subhuman and should be exterminated-do you think that belief should be allowed in schools if the parents want it?

      21- “Sick leave LOL whats that?? I run a business”

      So….you don’t care abotu sick leave because, by owning your own business, you can have that whenever you want? So, for the majority of people who don’t have their own business, they shouldn’t be allowed to have the dirty socialist sick leave, and have to work even if they’ve had their arm cut off?

      22- Is this a policy the APP will take to the next election: “No sick leave, no free speech, we’ll probably kill your kid at soem point, and the only belief system allowed in schools will be our beliefs”

      23-So, let em get this straight, you oppose a government inquiry into a media source, as government intervention and limiting of free speech. But you do believe in shutting down news sources you object to. That seems to be a contradiction.

      24- Is it a case, Grant, that you only support free speech when it’s speech you agree with? So-in other words, you are agaisnt democracy and free speech-more a facist sort of sensibility? How exactly can free speech exist if all views that oppose yours shoulsd be shut down?

      • 1. Good. I support the socialising the cost of some things including education, health the police, etc. What I don’t suppoprt is the social engineering from the left. Or leftist indocrination

        2. Emotive crap, not APP policy.

        3. I use medicare that I already pay for. Your point? So what? I also use a lot less than I contribute.

        4. The chuch uses donations as per the wishes of the parishioners, & Christian doctrine,. The gov. wastes money on leftist crap against my wishes. That’s the problem.

        More emotive crap.

        5.As you support gay marriage, you’re a rank hypocrite & an apostate to boot. you also support gillards boat fiasco meaning you’re deadhead as well. now there has been between 700 to 1000 drownings at sea. Yep you’re real compassionate one aren’t you? But you don’t give a rats about the people still queuing in official channels.

        6.Multiculturalism is cultural marxism. supported by big business & the latte left ( spruiked by leftist media)- not by the man in the street.

        Last election? An engineered event by leftist media who kept Gillards indiscretions quiet- even with this help, she is only governing with the help of the Greens.

        Gay marriage is a non event, just more cultural marxism spruiked by leftist media- the man in the street doesn’t give a rats arse. But if this is legalised, it will speed the flow to private schools- mark my words.

        7. See N0 1.

        8. More mental gymnastics. Why should I pay for aboriginal welfare rorts? Thats the issue here. Take a look at some oif the media photographs of your ‘aboriginals’, dunce.

        9. See No 8.

        10. Q & A is not leftist? Surely you jest. Why should I fund that shit? By the way sackings have already occurred at Fairfax. Good.

        11. Do I, where? Taken your meds today?

        12. But your OK with your ethnic crime. where did jones say this? Bullshit.

        13. More emotive crap, no substance.

        14. right? left? who gives a rats.

        15. Totally irrelevant, this occurred in theUK not Aust, & was used by that arsehole Bob Brown as a pretext to attack Newscorp, because Bob doesn’t like the loony left being shown for what they are….. loony.

        16. & your a shill for sharia & a Muslim arse licker. Fawning, self loathing lefty

        17. Handouts buddy? no mate they pay #$%%^^&^& fees you cretin. ( Its called a priiiiivate school)

        18/19. indeed they should be parent controlled ( unlike lefty controlled; right buddy?)

        20. A contrived scenario, irrelevant. but you’re perfectly OK with hate directed at white Australia- in the mainstrean media. Because I haven’t seen you bitching about it here.

        21. No mate im’ sick of wingeing lefties like you who back handouts for bludgers.

        22. not APP policy: more crap.

        23. newscorps future is in the hands of it’s customers, you moron. the market decides if it likes Murdochs crap.

        The ABC should be put to the same market forces, let the turds fall on their own sword- ( as they definitely would.)because that is where Fairfax is headed.

        24. Are you saying the ABC cannot stand on it’s own two feet pal? I think we know the answer to that.

        If you’re the best this blog has, God help you, because no one else will.

        • Hooray! It only took a week, but Grant has finally answered some questions. I mean, he has ignored most of them, but he at least is pretending to answer. At this rate, he should have answered all the questions on his tax return in time for the end of the financial year, even if most of his answers will be “Why don’t you tell me YOUR financial earnings for the past year” and “Typical leftie brainwashing-I should be allowed to define whether or not I’m a war widow”.
          Let’s see how he got!

          “1. Good. I support the socialising the cost of some things including education, health the police, etc. What I don’t suppoprt is the social engineering from the left. Or leftist indocrination”

          So, socialism is evil when it’s a discussion, but not evil when it does things you like.
          But it’s an evil belief system that should be entirely blocked out, except for its actions, which you approve of.
          How can something both be entirely evil, and yet produce things you really really like?

          “2. Emotive crap, not APP policy.”

          Not an answer. You have stated you hate public schools and want them all shut down. You have also supported Campbell Newman who has not changed the teachings in public schooslm just significantly cut the fudning.
          Are you, as an APP member, going to call for the cutting of funding to public schools, which you have previously stated you hate?

          “3. I use medicare that I already pay for. Your point? So what? I also use a lot less than I contribute.”

