Nick Webber Likes Being Racist

Nick and his friends get off on their collective hatred of black people – on a publicly accessible Facebook page.

How deep their conversations must be when they all get together:

Dickhead 1: How fucked up are blacks?

Dickhead 2: So fucked up.

Dickhead 1: So fucked up that I hate their fucked upedness.

Dickhead 3: Hey are you guys talking about how fucked up blacks are?

Dickhead 1 & 2 (together): Yeah fuck blacks.

Dickhead 3: Let’s drop our pants and fap together over how much we hate blacks.

(All): Yeah!

49 thoughts on “Nick Webber Likes Being Racist

  1. At least his musicians are WHITE, whatever the hell that means. That moronic comment sort of reminds me about what Eric Clapton wrote in his autobiography, that he supported Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of blood’ comments and thought that black people should not be allowed to migrate to the UK, while at the same time playing music such as blues, rock and reggae, that was originated by black people.
    As for Nick Webber and his mates, it looks like they aren’t the brightest people to have ever taken out a facebook account.

  2. Is that guy ASIAN?? 😦 i hope a minority/ people considered a minority in western countries aren’t attacking each other, how crap!!!

    • i strongly suspect that someone will read this and forward it to the employer, they will have no wish to see or hear this kind of behaviour from any staff member

  3. You’ve got no right to share peoples private information without their permission. Im reporting this site to the authorities

  4. Mat, what warped, twisted, silly, mock logic.
    I’ve got an incredible amount of Black records and CD’s, be they from Africa or America (much “Black” music has FAR more White in it than most actually realise anyway!), but that does NOT mean that I want any Black/African population introduced into Australia!
    I’m a major fan of a lot of German music as well. That doesn’t mean I want any large amount of Germans coming here either!

    It’s amazing as well Mat, that so many people – especially shallow, determindly ignorant liberals and leftists – who refer to Enoch Powell’s far sighted “Rivers Of Blood” speech have NEVER actually read or listened to it, have no idea what he was speaking about…or worse…are keen to actually encourage such devestation!
    What Enoch Powell warned of IS tragically being made to happen, in Britain, on the continent, and now here in Australia as well.

    It’s time for genuine people, conscious and concerned people, to heed that warning, that most prescient warning, and speak and act to put a halt to all this.

    • I’ve read the speech. And if you honestly believe it’s correct in anything it attests, then you’ve got some questions to ask. You’ll probably ignore them but, y’know, I’m an optimist.

      “In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.”

      Please demonstrate how in 1988 (20 years after the speech was made) black men had the whip hand over white men.

      “Here is a decent, ordinary fellow-Englishman, who in broad daylight in my own town says to me, his Member of Parliament, that the country will not be worth living in for his children. ”

      Do you support this statement? Do you believe that your country is not worth living in? If you do not, why do you continue to live in this country? Most of us are quite happy here you know.

      Do you agree that a woman should specify the race of people who rent out her rooms? If a person is uanble to rent out a room to a white person, and yet refuses to allow a non-white to rent it, should she be allowed to have a council rates reduction because of her beliefs? What other personal beliefs should entitle one to welfare assistance?

      Do you believe that migrants and children of migrants should be offerred generous grants and assistances to leave western countries? How do you propose to get the money? Which nationalities will this involve? Non white? Non European? Non British? Non Christian? Non English? What is your reasoning behind this?

      Do you think it is fair to compare anti-racists with those who appeased the Nazis? Please explain why, with reference to how the holocaust is comparable to the UK of the 1980s.

      Do you think you are a stranger in your own country? Explain why. Which country do you think you would not be a stranger in?

      Please give examples of white wives unable to obtain hospital beds for childbirth, white children being unable to attend school, white workers being reluctant to treat migrants with the same discipline of native workers, and reluctant to ask for the same level of expertise of migrant workers than non-migrants.

      Any evidence that although many thousands of migrants want to integrate, the majority do not? Any evidence that migrants are attempting to create ethnic or religious differences with an aim to hold dominion over the rest of the population?

      It’s time for paranoid people, scared, and frequently delusional people, to think about what they’re saying, what they’re basing these thoughts in, and finding out if their paranoid delusions have any basis in reality.

    • You realise that Germans and Britons have much the same ancestry right?
      So even by racism standards your racism doesn’t make sense. At all.

    • German music, eh? So you like Heino? I bet your fav song is the “Horst Wessel Lied”. I would have thought you’d be a huge fan of Germans flooding this country, especially those of the blond-haired/blue-eyed variety. And especially ones in SS uniforms ready to pound your lubed up and dilated arse, that oh-so sexually confused arse that pretends to be all hetero by being a sexist pig, but really makes you cruise public toilets at night looking for glory holes. Have you ever had a gay dream Scott? I bet you have. That is a sure fire sign of some seriously repressed desires.