          So, again, you approve of Socialism, when it benefits you? But complain about anyone else being in the slightest bit Socialist, because you are a hypocrite.
          If Socialism is the great evil you say it is, and to be clear, you object more to Socialism than conservatives calling for the murder of children or conservative newspapers hacking dead girl’s phones, then how can anything positive come from it?

          “4. The chuch uses donations as per the wishes of the parishioners, & Christian doctrine,. The gov. wastes money on leftist crap against my wishes. That’s the problem.”

          Wait, so the church parishioners get together and vote on how they want their money to be spent (Not in all churches by the way-only communityl ead ones like the Uniting and some Anglican churches-Catholic churches don’t do this), it’s perfectly find, because it reflects the wishes of the parishioners.

          But isn’t that what the Government is doing, at a larger scale? I mean, I’m pretty sure I remember voting two years ago, and the party that had enough support in their votes got to say how tax dollars are spent. Are you saying the government should only spend it’s money on things that have entirely unanimous, 100% support? Do you think your churches would be acting this way, that if at the meeting of parishioners 99% of them supported giving money to the poor, and 1% wanted to spend it all on hookers and blow, that the church would refuse to do anything with their money until agreement is unanimous?

          So again, the church is doing the EXACT same thing the government is doing, albeit at a smaller scale, but the former is EVIL socialism, whereas the second is something you proudly support?

          It seems, once again, Grant, that you have a problem with democracy. Do you really object to people who disagree with you being able to vote?

          “5.As you support gay marriage, you’re a rank hypocrite & an apostate to boot. you also support gillards boat fiasco meaning you’re deadhead as well. now there has been between 700 to 1000 drownings at sea. Yep you’re real compassionate one aren’t you? But you don’t give a rats about the people still queuing in official channels.”

          Totally not what I asked. The question I asked was for you to tell me anything about your great Christian values, particularly how you practise “Love one another as I have loved you” and what the line “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than a rich man to enter heaven” means to you? You have failed to do this. Am I to believe that you have no Christian values and are a hypocrite?

          Now, just to be clear, I’m a hypocrite because I support gay marriage, and am a Christian? I hate to break it to you Grant, but my Church supports gay marriage (Well, around 50% of the church does-we’re Anglicans). We have openly gay vicars too! Hooray for us!

          And just for the record, I don’t support Gillard’s boat fiasco. I have and always have supported working with our regional neighbours to encourage compliance with the UNHCR treatment of refugees, to create properly organised refugee camps in our neighbouring regions, operated by Australia, from where a safe passage can be organised for asylum seekers.

          And just to be clear, you are complaining about people drowning at sea, yet you also cheer on their drowning? Who are you trying to fool? We know you have no compassion for any Muslim or asylum seeker, so why are you trying to pretend that you now do?

          And I do care about people coming in from the proper channels. That’s why I fully support de-linking the number of on shore and off shore intake, as all other Western countries do, despite receiving many many times more asylum seekers than we do. Now why don’t you support me on that? After all, if England, which again receives many many times more asylum seekers than Australia, don’t reduce their off shore refugee intake by their on shore refugee intake, then why can’t we?

          And just to be clear, you suppot refugees arriving in Australia through refugee camps, ie the off shore process? I’m just asking because it seems to go against the APP’s statement that Australia should have no more immigrants, any immigrants that come in should be operating as a one-in one-out policy, that there should definately be no more immigrants from Third World countries or any non-white countries, and that any non-white migrants who are already here should be financially encouraged to leave. You have read the APP’s policies, haven’t you Grant, or are you just a sucker for a free DVD?

          “6.Multiculturalism is cultural marxism. supported by big business & the latte left ( spruiked by leftist media)- not by the man in the street.”

          Which is why you can show me support stating that the majority of Australians oppose mulitculturalism. Go on, you’ve said that the “Man in the street” does not support Multiculturalism, give me proof.

          “Last election? An engineered event by leftist media who kept Gillards indiscretions quiet- even with this help, she is only governing with the help of the Greens.”

          So, are you telling me the majority of the public did not vote for left wing politicians and there was vote tampering? It doesn’t matter if you like the results, Grant, if you approve of democracy, you must accept that the majority of people disagreed with you.

          It seems to me you think that “The last election didn’t count because it wasn’t run on the issues I care about”-but that’s not what democracy is, Grant! Democracy isn’t running everything that you care about, or saying “I win-la la la”-democracy is accepting, graciously, when the majority of people disagree with your view, and backing down as a result. I accepted many years of John Howard as PM, he was elected freely, but you seem to have problem accepting any election result you don’t personally agree with. How does that go with your support of people voting with their feet?

          “Gay marriage is a non event, just more cultural marxism spruiked by leftist media- the man in the street doesn’t give a rats arse. But if this is legalised, it will speed the flow to private schools- mark my words.”

          Speed the flow to private schools, eh? Why’s that, Grant? Because the boys in the boarding school figure out this is the best place to find a future husband?

          And again, you state you know the “man in the street” doesn’t care. So, demonstrate that. Give me proof that the man inthe street doesn’t care about gay marriage.

          “7. See N0 1.”

          Not an answer. I repeat, Do you honestly think that a child born in poverty, whose parents have no history of working have the exact some opportunity as one of Murdoch’s children?

          “8. More mental gymnastics. Why should I pay for aboriginal welfare rorts? Thats the issue here. Take a look at some oif the media photographs of your ‘aboriginals’, dunce.”

          Not an answer. I asked again: if you have one grandparent with the ancestry-that’s the only grandparent you have, that’s the oen who raised you, who taught you about life-you’re meant to deny that entire culture because Grant said so?

          Would you be accepting that with your children? Like, if they marry a Swede and move to Sweden, are you happy for the child of that union, to denty your existence, and never acknowledge your culture? Let me know, I’m eager to find out.

          “9. See No 8.”

          Again, not an answer:
          So, the fact that Bolt’s articles was filled was mistakes, did not contain any additional reseach outside of a Google search-that’s okay with you?


          Again, failed to answer and talked about Q&A for some reason. Here’s the actual guestion.
          And most of all, how can you be for free speech when you want new organisations that disagree with you to be shut down as “leftie propoganda”, and support a party whose senior members support the murder of children who oppose them? How can free speech be free, if differing views are banned or punishable by death?

          “11. Do I, where? Taken your meds today?”

          Not an answer, the question you have been repeatedly asked is Also, may I ask just when you last when to church?

          “12. But your OK with your ethnic crime. where did jones say this?”

          No, I’m not okay with any crime, Grant. You’re the one who seems to have a problem with some crime and not others, based on skin colour. Why is that?

          And Jones calling for and encouraging rioting at cronulla:

          Particularly this line: “”biker gangs to be present at Cronulla railway station when these Lebanese thugs arrive””

          Oh goody, there are some sources for my arguments. Can you now present some sources of yours?

          “13. More emotive crap, no substance.”

          Not an answer. I repeat: You have never ever ever taken responsibility for your own actions, have you Grant? You do whatever you like, and when it hurts oyu, you blame someone else. You are a child, screaming at the world that you broke all your toys, right?

          “14. right? left? who gives a rats.”

          You did. You said there were plenty of right wing unions. But despite numerous opportunities, have failed to name a single one.

          “15. Totally irrelevant, this occurred in theUK not Aust, & was used by that arsehole Bob Brown as a pretext to attack Newscorp, because Bob doesn’t like the loony left being shown for what they are….. loony.”

          Again, not what I asked. You said that Murdoch you support, not newscorp but Murdoch, because he’s not a lefty. So I asked: So just to be clear-hacking into the phones of dead girls is okay with you, as long as you’re not a lefty?

          Why are you consistently unable to actually answer the questions?

          “16. & your a shill for sharia & a Muslim arse licker. Fawning, self loathing lefty”

          I’m not in favour of anything that breaks Australian law, Grant. And as for self loathing, I think we’ve discussed enough your issues with your hatred for yourself, the fact you need to put absolutely everyone done who isn’t you, just to make yourself feel a little ibt above the shit of the sidewalk.

          And again, did not answer the question, which was You really don’t have any other values, do you Grant? You can rape, murder, and steal to your heart’s content, but as long as you think they’re sufficiently conservative, you will always think they’re a top guy! More and more the APP is the party of “Do what you want, as long as you support us and hate brown people!”

          “17. Handouts buddy? no mate they pay #$%%^^&^& fees you cretin. ( Its called a priiiiivate school)”

          So are you now telling em, that despite governments for the last 15 years stating they are providing funding to private schools, they’ve all, Labour and Liberal, been lying? Are you honestly saying that private and independant schools are not receiving one cent from the government? If they haven’t. then you’ll need to find evidence to country both the Labour and Liberal governments providing this funding. If they have, you’ll have to explain why you, in this case, support the filthy handouts.

          “18/19. indeed they should be parent controlled ( unlike lefty controlled; right buddy?)”

          Not what I asked. Here are the questions: Cool-so if a parent rapes his child, you think that should be taught as a good behaviour?.

          if you object to all socialism, shouldn’t you be objecting to the entire notion of public schools, and government funding of schools? That, my dear Grant, is all coming in the form of handouts-somethign you object to absolutely.

          “20. A contrived scenario, irrelevant. but you’re perfectly OK with hate directed at white Australia- in the mainstrean media. Because I haven’t seen you bitching about it here.”

          It’s an extreme scenario, but something similar could easily happen. So I ask again: Grant, think about what you’re saying. Suppose a parent believes that people called Grant are subhuman and should be exterminated-do you think that belief should be allowed in schools if the parents want it?

          And how exactly is coming up with this hypothetical “Hate speech directed towards White Australia”? Are you saying that White australia is only people called Grant, and all non-Grants must be some sort of half caste? Stop being so precious.

          And please, tell me more about the hate directed to white Australia in the mainstream media, which I believe in currently 90% white.

          “21. No mate im’ sick of wingeing lefties like you who back handouts for bludgers.”

          So you support the evil socialist practise of sick leave, as well?
          And if you have a problem with “bludgers” getting handouts, will you be calling for the APP to expell any member who is receiving any government payment, pension, or allowance? Or is it okay to be a bludger, and a member of the APP.