  5. Are you aware of what it’s like in Great Britain now JM? Are you?
    Many areas of British cities are populated almost entirely by Blacks and Pakistanis.
    The word is delivered with a grim certainty that British people will be made a minority throughout the entire country by the middle of this century.
    The British Isles, the United Kingdom, and the British people, are in very grave danger.
    This cannot be stressed too seriously.
    Much the same is happening in France, where African births now outnumber French by some ten to one.
    Several other European nations are in a similarly dire predicament.

    Britain is in a terrible position, and has been deliberately driven there by social engineers.
    What Enoch Powell warned of HAS come to pass, and IS coming to pass, and you’re a liar to deny it.

    This is now being done to Australia too, and EXTREMELY rapidly!

    It’s completely wrong.

    If you’re simply unaware of what is happening to Britain JM, and what has been happening for several decades, then you really must open your eyes and ears to it…for time is fast running out.
    If you’re actually denying what is OBVIOUSLY happening to Britain and the British people, then you are a damned liar!

    As are those who deny or move to avert any investigation or discussion about what is being done to Australia.

    • Scott, I asked a lot of questions. You failed to answer any of them. So, I repeat:

      Please demonstrate how in 1988 (20 years after the speech was made) black men had the whip hand over white men.

      “Here is a decent, ordinary fellow-Englishman, who in broad daylight in my own town says to me, his Member of Parliament, that the country will not be worth living in for his children. ”

      Do you support this statement? Do you believe that your country is not worth living in? If you do not, why do you continue to live in this country? Most of us are quite happy here you know.

      Do you agree that a woman should specify the race of people who rent out her rooms? If a person is uanble to rent out a room to a white person, and yet refuses to allow a non-white to rent it, should she be allowed to have a council rates reduction because of her beliefs? What other personal beliefs should entitle one to welfare assistance?

      Do you believe that migrants and children of migrants should be offerred generous grants and assistances to leave western countries? How do you propose to get the money? Which nationalities will this involve? Non white? Non European? Non British? Non Christian? Non English? What is your reasoning behind this?

      Do you think it is fair to compare anti-racists with those who appeased the Nazis? Please explain why, with reference to how the holocaust is comparable to the UK of the 1980s.

      Do you think you are a stranger in your own country? Explain why. Which country do you think you would not be a stranger in?

      Please give examples of white wives unable to obtain hospital beds for childbirth, white children being unable to attend school, white workers being reluctant to treat migrants with the same discipline of native workers, and reluctant to ask for the same level of expertise of migrant workers than non-migrants.

      Any evidence that although many thousands of migrants want to integrate, the majority do not? Any evidence that migrants are attempting to create ethnic or religious differences with an aim to hold dominion over the rest of the population?

      And now the brand new stuff:

      “What Enoch Powell warned of HAS come to pass, and IS coming to pass, and you’re a liar to deny it.”

      So, I read his speech, and you ignore my questions which came directly from his speech.
      Where have I denied anything, Scott? I just asked you for evidence of this disaster. You have provided none. If what Powell said was going to came to pass has come to pass (What’s more, it would have come to pass in 1988, according to Powell), where is your evidence? According to Powell, this disaster has occurred twenty years ago, yet there is no evidence.

      “If you’re simply unaware of what is happening to Britain JM, and what has been happening for several decades, then you really must open your eyes and ears to it…for time is fast running out.”

      Oh yes, the ol’ emperor’s new clothes defense: “The evidence is everywhere, it’s absolutely everywhere, but only the right people can see it”

      If you have evidence, prove it. Otherwise you are putting forward beliefs that you are basing on nothing but rumour, paranoia, and superstitions.

      “If you’re actually denying what is OBVIOUSLY happening to Britain and the British people, then you are a damned liar!”

      Again, not denying. Just asking for proof.

      “As are those who deny or move to avert any investigation or discussion about what is being done to Australia.”

      Actually, I’m asking for an investigation. I’m asking for you to investigate your beliefs, and find out what they’re actually based on. The fact that you seem unable to speaks volumes.

    • Very grave danger…This cannot be stressed to seriously…..EXREMELY rapidly! It’s as if there is some kind of moron rant template out there, with no original thought, no actual arguments to wins one case, just a whole lotta it’s so because I said it’s so, gee whiz all this and I still can’t forget the poultry comment 🙂

    • “Much the same is happening in France, where African births now outnumber French by some ten to one.”

      How do you know this Scott? From what I understand, the French government does not allow ‘ethnic statistics’ to be publicly published.

      Obviously, this ignores the fact that, even if your nonsense ‘statistics’ were true (i.e. that you weren’t a liar that invents garbage to support an indefensible point) you fail to see:
      – Firstly, that there is NO REASON why it would be a bad thing
      – And secondly, that “French” is a description of citizenship – not race – meaning that it is completely possible to be both African and French

    • Scott, I asked you a question… are you a repressed homosexual that fantasises about having his arse mauled by men of all colours? Go on, admit it… After all, half the Nazi party felt the same, Scott.