          “22. not APP policy: more crap.”

          Oh, it’s not official policy, but considering that now APP members have supported the murder of children, and object to free speech, it can’t be long. Are these values you support-or are you just along for the free DVD?

          “23. newscorps future is in the hands of it’s customers, you moron. the market decides if it likes Murdochs crap.”

          So, you object to the government even LOOKING into a media property that has been engaged in illegal and suspect activities around the world, stating that is should be in the hands of the customers?

          Fair enough-but why not get that involved in all things? Why bother having law and order-just let the market sort it out? “I’m pretty sure that guy killed someone-so let’s stop buying his papers”-see how that works.

          If this is truly what you believe, and not just you opening your mouth and being surprised at the words that pop out, then surely you’ll be complaining about the News of the World being axed. The people didn’t stop buying the paper, you know, it was cut because it was being investigated for illegal activity.

          “The ABC should be put to the same market forces, let the turds fall on their own sword- ( as they definitely would.)because that is where Fairfax is headed.”

          So, again, you say you support free speech, but want all speech that you disagree with to be eliminated from the public view? How does that work, Grant? You don know that believing in free speech includes supporting the right to disagree with you?

          “24. Are you saying the ABC cannot stand on it’s own two feet pal? I think we know the answer to that.”

          Did not answer the question. Let’s go again:
          “Is it a case, Grant, that you only support free speech when it’s speech you agree with? So-in other words, you are agaisnt democracy and free speech-more a facist sort of sensibility? How exactly can free speech exist if all views that oppose yours shoulsd be shut down?”

          “If you’re the best this blog has, God help you, because no one else will.”

          Oh, I’m not the best. I’m just the only one who gives you the time of day, beyond saying “Grant, you’re an idiot”.
          Incidentally, if you’re the best the APP has to offer, I don’t think we’ll need to worry about your party getting anywhere. I would love though, to see any of your members being seriously interviewed by someone other than a shock jock.

          But we all know, don’t we Grant, that whenever little Nicky gets interviewed, suddenly he finds everyone in the world is a lefty, even the Liberal party? And then he runs away and cries on his blog about how everyone is against him, when all he is doing is trying to represent the voice of the australian people (Hang on the sec-that doesn’t make sense!)

  3. And considering “self-employed” Grant has the time to post irrelevent things to a website, he’ll surely have some time to answer these questions he never got around to answering either:

    1-Grant, what’s your opinion on bringing in Muslim women? There’s plenty of female asylum seekers trying to flee their home counteies, some of them will have no chance, even if their life is being threatened, because gender is not a listed reason to fear for persecution.

    And as I think we can both agree who commites the vast majority of rapes in this country (ie Men), surely if we allowed in more female asylum seekers and refugees, we’d both be happy, right?

    And even if they have children in Australia, they would be no more likely to rape than anyone else-unless you’re telling us there is a “rape” gene hardwired into people’s DNA?

    2-just to be clear, Grant, your response to the problem of rape is “Ban anyone who’s Muslim or looks like they could be Muslim”-even though the vast majority of rapes are not committed by strangers, and are instead committed by friends, aquantances or family members.

    3- So, Grant hates, Muslims, Sikhs, Indians, any brown person, Africans, Aborigines, gay people, lefties, and yet still somehow believes he doesn’t belong to a hate party. Right?

    4- if your random cases picked in particular to condemn Muslims (Even though they’re not all Muslims) prove that all non-whites are raping white women (Especially if you ignore the studies finding rapes more common amongst people who are known), then surely my cases picked in particular to condemn people called Grant are proof that people called Grant are serial rapists, right?

    5- You’ve been saying “We need to help the homeless”-so what’s your plan for that? How are you Grant, or your party, the APP, help the homeless?

    6- If there’s no upswing in rape cases, will you go “I was wrong-I now will quit the APP out of shame”-or will you pretend you never made a mistake and carry on regardless.

    7- So please tell me, Grant, considering any non-citizen who is convicted of rape in this country is likely to be deported, and any citizen who commits rape can’t be deported-how are asylum seekers more of a threat than Australian citizens?

    8- Oh, and also, could you provide proof that the majority of even a greater proportion compared to the national average, of asylum seekers are rapists?

    9-I believe there is a website called “whitewatch” which sets out to prove all white males are rapists and paedophiles, and it does so by only looking for cases of white people beign rapists.
    Now, Grant, I think both what you are doing and white watch is doing is racist, tarring the majority by the minority, and generally bigoted.

    Now it’s up for you to explain why what the website “whitewatch” is doing is entirely evil and wrong, while what you do in regards to Muslims is okay (Look forward to that), or, alternatively, telling us you think the website whitewatch, and the premise it draws from is just as fair as your beliefs, and therefore you will report to your local police station as a potential rapist. Which will it be?

    10- If you, a year following this decision, fail to find proof that asylum seekers committed no more rapes than those in the community, you should quit the APP forever, and cut all ties to those members. In turn, if you do find absolute proof that the percentage of asylum seekers committing rapes in a year is larger than the percentage of australian born citizens committing rapes-I will gladly quit this site andn ever have any contact with any member again.

    Seems fair. So will you take me up on my bet Grant, or do you realise either A) you’ld fail, or b) you are a living embodiment of chicken shit?

    11- Let’s make it clear once and for all Grant, tell us whether or not you support the murder of children? If you don’t, then why are you not condemning any members who support the murder of children? Or is it a case that you don’t mind a bit of child murder, as long as the killers do it while hating brown people?

    12- Grant, are you telling us that “bogan” is a race now? Or is it a religion? A particular bogan culture?

    13- Tell me Grant, how exactly you could settle and live in a new country if you are constantly at risk of deportation, and cannot work legally? How would you do it?

    14- Grant, can you say, for once and for all, on what basis do you believe the majority of Australians oppose Multiculturalism?

    15- Grant-have you actually ever found a “local jihad” network? Ever actually found proof of anyone? I’m wondering, do you think you can name more Muslims in Australia that call for terrorist acts, or the violent overthrow of the government than I can APP members? Let’s see you try, okay?

    16-On the pacific solution-Yes, it was a termendously succesful scheme-if you ignore the worldwide drop in asylum seeker numbers. Or are you telling us, Grant, that the policy of one country, that no other coutnry adopted, lead to a world wide drop of asylum seeker numbers? Is that right?

    17- On the mental health trauma developing from the pacific solution: Come on, you think it’s a winning system, so what do you do with the refugees who, thanks to your policies, are unable to work, and require significant mental health support?

    18- Grant, I ask again, why do you care about gays being killed by Islam, considering your opinion, and the opinion of the party, hates homosexuality just as much? Is it a case that you think that hating gay people is okay, but only if a white person does it?

    19- you have made it perfectly clear during your time here that it’s not just Muslimsyou have a problem with. It’s also:

    Anyone who looks like they could be Muslims
    And generally, people who are left wing.

    So….it’s not just that you believe Islam is a “cancer” that will spread across Australia-you also have problems with other people coming here. So is it the case that you have a separate reason for each particular group you don’t like being in Australia, or is there a blanket hatred behind it all of difference?

  4. I wish these patriots all the success they deserve. Greetings from Europe, where ethnic developments have reached a far more dangerous stage, not least thanks to irresponsible people like those at TAB.

    • “Patriotism” – the last refuge of a scoundrel.

      Behave and we might let you post occasionally. Play up and I throw you to the lefties here.

      We know who is “irresponsible” and it’s the likes of you. Hope your proxy server is comfortable.

      • Leigh’s great. It’s just after seeing just how efficiently and ruthlessly she sliced and diced Abbott on 7.30, imagine what might happen to Grant.

        • The APP and its fellow travellers have no standards.

          BTW what about your mate Breivik. 21 years in a Norwegian slammer. Probably in solitary. The Norwegian Government can add years to that sentence to make sure he never gets out.

          All those years to think about what a loser he is.

    • I’d say Tony deflected Leigh’s onslaught in true style.

      As I said, similar interrogations are not directed at Gillard or Bob Brown. If they were; we’d say leigh Sales had some integrity, but she has none, & neither does the ABC.

      Like to see her go against Bob Katter because Bob Katter wouldn’t be as nice as Tony Abbott.

      • Yes they are! Are you blind-Gillard is just as prone to questions as any other politician.

        And just to be clear, you think Tony Abbot saying “I didn’t read the document” was a “good deflection”? Also, you appreantly think asking “Did you read this document?” is apparently an onslaught?

        You really are terrified of questions, Grant! How do you survive? I mean, doing your own taxes must be impossible-you’ll just be putting down your name and then have to scream “Hey-ATO, stop this onslaught!”

        • Funny how the next day Abbott had his arse whipped again, on Sunrise by Lisa Wilkinson. And what about that press conference Ms Gillard gave in relation to the “questions” regarding her time at Slater & Gordon? She went on, and on, and on… until no journo in the room could think of anything more to ask. Not a feat our friend Mr Abbott could achieve, which is no doubt why he hardly ventures outside of the confines of Andrew Bolt-News Ltd-2GB land, places where he knows what questions to expect, and where he knows that no matter what he says he will not be challenged. Now, I myself am not the biggest fan of Ms Gillard, but I do have a helluva lot of respect for her, in that she has managed to keep a minority government going for as long as she has, and that she has very effectively dealt with a series of smear campaigns leveled at her. And truth be told, I have no doubt that there was nothing but substance in her reference to “misogynists” and “nutjobs” being consistently out in force against her. And there I feel is a major root of the problem… she is female, and Australia’s considerably sized redneck population is not happy having women in power. You see, she hasn’t exactly done anything wrong, otherwise her detractors might have something more substantial to focus on, apart from this ridiculous “Juliar/Carbon Tax” campaign and the exaggerated hyperbole and slander surrounding her time with Slater & Gordon. And as for Leigh Sales, well, again, it has been disturbing to see just in what manner she was attacked for the interview she did. The majority of attacks focused on her gender, as if being a woman she should “know her place” and not dare to question the great man-of-action Abbott. And therein lies a dark irony, a disturbing paradox; people such as you, Grant, attack Islam as violating the rights of women. Yet while doing so, rednecks such as yourself will zero in on gender when attacking female authority figures, or any females that may at all challenge you or your worldview. The right is also well-known for attempting to take control of women’s reproductive rights and, frankly, if its not your body and if you are not in possession of a uterus then what business is it of anyone to dictate to a woman just how she uses said uterus? And, while on this subject, the right will cite their Christian faith as authority for their views on reproduction and sexuality, and if that isn’t forcing one’s religion on to those who don’t care for it, another supposed evil you attribute to Islam, then what is it?
          But anyway, once you and your ilk start treating women as complete equals, stop making gender central to attacks on women such as, say, Gillard, and start accepting that the one-out-of-three Australian women who experience sexual assault are not all victims of Muslims, then, and only then, have you earned the right to lecture anyone else on their treatment of women.