  6. No Sash, I won’t.
    Australia and Australians are under serious threat.
    We have every single right imaginable to speak up for ourselves.
    Those engineering or facilitating mass immigration and “multiculturalism” would love to have EVERY Australian “shut up” – one way or another – but, NO compliance with that here!
    Censorship, by many means, is ironically central to most liberal agendas.
    I’ve got a right, and I MUST, speak up about and against what is going on, against what is being done!

  7. Did you get picked on at school? do you have nothing better then to go through peoples facebook pages and blatantly attempt defemation?

    • Nope, school was great, thanks for asking. The authors of TAB have very fruitful and productive lives. Adding posts takes only a few minutes, and we usually just add screenshots that are emailed to us.

    • Of you don’t like this site then you’d hate failbook. Or indeed much of the Internet. What TAB does isn’t illegal especially since Australia doesnt actually have any real privacy laws.

  8. Okay then 1 more question TAB. Do you not think people should be free to express themselves on their own personal pages and are you in support of radical islam??

    • What’s the problem….? TAB is just reposting what people are writing in public websites, which any future employer can see for themselves.

      But let me ask you this: Do you think the statements put up here and elsewhere on TAB are appropriate, and correct in our current society? Do you think people should be proud of them? Because either:

      A) They should be proud of them, they are fine views to have, in which case you have no complaint about TAB republishing them (Just as I would not complain about TAB publishing a quote from me that I believe in).


      B) The view are incorrect, shameful, and not permitted in modern Australian society, and you’re complaining to TAB for republishing views which you think should not be shown anywhere.

      Which is it? Either the views are a-okay and you’ve got no complaint with TAB, or the views are wrong, and shameful, and you hate TAB for republishing this inappropriate, offensive, and even Un-Australian views?

      And this site isn’t about radical Islam. You can see an earlier blog post criticisng an idiot who is an absolute fundamentalist. But I’m sure you overlooked that.

    • What does hating racists have to do with islam radical or otherwise? You do realize that it’s a lot like the other abrahamic religions right?

    • That’s not one question, it’s two.

      1. “Do you not think people should be free to express themselves on their own personal pages[?]”

      If their profile is private, then I guess so. But what if a user has 300 friends? If that user knows that NONE of those 300 people would possibly take offense to a comment like ‘all womens are slaves/whores/idiots’, or ‘I wish we could just kill all the Aboriginals’, then yeah go for it. But honestly – if you’re going to use Facebook or Twitter or some form of social media platform to express your horribly unjustified hatred, then you’re not the smartest person going ’round. Paraphrasing a wise relative of mine: “What’s written down stays around.” What that means is that if you want to pay out the company you work for, or one of your colleagues/friends, or an entire race of people, you limit yourself to verbalising it with only one person. That way there are no witnesses and there is no way anyone else will get hold of your publicly written word and use it against you.

      2. “…are you in support of radical islam (sic)??”


    • ………because ‘their’ REAL issue is not radical or other wise Islam, that is just the excuse they use to justify their bigotry/mis-guided hate.

      How come the same people against radical (or not) Islam are not against radical(or not) Christianity?

      If you compare the 2 old books you’ll see one is a rough plagiarised version of the other.

      What about the Jewish religion? How come they are not against that as much they are against Islam.

      IMO ALL religions (Abrahamic) are a crock of shit.

      Buddy, the REAL issue is ‘skin colour’. everything else is used to justify that because ‘science’ has fucked up any or all possibilities of using ‘skin colour’ to discriminate against anyone.

      So these morons need something else to TRY and justify it. Nick Webber here didn’t have any issues with any religions did he?

    • Just because you agree with a person on one point doesn’t mean that you agree with them on everything. Particularly since Radical Islam is perhaps the least important issue in Australian domestic politics.

  9. TAB – Good job on posting Nick Webber’s name in the title. Wish you would do it for all titles as historically you seem to leave their names in images which aren’t picked up by Google. Now a search for Nick Webber shows this post at the bottom of the first page. Will be good next time an employer is researching him…

  10. hey, ‘…’, there is absolutely no problem with people practicing their beliefs, be it islam or christianity etc. ju7st because someone believes in islam doesn’t mean that they’re going to blow up a building. and anyway, people criticise middle-eastern people of being terrorists without acknowledging the IRA, who were just as bad.

    • i have a very good friend who works as a security guard at an airport, and quite often when he pulls over certain people for a random bomb sweep, they object on the grounds that “they should be searching for middle-easterns! i am a bible-abiding Irish-catholic!”
      They choose to ignore their own religions past. I completely agree with you.

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