        • Well bleak & destroy,

          I listed a range of serious issues/questions regarding Julia Gillard & the fact that the media has remained silent on these.

          Which this blog censored.

          This blog is no different to those media people.

          You don’t want to discuss the dark side of your golden girl.

          Gillard suits your little leftist narrative to a tee.

          Cultural marxist.

          “But anyway, once you and your ilk start treating women as complete equals, stop making gender central to attacks on women such as, say, Gillard, and start accepting that the one-out-of-three Australian women who experience sexual assault are not all victims of Muslims, then, and only then, have you earned the right to lecture anyone else on their treatment of women.”

          This is the the grouping of gilard into your little victim groups. I.e. “She’s picked on because she’s a woman.

          No mate, she has serious questions to answer, just as any leader does- be it male, female, Green, ALP or LNP.

          Did John Howard get a free ride? No mate we had leftists on the street with effigies as him dressed as Hitler, as well as him kissing George bush’s ass. don’t give me this lefty shit, Gillard is being picked on.

          There is no free ride because she’s a woman.

          If she can’t answer questions she has no integrity & she must step down.

        • I listed a range of serious issues/questions regarding Julia Gillard & the fact that the media has remained silent on these.

          This blog deals with racism and discrimination on social media. Not with your bizarre fantasies and conspiracy theories. You want your sort of leader – go live in a dicktatorship.


          Male supremacist


          BTW John Howard has just seriously embarrassed Tony Abbott. Personally we are laughing.


      • “There is no free ride because she’s a woman.”

        I think the treatment of Julia Gillard has been quite a bit harsher than any leader in former times. I’m sure you’ll challenge this, but tell me Grant, demonstrate any evidence of:

        A-Any former Australian Prime Minister being criticised for their dress
        B-Any former Australian Prime Minister being attacked by their body
        C-The sexuality of any former Australian Prime Minister coming under scrutiny
        D-Sexually explicit comments made about any former Australian Prime Minister. For instance, I don’t recall any comments made about John Howards penis in criticisms of him during his time as PM. However I have seen graphic descriptions of the current PM vagina, thighs, and breasts on the APP page alone.

        BTW before you start chasing up conspiracy theories, you might want to check out your source on the theories. Because if it’s this guy, you gotta ask, why are you listening to a repeatedly bankrupt conman for your political wisdom:–the-conman-stalking-gillard-20120820-24hxi.html

    • You’re disputing the questions I asked?. You haven’t got the balls to post them have you? LOL.

      You’re going to hide behind…. “this blog doesn’t deal with that?” LOL.

      Feminist = Male chauvinist. LOL. That’s what she is my friend.

      You back feminists, you’re as bad as male chauvinists.

      • Strange little man you are replying to MyiCrusade…

        You really don’t like women, none of you lot do. Fascism is all about some sort of warped homo-erotica without the sincerity of real gay relationships behind it.

        Fascism is sweaty locker-room rape culture on a grand scale.

      • Grant, I myself doubt you have any questions of validity… for example, even though this is not so much a blog about the current state of Australian public life, one shall digress to Gillard and the “questions” you feel she needs to “answer”. Did you read the part above where I pointed out that last week she subjected herself to well over an hour’s worth of grilling by assorted journalists (including ones from your favourite News Ltd papers, you know, ones such as The Australian, a paper well known for fighting for the rights of the average man). This grilling ceased only once the journalists ran out of questions, not when Gillard decided enough is enough. Now, precisely what questions are there to answer, because if you can think of any then either you’re far more able than the entire pool of Australia’s journalists from both sides of the political spectrum or you’re just kind of deluded. I’ll plomp for the latter.
        You know what single action of your lot has me convinced that you absolutely give no shit about the rights of women? Serge’s little journey into women’s toilets whilst dressed in a burqua. Yeah sure, he wanted to make a point. It was a point that could have been made in a variety of other ways, such as he could have gone into a chemist and asked for the morning after pill (something for which you actually need to be a woman to do so). But him and his mates had to venture into a domain very private to a gender and one that should be inviolable, female toilets? Geez, clearly he did not give a flying one about violating anyone’s rights to privacy there did he?
        I wonder why people such as myself bother arguing with your kind. Basically, your sheer lunacy and general lack of empathy for anyone not conforming to some imagined ideal of cultural-racial superiority pisses me off, because it is that small minority, fundamentalists such as yourself and, believe me, you’re no different in your mindset than the Taliban, who kind of fuck it for the rest. I do, however, take comfort in the fact that hateful sociopaths such as yourself will never gain any great degree of power.
        By the way, can you tell me just what the Australian Constitution says about religion? I’m curious to know, because I bet that despite your professed “love” for Australia and its “way of life” I bet that all you know about its most fundamental laws you have learned from American action movies.

        • Grilled by pissweak leftist journalists who haven’t got the balls to ask any real questions, either that or they are ignorant or covering up for her.

          I wonder why I waste time with latte sippers like tyou

        • Grant, you seem to live in a delusion whereby we actually want you to hang around. You choose to be on this blog, you choose to post here. Don’t ask for gratitude, and complain about the time you’re wasting by being here-that’s time you chose to waste.

          You really are incapable for accepting responsibility for anything, aren’t you? Tell me, when was the last time something bad happened that you accepted the blame for? Was it ever?

      • Grant, you’e honestly criticisng the blog for not responding to conspiracy theories you posted, when you have failed to, for months, answer any questions I have posted.

        Are you truly a hypocrite, or just an idiot?

        And stuff you ignored on this very page:
        1- just to be clear, you think Tony Abbot saying “I didn’t read the document” was a “good deflection”? Also, you appreantly think asking “Did you read this document?” is apparently an onslaught?

        2- Considering you hate welfare payments so much, Grant, will you be pushing for the APP to expell all members who are receiving any form of Socialist government paymetns (Including pensions, centrelink allowances, etc)? If not, why not? Surely they are just leeches as well?

        3- And just to repeat, have you ever met Muslims in a fair way: I mean, not going after them calling them terrorists then shouting “PROOF!” when they get a bit mad at you?

        4- I repeat Grant, did you actually read the articles before you posted them? It seems obvious that you didn’t. Do you read at all?

        5- I ask-where in the articles are Muslims breaking Australian law?

        6- I’m quite happy to have any religious law-as long as it does not replace or contravene Australian law. If you have a problem with that, will you be banning Rabbis from interpreting the Torah to make a decision for a family (Essentially what the articles you stated are doing, except with Muslims interpreting the Quran)? Will Catholic law similarly be banned?

        7- Tell me Grant, is there any situation in which you will accept that your beliefs about Muslims are false? I mean, if I found all Muslims united to destroy the West, from the smallest child to the eldest senior, I would admit I am wrong. But it seems that to you, as well as most of the far right, that even every Muslim is born, lives, and dies without harming you in anyway, you’d be going to your death bed stating “They’ll hurt me any second now-just wait and see!” Is that right?

        8- How is the honour killings part of Sharia law? Explain in your answer the exact Quranic quotes which support the honour killings?

        9- Are you saying that if an Australian non Muslim man kills his wife because he thinks she’s cheating on him (The non-Muslim “honour” killing) that isn’t going to cost Australia as much?

        10- What makes Muslim “honour killings” so much worse than Australian non Muslim “Honour killings”? Are they hapening anymore than any other type of murder in Australia?

        11- And where in the above articles is mentioned the use of sharia law to justify terrorist actions?

        12- Also, if you object to to Muslims costing you money through going to prison for threatening behaviours, do you also object to funding the prison stay of Non-muslims who send threats?

        13= How exactly is Halal food effecting you?

        14-Also Grant, when have you ever WANTED Muslims to integrate?

        15- I mean, if there were never any Muslims in Australia, are you telling me Grant, that we’d not have any security in our airports at all, and you could just walk onto a plane like you would a bus?

        16- Why is being subject to a religious law, secondary and subservient to Australian law, okay when it’s any other religion apart from Islam?

        17- And since when did you care about Muslim women? Is it a case, again, that you don’t object to women being treated as a second class citizen, or being placed under duress, you only care when it somehow involves Islam?

        18- Is there anything you can say, Grant, that you think is right or wrong, irrespective of the religious or the political views of the perpetrator or victims?

        19- Do you show your face at rallies, Grant? Or are you being a bit of a hypocrite there…again?

        • If there were serious questions to ask of her, why did no one ask them at the record length press conference? Wait, don’t tell me, there’s “not-a” conspiracy between her and the media, right?

          Still waiting on examples of:
          A-Any former Australian Prime Minister being criticised for their dress
          B-Any former Australian Prime Minister being attacked by their body
          C-The sexuality of any former Australian Prime Minister coming under scrutiny
          D-Sexually explicit comments made about any former Australian Prime Minister.

          Or are you going to say that some of the criticism of Julia Gillard made by your own party is sexist?

  5. Everyone give Serge a fair go. After all, he was victimised by man-hating lesbians while at uni. So clearly there’s a bit of trauma he needs to deal with, and if we’re at all to show them that we’re a cut above then we need to show Serge some compassion and allow him to work through his issues with our support.

  6. I just don’t understand it. I work with muslims. I have even shared a house with one. None of these people have ever tried to force anything on to me. The one I even shared a house with didn’t give a shit if I drank alcohol while he was there (granted, he didn’t drink himself. That is, I must say, one huge pro of Islam… in that generally they don’t drink). So, I really don’t understand just what the problem is with muslims. Must be because the ones I encounter are generally more tolerant of other faiths than what hardcore Christians are.

  7. And isn’t it hilarious how the current APP website uses Aboriginal imagery. A party whose clientele consists mostly of white supremacists… who are you kidding?

    • Just to clear something up… Bleakanddestroy and WarriorTom are one and the same people. I’m not using both to cross-argue or hide anything. It just depends what browser I use, and I just can’t get around to changing passwords, names blah, blah, blah etc.

      • “This blog deals with racism and discrimination on social media. Not with your bizarre fantasies and conspiracy theories. You want your sort of leader – go live in a dicktatorship.”

        Indeed, you deal with issues that suit your narrative.

        Gina rhinehart was vilified on Q & A a while back with Tony Jones & the other loons joining in.

        Your response………………………..?

        Thanks for coming.

        • Naturally, Grant, as you are worried about Gina Rinhardt being villafied for her looks on Q&A, you would join me in criticising Julia Gillard for being criticised on Q&A for her looks also?

          Also, awaiting on you to demonstrate evidence of any former prime minister being criticised on his backside, breasts, genitals, fashion sense, or sexual orientation. Considering your own party criticises Julia Gillard and makes slurs against her on ALL of these grounds, yet is not, according to you, making sexist insults, and is only providing the same criticism all other prime ministers have received, you would naturally have an example of criticism of say John Howards’ penis from a left wing website.

          Otherwise, you’re a hypocrite, and a sexist, and don’t belong in this country.

    • Plemty of white boys out there toting guns as well Grant… but that’s alright by you, because they’re the right (white) colour. Shall I enrich your knowledge of crime in Australia with articles pertaining to crime committed by gangs of white men?

      • Grant being fair and balanced-he sees a leftie being screamed at by a shock jock, it’s an annihilation he cheers for. He sees a right wing person being grilled by a journalist asking difficult questions, it’s an onslaught and an example of bias in the media.

        He somehow still states he supports free speech (Despite wanting all forms of speech he disagrees with to be shut down, and supports a prty whose members call for children who disagree with them to be executed). Don’t see how, but I’m sure he has figured it all out and doesn’t just believe in democracy and free speech when it’s only his speech which is protected.

      • Well smart arse, name some successful female politicians that have got to the top then.

        Cheryl Kernot? Yawn

        Joan Kirner? Yawn

        Whatsaface Bligh? Yawn

        • Julia Gillard

          Tanya Plibersek

          Nicola Roxon

          Kate Lundy

          Christine Milne

          Lara Giddings

          Kristine Keneally

          Janine Haines

          and that’s just a back-of-the-envelope list

          Not bad for a country which still lags behind Europe, New Zealand and Latin America in its recognition of women

        • Grant, so to be clear, you respect women, but don’t want them to be involved in any position of power?

          Wow-how exactly is that different than radical Islam’s view of women then? Please explain, in your answer, how there have been more female leaders in Islamic countries than there have in Australia, or the US.

    • Which makes Australia a bit of a laughing stock. New Zealand has elected two female Prime Ministers with very little fuss. Latin America and the Philippines, conservative Catholic societies, have had women leaders aplenty. So has South East Asia.

      It is only a matter of time before Japan then China have women as leaders, following the long-standing trend in India, Pakistan, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. Thailand has a woman as Prime Minister.

      These Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist countries seem to have no problem with women as leaders.

    • I repeat:
      Grant, so to be clear, you respect women, but don’t want them to be involved in any position of power?

      Wow-how exactly is that different than radical Islam’s view of women then? Please explain, in your answer, how there have been more female leaders in Islamic countries than there have in Australia, or the US.

  8. who said they weren’t recognised?

    They just make ratshit political leaders.

    Lets look at lefty Lara.

    Tasmania is running record unemployment. ( Not that you’d give a rats)

    Lefty Lara kisses Greeny arse while the whole state goes to hell in a handbasket.

    Then she chases social engineering with a religious vigour ( & thinks she’doing a great job)

    • Tasmania has a small population and a limited economy based mainly on residual mining and the destruction of native forests, neither of which are viable for the future.

      That’s why unemployment is high.

    • So, Grant, you are against women in positions of power, then? Is that right? What jobs under the APP would a woman be allowed to do?

      By the way, how does it feel to have one of your two candidates in the local council election getting less votes than the informal vote count? How can you believe that the majority of Australians support the policies of the APP when even in a council elections, the public would prefer to not vote for anyone than vote for the APP?

    • To make it clear for Grant and other people looking in, the people of Leichhardt have decided….well you know the phrase “better than nothing”-the people have declared that really doesn’t apply to the APP. The informal vote is higher than the APP vote, meanin that the voters have declared, no, actually having no government is more preferable than the APP. The APP is worse than nothing.

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